Inpacts of nature of work, social environment and benefits on movivation of employees: The case of a public organization in britain
This study explored the impacts of nature of work, social environment and benefits on
employee motivation at the Environment Agency (EA) as responding to the continuous
public sector pay restraint, which has already been in place for seven years in Britain. A mix
methods of primary data collection was employed including a questionnaire survey
generating quantitative data, preceded by qualitative, semi-structured interviews. The
questionnaire was sent out to a sample of 500 employees selected from the National Office
group using stratified sampling technique. 197 people responded within two weeks, making a
response rate of 39.4%. The findings indicate that a more favourable attitude toward the
meaningfullness and worthiness of work as well as equality and recognition have significantly
positive impacts on employee’s (self-reported) motivation level. Recommendations based on
these findings are also provided.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Inpacts of nature of work, social environment and benefits on movivation of employees: The case of a public organization in britain

feel they are doing an interesting and meaningful work, management style is very important. Managers need to strive to allocate work that best aligns with their team members’ skills and interests. Investigating employees’ strengths and helping to develop them through appropriate goal setting and mentoring will create challenging and interesting work for employees. Likewise, giving employees the opportunities to choose the assignments matched their personal preferences and strengths is another way of promoting intrinsic motivation. Employees should also be included in decision-making process, which gives them a stake in the success of the organisation. They will feel valued as well as achieved something worthwhile. Thus, training for managers about the importance and conduct of those skills should be one of the key practices that drive employees’ motivation. 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