Modeling teacher self-efficacy as a function of peer observation, administrative feedback, job satisfaction, and work enjoyment

This study used a large‐scale, international data set – the Organization for Economic Co‐

operation and Development (OECD) – Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013, consist‐

ing of 14,583 teachers from 34 countries – to examine the manner in which feedback from administrators,

time spent observing colleagues’ classes, job satisfaction, and work enjoyment predicted teachers’ instruc‐

tional self‐efficacy. To guide the present study, Bandura’s (1986, 1997) part of the social cognitive theory –

that is, self‐efficacy theory – is utilized. We adopted Bandura’s self‐efficacy theory as the framework, for it

provides a valuable lens through which we could identify the predictors of teacher self‐efficacy to include

in the model investigated in this study. The results of this study suggest that feedback from administrators

was not a significant predictor of teacher self‐efficacy for instruction, whilst peer observation, job satisfac‐

tion, and work enjoyment were estimated as being significant predictors. These results have implications

for practice – specifically, how teachers and school leaders should cultivate teachers’ self‐efficacy for in‐

struction – and future research.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Modeling teacher self-efficacy as a function of peer observation, administrative feedback, job satisfaction, and work enjoyment

Modeling teacher self-efficacy as a function of peer observation, administrative feedback, job satisfaction, and work enjoyment
Nguyen Phuoc Hong Chau, Aaron Samuel Zimmerman Vol. 128, No. 6B, 2019
6. Discussion and conclusion 
The results indicate that first, teachers who are more satisfied with their teaching perfor‐
mance are most likely to have a higher level of instructional self‐efficacy than those who are not. 
Second, teachers who spend more time observing the teaching of their peers tend to be more 
confident in their ability for instruction as opposed to those spending less time in so doing. 
Third, teachers with more work enjoyment report having a higher level of self‐efficacy for in‐
struction compared with those with less work enjoyment. It is worth noting that of the three 
variables significantly contributing to informing teacher instructional self‐efficacy, teaching 
performance satisfaction is the most influential predictor; whereas, feedback from administra‐
tors does not appear to have an influence. These results are, on the one hand, consistent with 
Bandura’s (1997) theory as well as previous empirical research (e.g., Morris & Usher, 2011; 
Pfitzner‐Eden, 2016; Poulou, 2007; Tschannen‐Moran & Hoy, 2007) suggesting that enactive 
mastery experience (i.e., self‐perception of successful job performance) is the most powerful 
factor supporting the development of teachers’ instructional self‐efficacy. On the other hand, 
the results of this study contradict the assertion that verbal persuasion (i.e., appraisal and feed‐
back) is a primary source of teacher self‐efficacy (cf. Aydin & Hoy, 2005; Bandura, 1997; Milner, 
2002; Milner & Hoy, 2003; Pfitzner‐Eden, 2016; Phan & Lock, 2015). Regarding verbal persua‐
sion, Bandura (1997) and Parajes (2016) state that its potency depends on the credibility and 
knowledgeableness or expertise of the persuader. Similarly, Pitts, Davidson, and McPherson 
(2000) posit that appraisal and feedback are meaningful only when they are specific and ge‐
nuine. Due to the dearth of qualitative data, the reason for administrative feedback being an 
insignificant predictor of teacher self‐efficacy, in this study, is left unexplained. To address this 
limitation, more qualitative studies are needed to provide explanations for these quantitative 
findings. In addition, further research is also warranted to identify the remaining predictors of 
teacher self‐efficacy which are still unknown in this model. 
These limitations notwithstanding, the results of the present study significantly contri‐
bute to the field as well as offer several implications for practice – specifically, how teachers and 
school leaders should cultivate teachers’ self‐efficacy for instruction – and future research. 
7. Implications 
Teachers’ self‐efficacy correlates positively with teacher well‐being (e.g., Zee & Koomen, 
2016), teacher professional practices (e.g., Gibson & Dembo, 1984), teacher job satisfaction (e.g., 
Avanzi et al., 2013), teacher commitment to teaching (e.g., Chesnut & Burley, 2015), and student 
achievement (e.g., Kassen & Tze, 2014); thus, cultivating teachers’ self‐efficacy should be one of 
the primary goals within schools. The current study has important implications for schools to 
consider in this respect. First, as the results of this study indicate, teachers’ sense of efficacy can Vol. 128, No. 6B, 2019
be nurtured through enactive, vicarious, and physiological and affective means with enactive 
experience being the most influential. It is hence desirable that teachers be, in Schön’s (1983) 
words, reflective practitioners. That is, they should self‐reflect on their own teaching perfor‐
mance regularly not only to gain real‐world experience or transform their professional practice 
(Dewey, 1933, 1938; Schön; 1983), but also to enjoy and celebrate their success since, as these 
findings reveal, experiencing a sense of instructional accomplishment will most likely streng‐
then teachers’ beliefs about their efficacy. According to Schön (1983), there are two ways in 
which teachers can reflect on their practice: reflection in action (i.e., teacher reflection occurs 
during or in the midst of ongoing action/teaching) and reflection on action (i.e., teacher reflec‐
tion takes place after action/teaching) (see Schön, 1983). 
Furthermore, this investigation’s findings demonstrate that verbal persuasion (i.e., ap‐
praisal and feedback) from administrators do not seem to contribute significantly to teachers’ 
instructional self‐efficacy. Given these findings, administrators should, perhaps, rely less on 
administrative feedback as the primary mode for increasing teachers’ instructional self‐efficacy. 
Instead, the results of this study suggest that it may be far more effective for schools to create 
opportunities for teachers to observe one another, and more importantly, engage in peer review 
of one another’s teaching (see Bernstein, 2008). It merits noting that teachers should be involved 
in these activities (i.e., peer observations, and/or – to quote Bernstein (2008, p. 48) – “peer re‐
view of teaching”) in a frequent manner because, as postulated by Bandura (1997) and Morris et 
al. (2017), not only the quality of events, but also the frequency an individual takes part in those 
events is of crucial importance in building teacher self‐efficacy. As Morris et al. (2017) explain, 
“[T]eachers may become more confident from their observations of other teachers, but if oppor‐
tunities to watch their colleagues are limited, so too may be the influence of these vicarious ex‐
periences on teaching self‐efficacy” (p. 823). 
The results of this study also, as noted earlier, suggest directions for future research. Spe‐
cifically, although the coefficients estimated within this regression model were statistically sig‐
nificant, the model itself explained only approximately 6% of the variability observed in the 
dependent variable. Thus, future research should continue to investigate causes of how and 
why teachers feel confident to implement different instructional strategies in their classrooms. 
Additionally, it is worth noting that the current study utilized data taken from an international 
sample of teachers. Future studies may want to examine how teacher self‐efficacy is cultivated 
within different local contexts and to see if Bandura’s model is mediated by contextual va‐
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