Combining power allocation and superposition coding for an underlay two-way decode-and-forward scheme

In this paper, we analyze an underlay two-way decode-and-forward scheme in which

secondary relays use successive interference cancellation (SIC) technology to decode data of two

secondary sources sequentially, and then generate a coded signal by superposition coding (SC)

technology, denoted as SIC-SC protocol. The SIC-SC protocol is designed to operate in two time

slots under effects from an interference constraint of a primary receiver and residual interference

of imperfect SIC processes. Transmit powers provided to carry the data are allocated dynamically

according to channel powers of interference and transmission, and a secondary relay is selected

from considering strongest channel gain subject to increase in decoding capacity of the first data

and decrease in collection time of channel state information. Closed-form outage probability

expressions are derived from mathematical manipulations and verified by performing Monte Carlo

simulations. An identical scheme of underlay two-way decodeand-forward relaying with random

relay selection and fixed power allocations is considered to compare with the proposed SIC-SC

protocol, denoted as RRS protocol. Simulation and analysis results show that the non-identical

outage performances of the secondary sources in the proposed SIC-SC protocol are improved by

increasing the number of the secondary relays and the interference constraint as well as decreasing

the residual interference powers. Secondly, the performance of the nearer secondary source is

worse than that of the farther secondary source. In addition, the proposed SIC-SC protocol

outperforms the RRS comparison protocol, and effect of power allocations through channel

powers is discovered. Finally, derived theory values are precise to simulation results.

Combining power allocation and superposition coding for an underlay two-way decode-and-forward scheme trang 1

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Combining power allocation and superposition coding for an underlay two-way decode-and-forward scheme trang 10

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Combining power allocation and superposition coding for an underlay two-way decode-and-forward scheme

Combining power allocation and superposition coding for an underlay two-way decode-and-forward scheme
B) when Ψ2 = 10 (dB), 
 1 system performance of the proposed SIC-SC 
 Ψ3 = 1 (dB), Ψ4 = 1 (dB), Ψ5 = 0.5 (dB), 1 0 . 3, protocol outperforms that of the RRS protocol 
 234 0.7,0.4,0.6 , N = 8, Q = 10 (dB) and in terms of the outage probabilities. 
  6 10(dB),5(dB)  . 
 Appendix A: Proof of Lemma 1 
 Substituting (7) into the probability of as 
5. Conclusions 1
 in (9), the 1 is expressed as 
 In this paper, we analyzed the underlay 1
 Pr log 1  R
 12 SRn sth1 
two-way DF scheme in which the secondary 2
relays use the SIC technology to decode the 2R
 Pr21  th
data of two secondary sources sequentially, and SRn s1
  Qgg
then make a coded signal by the SC technology, 5 SS12 SRn SS PR
  Qgggg  
known as the SIC-SC protocol. The SIC-SC Pr 445 SS2112 SRn SS PRSS PR SS PR 
protocol was designed to operate in two time 2Rth
slots under effects from the interference 
 ggSS SRSS SR 21  4
constraint of the primary receiver and residual 12nn 
interference of the imperfect SIC processes. SS12 PRSS PR 5
Transmit powers provided to carry the data Pr 1
were allocated dynamically according to 21 45  
channel powers of interference and 
transmission. The secondary relay was selected (A.1) 
from considering strongest channel gain subject 
to increase decoding capacity of the first data fxgggg Fxdx 12 ,
and decrease collection time of the CSIs. The 0
 where fx are Fx are the 
identical underlay two-way DF operation with ggXY ggXY 
the random relay selection and the fixed power PDF and CDF of the RVs gg, 
allocations (called the RRS protocol) was also XY
investigated to compare the proposed SIC-SC XY,SS ,SS 12 ,SR ,PR n  , nN 1,2,...,  . 
protocol. The closed-form outage probability By referring from [29] (see equations 
expressions were derived from mathematical 
 (24–25)), the fxgg is obtained as 
manipulations and verified exactly by SS22 SRSSn PR
12 P.N. Son et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 37, No. 1 (2021) 1-15 
 Fxgg 411 pp , the Lemma 1 is proven 
 SS22 SRSSn PR x completely. 
 2 . Appendix B: Proof of Lemma 2 
  25  x 
 From (8) and (A.1), the probability 2 as in 
 The Fxgg is expressed as 
 SSSRSSPR11n (9) is expressed as 
 g 5QggSS SRSS PR
 Fxx Pr SS1 SRn 12n
 ggSS SRSS PR  Qgggg   
 11n g 445 SS2112 SRSSn PRSS PR SS PR
 SS1 PR 
 Pr 2Rth
 2 21
 Pr gxgSS SRSS PR (A.3) 1
 11n  log1  R
 2 SRsthn 2 
 fyFxydygg , ggSS SRSS SR1
 SS11 PRSS SR n 12nn  
 0 gg 2
 where Fxg is the CDF of the RV 
  22n 21th
 g and is expressed as (see the equation  I hNn 0 
 S S1 S R n
(7–14) in [24]) SS12 SRSSnn SR 1
  2
 N gg
 N p p SS12 PRSS PR
  xpx 11(A.4) 
 Fxeeg 11. 
 SS1 SRn  g
 p 0 N Pr. SS2 SRn 2R
    21th Q 
 g 454 
 p 
 In (A.4), denotes the binomial 5 (B.1) 
 N    212Rth g
 454 n
 p N! To solve the in (B.1) by closed-form 
coefficient . 2
 N pNp!! expressions, we consider two cases of perfect 
 Then, the Fxgg is solved as SICs  0 and imperfect SICs  1 as 
 y N
 e 4 p p follows. 
 Fxedy 1 py 1
 ggSS SRSS PR  
 11n  N - Perfect SICs ( 0 ): By referring from 
 0 4 p 0 (A.5) 
 (A.2) and using (A.5), the 2 is obtained as 
 N p 1 p
 1  .
 N 212 fxFxdxgggg 1  
 p 0 14  px SS2211 SRnn SS PRSS SR SS PR 
 Substituting (A.2) and (A.5) into (A.1), the 
 Fgg 5 
 is manipulated equivalently as SS22 SRn SS PR (B.2) 
 1 5
 N fxgggg Fxdx 12 
 25 p 1 SS2211 SRnn SS PRSS SR SS PR
 11  dx 0
 2  N   px
 0 25  x p 0 14 12 N
 (A.6) 55 p p
    1 2 5  1 
 N p N
 p 1 dx 25 5   p 0 
 1  2  5 . 
  N 2 5 dx
 p 0 0 14 24ppxx  125   .
 0  ppxx    
 By performing variable transformations as 14 24 12 55 2
 Also performing as (A.6), 2 is solved as in 
 1  p  p y
 yx   and 5 3 2 4 
 25 xp 4 Lemma 2 with the case  0 . 
 - Imperfect SICs ( 1): The 2 in this 
, where 3 pp  1  4 2  1  4 and 
 case ( 1) is presented as 
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