Assessing changes in ecological quality status of sediment in Tri An reservoir (Southeast Vietnam) by using indicator of nematode communities

Abstract: Nematode communities in Tri An Reservoir (Dong Nai Province, Southeast Vietnam)

were explored in the dry season (March) and pre-rainy season (July) of 2019 and analyzed to

evaluate their usage as bioindicators for ecological quality status of sediment. Nematode

communities consisted of 23 genera belonging to 19 families, 8 orders for the dry and 24 genera, 17

families, 8 orders for the pre-rainy season. Several genera dominated in Tri An Reservoir such as

Daptonema, Rhabdolaimus, Udonchus, and Neotobrilus indicated for organic enrichment

conditions. The percentage of cp3&4 and MI (Maturity Index) value in the dry season was higher

than that in the pre-rainy season expressed the ecological quality status of sediment in the dry season

were better than those in the pre-rainy season. Furthermore, the result revealed that MI and c-p%

composition can be used to evaluate the ecological quality status of sediment efficiently.

Assessing changes in ecological quality status of sediment in Tri An reservoir (Southeast Vietnam) by using indicator of nematode communities trang 1

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Assessing changes in ecological quality status of sediment in Tri An reservoir (Southeast Vietnam) by using indicator of nematode communities trang 2

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Assessing changes in ecological quality status of sediment in Tri An reservoir (Southeast Vietnam) by using indicator of nematode communities trang 3

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Assessing changes in ecological quality status of sediment in Tri An reservoir (Southeast Vietnam) by using indicator of nematode communities trang 4

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Assessing changes in ecological quality status of sediment in Tri An reservoir (Southeast Vietnam) by using indicator of nematode communities trang 5

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Assessing changes in ecological quality status of sediment in Tri An reservoir (Southeast Vietnam) by using indicator of nematode communities trang 6

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Assessing changes in ecological quality status of sediment in Tri An reservoir (Southeast Vietnam) by using indicator of nematode communities trang 7

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Assessing changes in ecological quality status of sediment in Tri An reservoir (Southeast Vietnam) by using indicator of nematode communities trang 8

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Assessing changes in ecological quality status of sediment in Tri An reservoir (Southeast Vietnam) by using indicator of nematode communities trang 9

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Assessing changes in ecological quality status of sediment in Tri An reservoir (Southeast Vietnam) by using indicator of nematode communities trang 10

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Assessing changes in ecological quality status of sediment in Tri An reservoir (Southeast Vietnam) by using indicator of nematode communities

Assessing changes in ecological quality status of sediment in Tri An reservoir (Southeast Vietnam) by using indicator of nematode communities
[33], Black 
Sea [44], Beigang River Basin [39]. In Vietnam, 
using of the MI of NC for monitoring 
environmental qualities have emphasized in 
recent papers: Can Gio mangroves [45], Sai Gon 
River [46], Ba Lai River [47]. In this study, MI 
has been used for the first time in the assessment 
of EcoQ conditions in Tri An Reservoir, Dong 
Nai Province. 
4. Conclusion 
This is the first comprehensive study 
investigating NC and their ability to assess the 
EcoQ in TAR, Dong Nai Province. NC in TAR 
consisted of 24 genera belonging to 19 families, 
8 orders in both sampling seasons. Several 
genera indicated for organic enrichment 
conditions such as genus Daptonema, 
Rhabdolaimus, Udonchus, Neotobrilus founded 
in TAR, especially for the pre-rainy season. The 
percentage of cp1&2 increased from the dry to 
T.T. Thai et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 45-56 53 
the pre-rainy season. Moreover, the MI value in 
the dry was higher rather than that in the pre-
rainy season. This indicated that the EcoQ 
conditions in the dry were better than those in the 
pre-rainy season. Moreover, the EcoQ in TAR 
was enriched by organic matter, particularly in 
the pre-rainy season. The result also suggested 
that nematodes might be useful indicators for 
biomonitoring studies in freshwater habitats. 
However, the future study should pay more 
experience from field studies and laboratory 
experiments in order to better interpret changes 
in the composition of NC, and thus to be able to 
use sophisticated indices, such as the MI, for 
ecological quality status assessment of sediment. 
This research was funded by the Vietnam 
Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) 
under grant number KHCBSS.02/19-21. The 
author thanks the staff of the Department of 
Environmental Management and the Department 
of Biological Resources (ITB-VAST) for 
precious help with laboratory analyses. 
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T.T. Thai et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology, Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 45-56 
Appendix 1. Structure of nematode communities in Tri An Reservoir 
Genus Family Order Class Dry P-Rainy 
Achromadora Achromadoridae Chromadorida Chromadorea + + 
Aphanonchus Aphanolaimidae Plectida Chromadorea + 
Aphelenchoides Aphelenchoididae Rhabditida Chromadorea + 
Cephalobus Cephalobidae Rhabditida Chromadorea + 
Chromadorita Chromadoridae Chromadorida Chromadorea + + 
Cobbonchus Mononchidae Mononchida Enoplia + + 
Cryptonchus Cryptonchidae Mononchida Enoplia + + 
Daptonema Xyalidae Monhysterida Chromadorea + + 
Dichromadora Chromadoridae Chromadorida Chromadorea + 
Goffartia Diplogastridae Rhabditida Chromadorea + 
Ironus Ironidae Enoplida Enoplia + + 
Mesodorylaimus Dorylaimidae Dorylaimida Enoplia + + 
Mononchulus Mononchulidae Mononchida Enoplia + + 
Mononchus Mononchidae Mononchida Enoplia + + 
Monshystera Monhysteridae Monhysterida Chromadorea + + 
Monshystrella Monhysteridae Monhysterida Chromadorea + + 
Mylonchulus Mylonchulidae Mononchida Enoplia + + 
Neotobrilus Tobrilidae Triplonchida Enoplia + + 
Paractinolaimus Actinolaimidae Dorylaimida Enoplia + 
Paracyatholaimus Cyatholaimidae Chromadorida Chromadorea + 
Paraplectonema Leptolaimidae Plectida Chromadorea + + 
Plectus Plectidae Plectida Chromadorea + 
Ptycholaimelus Chromadoridae Chromadorida Chromadorea + 
Prismatolaimus Prismatolaimidae Triplonchida Enoplia + 
Rhabditidoides Diplogastridae Rhabditida Chromadorea + + 
Rhabdolaimus Rhabdolaimidae Enoplida Enoplia + + 
Theristus Xyalidae Monhysterida Chromadorea + + 
Terschellinia Linhomoeidae Monhysterida Chromadorea + 
Udonchus Rhabdolaimidae Enoplida Enoplia + + 

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