Factors influencing employee commitment through the mediator job satisfaction - A study of office staffs in Ho Chi Minh city
This paper examines the relationship between employee-Related factors and employee commitment through the mediator job satisfaction of office employees in Ho Chi Minh City. The conceptual model is adapted from previous research and Herzberg’s two-factor theory. The theory emphasized the certain elements belonging to two categories intrinsic and extrinsic value that lead to people’s satisfaction. Four factors include Training, Pay, Working Environment, and Leadership. The data is collected through questionnaires from 422 office staffs in Ho Chi Minh; then only 395 qualified responses are analyzed. SPSS and AMOS tools are used to analyze the data through Reliability test, Model fit test, SEM method. The final result reveals that all factors are significantly related to Job Satisfaction meaning these variables also have indirect positive relationship with Employee Commitment through the mediator. This research is useful for organizations which aim to build the commitment strategy for keeping best talents in the company

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Factors influencing employee commitment through the mediator job satisfaction - A study of office staffs in Ho Chi Minh city

hrough the mediating variable Job Satisfaction. 5.2. The limitation of the study Firstly, this study just collected 395 samples of office staffs in Ho Chi Minh. It cannot cover all the Vietnamese companies. Secondly, because of the time limitation, data is collected by the open-ended questionnaire and the statements already listed for people to answer based on Likert Scale. The participants cannot provide their own opinions and evaluations. Finally, there are also many factors that affect the performance but not included in this study such as Job-itself, work- life balance etc. derived from Herzberg's theory. 5.3. Recommendation Leadership explains 35.8% to a variance of Job satisfaction. The organizations are not going to be successful if there is no contribution from each employee. Hence,. the management team should consult employees when making decisions that are relevant to their interests so that employees notice their necessary role within the company, and their dedication is valuable. Each leader continues learning, cultivating his or her leadership skills, timely modifies policies that cause employee dissatisfaction, designs feedback boxes that help employees freely contribute their ideas to leaders, thereby helping each other to increase work efficiency. Good worker does not always become a wise leader Bui N. B. Khue & Ho N. Quang. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 7(4), 112-128 125 (Syptak, 1999). The supervisors have to cultivate leadership skills, treat people fairly and limit the negative comments. Working Environment has a positive relationship to Job satisfaction and increases commitment so the companies should facilitate for employees to work in a new environment if possible. For example, one or two days a week, they can sit next to their favorite colleagues or work outside the office. Company shall remodel the workspace to promote cooperation and creativity but still keep enough private space for each employee. It cannot be denied that salary and compensation are the most concern when entering the new company. Management team should always review the reward strategy in association with other factors that influence Job satisfaction such as companies’ recognition of employee’s good performance by giving monetary reward or HR departments’ regular review of base pay rate and flexible contingent pay. Key Performance Indicator is used not simply giving workers benefit but also promoting people in their career path which is an essential concern by employees. Furthermore, the improvement of the training program is also the method to retain key office employees. The training program ought to be designed as short, concise and with helpful content to reduce lassitude of employees. Moreover, Cross-Training should be applied since it decreases training cost for organization and increases the working process and peer relationship, Cross-Training is when organization create an opportunity for employees to enhance the proficiency levels beyond their ordinary responsibility and capture the workflow of other positions (Vasanthi, 2017). As long as the members of the group can understand other’s job, they are more willing to support when someone needs, thereby each worker can realize their latent strength References Abedi, G., Rostami, F., & Nadi, A. (2015). Analyzing the Dimensions of the Quality of Life in Hepatitis B Patients using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Global journal of health science, 7(7), 22. Achieng’Nyaura, L., & Omwenga, D. J. (2016). Factors Affecting Employee Retention in the Hotel Industry in Mombasa County. 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