Evaluating the effect of self-Interference on the performance of full-duplex two-way relaying communication with energy harvesting
In this paper, we study the throughput and outage probability (OP) of two-Way relaying (TWR) communication system with energy harvesting (EH). The system model consists two source nodes and a relay node which operates in full-duplex (FD) mode. The effect of self-interference (SI) due to the FD operation on the system performance is evaluated for both one-way full duplex (OWFD) and two-way full duplex (TWFD) diagrams where the amplify-and-forward (AF) relay node collects energy harvesting with the time switching (TS) scheme. We first propose an individual OP expression for each specific source. Then, we derive the exact closed-form overall OP expression for the OWFD diagram. For the TWFD diagram, we propose an approximate closed-form expression for the overall OP. The overall OP comparison among hybrid systems (Two-Way Half-Duplex (TWHD), OWFD, TWFD) are also discussed. Finally, the numerical/simulated results are presented for Rayleigh fading channels to demonstrate the correction of the proposed analysis

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Evaluating the effect of self-Interference on the performance of full-duplex two-way relaying communication with energy harvesting

ewritten as 0 ∞ τ(bx+c) Z 4λ τc x0 ax − 2 −λ x Z Z = e a4x 1 dx P1 = fx,y (x, y)dydx 0 (72) 0 y0 ∞ x x Z β 0 − 1 −λ x = e 4x 1 dx τ(bx+c) x Z 0 Zax 0 −λ1x −λ2y = λ1e λ2e dydx s β1 p y = 0 0 x K1 β1λ1 , x0 λ1 τ(bx+c) x 4λ2τc Z 0 Zax where β1 = a . − − = λ λ e λ2ydye λ1xdx 1 2 y We rewrite T12 in (71) as 0 0 x x0 ∞ Z λ2τc x0 − −λ1x Z λ τ(bx+c) λ y T = e ax e dx − 2 − 2 0 x −λ x 12 = −λ e ax − e x0 e 1 dx 1 x0 0 ∞ (73) Z φ1 x0 x0 − x −λ1x Z ( + ) Z λ y = e e dx. − λ2τ bx c − − 2 0 x − ax λ1x x0 λ1x = −λ1 e e dx + λ1 e e dx x0 0 0 x0 x0 λ2τc λ bτ Z λ τc Z λ2y0 Let φ = . Then, applying the Taylor series − 2 − 2 −λ x − x −λ x 1 a a ax 1 x0 1 ∞ t = −λ1e e e dx + λ1 e e dx − φ1 (−1) φ t x = 1 expansion for e ∑ t!xt , one obtain 0 0 t=0 x0 x0 λ y ∞ λ2bτ Z λ2τc Z − 2 0 x ∞ t t − − −λ1x x −λ1x Z (−1) φ = −λ1e a e ax e dx + λ1 e 0 e dx T = 1 e−λ1xdx 12 ∑ t!xt 0 0 x t=0 | {z } | {z } 0 T T (74) 1 2 t ∞ ∞ (−1) φ t Z e−λ1x (69) = 1 dx. ∑ t! xt t=0 x The T2 term is given by 0 x0 Z − λ2y0 x x −λ1x Using the exponent integral T2 = λ1 e 0 e dx ∞ 0 Z e−zt x0 Ek (z) = dt (75) λ y k Z − 2 0 + x t x λ1 (70) 1 = λ1 e 0 dx 0 to write (74) in the closed form as − λ2y0 + ∞ t t λ1 x λ1 x0 (−1) φ − = − e 0 − 1 T = 1 (x )1 kE (λ x ) . (76) λ2y0 + λ 12 ∑ t! 0 k 1 0 x0 1 t=0 P. Nguyen-Huu et al.: Evaluating the Effect of Self-Interference. . . 75 4λ1τc From (69), we have where β2 = d and ∞ P = T + T2 λ τc 1 1 Z − 1 H = e dy e−λ2ydy − λ2bτ 12 = −λ e a (T + T ) 1 11 12 y0 (82) λ1 −(λ y +λ x ) ∞ − e 2 0 1 0 − 1 Z φ2 − y −λ2y λ2y0/x0 + λ1 = e e dy. s y0 − λ2bτ β1 p = −λ e a K β λ (77) φ t 1 1 1 1 − 2 ∞ (−1) φ t λ1 = λ1τc y = 2 Let φ2 d . Then, we have e ∑ t!yt and ! t=0 ∞ (−1)tφ t 1 1−t ∞ t − ∑ (x0) Et (λ1x0) Z ∞ (−1) φ t t! = 2 −λ2y t=0 H12 ∑ t e dy t=0 t!y λ y0 − 1 e−(λ2y0+λ1x0) − 1 . + t ∞ λ2y0/x0 λ1 ∞ (−1) φ t Z e−λ2y = 2 (83) ∑ t dy t=0 t! y y0 Following the same derivation as P1, we have ∞ t t skipped some manipulation of P2 in (78) (−1) φ2 1−t = ∑ (y0) Et (λ2y0) τ(by+c) t=0 t! y0 dy Z Z Inserting (79) and (80) into (78), we have P2 = fx,y (x, y)dxdy 0 x0 P2 = H1 + H2 y y 0 s τ(by+c) λ1bτ β2 p − d y0 dy = −λ2e K1 β2λ2 − Z Z λ2 −λ1x −λ2y = λ1e λ2e dxdy ∞ t t ! (84) x (− ) 0 0 y 1 φ2 1−t y0 ∑ (y0) Et (λ2y0) t=0 t! y0 y0 λ τc λ x λ1bτ Z − 1 Z − 1 0 y − dy −λ2y y −λ2y λ2 −(λ x +λ y ) = −λ2e d e e dy + λ2 e 0 e dy − e 1 0 2 0 − 1 . λ1x0/y0 + λ2 0 0 | {z } | {z } Therefore, combining (77) with (84) results in H1 H2 (78) A3 = Pr ({γ1 < τ} ∩ {γ2 < τ}) where s − λ2bτ β1 p y0 = −λ1e a K1 β1λ1 Z − λ1x0 λ y y −λ2y 1 H2 = λ2 e 0 e dy ∞ t t ! 0 (79) (−1) φ1 1−t − ∑ (x0) Et (λ1x0) λ t=0 t! = − 2 e−(λ1x0+λ2y0) − 1 λ1x0/y0 + λ2 λ − 1 e−(λ2y0/x0+λ1) − 1 and λ2y0/x0 + λ1 (85) s y0 λ bτ λ bτ Z λ τc − 1 β2 p − 1 − 1 −λ y − d H = −λ e d e dy e 2 dy λ2e K1 β2λ2 1 2 λ2 0 ! ∞ (−1)tφ t − 2 (y )1−tE (λ y ) ∑ t! 0 t 2 0 ∞ ∞ t=0 Z λ τc Z λ τc − λ1bτ − 1 −λ y − 1 − d dy 2 dy λ2y λ2 −( x y + ) = −λ2e e dy + e e dy − e λ1 0/ 0 λ2 − 1 . λ x /y + λ 0 xy 1 0 0 2 | {z } | {z } OWFD TWFD H11 H12 This finishes the proof of Pout,12 in (29) and Pout,12 (80) in (41). with ∞ Z λ1τc References − dy −λ2y H11 = e dy [1] H. Van Toan, V.-N. Q. Bao, and H. 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In 2002, he joined the Campus II (UTC2), Vietnam in 2006, and the Department of Electrical Engineering, Posts Master’s degree in Telecommunications Engi- and Telecommunications Institute of Technol- neering from Posts and Tele communications ogy (PTIT), as a lecturer. Since February 2010, Institute of Technology (PTIT), Vietnam in he has been with the Department of Telecommunications, PTIT, 2014. Currently, he is working towards a Ph.D. where he is currently an Assistant Professor. His major research degree in Ho Chi Minh City University of interests are modulation and coding techniques, MIMO systems, Technology (HCMUT), Vietnam. His research combining techniques, cooperative communications, and cognitive interests are two-way communications, full- radio. Dr. Bao is a member of Korea Information and Communi- duplex transmission, and energy harvesting. cations Society (KICS), The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is currently serving as the Editor of Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (Wiley ETT). He is also a Guest Editor of EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, special issue on “Cooperative Cognitive Networks” and IET Communications, special issue on “Secure Physical Layer Communications”.
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