Three phase resolution transmitarray element for electronically reconfigurable transmitarrays
Electrical beam scanning is a feature enabling an
antenna array to electrically control its main beam toward a
desired direction. In this paper, a three-phase state element
for electronically reconfigurable transmitarrays is presented.
The element is made up of C-patches and modified ring
slots loaded rectangular gaps. By controlling the bias state
of four p-i-n diodes, three phase states are obtained. The
dimension of the element is optimized by using full-wave EM
simulation and performance of the element is validated by
both simulation and an experimental waveguide system. A
transmitarray consisting of 12×12 elements has been simulated
to validate the steering capabilities. Experimental results
indicate the element has good characteristics and excellent
phase change capabilities.

Trang 1

Trang 2

Trang 3

Trang 4

Trang 5

Trang 6

Trang 7

Trang 8
Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Three phase resolution transmitarray element for electronically reconfigurable transmitarrays

n ring slot, it is helpful to analyze the equivalent circuit of in Table I. the structure. As presented in [14], the equivalent circuit of the element can be represented as shown in Figure 3. 2. Frequency Response of The Transmitarray Element For the equivalent circuit, the two C-patches placed on the top of two substrates are modeled as a parallel circuit The performance of the element should be validated be- containing two series LC tanks () 1, !) 1, ) 2, !) 2). The fore implementing a transmitarray. ANSYS HFSS software ring slot loaded with a rectangular gap is represented by version 13 is used to simulate and to optimize the proposed a parallel LC tank (1, 1) placed in parallel with a element. To obtain the transmission phase and magnitude, a series LC tank (2, !2). The substrate with a thickness method is to use the waveguide simulator. Since the center 108 Vol. 2019, No. 2, December frequency of the element is 11.5 GHz, the WR-90 standard 0 waveguide is suitable to be used as waveguide simulator. In the simulation, the element is placed in the open-end of -2 two WR-90 standard waveguides. Two excitation ports are assigned at the other ends of two waveguides to measure -4 the transmission coefficients. Before the final version of an -6 electronically reconfigurable transmitarray is implemented, State 1 the performance of the element is first evaluated using ideal State 2 -8 State 3 RF-switches. In this case, metallic strips are used as ideal p- Tran smissio nMag n itu d e(d B) i-n diodes. For the ON state of a diode, the metallic strips -10 are inserted on the gaps. For the OFF state, the metallic 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 strips are removed. Frequency (GHz) (a) Figure 4 shows the simulated transmission coefficients 200 of the proposed element for three phase states. As it can State 1 State 2 be seen, the transmission magnitude of three phase states 100 State 3 at 11.5 GHz is greater than −1 dB. The common −3 dB transmission bandwidth of three phase states is 16.5% 0 from 10.6 GHz to 12.5 GHz. As shown in Figure 4(b), the transmission phase curve successfully changes when we -100 change the state of four diodes. Three phase curves have a -200 step of 120◦ at 11.5 GHz. However, the step of 120◦ is not TransmissionPhase (°) maintained for frequencies far from 11.5 GHz, due to the -300 non-linearity of the phase curves. 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 Frequency (GHz) (b) III. EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION OF THE ELEMENT Figure 4. (a) Simulated transmission magnitude and (b) transmission A prototype of the element is implemented to validate phase of the proposed element. the performance of the proposed element. The element is fabricated by standard PCB fabrication technique. A small metallic strip that acts as an ideal switch in the ON state is soldered across the rectangular gap of ring slot layer. That metallic strip is removed for the OFF state of the switch, as shown in Figure 5. The method to measure the frequency response of the element prototype is also to use waveguide simulators. This technique requires two WR-90 standard waveguides whose open-end size is 22.86 × 10.16 mm2. Since the element’s shape is a square while the aperture of the waveguide is rectangular, two rectangular-to-square transitions are imple- mented and they are used as an adaptor to put the element Figure 5. (Simulated transmission magnitude (left) and transmission phase in the middle of two waveguides. A metallic plate with a (right) of the proposed element. hollow of 14×14×1.5 mm3 is inserted between two parts of the element to ensure that two substrates are separated by IV. TRANSMITARRAY DESIGN an air gap of 1.5 mm. Figure 6 presents the measurement system. The measurement of the transmission coefficients A square transmitarray antenna is designed with 12 × 12 is performed using Agilent E5071C Vector Network An- elements to validate the radiation characteristics and beam alyzer. The measurement system has been calibrated at steering capacity. As the periodicity of each element is 14 the ends of two straight waveguides, not including the mm, the transmitarray size is 168×168 mm2, corresponding two rectangular-to-square transitions. Figure 7 shows the to 6.44_> × 6.4_> at 11.5 GHz. A small aperture horn measured transmission coefficients in comparison with that antenna is used as the feed source for the array. Its aperture of the simulation. As shown in Figure 7, the measured is 32 × 23 mm2 and its directivity is 11 dB. The horn results agree well with simulated results. antenna is placed at a focal length of 150 mm corresponding 109 Research and Development on Information and Communication Technology Figure 6. The measurement system. to an F/D ratio of 0.89. The transmitarray in 3D and the Since the transmitarray antenna is based on the element simulation environment are shown in Figure 8. which provides three phase states as discussed above, after calculating the theoretical compensation phase of each In the design of a space-fed array antenna, to steer the element using equations (1) and (2) for a main beam at main beam to direction (\,q), the transmission phase of direction (\, q), the real phase k(G ,H ) of the element at each element can be calculated using equations (1) and (2) 8 8 the position with the coordinates G , H on the transmitarray as follows: 8 8 is quantized using equation (3). This corresponds to the φ(G8,H8) = :0 38 − sin \(G8 cos q + H8 sin q) , (1) three phase states: q ◦ ◦ ◦ 2 2 2 0 , −60 < φ(G8,H8) < −60 , 38 = (G8 − G 5 ) + (H8 − H 5 ) + (I8 − I 5 ) , (2) ◦ ◦ ◦ k(G8,H8) = 120 , 60 < φ(G8,H8) < 180 , (3) where (\, q) is the direction of main beam, G8, H8 and ◦ ◦ ◦ th 240 , 180 < φ(G8,H8) < 300 , I8 are the coordinates of the 8 element, G 5 , H 5 and th I 5 are the coordinates of the feed source, and :0 is a where k(G8,H8) is the quantized phase of the 8 element at propagation constant. the position with the coordinates G8, H8. According to equation (1), the phase distribution on the In order to evaluate the beam steering capabilities of transmitarray aperture is depicted in Figure 9. In this figure, the transmitarray, various phase distributions obtained by the desired main beam direction is \ = q = 0◦. arranging the suitable transmission phase are designed. 110 Vol. 2019, No. 2, December 0 1 Phase (°) 2 -2 358 3 336 4 309 -4 281 5 254 6 226 State1 - Measured -6 7 199 State1 - Simulated 171 8 State 2 - Measured 144 State 2 - Simulated 9 -8 116 State 3 - Measured 10 89 Tran smissio nMag n itu d e(d B) State 3 - Simulated 61 11 -10 34 12 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 Frequency (GHz) (a) Figure 9. Theoretical compensation phase distribution required in the broadside transmitarray. 300 State1 - Measured State 2 - Measured State1 - Simulated State 2 - Simulated 200 State 3 - Measured State 3 - Simulated 100 0 -100 -200 TransmissionPhase (°) -300 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 Frequency (GHz) (b) Figure 7. Measured and simulated transmission coefficients of the prototype: (a) transmission magnitude and (b) transmission phase. Figure 10. Phase distribution for the main beam pointed at different angles: (a) \ = 0◦, q = 0◦ or 90◦, (b) q = 0◦, \ = 10◦, 20◦, 30◦, Figure 8. Simulation system for 12 × 12-element transmitarray. and (c) q = 90◦, \ = 10◦, 20◦, 30◦. 111 Research and Development on Information and Communication Technology 25 V. CONCLUSION 20 The three-phase-state element for reconfigurable trans- 15 mitarray has been presented in this paper. Both simulation 10 and measurement results validated good phase shifting 5 capability and a wide −3 dB transmission bandwidth. While 0 the prototype is still passive, where the ideal metallic strips -5 are used as p-i-n diodes, simulation results indicated that -10 the fully populated reconfigurable transmitarray can provide -15 Radiationpattern (dB) a wide scan angle with low scan loss. Further study and -20 implementation of real p-i-n diodes will be deployed in an -25 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 electronically tunable version of the transmitarray. Theta (°) (a) 25 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 20 This research is funded by the Vietnam National Foun- 15 dation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOS- 10 TED) under grant number 102.01-2016.35. 5 0 REFERENCES -5 [1] C. G. M. Ryan, M. R. Chaharmir, J. R. B. J. Shaker, J. R. -10 Bray, Y. M. M. Antar, and A. Ittipiboon, “A wideband trans- -15 Radiationpattern (dB) mitarray using dual-resonant double square rings,” IEEE -20 Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 58, no. 5, -25 pp. 1486–1493, 2010. -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 [2] G. Liu, H.-j. Wang, J.-s. Jiang, F. Xue, and M. Yi, “A high- Theta (°) efficiency transmitarray antenna using double split ring slot (b) elements,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 14, pp. 1415–1418, 2015. 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