The basic and urgent issues of the ethnic minority and mountainous areas in our country today

Central Resolution 7 (Session IX) of the Party affirmed "The issue of ethnicity and national solidarity is a longterm strategic issue, and is also an urgent issue of the Vietnamese

revolution". Implementing this point of view, the Party, Government,

ministries, branches and localities have deeply paid attention to

ethnic affairs, issued many ethnic policies, and resolved urgent

issues on ethnic affairs. Therefore, the face of rural areas and urban

areas of ethnic minorities has changed dramatically, the material

and spiritual life of the people has been gradually improved.

Although many important results have been achieved, at present,

the ethnic minority areas still have many basic and urgent problems.

This article will focus on clarifying the basic and urgent issues in

ethnic minority areas in our country today, in order to provide the

scientific basis for continuing to develop current socio-economic

development policies for ethnic minority and mountainous areas

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: The basic and urgent issues of the ethnic minority and mountainous areas in our country today

The basic and urgent issues of the ethnic minority and mountainous areas in our country today
 the traditional cultural values ​​of the nation, on July 
with special difficulties in coastal areas and islands; 
 27th, 2011, the Prime Minister issued Decision 
support for production development, livelihood 
 No. 1270/2011/QD-TTg on approving the project 
diversification and poverty reduction models 
 “Preserve and develop the cultures of Vietnamese 
replication in poor districts and extremely difficult 
 ethnic groups up to 2020”...
communes in coastal and island areas; support for 
laborers from poor households, near-poor households, On June 15 , 2016, the Government issued 
and ethnic minority households working abroad for Resolution No. 52/NQ-CP on promoting human 
Volume 10, Issue 1 3
resource development for ethnic minorities in minorities has made important developments, 
the 2016-2020 period, with a vision to 2030. The markedly changed, the material and spiritual life 
Government issued a number of Decrees such as: of ethnic minorities has gradually improved, and 
Decree No. 134/2006/ND-CP dated November great bloc of national solidarity is consolidated and 
14th, 2006 and Decree No. 49/2015/ND-CP on strengthened.
the regime of admission to university, college 4.3. Identify current fundamental and urgent 
and intermediate education institutions of the problems
national education system; Decree No. 82/2010/
 To identify basic and urgent issues in ethnic 
ND-CP dated 15/7/2010 regulates the teaching and 
 minority areas, the National level Science and 
learning of ethnic languages and​​ writing in general 
 Technology Program 2016 - 2020 “Basic and urgent 
education institutions and continuing education 
 issues about ethnic minorities and ethnic policies in 
centers. On July 18th, 2016, the Government issued 
 Vietnam until 2030” organized the implementation 
Decree No. 116/2016/ND-CP stipulating policies to 
 of 50 scientific projects. In which, it is possible to 
support students and schools in extremely difficult 
 classify basic and urgent problems that have been 
communes and villages; Decree No. 57/2017/
 identified and resolved, but there still exist new
ND-CP dated May 9th, 2017 stipulating the policy 
 urgent and fundamental problems that need to be 
of priority enrollment and learning support for 
 identified and resolved in the coming time.
preschool children, pupils and students from low 
populated ethnic minorities. Next, on June 27th, The basic and urgent problems that have been 
2018, the Prime Minister issued Decision 755/QD- identified and resolved, but still exist in the ethnic 
TTg approving the educational target program for minority areas, need to be further resolved, such 
mountainous, ethnic minority and disadvantaged as: Poverty reduction; land issue; forest protection 
areas in the 2016-2020 period... On March 14th, and development; migration, resettlement, and 
2016, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 402/ population arrangements for ethnic minorities; 
QD-TTg approving the Project “Development of the vocational training, employment of ethnic minority 
contingent of ethnic minority cadres, civil servants workers; the issue of preserving and promoting the 
and public employees in the new period”. In order national cultural and literary values; the issue of 
to improve capacity and enhance knowledge of improving the quality of human resources in ethnic 
ethnicity and ethnic affairs, on June 26th, 2018, minority areas; health care for the people; socio-
the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 771/QD- economic development of low populated ethnic 
TTg on approving the Project “Fostering Ethnic minorities; improving the quality and effectiveness 
knowledge for cadres, civil servants and public of the political system in ethnic minority areas; 
employees in the period of 2018 – 2025”. perfecting the model of the state management 
 agency on ethnic affairs. 
 In order to strengthen health workers in 
extremely difficult areas, on September 30th, 2009, New fundamental and urgent issues that need 
the Government issued Decree No. 64/2009/ND-CP to be identified and resolved in the coming time, 
policies for health officials and employees working are: The issue of social stratification in ethnic 
in areas with extremely difficult socio-economic minority areas; migration of ethnic minorities; 
conditions; The Prime Minister issued Decision cultural change of ethnic minorities; social change 
No. 75/2009/QD-TTg dated May 11th, 2009 on in ethnic minority areas; climate change and 
Regulations on allowances for medical workers in environmental protection in ethnic minority areas; 
villages,... ensuring the rights of ethnic minorities; grassroots 
 democracy in ethnic minority areas; new issues in 
 To solve urgent issues about socio-economic 
 religion and beliefs in ethnic minority areas; non-
development of low populated ethnic minority 
 traditional security issue; ethnic conflicts in the 
communities, on September 26th, 2011, the Prime 
 world, areas affecting and affecting our country’s 
Minister issued Decision No. 1672/QD-TTg 
 ethnic minority areas; current social conflict, social 
approving the Project “Socio-economic development 
 conflict management in ethnic minority areas; 
of ethnic groups: Mang, La Hu, Cong, Co Lao ”; 
 preventing and combating intrigue and activities of 
Decision No. 2086/QD-TTg dated October 31st, 
 hostile forces towards our country’s mountainous 
2016 of the Prime Minister approving the Scheme 
 and ethnic minority areas today.
to support socio-economic development of very few 
ethnic minorities in the period 2016 – 2025 (Prime 5. Discussion
Minister, 2016d). Research results show that nowadays, in ethnic 
 Thus, most of the urgent issues on ethnicity and minority areas, there are many fundamental and 
ethnic affairs mentioned in Central Resolution 7 urgent problems: The most difficult area; slowest 
(Session IX) on ethnic affairs have been gradually socio-economic development; the lowest quality 
resolved with specific ethnic policies. Thanks to of human resources; lowest access to basic 
that, the face of urban and rural areas in ethnic services; Highest poverty rate ... To solve the above 
problems, we need to effectively implement some ethnic minorities;
of the following problems: Fifth, strengthen basic services in ethnic minority 
 First, focus financial resources, human resources areas in order to increase access to education, health 
to overcome the current difficult conditions in and information services for ethnic minorities.
ethnic minority areas; 6. Conclusion
 Second, focus on policies and key programs on Identification of fundamental and urgent issues 
socio-economic development in ethnic minority in ethnic minority areas is a very important task 
areas, with priority given to areas with extremely with theoretical and practical significance, in order 
difficult conditions; implement policies of to form scientific bases for the development and
sustainable poverty reduction in ethnic minority implementation of ethnic minority policies. quality, 
areas associated with socio-economic development high efficiency in the near future. The CTDT/16-
of ethnic minorities, invest resources in exploiting 20 program has initially identified and organized 
the strengths of each ethnic group, each locality; research projects to identify and clarify basic 
 Third, focus on developing human resources and urgent issues, and at the same time evaluate 
in ethnic minority areas to improve the quality of the impact and effectiveness of ethnic policies, 
education and training in ethnic minority areas, from that proposes ethnic minority policies and 
focus on developing vocational education, to meet recommendations in the coming time. In the context 
the demand of local human resources and industrial of the domestic and international situation which has 
zones and factories nationwide; many complicated and unpredictable developments, 
 Fourth, investing in the preservation of many new problems have arisen, so it is necessary 
traditional cultures of ethnic minorities, focusing to continue to study and clarify the basic and urgent 
on preserving traditional cultural values ​​that are in issues in ethnic minority areas to have specific, 
danger of being eroded or changed in the context appropriate and effective solutions; from there, learn 
of the current integration in ethnic minority areas. from practical experiences to actively resolve the 
To adopt specific policies to develop the culture of issues while avoid unexpected passivity.
 References Goverment. (2017). Prescribing policies to 
 Central Committee of the Party, term IX at the 7th prioritize enrollment and study support for 
 Conference (2003). Ethnic Affairs. Resolution preschool students, pupils and students from 
 No. 24-NQ/TU, dated March 12th, 2003. low populated ethnic minorities. Decree No. 
 57/2017/ND-CP, dated May 9th, 2017.
 Goverment. (2006). Election regime for university, 
 college and intermediate education institutions Hung, P. V. (2020). Basic and urgent issues 
 under the national education system. Decree about ethnic minorities and ethnic policy 
 No. 134/2006/ND-CP and Decree 49/2015/ in Vietnam, after more than 30 years of 
 ND-CP, dated November 14th, 2006. renovation, proposing ethnic policy for the 
 period of 2021-2025 and up to 2030. Code 
 Goverment. (2009). Policies for health officials 
 CTDT.51.19/16- 20.
 and employees working in regions with 
 extremely difficult socio-economic conditions. Prime Minister. (2005). Policy on recovery of 
 Decree No. 64/2009/ND-CP, dated September productive land from farms and forestry farms 
 30th, 2009. to allocate to poor ethnic minority households. 
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 Goverment. (2010). Regulate the teaching and 
 57/2007/QD-TTg, dated 15/06/2005.
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 writing in general education institutions and Prime Minister. (2011). Approve the project 
 continuing education centers. Decree No. “Preservation and development of Vietnamese 
 82/2010/ND-CP, dated July 15th, 2010. ethnic cultures up to 2020”. Decision No. 
 1270/2011/QD-TTg, dated July 27th, 2011.
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 development of ethnic minorities in the 2016- Prime Minister. (2013). Continuing to implement 
 2020 period, with a vision to 2030. Resolution the policy to support migrants to implement 
 No. 52/NQ-CP, dated June 15th, 2016. sedentarization and settlement for ethnic 
 minorities until 2015. Decision No. 33/2013/
 Goverment. (2016). Stipulating policies to 
 QD-TTg, dated June 4th, 2013.
 support students and schools in extremely 
 difficult communes and villages. Decree No. Prime Minister. (2015a). Housing support policy 
 116/2016/ND-CP, dated July 18th, 2016. for poor households according to the poverty 
 criteria for the period of 2011 - 2015. Decision 
 No. 33/2015/QD-TTg, dated August 10th, 2015.
Volume 10, Issue 1 5
 Prime Minister. (2015b). Mechanisms and Prime Minister. (2016, 2017). Granting a number 
 policies for forest protection and development, of publications and magazines for ethnic 
 associated with policies on rapid and minority and mountainous areas, extremely 
 sustainable poverty reduction and support difficult areas in 2016. Decision No. 633/QD-
 for ethnic minorities in the period of 2015 - TTg, dated April 19th, 2016 and 59/QD-TTg, 
 2020. Decree No. 75/2015/QD-TTg, dated dated January 16th, 2017.
 September 9 , 2015. Prime Minister. (2017a). Approve the project 
 Prime Minister. (2016a). Approve the project “Strengthening the dissemination and 
 “Developing the contingent of ethnic minority education of the law and propaganda and 
 cadres, civil servants and public employees mobilization of people in ethnic minority and 
 in the new era”. Decision No. 402/QD-TTg, mountainous areas in the period of 2017-
 dated March 14th, 2016. 2021”. Decision No. 1163/QD-TTg, dated 
 Prime Minister. (2016b). Approving the National 08/08/2017.
 Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Prime Minister. (2017b). Approve the project 
 Reduction for the 2016-2020 period. Decision “Supporting activities of gender equality in 
 No. 1722/QD-TTg, dated September 2nd, ethnic minority areas in the period of 2018 
 2016. – 2025”. Decision No. 1898/QD-TTg, dated 
 Prime Minister. (2016c). Approving the specific November 28 , 2017.
 policy to support socio-economic development Prime Minister. (2018a). Approve the project 
 in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for “Fostering ethnic knowledge for cadres, civil 
 the period of 2017 - 2020. Decision No. 2085/ servants and public employees in the period 
 QD-TTg, dated October 31th, 2016. of 2018 – 2025”. Decision No. 771/QD-TTg, 
 Prime Minister. (2016d). Approve the project to dated June 26 , 2018.
 approve the Scheme to support socio-economic Prime Minister. (2018b). Approve the educational 
 development of low populated ethnic minorities target program in mountainous, ethnic 
 in the period 2016 - 2025. Decision No. 2086/ minority and difficult areas for the period 
 QD-TTg, dated October 31th, 2016. 2016 - 2020. Decision No. 755/QD-TTg, 
 dated June 27, 2018.
Phan Văn Hùng
Trung ương Hội người Cao tuổi Việt Nam Tóm tắt
Email: Nghị quyết Trung ương 7 (Khóa IX) của Đảng đã khẳng 
 định “Vấn đề dân tộc và đoàn kết dân tộc là vấn đề chiến lược, 
Ngày nhận bài: 23/02/2021 lâu dài, đồng thời cũng là vấn đề cấp bách hiện nay của cách 
Ngày phản biện: 12/3/2021 mạng Việt Nam”. Thực hiện quan điểm này, Đảng, Chính phủ, 
Ngày tác giả sửa: 20/3/2021 các bộ, ngành và các địa phương đã quan tâm sâu sắc đến công 
Ngày duyệt đăng: 24/3/2021 tác dân tộc, ban hành nhiều chính sách dân tộc, giải quyết những 
Ngày phát hành: 30/3/2021 vấn đề cấp bách về công tác dân tộc. Nhờ đó, bộ mặt nông thôn, 
 đô thị vùng dân tộc thiểu số có những đổi thay rõ nét, đời sống 
DOI: vật chất, tinh thần của đồng bào từng bước được cải thiện. Mặc dù đã đạt được nhiều kết quả quan trọng, nhưng hiện nay, vùng 
 dân tộc thiểu số vẫn còn tồn tại nhiều vấn đề cơ bản và cấp bách. 
 Bài viết này sẽ tập trung làm rõ những vấn đề cơ bản và cấp 
 bách ở vùng dân tộc thiểu số ở nước ta hiện nay, nhằm cung cấp 
 những cơ sở khoa học để tiếp tục xây dựng những chính sách 
 phát triển kinh tế - xã hội vùng DTTS hiện nay.
 Từ khóa
 Vấn đề cơ bản và cấp bách; Vấn đề dân tộc; Đoàn kết dân 
 tộc; Vùng dân tộc thiểu số; Công tác dân tộc.

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