Solutions to improve the efficiency of human resource training for ethnic minority groups with local typical characteristics through the pre-university system

The State’s and Party's policy of foundation study for ethnic minority students to create high-Quality ethnic minority human resources for mountainous provinces and ethnic minority areas has been effectively deployed at Pre-University schools across the country. However, there are still several difficulties in the recruitment, enrichment, and allocation process of the PreUniversity system: there are no specialized policies for students who belong to ethnic minorities with small population size based on the ethnic structure of the province, the connection of Pre-University schools and province officials in the work of creating ethnic minority human resources is weak. This article proposes several solutions to improve the efficiency of human resource training for ethnic minority groups with local typical characteristics through the pre-university system

Solutions to improve the efficiency of human resource training for ethnic minority groups with local typical characteristics through the pre-university system trang 1

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Solutions to improve the efficiency of human resource training for ethnic minority groups with local typical characteristics through the pre-university system

Solutions to improve the efficiency of human resource training for ethnic minority groups with local typical characteristics through the pre-university system
e of the province are not supplement and complete documents related to 
very good, mainly at the average level. the functions, tasks, enrollment, fostering and 
 Third, the number of students from ethnic allocation of university preparation schools 
minorities with a small population size based on (Circular No. 24/2011/TT-BGDĐT, Circular No. 
the ethnic structure of the province, allocated to the 41/2013/TT-BGDĐT, Circular No. 26/2016/ TT-
health and natural science sectors is rather low. BGDĐT) in the direction:
 The creation of human resources for ethnic - Supplement the task of fostering the pre-
minority and mountainous areas is a very important university system according to the orders of the 
factor, contributing to promoting the socio- mountainous provinces 
economic development of localities. However, - Delegate autonomy to the pre-university 
through the above data sheet on the enrollment, schools in the construction of enrollment and 
fostering and distribution of pre-university students, allocation projects in which the allocation of the 
it can be seen that the proportion of ethnic minority pre-university system should be ensured towards 
students with a small population size based on the creating human resources for regions with 
ethnic structure of the provinces, fostered to create especially difficult socio-economic conditions, 
resources through the pre-university system, still creating human resources according to the actual 
accounts for a very low rate. The reason comes needs of localities.
from the difficult socio-economic conditions of - The training of pre-university students should 
these ethnic groups, leading to limited access to be implemented according to the group orientation, 
education while special priority policies for them in line with the general education program 2018.
have not been taken into account in the current 
 - Agree in the normative documents (Decree 
fostering policy of pre-university system.
 No. 57/2017/ND-CP, Decree No. 141/2020/ND-
 4.3. Some solutions to create human resources CP; Circular No. 09/2020/TT-BGDĐT) in the 
who belong to the ethnic minorities with a small direction: ethnic minority students, who are directly 
population size based on the ethnic structure of the admitted to higher education institutions according 
localities through the university preparation system to the priority policy, need to be fostered for pre-
 From the current status of the system of university for at least 01 year, maximum two years 
Volume 10, Issue 1 29
at pre-university schools in order to improve the minorities (universities, colleges) will reach 130 
quality of the input. to 150 students/10,000 people (ethnic minorities), 
 Second: Provinces need to have tenure planning ethnic groups which have very high quality human 
policies to train and foster human resources of resources reach at least 130 students/10,000 people; 
ethnic minorities with a small population size based By 2030, it will reach 200-250 students/10,000 
on the ethnic structure consistent with the socio- people”. In the tasks and solutions of the Resolution 
economic characteristics of the province; closely clearly states “To consolidate and expand pre-
coordinating with the pre-university institutions, university schools (faculties), improve the quality 
higher education institutions in the work of creating of pre-university training for ethnic minority 
human resources from ethnic minorities with a small students to ensure quality in general; develop a 
population size based on the ethnic structure of the contingent of ethnic minority teachers; increase 
province in order to better implement the training investment in ethnic boarding schools, schools 
model of human resources of ethnic minorities with many semi-boarding ethnic minority pupils”. 
based on the ethnic structure of the province in In particular, the master project on socio-economic 
the direction: Locality – Pre-university Schools - development of ethnic minority and mountainous 
Universities/Vocational Schools. areas in the period 2021 - 2030 approved by the 
 National Assembly 14 in Resolution No. 88/2019/
 Third: Pre-university Schools need to make 
 QH14 has decided that “Education and training: 
enrollment schemes, allocation schemes towards 
 To reasonably develop the network and scale of 
the priority of ethnic minority students with a 
 ethnic semi-boarding, boarding and pre-university 
small population size in the provinces and towards 
 ethnic minority schools; to pay special attention to 
the human resource needs of localities and ethnic 
 the development of ethnic boarding schools, ethnic 
regions; build the model of training human resources 
 minority pre-university schools for these regions: 
for ethnic minorities with a small population size 
 Northern mountainous areas; Central Coast and 
based on the structure of the ethnic composition 
 Central Highlands; Southern. Renew election 
of the province in the direction: Locality – Pre-
 methods to improve training quality and efficiency 
university Schools - Universities / Vocational 
 in using human resources for ethnic minority and 
Schools; continue to improve the quality of training 
 mountainous areas” Legal documents are the legal 
of the pre-university system, especially research and 
 basis, contributing to the development of education 
develop a program of fostering the pre-university 
 in ethnic minority areas.
system according to the group orientation, suitable 
for ethnic minority students, in which includes From the current situation of enrollment, 
2-year training system. fostering and distribution of students in the 
 university preparation system at the Central Pre-
 5. Discussion
 university School for Ethnic Minorities and other 
 The Party and State pays special attention to pre-university schools, it is believed that:
socio-economic development in ethnic minority 
 First, it is necessary to continue to strengthen 
and mountainous areas. Resolution 24-NQ/TW 
 the leadership of the Party and State in education 
of the Central Committee dated March 12, 2003 
 and training in ethnic minority and mountainous 
clearly states the viewpoint on the development of 
 areas. Focus on the propagation and dissemination 
human resources of ethnic minorities: “Diversifying 
 of the Party’s and State’s policies, views, goals, 
and rapidly developing different types of training, 
 basic tasks and ethnic work strategies in the field of 
retraining and vocational training in ethnic areas; 
 education and training, in order to raise awareness 
bringing the vocational training program into 
 for ethnic minority students.
boarding schools for ethnic minorities; continue to 
well implement the policy of priority and election Second, consider developing education and 
for children of ethnic groups to study at universities training as the top national policy, the most basic 
and colleges; opening more preparatory schools for factor for comprehensive development of ethnic 
ethnic minorities in the Central region and the Central minority areas; to strive to bring education and 
Highlands. Study and organize a system of schools improvement of the knowledge of the people in 
specializing in training and fostering intellectuals ethnic minority and mountainous areas on a par with 
and ethnic minority cadres” (Central Executive the national level. Focus on recruiting, fostering 
Committee, 2003). Resolution No. 52/NQ-CP and creating human resources belonging to ethnic 
dated June 15, 2016 on promoting human resource minority groups with a very few population size, 
development for ethnic minorities in the period ethnic groups with specific characteristics for each 
2016-2020 with a vision to 2030 has identified the locality, ethnic groups facing many difficulties.
target: “By 2020, the number of students from ethnic Third, develop and improve the quality of the 
teachers, ensuring sufficient quantity, professional the limitations and difficulties in enrollment, 
standards, rational structure and increase the fostering and allocation of students in the university 
number of teachers from ethnic minorities. For preparation system to create human resources of 
teachers, it is necessary to have solid, dynamic ethnic minorities, especially ethnic minorities with 
and creative expertise in organizing, managing, a small population size based on the ethnic structure 
directing and administering the students’ activities. of the localities in a better way in the coming time.
The conveyed knowledge must be suitable to 6. Conclusion
students’ receptive level. Prepare teaching aids 
 The research on proposing solutions in the work 
and equipment suitable to each of educational 
 of recruitment, enrichment, allocation of students 
content. Have skills to communicate with students, 
 who belong to ethnic minorities with a small 
especially ethnic students with extremely difficult 
 population size based on the ethnic structure of 
circumstances by appropriate and comprehensive 
 the localities in Pre-university Schools is currently 
educational methods.
 one of the most urgent parts of creating human 
 Fourth, continue to pay attention to invest resources contributing to the socio-economic 
in building infrastructure, facilities, teaching development of mountainous provinces and ethnic 
equipment to meet the development needs of minority areas. To effectively implement the task of 
education in the new era, thereby improving the creating human resources through Pre-university 
quality of training and creating human resources in enrichment system, different sector levels must 
ethnic minority and mountainous areas. join hand, especially the drastic and methodical 
 The above are some discussions on the issue involvement of planning work, creating human 
of improving the efficiency of creating human resources for regions of ethnic minorities with a 
resources of ethnic minorities with a small small population size based on the ethnic structure 
population size based on the ethnic structure of the of the localities.
localities. We hope to contribute to overcoming 
 The Central Executive Committee. (2003). Ministry of Education and Training. (2010). 
 Resolution No. 24-NQ / TW, dated 12/3/2003 Regulations on enrollment, organization 
 on ethnic affairs. of fostering and admission to university, 
 Binh, H. H. (2010). Solutions for developing college and professional secondary 
 human resources of ethnic minorities in our education for pre-university students. 
 country in the period of industrialization and Circular No. 25/2010/TT-BGDĐT, dated 
 modernization. Ethnicity Magazine, no. 117. October 13/2010.
  Ministry of Education and Training. (2016). 
 =Content&op=details&mid=117453129#ixz Regulations on enrollment, organization 
 z6o7LghWT5. of fostering, selection and allocation into 
 Ministry of University-Professional High university education pedagogical colleges 
 School. (1982). Regulations on learning, and intermediate schools for pre-university 
 testing, examining pre-university students students. Circular No. 26/2016/TT-BGDĐT, 
 entering university. Decision No. 410/DH, dated December 30, 2016.
 dated April 6, 1982. Ministry of Education and Training. (2020). 
 Ministry of Education and Training. (1999). Promulgating the regulations on enrollment 
 Regulations on recruiting, organizing at university level; Enrollment at college 
 training in university and college admission degree in preschool education. Circular No. 
 for pre-university students. Decision 37/1999 09/2020/TT-BGDĐT, dated May 7, 2020.
 - QD-BGDĐT, dated September 30, 1999. Government. (2017). Stipulating priority policies 
 Ministry of Education and Training. (1999). on enrollment and learning support for 
 Regulations on recruiting, organizing preschoolers, students and ethnic minority 
 training in university, college and students with a small population size. Decree 
 professional high school admission for pre- No. 57/2017/ND-CP, dated May 9, 2017.
 university students. Decision No. 09/2005/ Government. (2020). Provisions on election 
 QD- Board of Directors on March 29, 2005. regimes for ethnic minority students. 
 Decree No. 141/2020/ND-CP, dated 
 December 8, 2020.
Volume 10, Issue 1 31
 Government. (2016). Promote the development National Assembly. (2014). Approve the master 
 of human resources of ethnic minorities project on socio-economic development 
 in the 2016-2020 period, with a vision to in ethnic minority and mountainous areas 
 2030. Resolution No. 52/NQ-CP, dated for the period 2021-2030. Resolution No. 
 June 15, 2016. 88/2019/QH14, dated November 18, 2019.
 Phuong, P. N. (2014). Some solutions to National Assembly. (2019). Education Law. 
 improve the quality of human resources for Law No. 43/2019/QH14.
 ethnic minorities in Son La province in the Trinh, N. T. (2014). Improving the quality 
 period 2011-2020. Ethnicity Magazine, no. of ethnic minority human resources - the 
 161.  strategic task of ethnic work. Ethnicity 
 06-13/285e7b804459a40c848b85bb649e Magazine, no. 163. 
Nguyễn Tuấn Anh
Trường Dự bị Đại học Dân tộc Trung Tóm tắt
ương Việt Trì
Email: Chính sách học dự bị đại học của Đảng và Nhà nước dành cho 
 học sinh người dân tộc thiểu số nhằm tạo nguồn nhân lực là người 
Ngày nhận bài: 14/3/2021 dân tộc thiểu số có chất lượng cao cho các tỉnh miền núi và vùng 
Ngày phản biện: 26/3/2021 đồng bào dân tộc đã và đang được triển khai rất hiệu quả tại các 
Ngày tác giả sửa: 27/3/2021 trường dự bị đại học trên cả nước, tuy nhiên công tác tuyển sinh, bồi 
Ngày duyệt đăng: 27/3/2021 dưỡng và phân bổ hệ dự bị đại học hiện nay đang tồn tại một số khó 
Ngày phát hành: 30/3/2021 khăn đó là: chưa có chính sách đặc thù cho học sinh người dân tộc 
 thiểu số rất ít người theo cơ cấu thành phần dân tộc của địa phương, 
DOI: sự phối hợp giữa trường dự bị với các địa phương trong công tác tạo nguồn nhân lực là người dân tộc thiểu số còn chưa cao. Bài viết này 
 xin được đề xuất một số giải pháp nhằm nâng cao hiệu quả công tác 
 tạo nguồn nhân lực cho nhóm dân tộc thiểu số có tính đặc thù của 
 địa phương thông qua hệ dự bị đại học.
 Từ khóa
 Hệ dự bị đại học; Phương pháp; Tạo nguồn nhân lực; Nhóm dân 
 tộc thiểu số có tính đặc thù của địa phương.

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