Modified dijkstra’s routing algorithm for security with different trust degrees

A great number of efficient methods to improve the performance of the networks have been proposed in physicallayer security for wireless communications. So far, the security and privacy in wireless communications is optimized based on a fixed assumption about the trustworthiness or trust degrees (TD) of certain wireless nodes. The nodes are often classified into different types such as eavesdroppers, untrusted relays, and trusted cooperative nodes. Wireless nodes in different networks do not completely trust each other when cooperating or relaying information for each other. Optimizing the network based on trust degrees plays an important role in improving the security and privacy for the modern wireless network. We proposed a novel algorithm to find the route with the smallest total transmission time from the source to the destination and still guarantee that the accumulated TD is larger than a trust degree threshold. Simulation results are presented to analyze the affects of the transmit SNR, node density, and TD threshold on different network performance elements

Modified dijkstra’s routing algorithm for security with different trust degrees trang 1

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Modified dijkstra’s routing algorithm for security with different trust degrees trang 2

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Modified dijkstra’s routing algorithm for security with different trust degrees trang 3

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Modified dijkstra’s routing algorithm for security with different trust degrees trang 4

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Modified dijkstra’s routing algorithm for security with different trust degrees trang 5

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Modified dijkstra’s routing algorithm for security with different trust degrees trang 6

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Modified dijkstra’s routing algorithm for security with different trust degrees trang 7

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Modified dijkstra’s routing algorithm for security with different trust degrees

Modified dijkstra’s routing algorithm for security with different trust degrees
ation is generated until such a route exist
of 1m 1m. Two nodes have reliable wireless connection
 and the data about the delivery time and number hops
only when× the distance between them is small than
 is accumulated. In a simulation, we need to generate
a threshold of dth = 0.4. A reliable wireless channel
 2 a certain number of successful realizations. The ratio
is randomly distributed with σh-variance and 0-mean
  2 of the number of successful realizations and that of
complex Normal distribution where σ2 = cL in generated ones is the SDR. As shown, the SDR does not
 h 4π fRd
which cL is the light velocity, fR is the radio frequency, depend on the transmit SNR because a higher transmit
and d is the distance between the considered transmit- SNR only improves the transmission between any two
ter and receiver. We use fR = 900 MHz, one of the nodes, and consequently, the cost or the average deliv-
unlicensed frequency bands in the US. The variance of ery time. More nodes leads to a higher SDR since nodes
the channel reflects the simplified path loss of the Friis can more easily find the next nodes for a route to the
Transmission Formula [22]. The TD of an illegitimate destination. However, when the node number is already
node is randomized with the 1-mean and 0.4-variance high, increasing it does not increase SDR significantly
Normal distribution and truncated in the value range since the nodes are already dense.
of [0 1], i.e., if the random value is larger than 1, the Figure 5 shows the average delivery time for 1 Kbits
TD is set to 1 and if it is smaller than 0, the TD is from node 1 to node n. As shown, all delivery times
set to 0. Figure 3 shows a network example with 15 decrease with the transmit SNR of each hop since
nodes. The source, illegitimate, and destination nodes the receiver of each hope can receive a better signal
are filled with blue, green, and red colors, respectively. and reduce the transmission time in each hop. More
We find the route from node 1 to node n with the number of nodes in a network lead to a shorter delivery
shortest transmission time for 1 Kbits and accumulated time because on average there is a shorter distance,
TD at least α. and therefore, a better transmission rate or a shorter
 In the first simulation, the transmit SNR is varied transmission time between any two nodes.
C. D. T. Thai et al.: Modified Dijkstra’s Routing Algorithm for Security with Different Trust Degrees 59
 4.6 280
 n = 10
 n = 30 270
 n = 50
 260 n = 10
 n = 30
 4.2 250 n = 50
 Average number of hops
 Average delivery time for 1K bits (ms)
 3.8 220
 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
 Transmit SNR (dB) Trust threshold (α)
Figure 6. The average number of hops of the best route in case α = 0.7. Figure 8. The average delivery time with varied TD threshold and
 fixed SNR at 20dB.
 1.2 4.4
 1 4.3
 0.8 n = 10 4.2 n = 10
 n = 30 n = 30
 n = 50
 0.6 4.1 n = 50
 0.4 4
 Successful delivery ratio
 Average number of hops
 0.2 3.9
 0 3.8
 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
 Trust threshold (α) Trust threshold (α)
Figure 7. The successful delivery ratio with varied TD threshold and Figure 9. The average number of hops with varied TD threshold and
fixed SNR at 20dB. fixed SNR at 20dB.
 Figure 6 shows the average number hops that the best not allow less trusted routes with fewer nodes to be
route from node 1 to node n goes through. It decreases considered.
slightly with the transmit SNR since a better transmit
SNR can increase each hop transmission rate so routes
with fewer hops but with worse channels can combat 5 Conclusion
with the other routes and become the best ones. More
 In this paper, we proposed a modified algorithm to find
nodes in the network lead to smaller number of hops
 the route with shortest total transmission time based on
since the nodes can find the next nodes more easily
 Dijsktra’s shortest path algorithm with additional trust
with a determined channel distance threshold d .
 th degree (TD) constraints for the multi-hop decode-and-
 In the second simulation, we vary the trust threshold
 forward relay network. The simulation results show
(α) to see the affects of this parameter on the perfor-
 that successful delivery ratio increases with transmit
mance of the network in terms of SDR, the average
 SNR and decreases when node number increases and
delivery time, and the average number of hops. In this
 the TD constraint is stricter. In the meantime, the time
case, we set the transmit SNR to 20 dB. Differently to
 delivery time and average number of hops increases
the case in Figure 4, the SDR decreases when the trust
 with the node number and the TD constraint and
threshold increases as it puts stricter trust threshold
 decreases when the transmit SNR increases. Therefore
constraint (the accumulated TD must be greater than
 precisely determining the TDs of the nodes in a net-
the trust threshold constraint). Similarly to other cases,
 work is very important since it helps to better optimize
denser nodes will so help to increase the SDR. When α
 the routing and increases the security and network
is low enough (about 0.3) and n is large enough (about
 performance. In case high-resolution TDs are not avail-
30), almost all random realizations succeed.
 able, classifying into different types, with different TD
 Figure 8 shows the average delivery time from node 1
 ranges, also helps.
to node n. As expected, when a stricter TD constraint is
put in the shortest route finding problem, the network
performance gets worse, i.e., the average delivery time Acknowledgement
is longer. As usual, the case with more nodes performs
better. Figure 9 shows the average number of hops. It This work was supported by NAFOSTED Grant 102.02-
also increases with α since a stricter TD constraint will 2018.318.
60 REV Journal on Electronics and Communications, Vol. 10, No. 1–2, January–June, 2020
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C. D. T. Thai et al.: Modified Dijkstra’s Routing Algorithm for Security with Different Trust Degrees 61
 Tran Quang Nhu received the B. S. degree Huynh Van Hoa received the B. S. degree
 in electronics and telecommunications engi- in electronics and telecommunications engi-
 neering and the M. S. degree in telecommu- neering and the M. S. degree in telecommuni-
 nications engineering from the University of cations engineering from Posts and Telecom-
 Transport and Communication (UTC), Viet- munications Institute of Technology (PTIT),
 nam, in 2008 and 2012, respectively. From Vietnam, in 2013 and 2018, respectively. In
 2008 to 2009, he joined Global Telecommuni- 2018, he joined the Department of Telecom-
 cations Corporation (GTEL), and from 2009 to munications, PTIT, as a lecturer. His major
 2012, VNPT-NEC Telecommunication Systems research interests are wireless communica-
 Company. He is now the Team Leader of lab tions, cooperative and cognitive communi-
 engineers, ECE study program, Vietnamese- cations, physical-layer security, NOMA and
German University (VGU). His major research interests are wireless Short-packet communications.
communications, radio frequency engineering, IP networking.
 Nguyen Thi Yen Linh was born in Tien Giang
 province, Viet Nam in 1982. She received the
 B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in applied physics
 from Vietnam National University, Ho Chi
 Minh (VNUHCM) in 2004 and 2008, respec-
 tively. In 2009, she joined the Department
 of Foundation, Posts and Telecommunications
 Institute of Technology (PTIT), as a lecturer.
 She is now a research member of Wireless
 Communication Laboratory (WCOMM), PTIT,
 Vietnam. Her major research interests are ran-
dom wireless network, short packet communication, cooperative
communications, cognitive radio and physical layer security.

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