Knowledge sharing and innovative work behavior: The case of Vietnam
As the world is gradually moving towards a knowledge economy, knowledge is increasingly regarded as
the main driving force of the economy. The success of future economies will be based on effective
organizations absorbing, using and enhancing knowledge (Nassuora, 2011). However, most organizations
tend to emphasize too many systems and tools rather than the core component of sharing knowledge among
individuals. Knowledge sharing is valuable for organizations because through organizational knowledge
sharing it is possible to improve efficiency, avoid waste, reduce training costs and risks. The study by Smith
and Mckeen (2003) show that readiness to share knowledge is associated with profitability and productivity
as well as labor costs. Besides, knowledge sharing is a factor that encourages individuals to create
knowledge and convert it into greater power (Liebowitz & Chen, 2001). Knowledge sharing with colleagues
allows individuals to exchange and discuss ideas with peers, draw their attention to the benefits of ideas and
implement ideas by turning into a viable solution (Mura et al., 2013). When employees actively share
knowledge, knowledge is acquired and facilitates lawsuits that promote employees' innovative work
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![Knowledge sharing and innovative work behavior: The case of Vietnam Knowledge sharing and innovative work behavior: The case of Vietnam](
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I believe that my colleagues will not use the knowledge I share with them against Tru5 me. En1 I enjoy sharing my knowledge with colleagues Enjoyment in En2 I enjoy helping colleagues by sharing my knowledge helping others (En) En3 It feels good to help someone by sharing my knowledge En4 Sharing my knowledge with colleagues is pleasurable My knowledge sharing would help other members in the organization to solve Se1 their problems My knowledge sharing would create new business opportunities for the Se2 Knowledge self- organization efficacy (Se) Se3 My knowledge sharing would improve work process in the organization Se4 My knowledge sharing would increase productively in the organization My knowledge sharing would help the organization achieve its performance Se5 objectives Ma1 Managers think that encouraging knowledge sharing with colleagues is beneficial Managers always support and encourage employees to share their knowledge with Ma2 colleagues Managers provide most of the necessary help and resources to enable employees Management support Ma3 to share knowledge (Ma) Managers are keen to see that the employees are happy to share their knowledge Ma4 with colleagues I was acknowledged by the manager when sharing knowledge and ideas with Ma5 colleagues Our organization introduces new technology platforms that enable knowledge Te1 sharing for more effective operations Our organization has expertise in the usage and maintenance of critical Te2 information infrastructure, e.g. intranet, extranet, groupware Using information Our information systems infrastructure is updated regularly to facilitate effective and communication Te3 knowledge sharing and creation technology (Te) Social network systems enable the search and sharing of ideas and information Te4 within the organization and with our stakeholders Te5 Our groupware systems enable knowledge sharing among employees Te6 Our intranet systems enable the sharing of ideas and critical documents Do1 When I learn something new, I tell my colleagues about it Knowledge donation Do2 I share the knowledge I have, with my colleagues (Do) Do3 I think it is important that my colleagues know what I am doing Do4 I regularly tell my colleagues what I am doing Co1 When I need certain knowledge, I ask my colleagues about it Co2 I like to be informed of what my colleagues know Knowledge Co3 I ask my colleagues about their abilities when I need to learn something collection (Co) When one of my colleagues is good at something I ask him/her to teach me how Co4 to do that thing In1 I create new ideas for improvements Innovative work In2 I often search out new working methods, techniques, or instruments behavior (IN01) In3 My ideas generate original solutions to problems In4 I work actively to test new ideas 634 Appendix 2 Factor Item Factor loading Cronbach’s Alpha Tru1 0.697 Tru2 0.868 Trust (Tru) 0.882 Tru3 0.794 Tru4 0.861 En1 0.796 En2 0.915 Enjoyment in helping 0.885 En3 0.717 others (En) En4 0.864 Se1 0.735 Se2 0.813 Knowledge self-efficacy 0.837 Se3 0.775 (Se) Se4 0.683 Ma1 0.742 Ma2 0.643 0.781 Management support (Ma) Ma3 0.777 Ma5 0.581 Te1 0.993 Te2 0.973 Using information and Te3 0.956 0.842 communication technology Te4 0.933 (Te) Te5 0.937 Te6 0.989 Do1 0.939 Do2 0.918 0.790 Knowledge donation (Do) Do3 0.946 Do4 0.933 Co1 0.648 Co2 0.944 0.809 Knowledge collection (Co) Co3 0.713 Co4 0.581 In1 0.696 Innovative work behavior In2 0.757 0.808 (IN01) In3 0.737 In4 0.691 © 2019 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada. 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