Evaluate error correction performance of binary repeat accumulate code and Quasi cyclic low-density parity-check code in 5G new-radio
Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes have been accepted as the standard codes for
the 5th-generation New Radio (5G NR) standard. The performances of a linear block code
LDPC based on the sparse matrix are extremely near to the Shannon limit. Ever since LDPC
was invented, continuous encryption algorithms have been introduced, in which two more
dominant ones, Quasi-cyclic (QC) LDPC and Repeat Accumulate (RA) LDPC, are referred to
as the simple decoding algorithms. In this paper, the construction of the two algorithms will
be analyzed, and the performances of these algorithms will be compared on the 5G standard.
From there, it can be assessed when transmitting information on 5G standard, QC code will
achieve better performances, but it also gets higher complexity compared to RA code.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Evaluate error correction performance of binary repeat accumulate code and Quasi cyclic low-density parity-check code in 5G new-radio

encoder block diagram. 3. QUASI-CYCLIC LDPC CODE Several attempts have been made to build the QC code over GF(2) [12, 19]. A code is called quasi-cyclic when with a cyclic movement of a codeword with a displacement of 1, a codeword is obtained. The simplest quasi-cycle is the coded row, which has weigh L, described by the parity check matrix [10, 20]. (3.1) where 1, 2, , 퐿 are binary 푣 × 푣 circulant matrices QC code has been studied by Townsend and Weldon [19], Chen [15] and after its invention, there are many other research articles such as [10, 11, 19] gradually improving QC code. According to the information and coding theory, one of the things to keep in mind when designing channel coding is Hamming distance. In simple terms, Hamming distance or maximum distance is the difference between codewords. When the decoder executes, the larger the Hamming distance, the less likely it is to convert the correct codeword to another 26 Evaluate error correction performance of binary repeat accumulate code and quasi cyclic codeword that also satisfies the error check condition in LDPC. The maximum distance of the QC code mentioned in [19] shows that the QC code is a good code with Hamming distance much improved compared to other algorithms. In matrix presented in Equation 3.1, in sub-matrices always exists a reversible matrix, called 퐿. Thus, we can infer the generator matrix based on the formula 3.2 [12, 13, 20]. (3.2) Besides, due to the unique characteristics of the code, circulant matrices can be 푣−1 represented by the polynomial as follows: ( ) = 0 + 1 + ⋯ + 푣−1 with indicators 0, 1, , 푣−1 are the first row in the 푖 matrix. Thus, instead of dealing with matrices, we can replace signal processing on algebraic equations. Furthermore, we can find the inverse matrix corresponding to finding an inverse equation is mentioned in the study of Baldi et al. [21]. Because QC code has its characteristics in construction, with a codeword length or a specified code rate, there will be a separate matrix standard for the QC code. In which, 3GPP is one of the associations that regulates communication structures, such as the QC code matrix for WiMax, DVBS2, 5G standards [3, 8, 14, 22, 23]. Thus, instead of the traditional method of building the parity matrix and using a complex Gauss-Jordan elimination to create a generator matrix , with a definite structure QC code makes the LDPC encoding faster and simpler. Nowadays, due to traditional standards and large information transmission needs, it is difficult to create the matrix . Therefore, instead of giving the matrix , we build a base graph matrix (BG matrix) containing the shift parameters, this is also known as the QC code block. Each translation index in BG will correspond to a unit matrix of size 푍 with the number of shifts. The next section will show how to build BG in the 5G standard. 4. 5G-NR LDPC BASE GRAPH CONSTRUCTION Information message for the 5G network is large, thus the decoding is complicated. Instead of giving a very large matrix, it is replaced by a base matrix, and from this base matrix with 푍 , size of each unit matrix, we will deduce matrix . There are two types of base matrices BG1 and BG2, which are adopted for 5G LDPC codes. . Figure 5. Base graph selection based on block size and code rate [23] 27 Nguyen Hong Hoa, Tran Thi Bich Ngoc, Hoang Trang These two matrices have a similar structure. BG1 with a matrix size of 46 × 68 entries is designed for large transport block, information lengths up to 8448, and code rates from 1/3 to 8/9, while BG2 with a matrix size of 42 × 52 entries is targeted for smaller block lengths and code rates from 1/5 to 2/3. The construction on BG1 and BG2 is mentioned in [6, 14, 22] with general following steps: - Step 1: Base on the size of message 퐾 and code rate 푅, we can determine the type of base graph. - Step 2: We find the number of information circulant columns 퐾 with given 퐾 and 푅. - Step 3: We determine suitable shift coefficient 푍 by searching the following table: Table 1. Choose 푍 base on index 푖퐿푆 table [6]. Set index (iLS) Set of lifting sizes (Z) 0 {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256} 1 {3, 6,12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 384} 2 {5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320} 3 {7, 14, 28, 56, 112, 224} 4 {9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288} 5 {11, 22, 44, 88, 176, 352} 6 {13, 26, 52, 104, 208} 7 {15, 30, 60, 120, 240} - Step 4: Searching standard table and the result will be BG for 5G-NR LDPC. 1 In this paper, data will be used on BG2 with 퐾 = 2304, 퐾 = 1944 and code rate = 2 2 and , respectively for both QC and RA codes. 3 5. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This section will build the RA code and QC code based on the method mentioned in sections 2 and 3. To examine the quality of both RA and QC codes over GF(2), we encode the same message with both RA and QC codes with binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation and transmit over the AWGN channel, and use the Min Sum LDPC decoder in 10 iterations at receiver, conducted by MATLAB software. For QC-LDPC, BG2 was generated based on the 3GPP standard mentioned in section 4, and for RA LDPC, the interleaver was randomly selected because, for the 5G standard, the size of data is large. Figure 6 shows the performances of both algorithms at the same code length = 2304 1 and rate 푅 = . In general, we can see that when transmitting information over 5G standard, 2 if the information is encoded by QC code, the performance will be much higher than that of the RA code, approximately Δ ≈ 3.10−5 ÷ 10−5 ≈ 3 푡푖 푒푠 at SNR = 3 dB, and deviation distance between QC code and RA code is almost maintained during the change of SNR. If we consider the quality difference between RA and QC code, it can be seen that the larger the SNR, the higher the QC quality compared to RA code. 28 Evaluate error correction performance of binary repeat accumulate code and quasi cyclic Figure 6. BER vs SNR of both codes with N = 2304, R=1/2. To have more specific comments, we proceed to analyze both codes on different code lengths and code rates. We will change the code rate and length parameters to get a better overview of the performance in two encoders. Figure 7. BER perfomance comparison of RA and QC in different code length and rate. 1 2 Figure 7 shows the simulation results when we set the code rates 푅 = , and code 2 3 1 length 2304, 1944 for each code, respectively. We can see that at the same code rate 푅 = 2 when the code length increases from 1944 to 2304 which leads to better BER performance. This is seen in both codes. Thus, BER performance will be inversely proportional to the length of the codeword. When we observe with the same code length = 1944, the quality of both codes is declined as the code rate increases. For a better view between BER curve of each code, we zoom the results found with a BER range from 10-6 to 10-4 and a SNR range from 2.5 dB to 4 dB. Thus, we get the result as shown in the Figure 8. In general, we see that all three cases of QC code give better results than the RA code. 29 Nguyen Hong Hoa, Tran Thi Bich Ngoc, Hoang Trang Figure 8. Comparison performance of both codes in different length and rate with BER from 10-6 to 10-4. Figure 9. BER performance of QC LDPC codes with N = 2304, R=1/2 in different iteration number. To further demonstrate the performance difference among various iteration number, we 1 consider simulating QC-LDPC code with = 2304 and 푅 = . Figure 9 shows that as the 2 iteration number increases, BER performance gets better. It is shown that the iteration number of 50 has about 0.25 dB improvement compared to the number of 20 while the number of 10 has about 0.5 dB improvement compared to the number of 5. This improvement is observed at the BER of about 10−5. 2 As analyzed above, we found that the quality of the QC code with = 1944 and 푅 = 3 1 is the lowest in the case set of QC code; and the RA code with = 2304 and 푅 = is the 2 best in the set of RA code. However, we can see that the quality of those two cases is approximately the same, showing the superiority of the QC code compared to the RA code. 2 One thing to notice when we observe two BER curves are QC code with = 1944; 푅 = 3 1 and RA code with = 1944; 푅 = , with the same information, the same length, although the 2 speed of the QC code is greater than that of the RA code, the quality is still greater than the RA 30 Evaluate error correction performance of binary repeat accumulate code and quasi cyclic code. Thus, with the same message, one of the ways to increase the code rate while keeping the performance or even better is to change the encoding method from an RA encoder to a QC encoder. 6. CONCLUSION In this paper, the construction of the RA code and QC code on the algebraic method over GF(2) is presented. We implement comparisons of the quality of both codes in the case of changes in code rate and code length. When considering the same speed and length, it is clear that the BER performance of the QC code will give better quality than the RA code approximately 3 times. Whereas if we look at the overview on the different rates and different lengths of the QC and RA codes, we find that with the same code length N, we can increase the code rate but keep the BER performance when changing the encoder from RA code into QC code. The code rate plays a very important role in the digital information age. Although the complexity of the QC code is higher than the RA code due to the implementation of matrix multiplication, the performance of the QC code is much better than the RA code, so the engineer needs to consider choosing the QC code or RA code. Choosing the appropriate algorithm for encryption will contribute to increased efficiency in information transmission in 5G, a standard that Vietnam wants to achieve in Industry 4.0. REFERENCES 1. 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Hai mã này được sử dụng nhiều trong việc mã hóa và giải mã bởi độ phức tạp của chúng thấp. Trong bài báo này, nhóm tác giả tiến hành xây dựng hai mã trên, khảo sát và phân tích hiệu suất của cả hai mã với yêu cầu ứng dụng chiều dài khối lớn trong mạng 5G. Từ khóa: Mã LDPC, mã RA, mã QC, chuẩn 5G, hiệu suất BER so với SNR. 32
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