A study of blackhole and wormhole attacks in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network

In the Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET), there are several ways of attacking network operation bypassing fault routing information between malicious and normal nodes. It will degrade efficiency of the network so we cannot archive the purposes of the designed MANET. Since it is deployed in an open network environment with characteristics of high mobility, lack of physical security and independent management, the network is vulnerable to attacks. In related works, we have seen a lot of works focusing on single type of attacks but in our paper, we study how routing attacks work and study how we can simulate combination of blackhole and wormhole attacks. Our code will be open to community so others can use to test with its security mechanism or secure routing protocols

A study of blackhole and wormhole attacks in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network trang 1

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: A study of blackhole and wormhole attacks in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network

A study of blackhole and wormhole attacks in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
ficiency of the network so we 
 cannot archive the purposes of the designed MANET. Since it is deployed in an open network environment 
 with characteristics of high mobility, lack of physical security and independent management, the network is 
 vulnerable to attacks. In related works, we have seen a lot of works focusing on single type of attacks but in 
 our paper, we study how routing attacks work and study how we can simulate combination of blackhole and 
 wormhole attacks. Our code will be open to community so others can use to test with its security mechanism 
 or secure routing protocols. 
 Keywords: MANET, routing attacks, simulation 
1. Introduction* being used widely for both MANET and WSNs 
 simulation. The methods can be re-used by the 
 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) or 
 community in other routing protocols to simulate the 
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is a type of 
 performance of other routing protocols. 
wireless network made up of countless mobile nodes 
that can communicate with each other without 2. Related works 
specialized routers like TCP / IP networks in which 
 In MANET, an attacker can re-route network 
the nodes are both able to act as terminals or acting as 
 traffic, or inject itself into the path between the source 
routers for data communication and information 
 and destination and thus control the network traffic 
transmission [1]. Due to the unique characteristics of 
 flow so that the networ providers cannot receive data 
the MANET network, there are now many routing 
 sensing. A number of attacks on routing of MANET 
protocols designed and dedicated to this network such 
 have been identified and studied in security research 
as the AODV [2] (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance 
 [5-15]. One of the most common routing attacks in 
Vector), DSR [ 3] (Dynamic Source Routing), OLSR 
 MANET is the Blackhole attack [5-7]. In this attack, 
[4] (Optimized Link State Routing Protocol), etc. 
 a “black” node within the network displays itself as 
MANET has the ability to automatically self-
 having the shortest path to the destination node. Once 
configure which use a peer-to-peer connection or 
 the packets are drawn to the attacker, they are then 
does not need centralized administrator to manage or 
 dropped instead of relayed, and the communication of 
control. Therefore, it is understandable that MANET 
 the MANET will be disrupted [5-6]. Performance of 
is more vulnerable than other networks. There are 
 AODV and OLSR protocols under Blackhole attack 
many types of routing attacks in the MANET 
 is comparative analysis in [7] but with single static 
network, such as blackholes, wormholes, link 
 Blackhole. In [8], the authors propose a global 
spoofing, gray holes, link spoofing, etc. Each attack 
 reputation system that helps AODV protocol in 
has different modes of operation and level of 
 selecting the best path to destination and also 
influence which leads to increased complexity in 
 consider the situation when Blackhole continuously 
prevention and detection. Therefore, understanding 
how the network operation works and analyzes the 
system's performance against attacks is always the In wormhole attacks, the attacker receives 
first task in the mission to protect MANET network. packets at one point in the network and tunnels them 
This article focuses on simulating combination of to another part of the network for malicious purposes. 
routing attacks that can occur on MANET or WSNs. In MANET with AODV routing protocol, this attack 
We will show how the attack patterns are simulated can be done by tunneling every REQUEST to the 
and executed by modifying the AODV and AOMDV target destination node directly. When the 
protocols in network emulator tool ns2.35. The tool is destination's neighboring nodes hear this REQUEST 
 packet, they will rebroadcast that REQUEST packet 
 in a normal operation and then discard any other 
* Corresponding author: Tel.: (+84) 983020981 REQUESTS for the same route discovery [12]. There 
Email: hai.tranhoang@hust.edu.vn 
 Journal of Science & Technology 144 (2020) 048-052 
is a huge work on the study of how blackhole and be assigned to last host and next hop. The blackhole 
wormhole can manipulate the network traffic in node behavior is illustrated in Table 3-4 for AODV 
MANET but mostly the authors focus on separate, and AOMDV respectively. 
single and static routing attack. In [13], the authors 
 It is difficult for us to simulate Wormhole 
alyzed the performance of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks 
 behavior, we need to update two libraries such as ll.h; 
(MANET) under Blackhole and wormhole attack 
 ll.cc in Table 5-6 respectively. Wormhole_peer is a 
separately for AODV protocol. In [14], AODV and 
 struct data type with 3 parameters which are ll point 
DSDV protocols are analyzed in terms of routing 
 to a link layer; ID and the next pointer points to the 
overhead, packet delivery ratio, throughput and end 
 second worm node in wormhole pair. We define the 
to end delay under Blackhole attacks. The authors 
 main attacking node in wormhole pair is 
investigated the performance of the network with 
 wormhole_peer_head. Wormhole_peer_head is the 
single Blackhole attack and collaborative Blackhole 
 first wormhole node received messages from the 
attacks which assume that Blackhole nodes can work 
 normal node and processing the packet. If the routing 
in collaboration. In general, it concludes that AODV 
 packet forwarded via the wormhole link are data 
performs better than DSDV in packet delivery ratio, 
 packets, there probably more behaviors such as 
throughput and routing overhead but the delay of 
 dropping data packets; forwarding the data packet to 
AODV is higher than DSDV. 
 the destination or forwarding data packet to the 
3. Implementation of Collaborative Blackhole and destination and replicating another copy to the 
Wormhole attacks on AODV and AOMDV external nodes as malicious behavior. 
 Table 1. Update on AODV.cc library 
 • index = id; 
 • seqno = 2; 
 • bid = 1; 
 • LIST_INIT(&nbhead); 
 • LIST_INIT(&bihead); 
 • MALICIOUS=false; 
 • logtarget = 0; 
 • ifqueue = 0; 
 Table 2. Setting Blackhole value for a node in 
 if(strcmp(argv[1], “blackhole") == 0) 
 return TCL_OK; 
 Fig. 1. Flow activity of Blachole node. Table 3. Example of Blackhole node in AODV 
 if(BLACKHOLE) seqno=rq-
 The environment we illustrate using ns-2.35, a >rq_src=4294967295; 
discrete event network simulator, which is very 
popular to simulate MANET networks [15]. AODV.h 
and AODV.cc is library in ns-2.35 to simulate AODV sendReply(rq->rq_src, 
routing protocol, therefore some updates need to be // IP Destination 
modified to inject malicious nodes in the 1, 
environment. We need to define a Boolean // Hop Count 
MALICIOS variable that determines whether a node index, 
 // Dest IP Address 
is malicious or normal. Some library in ns-2 have to seqno, 
be modified in order to simlate Blackhole attack, as // Dest Sequence Num 
we illustrate in Table 1-2. In both AODV and MY_ROUTE_TIMEOUT, // 
AOMDV routing protocols, weredefine the sendReply Lifetime 
function of the blackhole node. If the blackhole node rq->rq_timestamp); 
calls sendReply, we set hop count equal to one and // timestamp 
highest dest sequence num = 4294967295. For 
AOMDV, the destination node and source node will 
 Journal of Science & Technology 144 (2020) 048-052 
Table 4. Example of Blackhole node in AOMDV wp->next = wormhole_head.next; 
 wormhole_head.next = wp; 
 if(BLACKHOLE) seqno=rq-> if printf( "(%03d) - LL::command - added 
 (BLACKHOLE) seqno=rq- %d to wormhole peer list\n", mac_-
 >rq_src=4294967295; >addr(), wp->id ); 
 return TCL_OK; 
 rq->rq_src, Table 8. Example of wormhole behavior 
 // IP Destination 
 1, //from here for Wormhole attack 
 // Hop Count Scheduler& s = 
 index, Scheduler::instance(); 
 // (RREQ) Dest IP Address // wormhole decision point (decide if 
 seqno, this packet is going throught the 
 // Dest Sequence Num wormhole or not) 
 MY_ROUTE_TIMEOUT, if( wormhole_head.next 
 // Lifetime ) { 
 rq->rq_timestamp, // if( is_broadcast ) { 
 timestamp // send a copy to each 
 ih->saddr(), wormhole peer 
 // nexthop wormhole_peer *wp = 
 rq->rq_bcast_id, &wormhole_head; 
 // broadcast id to identify this while( wp->next ) { 
 route discovery wp = wp->next; 
 ih->saddr()); Packet *p_copy = p-
 Packet::free(p); hdr_cmn::access(p_copy)-
 } >direction() = hdr_cmn::UP; 
 s.schedule( wp->ll, p_copy, 
Table 5. Update on ll.h library delay_ ); 
 if(class LL; ; 
 typedef struct wormhole_peer_struct { 
 LL* ll; 4. Results 
 int id; 
 struct wormhole_peer_struct* Using our proposed flow activity for Blackhole 
 next; attack in Figure 1, and Wormhole attack in Figure 1-
 } wormhole_peer; 2, and by modifying the libraries in ns2.35, we can 
 simulate different types of collaborative Blackhole 
Table 6. Update on ll.cc library 
 and Wormhole attacks in different ways to see the 
 wormhole_head.ll = NULL; impact of these attacks. In general, all properties of 
 wormhole_head.id = -1; network operation, such as throughput, delay, packet 
 wormhole_head.next = NULL;; delivery ratio etc. are much worsen by collaborative 
Table 7. Example of establishing Wormhole link routing attacks than single type of Blackhole or 
 Wormhole attack. The results in Figure 3 are network 
 else if( strcmp( argv[1], "wormhole- performance we collected during implementing 
 peer" ) == 0 ) { collaborative attacks to evaluate performance of 
 wormhole_peer* wp = 
 (wormhole_peer*) malloc( sizeof( AODV and AOMDV routing protocols. More details 
 wormhole_peer ) ); of the performance of AODV and AOMDV routing 
 if( !wp ) { protocols under collaborative routing attacks can be 
 fprintf( found in [16]. We also found that the location of 
 stderr, "(%03d) - LL::command - error malicious nodes is very important to the impact of 
 allocating memory for new wormhole these attacks. When nodes are randomly distributed, 
 peer!" ); malicious nodes seem to appear in the network center 
 exit(-1); which result in malicious nodes can control more 
 // init fields incoming packets and decreasing transfer rates. 
 wp->ll = (LL *) Moreover, when the malicious nodes appear in the 
 TclObject::lookup( argv[2] ); network, the number of neighbor nodes increasing 
 wp->id = wp->ll->mac_->addr(); leading to malicious nodes penetrating more deeply 
 into the network. Therefore, the performance 
 // insert at head of list decreases significantly. 
 Journal of Science & Technology 144 (2020) 048-052 
 Fig. 2. Flow activity of Wormhole nodes. 
 Fig. 3. Results of Collaborative Attacks on AODV and AOMDV of 50-80-100-120 nodes respectively. 
5. Conclusion collaborative attacks are more vulnerable than single-
 type of attack in simulation results with different 
 In this paper, we study how to simulate 
 network scenarios. 
Blackhole and Wormhole attacks in collaborative 
ways. This methodology is very important and the Acknowledgments 
first work to illustrate those attacks in algorithmic 
 This research is funded by Hanoi University of 
design so others can re-use easily which is very 
 Science and Technology (HUST) under grant number 
important to evluate the performance and security of 
MANET. Moreover, we also found that the 
 Journal of Science & Technology 144 (2020) 048-052 
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