Vietnamese semantic role labelling

In this paper, we study semantic role labelling (SRL), a subtask of semantic parsing of natural language

sentences and its application for the Vietnamese language. We present our effort in building Vietnamese

PropBank, the first Vietnamese SRL corpus and a software system for labelling semantic roles of Vietnamese

texts. In particular, we present a novel constituent extraction algorithm in the argument candidate identification

step which is more suitable and more accurate than the common node-mapping method. In the machine learning

part, our system integrates distributed word features produced by two recent unsupervised learning models in

two learned statistical classifiers and makes use of integer linear programming inference procedure to improve

the accuracy. The system is evaluated in a series of experiments and achieves a good result, an F1 score of

74.77%. Our system, including corpus and software, is available as an open source project for free research and

we believe that it is a good baseline for the development of future Vietnamese SRL systems.

Vietnamese semantic role labelling trang 1

Trang 1

Vietnamese semantic role labelling trang 2

Trang 2

Vietnamese semantic role labelling trang 3

Trang 3

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Vietnamese semantic role labelling trang 5

Trang 5

Vietnamese semantic role labelling trang 6

Trang 6

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Trang 8

Vietnamese semantic role labelling trang 9

Trang 9

Vietnamese semantic role labelling trang 10

Trang 10

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Vietnamese semantic role labelling

Vietnamese semantic role labelling
cience: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 33, No. 2 (2017) 39-58 55
 The main idea of GloVe is to use 
word-word occurrence counts to estimate the 
co-occurrence probabilities rather than the 
probabilities by themselves. Let Pij denote the 
probability that word j appear in the context of 
 d d
word i ; wi R and wj R denote the 
word vectors of word i and word j 
respectively. It is shown that 
 wi wj = log(Pij ) = log(Cij ) log(Ci ), (12) 
 where Cij is the number of times word j 
occurs in the context of word i . 
 It turns out that GloVe is a global 
log-bilinear regression model. Finding word 
vectors is equivalent to solving a weighted 
least-squares regression model with the cost 
  2 Figure 11. Some Vietnamese words produced by the 
 J =  f (Cij )(wi wj bi bj log(Cij )) , (13) 
 i, j=1 GloVe model, projected onto two dimensions. 
 where n is the size of the vocabulary, b 4.3.3. Text corpus 
 i To create distributed word representations, 
and b j are additional bias terms and f (Cij ) is we use a dataset consisting of 7.3GB of text 
a weighting function. A class of weighting from 2 million articles collected through a 
functions which are found to work well can be Vietnamese news portal10. The text is first 
parameterized as normalized to lower case and all special 
 characters are removed except these common 
 ifx < x symbols: the comma, the semicolon, the colon, 
 f (x) = max (14) 
 xmax the full stop and the percentage sign. All 
 1 otherwise numeral sequences are replaced with the special 
 token , so that correlations between 
 certain words and numbers are correctly 
 The training code was obtained from the 
 recognized by the neural network or the log-
tool GloVe9 and we used a word appearance 
 bilinear regression model. 
threshold of 2,000. Figure 11 shows the scatter 
plot of the same words in Figure 10, but this Each word in the Vietnamese language may 
 consist of more than one syllables with spaces 
time their word vectors are produced by the 
 in between, which could be regarded as 
GloVe model. 
 multiple words by the unsupervised models. 
 Hence it is necessary to replace the spaces 
 within each word with underscores to create full 
 word tokens. The tokenization process follows 
 the method described in [37]. 
 After removal of special characters and 
 tokenization, the articles add up to 969 million 
________ ________ 
9  10  
56 L.H. Phuong et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 33, No. 2 (2017) 39-58 
word tokens, spanning a vocabulary of 1.5 system. In other words, their use can help 
million unique tokens. We train the generalize the system to unseen words. 
unsupervised models with the full vocabulary to 
obtain the representation vectors, and then 5. Conclusion 
prune the collection of word vectors to the 
 65,000 most frequent words, excluding special We have presented our work on developing 
 a semantic role labelling system for the 
symbols and the token 
 Vietnamese language. The system comprises 
representing numeral sequences. 
 two main component, a corpus and a software. 
 4.3.4. SRL with distributed word 
 Our system achieves a good accuracy of about 
 We train the two word embedding models 74.8% of F1 score. 
on the same text corpus presented in the We have argued that one cannot assume a 
previous subsections to produce distributed good applicability of existing methods and tools 
word representations, where each word is developed for English and other occidental 
represented by a real-valued vector of 50 languages and that they may not offer a cross-
dimensions. language validity. For an isolating language 
 In the last experiment, we replace predicate such as Vietnamese, techniques developed for 
or head word features in our SRL system by inflectional languages cannot be applied “as is”. 
their corresponding word vectors. For In particular, we have developed an algorithm 
predicates which are composed of multiple for extracting argument candidates which has a 
words, we first tokenize them into individual better accuracy than the 1-1 node mapping 
words and then average their vectors to get algorithm. We have proposed some novel 
vector representations. Table 14 and Table 15 features which are proved to be useful for 
shows performances of the Skip-gram and Vietnamese semantic role labelling, notably and 
GloVe models for predicate feature and for function tags and distributed word 
head word feature, respectively. representations. We have employed integer 
 linear programming, a recent inference 
 Table 14. The impact 
 technique capable of incorporate a wide variety 
 of word embeddings of predicate 
 of linguistic constraints to improve the 
 performance of the system. We have also 
 Precision Recall 
 F1 demonstrated the efficacy of distributed word 
 A 78.29% 71.48% 74.73% representations produced by two unsupervised 
 B 78.37% 71.49% 74.77% learning models in dealing with unknown words. 
 C 78.29% 71.38% 74.67% In the future, we plan to improve further our 
 A: Predicate word 
 system, in the one hand, by enlarging our 
 B: Skip-gram vector 
 C: GloVe vector corpus so as to provide more data for the 
 system. On the other hand, we would like to 
 Table 15. The impact investigate different models used in SRL, for 
 of word embeddings of head word example joint models [38], where arguments 
 Precision Recall F and semantic roles are jointly embedded in a 
 1 shared vector space for a given predicate. In 
A 78.29% 71.48% 74.73% 
B 77.53% 70.76% 73.99% addition, we would like to explore the 
C 78.12% 71.58% 74.71% possibility of integrating dynamic constraints in 
A: Head word the integer linear programming procedure. We 
B: Skip-gram vector expect the overall performance of our SRL 
C: GloVe vector system to improve. 
 Our system, including software and corpus, 
 We see that both of the two types of word is available as an open source project for free 
embeddings do not decrease the accuracy of the research purpose and we believe that it is a 
 L.H. Phuong et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 33, No. 2 (2017) 39-58 57
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