Về một giải pháp cứng hóa phép tính lũy thừa modulo
Abstract— Modular exponentiation is the
basic operation in cryptography algorithm RSA.
This’s o p i te gorith , onsu ing
resource and time to implement (especially with
large number). Hardware implementation of
modular exponentiation on the FPGA would
increase speed, reduce computation time that is
required by the practice. The heart of modular
operand is modular multiplication of large
number. In this paper we presented introduction,
the analysis, choosing modular exponentiation
algorithm and modular multiplication
Montgomery based on several public researchs
on the world. Modular exponentiation operation
is implemented with hardware language HDL
Verilog with the modulus is chosen as 2048 bit,
chip FPGA XC7z045. Implementation results of
modular exponentiation with two different
designs of IPcore Montgomery is briefly
presented in Table 1 and Table 2.

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