Using spot 6 to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commune, Thanh Hoa province

This study describes how the Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation (IDW) in combination with the fieldbased survey and 2015 SPOT 6 data are applied to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of Pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commnue, Tinh Gia district, Thanh Hoa province. The construction of current map of Pinus merkusii shows that there is 87.0% of accuracy and accuracy asessment of interpolated maps of biomass and carbon stocks are over 83.0 %, showing this IWD interpolation is reliable and can be applicable in Dinh Hai commune. As a result, the total carbon stocks is estimated at about 1,959,622.4 tons, equivalent to 221,497,194,300 VND in Dinh Hai. Although having high values and potential for carbon stocks trading, the Payments for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) have not been implemented in Tinh Gia district yet. This study also has presented solutions for PFES implementation in Tinh Gia, thus enhancing local livelihoods

Using spot 6 to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commune, Thanh Hoa province trang 1

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Using spot 6 to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commune, Thanh Hoa province trang 2

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Using spot 6 to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commune, Thanh Hoa province trang 3

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Using spot 6 to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commune, Thanh Hoa province trang 4

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Using spot 6 to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commune, Thanh Hoa province trang 5

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Using spot 6 to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commune, Thanh Hoa province trang 6

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Using spot 6 to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commune, Thanh Hoa province trang 7

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Using spot 6 to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commune, Thanh Hoa province trang 8

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Using spot 6 to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commune, Thanh Hoa province trang 9

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Using spot 6 to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commune, Thanh Hoa province trang 10

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Using spot 6 to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commune, Thanh Hoa province

Using spot 6 to estimate biomass and carbon stocks of pinus merkusii plantation in Dinh Hai commune, Thanh Hoa province
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 Management of Forest Resources and Environment 
 The averaged DBH of each plot measured in the study site is summarised in Table 02. 
 Table 02. Averaged DBH of Pinus merkusii in Dinh Hai 
 Plot ID DBH (cm) Plot ID DBH (cm) Plot ID DBH (cm) 
 1 18.73 27 27.82 53 26.31 
 2 18.81 28 29.0 54 25.74 
 3 15.73 29 26.95 55 24.54 
 4 22.06 30 22.48 56 25.30 
 5 21.67 31 20.67 57 25.53 
 6 21.58 32 21.53 58 21.15 
 7 19.26 33 21.61 59 22.61 
 8 22.38 34 23.02 60 22.00 
 9 17.01 35 25.03 61 22.24 
 10 20.19 36 24.18 62 21.48 
 11 21.33 37 22.4 63 21.08 
 12 23.64 38 21.68 64 22.17 
 13 24.44 39 23.19 65 24.76 
 14 24.05 40 21.42 66 24.83 
 15 24.76 41 21.09 67 21.27 
 16 25.70 42 23.87 68 19.95 
 17 25.65 43 23.62 69 20.24 
 18 23.43 44 24.96 70 22.62 
 19 23.46 45 25.88 71 22.95 
 20 24.59 46 26.88 72 22.93 
 21 24.68 47 27.89 73 22.62 
 22 24.66 48 26.60 74 21.97 
 23 29.00 49 25.08 75 22.49 
 24 23.07 50 26.89 76 23.17 
 25 23.07 51 26.57 
 26 26.55 52 27.35 
 As shown in Table 02, the diameter of standard deviation is 2.60 cm, reflecting the 
Pinus merkusii is uneven. Findings have variance of D1.3, while standard errors is 0.77 
shown that there are relatively large cm, reflecting fluctuations in the average of 
differences in values of tree diameters due to D1.3. 
additional plantation. Based on field survey in 3.2. Estimation of biomass and carbon 
relation to D1.3, the study has summarised the stocks in Pinus merkusii 
Descriptive Statistics of D1.3 in the field. As a 3.2.1. Estimation of biomass-based field 
result, D1.3 has ranged from 15.73 ÷ 29 cm and survey 
averaged at 23.38 cm in the study area. The Biomass estimation-based field survey: 
 Management of Forest Resources and Environment 
 As values of DBH measured are taken as an and carbon stocks are then calculated as shown 
average for the whole study area, the biomass in Table 03. 
 Table 03. Summary of averaged DBH, biomass and carbon stocks in study sites 
 DBH Biomass Carbon stocks 
 Study site 
 (cm) (ton) (ton) 
 Dinh Hai 23.38 ± 2.6 136.4 ± 47.2 68.2 ± 23.6 
3.2.2. Estimation of biomass and carbon study area (Fig. 04), while 30% of total data 
stocks-based IDW interpolation was used to assess the accuracy of interpolated 
Biomass estimation-based Inverse Distance maps. In this study, Dinh Hai has two separate 
Weighted Interpolation in Dinh Hai sites, so interpolation and accuracy assessment 
 To construct the spatial maps of biomass were conducted seperately as Dinh Hai A 
and carbon stocks, 70 percent of plot-based and Dinh Hai B as shown in Figure 04 and 
survey was used to interpolate for the whole Figure 05. 
 Figure 04. Biomass values of Pinus merkusii in Dinh Hai commune 
 As a result, the interpolated biomass shown 83.0% of map accuracies for Dinh Hai A and 
that biomass of Pinus merkusii mostly range Dinh Hai B defined, respectively. These 
from 100 ÷ 200 ton ha-1 both in Dinh Hai A findings confirm that the interpolation method 
and Dinh Hai B, while the areas with biomass is reliable and applicable for the biomass 
less than 100.0 ton ha-1 and greater than 200.0 estimation in Dinh Hai commune. 
ton ha-1 are very small. As accuracy Carbon stocks estimation-based spatial 
assessments indicated that there are 87.0% and interpolation of Pinus merkusii: 
 Management of Forest Resources and Environment 
 Figure 05. Carbon stocks of Pinus merkusii in Dinh Hai commune (A) and (B) 
 Figure 05 shown that carbon stocks in Dinh implementation in Tinh Gia district 
Hai A and Dinh Hai B are calculated at from Conducting the interviews with 30 of total 
50.0 ÷ 100.0 ton ha-1, respectively. Similar to 38 households in Dinh Hai has found that there 
the biomass, interpolation of carbon stocks are a great potential for PFES implementation 
shown that the carbon stocks with range of in Dinh Hai commune in particular and Tinh 
from 50 ÷ 100.0 ton ha-1 is dominant in both Gia in general. However, study area still has 
Dinh Hai A and Dinh Hai B. numerous challenges in pursuing PFES 
3.3. Challenges and opportunities for PFES implementation as summarized in Table 04. 
 Table 04. SWOT analysis for PFES application in Tinh Gia district 
 Strengths Weaknesses 
 Dinh Hai’s plantation covered almost The thick litter and shrub may lead to 
17.5%, equivalent to 378.18 ha in the Tinh increasing frequencies of forest fire and outbreak 
Gia Protection Forest. of diseases. 
 Both district and local authorities as There is a current lack of evaluation 
well as local people are highly aware of indicators, such as monitoring systems, policy 
values of forest protection and understand guidelines, economic instrument related to 
importance of forest policies in relation to biodiversity, watershed and carbon sequestration, 
forest management and protection. may lead to weaken forest management in study 
 There is a strong cooperation and site. 
connection between authorities and local Payments for managing allocated one ha of 
people; forest owners are allowed to exploit forest, about 70,000 VND is quite lower than other 
pine resin and are responsible for managing provinces1, may lead to discouragement of local 
their allocated forest area. participation. 
 Management of Forest Resources and Environment 
 Opportunities Threats 
 Based on the data collected, total Difficult to quantify the value of forest 
estimation of CO2 for the whole study area is environmental services. 
about 1,959,622.37 tons, which are a great Unable to manage all of PFES users. 
opportunity to participate on international Lack of commitment and compliance 
carbon market, such as REDD+, PFES, so between forest owner and PFES user as the 
Dinh Hai may get additional fundings for boundary is still unclearly and legally defined. 
carrying out forest management and The PFES implementation procedures are 
protection activities. time-consuming that may prevent the authorities’ 
 Effective implementation of PFES may determination from pursuing PFES. 
improve the quantity and quality of forests, 
thus contributing to better manage forest 
resources in Tinh Gia district. 
 Financial assistance from PFES is more 
likely to increase local livelihoods in Dinh Hai. 
 1PFES report in Vietnam from 2011-2014. 
3.4. Recommendations for PFES implementation from Lam Dong and Lai Chau shoud be learnt 
in Tinh Gia and Thanh Hoa province for Dinh Hai commune. This is because 
 Based on the findings, it can be said that maximum benefits from PFES will lead to 
there is an enormous importance of Pinus significantly improve the livelihoods of local 
merkusii for implementing PFES policy. people, thus contributing to better forest 
Therefore, solutions for how PFES protection and management. Consequently, 
implementation is significant in Dinh Hai, local people are more likely to be active in 
Tinh Gia district in particular. Firstly, local guarding their assigned forest and more 
authorities and local households should be responsible for their allocated forest areas. 
encouraged to participate in all REDD+ and Thirdly, the management and administration 
PFES activities to receive additional financial schemes should be set up in a way of 
support for better forest protection and encouraging local people to protect and 
development. Besides, another important role monitor forest resources by clear guidance of 
of pine forest as a function of water regulation social policies and techniques to develop forest 
should be included when estimating Pinus resources. 
merkusii values in Thanh Hoa in general and Based on the field measurements, the study 
Tinh Gia in particular. has estimated the amount of carbon stocks and 
 Secondly, the Payments mechanism for calculated the commercial value of Pinus merkusii 
forest environmental services as good samples in Dinh Hai commune as shown in Table 05. 
 Management of Forest Resources and Environment 
 Table 05. Proposed estimation of carbon stocks and commercial values of Pinus merkusii 
 Items Values 
 Pinus merkusii 378.2 ha 
 Total absorbed CO2 1,959,622.37 (ton) 
 Price $5/ton 
 1USD = 22,449 VND 
 (Up to 10/07/2017 at 12:30pm by Vietcombank) 
 Total estimated 219,957,812,920.65 (VND) 
 Source: Adapted from Vu Tan Phuong (2006). 
 PFES mechanism also should be applied in the larger commercial value that Pinus 
line with what the forest offers. Carbon stocks merkusii will provide forest owners more 
of Pinus merkusii should be paid as the selling incomes, which significantly improve forest 
price of carbon credits on the market, which is management and protection if PFES 
now from 5 ÷ 10 USD ton-1 in consultation implemented in this area. 
with payments rate implemented in some Acknowledgement 
provinces. For example, Lai Chau has paid an We would like to express our gratitude to 
average price of 342,734 VND ha-1 year-1, an the staff and local people in Dinh Hai 
average of Lam Dong province is 342,500 commune for the enthusiastic support during 
VND ha-1 year-1. In Binh Dinh province, the our works conducted as well as and special 
averaged price paid was 303,259 VND ha-1 thanks to Ms. Tran Thi Phuong Thuy and Ms. 
year-1 (PFES Report in Vietnam from 2011 to Tran Thi Chau for supporting us to collect 
2014). data. 
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 Nguyễn Hữu Nghĩa1, Nguyễn Hải Hòa2, Lê Thành An3, 
 Trần Thị Ngọc Lan4, Amena Easmin5, Nguyễn Thị Minh Tú6 
 1,2,3,4,6Trường Đại học Lâm nghiệp 
 5Đại học Stamford, Bangladesh 
 Nghiên cứu này cho thấy tiềm năng ứng dụng của ảnh vệ tinh độ phân giải cao SPOT 6 trong ước tính sinh khối 
 và trữ lượng cácbon cho rừng trồng Thông nhựa (Pinus merkusii) tại huyện Tĩnh Gia, tỉnh Thanh Hóa. Từ thực 
 trạng tại khu vực nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng bản đồ sinh khối và trữ lượng cácbon được xây dựng với độ chính 
 xác khá cao (trên 83%) để ước tính CO2 và đề xuất phương án hợp lý cho việc áp dụng PFES tại địa phương. 
 Kết quả nghiên cứu khẳng định phương pháp nội suy nghịch đảo khoảng cách có trọng số có độ tin cậy và có 
 thể áp dụng cho Định Hải. Bằng điều tra thực địa tại 76 ô tiêu chuẩn trong khu vực nghiên cứu kết hợp cùng 
 phương pháp nghịch đảo khoảng cách có trọng số (IDW) đã chỉ ra rằng trữ lượng cácbon tại khu vực nghiên 
 cứu là rất lớn so với những điều tra tại các tính khác, khoảng 1,959,622.37 tấn tương ứng với số tiền 
 219,957,812,920.65 VND, kết quả này cho thấy tiềm năng phát triển kinh tế cũng như nâng cao đời sống người 
 dân địa phương của rừng khi Tinh Gia tham gia vào thị trường cácbon. Bên cạnh những tiềm năng tham gia thị 
 trường cácbon, hiện tại PFES chưa được áp dụng tại huyện Tĩnh Gia. Do vậy, việc nghiên cứu nhằm cung cấp 
 cơ sở tính toán, đánh giá cụ thể về những tiềm năng trên của cơ chế PFES cho các nhà hoạch định chính sách là 
 rất cần thiết để có thể sớm áp dụng PFES tại huyện Tĩnh Gia nói riêng và tỉnh Thanh Hóa nói chung. 
 Từ khóa: PFES, rừng phòng hộ Tĩnh Gia, sinh khối, SPOT 6, thị trường Carbon, trữ lượng Carbon. 
 Received : 19/7/2017 
 Revised : 09/9/2017 
 Accepted : 25/9/2017 

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