The status of coniferous plants of Nam Nung nature reserve in Dak Nong province

In this study, we discovered additionally one species (Cephalotaxus mannii Hook.f.) and one family (Cephalotaxaceae) of coniferous plants for Nam Nung Nature Reserve in Dak Nong province. Therefore, the total of species and family of this area increased to seven and three, respectively (including Cephalotaxus mannii Hook. f., Dacrydium elatum (Roxb.) Wall. ex Hook., Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub., Podocarpus neriifolius D. Don; Keteleeria evelyniana Mast., Pinus massoniana Lamb., and Pinus merkusii Jungh. & de Vriese. Especially, five species are listed in the IUCN Red as VU (two species) and LC (three species). There is one species listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book (2007) as VU (Keteleeria evelyniana Mast.). In addition, two species are listed in the Decree 32/ND-CP as IIA as Cephalotaxus mannii Hook. f. and Keteleeria evelyniana Mast. Therefore, that species distributed in altitude from 800 m to 1,535 m. These findings will significantly provide scientific data for biodiversity management especially for threatened coniferous plant species in Nam Nung Nature Reserve. Furthermore, the result from our research will promote the further study about biodiversity in this area

The status of coniferous plants of Nam Nung nature reserve in Dak Nong province trang 1

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: The status of coniferous plants of Nam Nung nature reserve in Dak Nong province

The status of coniferous plants of Nam Nung nature reserve in Dak Nong province
 Management of Forest Resources and Environment 
 Nguyen Thi Thu1, Pham Thanh Trang2, 
 Phung Thi Tuyen3, Tran Thi Tu Duoc4, Hoang Thanh Luong5 
 1,2,3,4Vietnam National University of Forestry 
 5Daknong Department of Forest Protection 
 In this study, we discovered additionally one species (Cephalotaxus mannii Hook.f.) and one family 
 (Cephalotaxaceae) of coniferous plants for Nam Nung Nature Reserve in Dak Nong province. Therefore, the 
 total of species and family of this area increased to seven and three, respectively (including Cephalotaxus 
 mannii Hook. f., Dacrydium elatum (Roxb.) Wall. ex Hook., Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub., 
 Podocarpus neriifolius D. Don; Keteleeria evelyniana Mast., Pinus massoniana Lamb., and 
 Pinus merkusii Jungh. & de Vriese. Especially, five species are listed in the IUCN Red as VU (two species) and 
 LC (three species). There is one species listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book (2007) as VU (Keteleeria 
 evelyniana Mast.). In addition, two species are listed in the Decree 32/ND-CP as IIA as Cephalotaxus mannii 
 Hook. f. and Keteleeria evelyniana Mast. Therefore, that species distributed in altitude from 800 m to 1,535 m. 
 These findings will significantly provide scientific data for biodiversity management especially for threatened 
 coniferous plant species in Nam Nung Nature Reserve. Furthermore, the result from our research will promote 
 the further study about biodiversity in this area. 
 Keywords: Coniferous, distribution, Nam Nung Nature Reserve, species composition. 
I. INTRODUCTION conducted necessary research on species 
 Nam Nung Nature Reserve (Dak Nong compositions, conservation status and 
province) is located in five communes: Nam distribution of coniferous species in Nam Nung 
Nung, Nam N’Dir and Duc Xuyen (Krong No NR in order to provide sufficient scientific data 
district); Dac Hoa (Dak Song district) and for management and conservation of this area. 
Quang Son (Dak Glong district), with 20,156 II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 
ha. Nam Nung Nature Reserve (Nam Nung 2.1. Content 
NR) has special climate with four seasons in a Research on species compositions and 
day. Primary forests distribute from 800 m to distribution of coniferous species 
over 1,200 m. Nam Nung NR also possesses a Research on natural conservation status of 
high biodiversity (Dak Nong Department of coniferous species 
Forest Protection, 2011). There are 881 2.2. Methods 
vascular plant species, which belong to 541 Secondary data collection 
genera, 175 families, and six phyla (Dak Nong Desk study method was conducted, the 
Department of Forest Protection, 2011). Many secondary data of coniferous plant diversity in 
species have a scientific value, especially in Nam Nung Nature were collected carefully 
conifer such as Cephalotaxus mannii Hook. f., from the previous studies. 
Dacrydium elatum (Roxb.) Wall. ex Hook. Field work 
However, by supporting economic We used the current vegetation types map to 
development, especially due to disaster and identify the distribution of all the vegetation 
human activities like over-exploitation, the types in this area and then decide the transect 
coniferous species have been damaged locations. Three transects were established 
seriously in recent years. Therefore, this study from the base to the top of the hills so that the 
 Management of Forest Resources and Environment 
samples of all vegetation types on different Besides, interviewing local people, forest 
slopes and reliefs were recorded and identified. rangers, and local authorities in the research 
On each transect, there are systematically- site about natural distributed, the current 
spaced 15 plots of 25 m x 40 m size. All situation as well as existing threats of 
coniferous species were recorded in the 1000 coniferous in Nam Nung NR was analysed. 
m2 plots. Also, the specimens were collected as III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 
well as took pictures. At each plot, GPS data 3.1. Diversity and distribution of coniferous 
were recorded for longitude, latitude and species in Nam Nung Nature Reserve 
altitude. All plants were listed and annotated. a. Diversity of coniferous species 
 Indentification of specimens and A total of seven coniferous species were 
conservation assessment found in Nam Nung NR belonging to three 
 Identification of plant specimens were made families including Cephalotaxaceae, 
based on the major literatures of Nguyen, T.H. Podocarpaceae, and Pinaceae. The family 
et al. (2004), Nghia, N.H. (2004), and other Podocarpaceae has three species such as 
recent reports. These specimens were Dacrydium elatum (Roxb.) Wall. ex Hook., 
deposited in herbarium of Vietnam National Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub., 
University of Forestry (VNUF). Conservation and Podocarpus neriifolius D. Don. Likewise, 
assessment of the threatened species were Pinaceae has three species (Keteleeria 
followed IUCN Red List, the Vietnam Red evelyniana Mast., Pinus massoniana Lamb., 
Data Book, and the Degree No 32 issued by and Pinus merkusii Jungh. & de Vriese). By 
Vietnamese government about list of contrast, Cephalotaxaceae has only one species 
threatened species need to be conserved. (Cephalotaxus mannii Hook.f.). 
 Table 1. Coniferous species compositions in Nam Nung Nature Reserve 
 No. Scientific name Vietnamese name 
 I Cephalotaxaceae Đỉnh tùng 
 1 Cephalotaxus mannii Hook. f. Đỉnh tùng NN160323001 
 II Podocarpaceae Kim giao 
 2 Dacrydium elatum (Roxb.) Wall. ex Hook. Hồng tùng NN160323002 
 3 Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub. Thông lông gà NN160323003 
 4 Podocarpus neriifolius D. Don Thông tre NN160323004 
 III Pinaceae Thông 
 5 Keteleeria evelyniana Mast. Du sam núi đất Picture 
 6 Pinus massoniana Lamb. Thông mã vĩ Picture 
 7 Pinus merkusii Jungh. & de Vriese Thông ba lá Picture 
b. Distribution of coniferous species the remaining species are located from 1,200 m 
 Most coniferous species in Nam Nung NR to 1,535 m. Especially, Cephalotaxus mannii 
are distributed between 800 m to 1,535 m Hook. f. was the first time recorded as 
above sea level. Pinus merkusii Jungh. & de naturally distribution in Nam Nung NR and its 
Vriese and Pinus massoniana Lamb. are elevations from 1,200 m to 1,300 m. 
located at elevations lower than 1,000 m while 
 Management of Forest Resources and Environment 
 Table 2. Distribution of coniferous species 
 Vietnamese Altitude Located 
 No. Scientific names 
 names (m) points 
 I Cephalotaxaceae Đỉnh tùng 
 1 Cephalotaxus mannii Hook. f. Đỉnh tùng 1200 - 1300 
 II Podocarpaceae Kim giao 
 2 Dacrydium elatum (Roxb.) Wall.ex Hook. Hồng tùng 1535 
 3 Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub. Thông lông gà 1200 - 1300 
 4 Podocarpus neriifolius D. Don Thông tre 1200 - 1300 
 III Pinaceae Thông 
 5 Keteleeria evelyniana Mast. Du sam núi đất 1196 
 6 Pinus massoniana Lamb. Thông mã vĩ 800 
 7 Pinus merkusii Jungh. & de Vriese Thông ba lá 887 
 Figure 1. Distribution of coniferous plantsin Nam Nung NR 
Pinus massoniana Lamb. 
Pinus merkusii Jungh. & de Vriese 
Cephalotaxus mannii Hook. f.; Dacrydium elatum (Roxb.) Wall. ex Hook.; Dacrycarpus 
imbricatus (Blume) de Laub.; Podocarpus neriifolius D. Don; and Keteleeria evelyniana Mast. 
 Management of Forest Resources and Environment 
3.2. Natural conservation status of listed in the IUCN Red list (2001), two speices 
coniferous species in Nam Nung NR are listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book 
 Results from survey investigation indicated (2007) and one species is listed in Decree 32 o 
that seven coniferous species were found in the Vietnamese government in 2006. 
Nam Nung NR. Of which five species are 
 Table 3. The natural conservation status of coniferous species in Nam Nung NR 
 Vietnam Red 
 Vietnamese Decree 
No. Scientific names Data Book IUCN, 2001 
 names 32/CP/2006 
 I Cephalotaxaceae Đỉnh tùng 
 VU A2cd 
 1 Cephalotaxus mannii Hook. f. Đỉnh tùng IIA 
 (ver 3.1) 
 II Podocarpaceae Kim giao 
 Dacrydium elatum (Roxb.) 
 2 Hồng tùng Concern (LC) 
 Wall. ex Hook. 
 (ver 3.1) 
 Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) Thông lông 
 3 Concern (LC) 
 de Laub. gà 
 (ver 3.1) 
 4 Podocarpus neriifolius D. Don Thông tre Concern (LC) 
 (ver 3.1) 
III Pinaceae Thông 
 VU A2cd; 
 Du sam núi 
 5 Keteleeria evelyniana Mast. VU A1a, c, d IIA B2ab(iii) 
 (ver 3.1) 
Note: EN: Endangered; VU: Vulnerable; LC: Least concern; IIA: Restricting exploitation and use for 
commercial purpose. 
 Figure 2. Stem and leaves Figure 3. Seedling of 
 of Cephalotaxus mannii Hook. f. Cephalotaxus mannii Hook. f. 
 Management of Forest Resources and Environment 
 Table 4. The number of mature coniferous plants in Nam Nung NR 
 Average Average 
 Vietnamese Number 
 No. Scientific names DBH Height Status 
 names of plants 
 (cm) (m) 
 I Cephalotaxaceae Đỉnh tùng 
 Cephalotaxus mannii 
 1 Đỉnh tùng 3 8.2 9.6 Good 
 Hook. f. 
 II Podocarpaceae Kim giao 
 Dacrydium elatum 
 2 Hồng tùng 1 33 22 Good 
 (Roxb.) Wall. ex Hook. 
 Dacrycarpus imbricatus 
 3 Thông lông gà 5 12.6 8.4 Good 
 (Blume) de Laub. 
 Podocarpus neriifolius 
 4 Thông tre 6 22 13.2 Good 
 D. Don 
 III Pinaceae Thông 
 Keteleeria evelyniana 
 5 Du sam núi đất 1 180 40 Good 
DBH: Diameter at breast height. 
 The number of mature coniferous plants Hook. and Keteleeria evelyniana Mast. have 
were few (16 plants). Especially, two species only one individual tree. Most trees of all 
including Dacrydium elatum (Roxb.) Wall. ex species are growing well. 
 Table 5. The number of seedling trees in Nam Nung NR 
 Vietnamese Numbers 
 STT Scientific names Height (m) Growth Origin 
 names of seedling 
 I Cephalotaxaceae Đỉnh tùng 
 Cephalotaxus mannii 
 1 Đỉnh tùng 1 0.8 Good Seed 
 Hook. f. 
 II Podocarpaceae Kim giao 
 Dacrydium elatum 
 2 Hồng tùng 0 
 (Roxb.) Wall. ex Hook. 
 Dacrycarpus imbricatus 
 3 Thông lông gà 30 1.2 Good Seed 
 (Blume) de Laub. 
 Podocarpus neriifolius 
 4 Thông tre 0 
 D. Don 
 III Pinaceae Thông 
 Keteleeria evelyniana 
 5 Du sam núi đất 0 
 Cephalotaxus mannii Hook. f. and may give some evedences to propose solution 
Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub. in biodiversity conservation in study area. 
have natural regeneration gaps. However, IV. CONCLUSION 
Dacrydium elatum (Roxb.) Wall. ex Hook., Seven coniferous species belong to three 
Podocarpus neriifolius D. Don, and Keteleeria families Cephalotaxaceae, Podocarpaceae, and 
evelyniana Mast. have not had natural Pinaceae were found in Nam Nung NR. Most 
regeneration gap. The resrult in this research of them have high conservation values. Five 
 Management of Forest Resources and Environment 
species are listed in IUCN Red List (2001), REFERENCES 
two species are listed in Vietnam Red Data 1. Ban, N.T. (Ed.) (2007). Vietnam Red Data Book, 
Book (2007), and one species is listed in Part 2 - Plants. Natural Science and Technology 
 Publishing House, Hanoi, Vietnam. 
Decree 32/CP/2006 of the Vietnamvese 
 2. Dak Nong Department of Forest Protection 
government. The majority of coniferous (2011). The result of biodiversity survey in Nam Nung 
species in Nam Nung NR are distributed from Nature Reserve, Dac Nong. Working paper, Dac Nong, 
800 to 1,535 m above sea level. Cephalotaxus Vietnam. 
mannii Hook. f. is the first time recorded and 3. Government of Vietnam (2006). Decreee 
 No.32/2006/ND-CP. Management of endagered, 
located from 1,200 m to 1,300 m. 
 precious and rare forest plants and animals. Ministry of 
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Agriculture and Rural Development, Hanoi, Vietnam. 
 Authors would like to thank Nguyen Van 4. IUCN (2001). Red List of Threadtened species 
Huy (Vietnam National University of TM, International Union for the Conservation of Nature 
Forestry), Mai Van Tien (Nam Nung NR) for and Nature Resources. 
  26 December. 2017). 
their kind help during the fieldwork. We also 
 5. Nghia, N.H. (2004). Conifers. Agricutural 
thank to Tran Ngoc Hai, Vuong Duy Hung, Publishing House, Hanoi, Vietnam. 
Pham Thanh Ha, and Ta Thi Nu Hoang 6. Nguyen, T.H., Phan, K.L., Nguyen. D.T.L. 
(Vietnam National University of Forestry) for Thomas, P.I., Farjon, A., Averyanov, L. & Regalado Jr., 
their kindly comments and contribution in J. (2004). Vietnam Conifers: Fauna & Flora 
 International, Vietnam, Hanoi. 
plant idenification. 
 Nguyễn Thị Thu1, Phạm Thành Trang2, 
 Phùng Thị Tuyến3, Trần Thị Tú Dược4, Hoàng Thanh Lương5 
 1,2,3,4Trường Đại học Lâm nghiệp 
 5Chi cục Kiểm lâm Đắc Nông 
 Trong quá trình nghiên cứu tính đa dạng khu hệ thực vật của Khu Bảo tồn thiên nhiên (KBTTN) Nam Nung 
 (Đắk Nông), chúng tôi đã phát hiện 7 loài thực vật lá kim và 3 họ. Bổ sung 1 loài và 1 họ thực vật lá kim cho 
 Khu Bảo tồn thiên nhiên Nam Nung (Đỉnh tùng - Cephalotaxus mannii Hook. f. thuộc họ Đỉnh tùng - 
 Cephalotaxaceae). Đặc biệt, trong số 7 loài thực vật lá kim được phát hiện có 5 loài có tên trong danh lục đỏ 
 IUCN (gồm 2 loài thuộc cấp VU và 3 loài thuộc cấp LC). Có 1 loài có tên trong Sách đỏ Việt Nam (2007) 
 (thuộc cấp VU). Có 2 loài thuộc cấp IIA (Nghị định 32/NĐ-CP). Các loài thực vật lá kim phân bố ở độ cao từ 
 khoảng 800 m đến 1.535 m. Trong đó, loài cây Thông mã vĩ được trồng ở khu vực vùng đệm của Khu bảo tồn, 
 5 loài còn lại có phân bố tự nhiên từ độ cao 1.100 - 1.535 m. Dẫn liệu bổ sung này không chỉ khẳng định giá trị 
 tiềm năng của khu hệ thực vật lá kim Nam Nung, mà còn góp phần quan trọng trong công tác quản lý đa dang 
 sinh học nói chung, nghiên cứu bảo tồn và phát triển nguồn gen thực vật có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng nói riêng tại 
 KBTTN Nam Nung. 
 Từ khóa: Khu Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Nam Nung, phân bố, thành phần loài, thực vật lá kim. 
 Received : 02/3/2018 
 Revised : 29/3/2018 
 Accepted : 05/4/2018 

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