The importance, characteristics of design and the required characteristics of design products
Abstracts: More than ever, Design today has grown stronger and faster than ever before
in many countries around the world. Design changes every day, every hour physical products
and goods to meet the multi-faceted needs of people living in modern living environment.
If Design is said to be creative, it must be understood the position and working way to
understand the creative way. Design creative art is different from scientific creations. Only
through the work of our predecessors and our evaluation can we see beauty. It can be said
that Design is an indispensable part of society, elevating life according to the development of
human society. The purpose of this article is to mention and make some comments about the
importance of design, characteristics of the design and finally the required characteristics of
design products to contain and express the eternal of beauty in modern society.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: The importance, characteristics of design and the required characteristics of design products

f communication with creative tasks associated with manufacturing specifi c social and cultural characteristics and with the goal of meeting more and more of each ethnic group. The FAD product material and spiritual needs for people. This itself contains special linguistic codes of shows that the Design activity contains in its colors, shapes, lines, layouts, materials, aesthetics, usability, economy, popularity, designs, etc. And through those education (humanities) and ethnicity “linguistic” features. that applied art (cultural properties). has participated in every activity of life. Aesthetics But these creative results are always of “Aesthetic culture is a holistic system Vietnamese cultural value because they that implies within it practical spiritual are created by Vietnamese people and capacities, especially helping people to serve the needs of people with Vietnamese be able to operate according to the laws soul and aesthetic style. of beauty, to perceive, evaluate and create Fifth, FAD products are tools to aesthetic values.” [Aesthetic and personality participate in the management of state, culture - Dr. Luong Quynh Khue]. community organizations and community Aesthetics in Applied Fine Art activities. In political and cultural Design (AFA) is the aesthetic phenomena activities, FAD products are an eff ective or beauty manifested and contained in means of propaganda and information products that bring both material values deployment. From advertising activities to and spiritual values. It demonstrates the serve the welfare of the community to the high level of synthesis and development management of state organizations ... From of sociocultural, the level of human being economic activities to education culture in enjoying, appreciating and creating and people’s daily life. And nowadays, aesthetic values. In AFA products, information technology has developed, in aesthetics are shown in shapes, colors, addition to common FAD products, there materials and useful values of the are products used on media such as Internet, products, in which the aforementioned television, digital cameras, electronic elements are harmoniously combined signage, photo laser light ... to create the legitimacy of the product. In summary Design is an artistic These products are created by humans to activity and art is an element of culture, serve the needs of people and they create solving cultural problems and beauty the aesthetic environment for people and issues. mean the aesthetic, educational, aesthetic 3. Design characteristics are orientation and the people themselves. essential for product creation Usefulness Man always looks to beauty because Every product of AFA is created to the need for beauty is a characteristic of serve people in life, daily life, labor and Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 35 production physically and mentally. Often fault of technology that makes products AFA products always aim to satisfy people with obsolete technology replaced by new in parallel both physically and mentally. In products with modern technology: catset terms of material, fi ne art products become tape devices have now been replaced with tools and means used for human beings new technology equipment. digital music according to certain spatial purposes technology mp3. Now with the technology and circumstances. Each means has its and engineering boom, the product life own usage and manipulation methods cycle is getting shorter and shorter, which in life. The usefulness of AFA products requires designers to be always up to date is expressed in the value of functions, on the techniques and technologies that the value used to create the effi ciency can be met and restored. service needs to of labor productivity or quality of life to design and apply usefulness to the product. serve the needs of life. Mental aspects Economical of AFA products considered in the issue of whether the product gives consumers The world of such objects continues value beyond the physical value or not, to change more and more as they become satisfy the needs of users or shop through commodities and participate in the fl ow their emotional attitude. of economic operation: money - goods - profi ts. This means that the products of As we all know, a product is always applied arts are oriented towards economic for a human purpose. The designer therefore always puts applicability fi rst effi ciency and bring about economic when designing a product. In social life, benefi ts when those products are created to when a product loses its applicability, it meet the criteria, indicators of quality and will disappear and no longer exist in life. cost of production. AFA products applied For example, public telephone booths - a to industrial production must bring profi ts typical example of British culture - have to manufacturers and many benefi ts to lost their applicability today when it was consumers: the ability to meet the needs replaced by mobile phones; or as VHS of many people, lower production costs or VCD - DVD players have now been and superiority (there are many features replaced by digital audio-visual devices. on the same product, contributing to high The development of smartphones has reproduction ...). made people gradually change their In the current market economy, approach to the internet. Instead of going when technology is not really a strength to computers, people are gradually using and a main factor to create competitive their phones. So why do products lose their nature, design activities in applied arts applicability? With the development of will be crowned and play a decisive role technology and technology, technological to success. The company’s activities in trends will enable one product to integrate production and business. the applicability of another product. Popularity For example, a mobile phone is both a camera and a watch, etc. This leads to AFA products must always include obsolete old products being taken over the following elements: beautiful, by new products that incorporate product useful, convenient and suitable, always applicability. old. The second case is the meeting the requirements of creative 36 Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion and manufacturing life. The same type beings, change accordingly. People in of product, but the later generations history have applied the knowledge they of products are more advanced: more discovered to improve the world of things eff ective utility, more beautiful shape to serve their own lives. And today, when and style. Therefore, even from ancient the information revolution, along with the times when people created an item with advent of digital technology, any product useful properties and positive impact on from big to small, from big to small, human life, they were quickly transferred from essential or secondary products, by humans. And nowadays when the people can evaluate the dominant nature information revolution has brought people and imprint of science and technology closer together with the popularity of contained in AFA products. science and technology in the period of Educational industrial development, the popularity of AFA products is calculated by the hour, by Man is a living being. The the second. We easily see, the same kind qualities of each person are values of product but we can see them present created by themselves in their own life anywhere in the world - where people of growth and development with the have a need to use them. maturity of the qualities that he or she has inherited from the inheritance of And today, with the support of previous generations. And the cultural modern technology, the transfer usually environment in general and the AFA takes place in both forms: complete (intact environment in particular with products dissemination, usually with technology) are the result of human creativity - the and transformation (dissemination of “second nature” will be a factor for the appropriate changes suitable, usually with development of human personality. And consumer products). And it can be said depending on the requirements of each that popularity is the inevitable path of era, the AFA products themselves - the AFA products. artifi cial environment created by humans Modernity contributes to meet the requirements Each era has its own mark. The of the times. AFA stimulates the era when looking at AFA products is development of human nature by the really refl ected in many aspects such value of beauty in the product. And from as intellectual knowledge, tastes needs, there appear competences in humans, technical science, technology and bringing humanity values to oneself. information ... Ethnicity Thousands of years ago, when people Ethnicity can be expressed in AFA knew how to create production labor tools products. When analyzing the whole and utensils for people’s daily life, they product, one always has to consider both themselves made a technical impression sides as art and usability. In today’s modern in their ability. human creativity. And industrial life, it is diffi cult to separate its according to the development of society physical sides. The thickness of traditional along with the development of human Vietnamese art in ceramics and bronze, for thinking and awareness, the world of example, always exudes art style (styling, things - the creative products of human materials, decoration, enamel color), Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 37 clearly showing the imprint of the era and factors such as art, images, words, ideas, national aesthetics. Our fathers left fi ne art communication to convey information to in many traditional branches. The meaning society. Graphic designers are those who of use and the beauty are very noticeable. convey ideas through images and designs In creating products, the artisans need to to inspire, to attract, and to appeal to fi nd beauty on the one hand, and on the consumers. other hand they need to pay attention to the rationality in using products such as the Graphic designers are people who products’ durability, beauty and convenience make art with purpose, they use images, ..., all must exude the simplicity, elegance symbols, words to communicate visually and purity. It is screened and inherited from with consumers. generation to generation and is promoted, Graphic design appears everywhere, developed, not completely repeated. be close and infl uences consumers, putting Therefore, when we contemplate a product, consumers at the center of all creativity. we see the artisans’ creative spirit, labor and aff ection, and that product contains the soul Some graphic design images by of the ethnic community. It brings the ability students of Industrial Design Department, to evoke and delight users and to stimulate Hanoi Open University their enjoyment of the show. The interior and exterior of palaces, ancient architecture, ceramics, mosaics, carpets, gardens, paint, rattan products ... all show the national aesthetic. That was inspired and shaped, decorated with patterns, enamel ..., the artists expressed their emotions by drawing AFA products with patterns, birds, fl owers, people and pictures onto the product. Every AFA product always has its origin Warmth in Tet jam packaging design proving the spiritual, intellectual and cultural value of a nation. Through this, we fi nd the power to retain and manifest the emotional values of the human being - the creative owners (belonging to a certain ethnic group). 4. Illustrated evidence, majoring in Graphic design, Interior Design, Fashion Design - Faculty of Industrial Design, Hanoi Open University Graphic design Graphic design is a profession Message in Poster Design Earth Hour that requires a combination of many program 38 Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion Interior design communication and behavior in all human Interior design is specialized in activities inside their houses (the inner building living space, accommodation space of all constructions). and working ... serving the needs of social Interior design is a process - a development. never-ending quest for creativity. Interior design is not only The result of that process is to bring aesthetic but also the process of inspiration in the living space to people finding creative design solutions for in today’s society an ideal interior environment, while With the principle of “transmitting contributing to the safety and health the fl ame of passion”, in the process of people. Mandate, the ultimate goal of teaching interior design, lecturers of in the work of interior designers is to Industrial Design Faculty, Hanoi Open improve the quality of life University have trained future interior Interior design is a profession designers - those who will build an ideal that requires to meet the elements of living space for society. Interior design project of Industrial Design Faculty students, Hanoi Open University Inspiration from bamboo in Spa Interior Tay Nguyen Dance in Interior Design of Design Ban Me Cafe Fashion design around them, thereby writing a story about Fashion design should meet the fashion and clothes. needs of human clothing in accordance Fashion design holds a special with communication, behavior, activities place in our world. The talent and in society. vision of designers plays a big role in creating beauty, aesthetics for the living Fashion designers are passionate environment, for culture and for society. about fashion, with sophistication in style. They use their creativity and technology to create beautiful costumes for people and society. They have the ability to capture the richness and diversity of the world Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 39 A number of fashion design works of students of Industrial Design Faculty, Hanoi Open University Dat Viet Collection, fi rst prize in the contest “Finding Asian Design Talents 2017” - Air Asia Runway Designer Search Compose autumn-winter outfi ts References: [3]. Nguyen Ngoc Dung (2012), Discussing the term Design, Journal of Fine Arts [1]. Le Huy Van - Tran Van Binh (2003), Research, No. 3,4 / 12, p.12-15. History of Design, Construction Publishing House, Hanoi [4]. Nguyen Ngoc Dung (2002), Design for life, Presentation of the 2nd National Applied [2]. Nguyen Lan Huong (2018), The role of Fine Arts Workshop. applied arts in life and in training, Journal of Science and Training Saigon Technology Author address: Hanoi Open University University, No. 01, pp.25-29. Email:
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