Students’ awareness of using quizlet to improve English vocabulary
To reach a certain level of proficiency in foreign language, learners have to
possess not only proper grammar, but more important, sufficient lexical resources. As a
result, vocabulary-building strategies and resources are gradually receiving greater
attention from teachers and students alike. As we are living in the Information Age,
technology has become one of the most effective vocabulary enhancing tools for the new
generation of students. Among several ways that technology can be infused with
education, Quizlet has been chosen to be the subject of this study for its attractiveness
and intuitiveness.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Students’ awareness of using quizlet to improve English vocabulary

eless, if you want to create your own study sets, you have to sign up. Once registered, users can get access to several Quizlet’s study tools, as mentioned below: • Flashcards Mode: Users start learning terms and their definitions by “flip” or “flow” the cards. The audio function provides learners with a useful model of pronunciation, and it can also be slowed down. This learning mode promotes not only learners’ productive, but also their receptive vocabulary knowledge (Nation, 2008). • Learn Mode: This mode prompts the users with the written or spoken form of one side of a card. A correct answer is put in the “Correct” bucket, and an incorrect answer is put in the “Incorrect” bucket. If the learners do not know the answer and select “Don’t Know”, Learn makes you retype the answer correctly to continue. It keeps track of what learners know and what they do not and retest them on their mistakes. At the end, Quizlet gives a final score for learners to evaluate their progress. 80 TRNG I HC TH H NI • Speller Mode: In the Speller option, learners need to type what they hear. If they type it correctly, they can move on to the next question. If there is a mistake in their answer, Speller indicates which letters users have missed so they can retry. This mode is perfect for people who want to revise the pronunciation and spelling of a term. • Test Mode: In Test Mode, Quizlet will automatically generate a random test using the terms and definitions from users’ set of flashcards. Learners are able to customize Question Types (Written, Matching, Multiple Choice, and True/False), Prompt (Term, Definition, or both), and Question Limit. When finishing the test, users click “Check Answers” at the bottom of the page to see how they did. This mode is highly beneficial as it can be conducted as an assessment tool in the classroom. • Game Mode: Quizlet keeps learning lively with two game activities, Scatter and Gravity. In Scatter a number of terms and their corresponding definitions are distributed randomly over the screen. What players need to do is matching the terms and definitions by dragging them with the mouse in the fastest time possible. In Gravity (shown in figure 6), learners have to type in the correct answer to destroy asteroids before they hit. Because it requires students to actually type in the answer, the game pushes them to really learn the materials. These two games not only enable learners to practice recall and typing skill but also arouse competitiveness among them, for it has the High Score Table. 3. METHODS 3.1. Participants The participants involved in this action research study consisted of 22 second year students in class 64A, faculty of English, Hanoi National University of Education. There were 22 girls participating in this study, and all of them major in English. In this semester, their course aims at improving their English language proficiency from B1+ to B2 level according to Common European Framework of Reference. These 22 sophomores are chosen to be the subject of this action research for several reasons. Firstly, as their aim in the 4th semester is to develop their English language proficiency at B2 level, their lexical resource is of paramount importance, for it shows their language capacity. Research has shown that the vocabulary size of B2 level learners should be from 3250 to 3750 words and expressions (Milton, 2010). Therefore, it is absolutely crucial for 22 participants to possess a good range of vocabulary if they want to achieve the goal. Secondly, being class 64A’s members means that we will have great deal of time to observe and evaluate our classmates’ performance. TP CH KHOA HC − S 11/2016 81 3.2. Research instruments This study is an action research that employs both qualitative and quantitative methods. The first research instrument employed is a pre-test. This test consisted of 45 questions in 6 exercises. These exercises varied in types, which were jumbled words, crossword, matching the words with their definitions, word search, filling in the blanks, and finding one correct word for each picture. Student’s work was scored in order to see the final results. The purpose of this pre-test was to measure the vocabulary size of 22 participants about 3 topics (School, Talking about Food and Babies & children). The second research instrument employed is self-study activities. The link of 3 Quizlet sets on was sent to all participants. Participants were asked to study these 3 sets outside the class. Once they had finished all 3 Quizlet sets designed by the researchers, they were recommended to create their own study set. Afterwards, the link of their study sets should be sent to the researchers. In such a way, the participants could fully experience every function of Quizlet. Not only were they given a chance to broaden their lexical resource provided by the researchers, but they would also have an insight of how Quizlet really worked through the making of their study sets. In addition, the links sent to the researchers ensured their participation in the self-study activities, making the research findings more convincing and trustworthy. The third research instrument employed is a survey questionnaire. Each participant was given a 10-question survey to complete after finishing activities on Quizlet. This survey allowed the researchers to examine how the participants evaluate the Quizlet in both fields of interest and effectiveness. 3.3. Data collection procedure There are three steps of data collection procedure, which are: • Pre-testing participants’ vocabulary size • Organizing self-study activities • Conducting a survey questionnaire Firstly, participants’ vocabulary size was tested using a vocabulary worksheet mentioned in the Research Instruments. Then, they were sent a link to Quizlet website, in which we had designed 3 sets of lexical resource on 3 familiar topics. After 1 week of self- studying, we conducted a survey to collect all the data needed to examine the effectiveness of using Quizlet to learn vocabulary. 82 TRNG I HC TH H NI 3.4. Data analysis After data were collected, we analysed them quantitatively and qualitatively to find out the results of pre-test, then analysed and synthesized the results of survey questionnaire and write the results according to some main points: results of pre-test, students’ attitude towards the effectiveness of using Quizlet in learning vocabulary. 4. FINDINGS After analysing and synthesizing the pre-test and survey questionnaire employed, the results will be now demonstrated in this part. 4.1. Pre-test Most participants did not perform well on the test, receiving rather low scores ranging from 0-29 pts in the total of 45, whereas only 14% of the participants surpassed the average score. This may result from the fact that their vocabulary knowledge in the topics given is limited. For these participants all major in English, especially when they have already reached B1+ level, it can be seen that their vocabulary level has not met the requirement. Indeed, the pre-test only focused on 3 topics, yet they are all familiar topics: School, Talking about food, Babies & children. This proves that vocabulary studying at school is not sufficient, which resorts to different vocabulary learning method outside the classroom, such as Quizlet. 4.2. Students’ attitude towards the effectiveness of using Quizlet in studying English vocabulary It is noticeable that most participants agreed that Quizlet is an effective tool to learn lexical resource, given the fact that 63.64% of participants highly appreciate the experience with Quizlet. In this research, the effectiveness was evaluated in 4 aspects, according to 4 modes of Quizlet (Flashcard mode, Speller mode, Learn mode and Game mode). It can be seen that the Learn mode was considered the most effective learning tool, scoring 4.55 out of 5 in the extent of effectiveness. The other 3 mode which were Flashcard, Speller, and Game had the weighted average of 3.64, 4.09, 4.09 respectively. This proved that all 4 Quizlet study modes were of great help. The result also indicates that the majority of students agreed that Quizlet is not too difficult to use (only 1 people rated Quizlet 2 points in terms of ease of use). The survey gives information about the interest of students when studying on Quizlet, which is unexciting to none. It is clear that Speller Mode takes the TP CH KHOA HC − S 11/2016 83 lead as it accounts for 45.45% of students’ choices. The second highest mode is Game Mode (27.27%), while the figures for Flashcard Mode and Test Mode are 22.73% and 4.55% respectively. The Learn Mode is the least favourite mode on Quizlet. Quizlet is considered to be the number 1 tool when learning new words by 7 participants (31.82%). The rest said that they would give it a try once in a while In brief, the utility of Quizlet in language learning receives positive feedback from second year students at K64A, FOE, HNUE. 4.3. Implications Quizlet is an effective vocabulary learning tool, and it can be used in the classroom or outside the classroom for self-study. The implication of Quizlet in the classroom would be mentioned first. Teachers could use Flashcard Mode in Quizlet to present new vocabulary in each lesson. Not only can it substitute for paper flashcards to save time and materials, but also make learning more intriguing and illustrative. In addition, Quizlet could also be a replacement for paper glossary. Today, there are a number of teachers requiring their students to make glossary at home and use it to learn vocabulary by heart. With Quizlet, this process would become less time-consuming and more efficient. Another implication in the classroom is that this website can be served as a web-based homework for students. For example, teachers create vocabulary test on Test mode and ask students to complete it at home as homework. There is a feature allowing the user to see others’ progress (track who did what, when and with which results). This enables teachers to observe and evaluate students’ performance on learning new words. Secondly, Quizlet is a useful self-study tool. For collaborative learning, students can design vocabulary sets in groups, exchange with their peers and give comments on their peers’ work. Or individuals can create their own study sets and self-test in order to adjust their learning. Learners are able to go to Quizlet at any time to review words that they have learnt. To sum up, Quizlet serves as a more attractive way of revising vocabulary, which is practical for both teachers and students, and it should be integrated into both in-class and out-of-class activities. 5. CONCLUSIONS This paper has successfully found out the answers to the two research questions above. Students at the beginning of the study took the pre-test with not very high scores, after trying some activities with Quizlet felt that these interesting activities enable them to study English vocabulary more easily and more effectively. Furthermore, in the self-study activities, the participants confirmed that the most efficient way to learn new words using 84 TRNG I HC TH H NI Quizlet was to design their own study sets, then exchange them with classmates. Thus, students would be able to learn from one another, to give feedback and comments to their friends. However, there are some limitations of this study, namely: the lack of a sufficient number or participants, the limited number of tasks designed for self-study which may result in biased findings. It is also the suggestion for later study. Those who are interested in this study can conduct their survey in a larger number of students of a faculty of English or even non-majored English students at a university, with a larger number of vocabularies to study and activities to try. By doing this, the study would bring about fruitful results later on. REFERENCES 1. Ashcroft, R. J., & Imrie, A. C. (2014), Learning Vocabulary with Digital Flashcards. 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TP CH KHOA HC − S 11/2016 85 NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ NHẬN THỨC CỦA HỌC SINH TRONG VIỆC SỬ DỤNG QUIZLET ĐỂ MỞ RỘNG VỐN TỪ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH Tóm tắt: Nhằm đạt được một mức độ thông thạo nhất định khi học một ngoại ngữ, bên cạnh ngữ pháp, người học nên cần tập trung cả trong việc học từ vựng. Bởi vậy, các chiến lược học từ vựng đang dần nhận được nhiều sự quan tâm từ phía giáo viên và học sinh. Trong thời đại tin học phát triển, công nghệ đã trở thành một công cụ hiệu quả để học từ vựng đối với thế hệ học sinh hiện đại, năng động ngày nay. Trong vô số cách kết hợp việc sử dụng công nghệ thông tin vào giáo dục, trang web học từ vựng Quizlet được chọn làm đề tài của nghiên cứu này. Từ khóa: sự thông thạo, ngoại ngữ, từ vựng, flashcard điện tử, công nghệ, Quizlet, tính hiệu quả.
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