Sir-Dl: An architecture of semantic-based image retrieval using deep learning technique and rdf triple language

The problem of finding and identifying semantics of images is applied in multimedia applications of many different fields such as hospital information system, geographic information system,

digital library system, etc. In this paper, we propose the Semantic-Based Image Retrieval (SBIR)

system based on the deep learning technique; this system is called as SIR-DL that generates visual

semantics based on classifying image contents. Firstly, the color and spatial features of segmented

images are extracted and these visual feature vectors are trained on the deep neural network to obtain

visual words vectors. Then, we retrieve it on ontology to provide the identities and the semantics

of similar images corresponds to a similarity measure. In order to carry out SIR-DL, the algorithms

and diagram of this image retrieval system are proposed and after that we implement them on ImageCLEF@IAPR, which has 20,000 images. Based on experimental results, the effectiveness of our

method is evaluated; these results are compared with some of the works recently published on the

same image dataset. It shows that SIR-DL effectively solves the problem of SBIR and can be used

to build multimedia systems in many different fields.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Sir-Dl: An architecture of semantic-based image retrieval using deep learning technique and rdf triple language

Sir-Dl: An architecture of semantic-based image retrieval using deep learning technique and rdf triple language
feature vector and is classified
to create a visual word vector. The classification algorithm of image is done as follows.
Proposition 5. The complexity of DLR algorithm is O(r ×m× n).
Proof . DLR algorithm executes r times to calculate DLOut(W ,f iI), so the complexity of
DLR algorithm is O(r ×m× n). 
On the base of visual word vector, SPARQL command is created to query on Ontology.
The result is a set of URIs and metadata of similar images. Figure 6 shows a SPARQL
command which is generated from a visual word vector.
Figure 3. An example of ontology on ImageCLEF by Turtle
Algorithm 3 DLR
Input: FI = {f iI |i = 1, .., r}, W = {Wk,Wbk|k = 1, ...,K};
Output: visual word vector V ;
Function: DLRetrieval(FI , W );
1: Begin
2: Initializing the visual word vector V ;
3: for f iI ∈ FI do
4: y = DLOut(W , f iI);
5: v = DLClassification(y);
6: V = V ∪ v;
7: end for
8: Return V ;
9: End.
The experiment of SIR-DL is built including two stages: (1) pre-processing stage is done
based on training the model of DNN in SIR-DL to classify semantics of image features; (2)
image retrieval stage is executed semantic retrieval of query image.
SIR-DL is built in dotNET Framework 4.5, and C# programing language. It is shown in
Figure 7. Pre-processing stage of SIR-DL is done on server which has CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R)
20 Core x 2 CPU ES-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz (2 processors), OS Windows Server 2012 64-bit,
Figure 4. Ontology of ImageCLEF dataset on Protege
Algorithm 4 DLC
Input: vector y;
Output: an unit vetor v;
Function: DLClassification(y);
1: Begin
2: v = (v1, v2, ..., vn), so that ci = 0;
3: k = argMax(yi);
4: vk = 1;
5: Return v;
6: End.
RAM 128 GB. Image retrieval stage is carried out on computer, which has CPU Intel(R)
CoreTM i7-2620M, CPU 2,70GHz, RAM 4GB, and OS Windows 7 Professional.
The results of experiment are evaluated on ImageCLEF dataset, which has 20,000 images
including 276 classes and stores in 41 folders (from 0-th folder to 40-th folder); the volume size
of this dataset is 1.64 GB. In order to assess effectiveness of proposed method, the experiment
is shown values including precision, recall, and F-measure. These values are described by
the recall-precision and ROC curves. The formulas of these values are as follows [1]
precision =
|relevant images ∩ retrieved images|
|retrieved images| , (4)
recall =
|relevantimages ∩ retrievedimages|
|relevantimages| , (5)
F-measure = 2× (precision× recall)
(precision + recall)
. (6)
Our empirical data set is divided into two sections, one for training data and one for
test data. Number of photos is taken randomly. The results of experiment of SIR-DL are
shown in Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 10, and Figure 11. Performance of SIR-DL is given
Figure 5. An example of ontology on ImageCLEF dataset by RDF/XML
Figure 6. A SPARQL command
Figure 7. The application of SIR-DL for semantic-based image retrieval
Table 1. Performance of image retrieval of proposed method on ImageCLEF dataset
ID No. images Ave. recall Ave. precision Ave. F-measure Ave. query time
00-10 2460 0.401259 0.609260 0.431001 875.1342
11-20 1797 0.410326 0.589953 0.430598 829.8472
21-30 1239 0.418620 0.607360 0.440907 828.1287
31-40 1431 0.437902 0.640513 0.470151 674.1342
in Table 1, which has 6927 query images; the averages of performance are 0.4123; 0.6054;
0.4381; 834.1439. Accuracies and errors in the process training of deep neural network are
shown in Figure 9. The values of accuracy increase and errors decrease show that DLT
training algorithm is exact in experiment. Figure 10 shows the curves of Precision-Recall
and ROC, each curve describes a set of query images, which are retrieved. The areas under
these curves show that the accuracy of image retrieval is not high; however, it has many
curves above the average line.
Figure 11 shows the average of precision, recall, and F-measure of 39 subjects on Ima-
geCLEF dataset. The values of Mean Average Precision (MAP) of proposed method are
compared with other methods on the same dataset. They are described in Table 2, which
shows that the accuracy of SIR-DL is higher than that of other methods.
In Y.Cao’s work [29], the author performs image retrieval rely on CNN using AlexNet.
In this method, two vectors are created including the image vector and the sentence vector.
Then the authors search similar images but it does not create semantic of image content as
well as does not query on Ontology. In this way, the authors only find similar images and
can not find the semantic of each image, so this method only performs the first stage of the
semantic image retrieval. So that, the accurate of this method more than the one of proposed
Figure 8. The result of semantic image retrieval using SIR-DL architecture
Figure 9. The accuracies and errors training of DNN in SIR-DL
method of this paper. We compared this work to show the difference between two problems,
including the image retrieval based on semantic and the semantic-based image retrieval.
In the proposed method, we extracted semantics of image from content based on DNN
and query on Ontology. Therefore, each query image, we generate semantics from image
content and then automatic create a query based on SPARQL language. This shows that
we can interpret the content of each image and easily apply in multimedia systems such as
Hospital Information System, Geographic Information System, Digital Library System, etc.
In addition, if our proposed method compared with the last four years, our results are more
effective than the results of the other works. This shows that the effectiveness of our work.
Figure 10. The Precision-Recall and ROC curves of SIR-DL on ImageCLEF dataset
Figure 11. The average of Precision, Recall, F-measure of SIR-DL on ImageCLEF dataset
In this paper, the model of SIR-DL was built to retrieve similar images based on seman-
tics. The process of image retrieval is done by semantic classification using image content
from which create a visual word vector to generate a SPARQL query. The results of image
retrieval were accessed from the Ontology, which describes image meaning of ImageCLEF
dataset. On the base of SIR-DL model, the algorithms were proposed and after that they
were assessed performance based on the values of recall, precision, F-measure, and query
Table 2. Comparison mean average precision (MAP) of methods on ImageCLEF dataset
Methods MAP
M. Jiu, 2017 [20] 0.5970
H. Cevikalp 2017 [14] 0.4678
Y. Cao, 2016 [29] 0.7236
V. Vijayarajan, 2016 [26] 0.4618
S. Fakhfakh, 2015 [11] 0.5400
C.A. Hernndez-Gracidas, 2013 [6] 0.5826
our proposed method (SIR-DL) 0.6054
time (milli-seconds). The experimental results of SIR-DL were compared with the result
of the other methods on the same dataset from which show that the proposed method is
relatively effective. The experiments have shown the correctness of the proposed model and
algorithm, so SIR-DL can be improved for semantic image retrieval systems. The future
works of SIR-DL are creating the process of online extraction. Then, the training and fin-
ding of images can be extracted for online data from WWW based on URIs from which
creates image retrieval systems such as HIS, GIS, etc.
The authors wish to thank the Faculty of Information Technology, HCMC University of
Food Industry, the Faculty of Information Technology, University of Sciences/Hue University,
Vietnam, and the Center for Training and Fostering, Quang Nam University, Vietnam. We
would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and valuable
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Received on September 13, 2018
Revised on December 13, 2018

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