Single-pixel ensemble correlation algorithm for boundary measurement on axisymmetric boattail surface
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurement is an important technique in analyzing
velocity fields. However, in traditional cross-correlation algorithm, the resolution of
velocity fields is limited by the size of interrogation windows and the boundary layer was
not captured well. In this study, single-pixel ensemble correlation algorithm was applied to
analyze flow near the surface of an axisymmetric boattail model. The initial images data
was obtained by experimental methods with the setup of PIV measurement. The results
showed that the new algorithm was considerably improved resolution of flow fields near
the surface and could be used to measure boundary-layer profile. Detailed characteristics of
boundary-layer profile at different flow conditions were discussed. Interestingly, boundarylayer profile does not change much before the shoulder. However, the size of separation
bubble on the boattail surface highly decreases with increasing Reynolds number. The
study provides initial results of flow fields, which could be useful for further investigation
of drag reduction by numerical and experimental techniques.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Single-pixel ensemble correlation algorithm for boundary measurement on axisymmetric boattail surface

e velocity profile. Fig. 5. Boundary-layer profile from two algorithms 4.2. Mean velocity fields a) Re = 4.34 × 104 b) Re = 5.92 × 104 c) Re = 7.30 × 104 d) Re = 8.89 × 104 Fig. 6. Streamwise velocity fields on symmetric vertical plan at β = 20° 95 Selected Papers of Young Researchers - 2020 The mean flow velocity in the vertical plane was shown in Fig. 6 for different flow conditions. The black dots show position of zero velocity streamline (dividing streamline). For all case, the flow is highly bent around the shoulder, which is affected by boattail geometry. A small separation bubble region is observed on the surface. Interestingly, the size of separation bubble decreases quickly with increasing Reynolds number from Re = 4.34 × 104 to Re = 8.89 × 104. At Reynolds number around Re = 8.89 × 104, separation bubble region becomes narrow and flow above the boattail is mainly affected by the geometry. It is expected that the separation bubble will be disappeared at higher Reynolds number or high Mach number conditions. The separation bubble flow is, therefore, a typical regime at low-speed conditions and was captured well by the single-pixel ensemble correlation algorithm. Note that previous study by Lavrukhin and Popovich [14] did not show a separation bubble for a wide range of Mach number conditions. 4.3. Characteristics of separation and reattachment on the boattail surface Fig. 7. Separation and reattachment positions on boattail surface at different Reynolds number conditions (S is separation position, R is reattachment position) Figure 7 shows separation and reattachment position on the boattail surface by PIV measurement and global luminescent oil film (GLOF) skin-friction measurement, which was obtained from previous study by Tran et al. [10]. The GLOF measurement captured skin-friction fields on the surface by a luminescent oil-film layer. The separation and reattachment positions by PIV measurement are determined by streamwise velocity along the boattail surface changing to negative and positive, respectively. The separation positions in both two methods show analogous results. At high Reynolds numbers, reattachment positions present similar results for two methods. However, at Reynolds number around Re = 4.34 × 104, results of both methods show 96 Journal of Science and Technique - N.208 (6-2020) - Le Quy Don Technical University remarkably different. It can be explained that the movement of air near reattachment position at low speed (Re = 4.34 × 104) is sufficient small and the number of particles near the boattail surface is not enough to obtain good data for PIV measurement processing. Additionally, due to unsteady behavior, the reattachment is often formed a large region on the surface. 4.4. Boundary-layer velocity profiles Figure 8 shows the boundary-layer profile for different Reynolds numbers tested at x/Lb = -0.2 (6 mm before the shoulder). The velocity profiles are averaged from 10 pixels surrounding measurement point in horizontal direction. Boundary-layer thickness δ is identified by a distance from wall surface to the position where streamwise velocity reaches to 95% free-stream velocity. The boundary-layer thickness is around δ = 2.8 mm and changes slightly for different flow conditions. Fig. 8. Boundary measurement at different Reynolds number As boundary-layer profiles are obtained, the displacement thickness δ*, momentum thickness θ and shape factor H can be calculated. Those parameters are shown by below equations: * * u()()() z u z u z 1 dz , 1 dz , H (3) 0 UUU 0 The laminar boundary layer is characterized by the shape factor around H = 2.59 (Blasius boundary layer), while the turbulent boundary layer is characterized by H = 1.3-1.4. 97 Selected Papers of Young Researchers - 2020 Table 1 shows boundary-layer parameters at Reynolds number of Re = 4.34 × 104. Clearly, boundary layer is fully turbulent before shoulder, which is shown by a shape factor of around H = 1.3. Tab. 1. Characteristics of boundary layer * δ99/D δ /D θ/D H 0.0933 0.0180 0.0134 1.34 Figure 9 shows boundary-layer profiles at different positions on the boattail surfaces for two cases of Reynolds numbers Re = 4.34 × 104 and Re = 8.89 × 104. The black dashed line presents dividing streamline at Re = 4.34 × 104. Clearly, the thickness of separation bubble at low Reynolds number is very high, which can be observed clearly from boundary-layer profile. However, separation bubble becomes smaller at high Reynolds number and it is not clearly illustrated. The figure also indicates that the thickness of boundary layer increases largely on the rear part of boattail model. Clearly, increasing thickness of boundary layer leads to a decreasing suction behind the base. Consequently, base drag of boattail model decreases. Fig. 9. Boundary profile at different positions on the boattail surface The relative thickness of boundary layer at different positions was shown in the Fig. 10 for two Reynolds number of Re = 4.34 × 104 and Re = 8.89 × 104. The different boundary-layer thickness at x/Lb = -0.2 is small, as it was indicated before. However, boundary-layer thickness changes quickly near the shoulder and in the boattail surface. As the Reynolds number increases, the separation bubble becomes smaller and the thickness of boundary layer near the shoulder is reduced. In fact, the changes of boundary-layer thickness occurred before the shoulder, which is caused by increasing streamwise velocity. However, at x/Lb > 0.2, the thickness of boundary layer increases 98 Journal of Science and Technique - N.208 (6-2020) - Le Quy Don Technical University with Reynolds number. Clearly, at high Reynolds number, the kinetic energy is remarkably lost on the boattail region and velocity recovery is lower. The high thickness of boundary layer near the base edge leads to a weaker near-wake and a decrease of base drag [15]. The results of boundary-layer profile also show some unsmooth changes near the base edge. It occurs from unperfected smooth of glass window, which uses to cover the test section of wind tunnel. To improve the results, further experiment should be conducted. However, this region is far from shoulder and does not affect our discussions. Fig. 10. Boundary-layer thickness 4.5. Skin-friction examination For turbulent flow in a smooth wall and non-pressure gradient, a log-law region exists above the buffer layer. In this region, the velocity changes as a logarithmic function of distance to wall surface [16]. The existence of the logarithmic law allows estimation of wall shear stress of the model. In more details, relation among those parameters is shown as: 1 u ln z C (4) u zu where u , z are non-dimensional velocity and distance from the wall and u u w is the friction velocity. The empirical constants κ = 0.41 and C+ = 5.0 are selected for this study. Since boundary layer velocity was acquired from PIV measurement, Eq. (4) allows estimating 99 Selected Papers of Young Researchers - 2020 wall shear stress of the model with some offsets. Then, skin-friction coefficient Cfx is calculated by the below equation (5): 2 CUfx 2 w / ( ) (5) The results of logarithmic fitted lines are shown in Fig. 11 for different Reynolds number. Clearly, experimental data is fitted well in log-law region. The skin-friction coefficients are listed in Tab. 2. Skin friction reduces slightly when Reynolds number increases. Table 2 also listed a simple estimation skin-friction coefficient using theoretical 1 formula c 0.0263 / Re 7 for a flat plate. As can be seen, a high consistency fx, fp x between two measurements is obtained. The maximum difference between the skin- friction coefficient estimated by the log-law method with the one by theoretical methodology is around 1% at Re = 7.30 × 104. One reason for this is from the high pressure gradient near the shoulder. Fig. 11. Profiles of mean velocity for various Reynolds number Tab. 2. Skin-friction coefficient at different Reynolds number Reynolds number (×104) 4.34 5.92 7.30 8.89 -3 Cfx (×10 ) 5.61 5.32 5.09 4.88 -3 Cfx,fp (×10 ) 5.65 5.33 5.13 4.90 100 Journal of Science and Technique - N.208 (6-2020) - Le Quy Don Technical University 5. Conclusions In this study, velocity fields on axisymmetric boattail model at different Reynolds numbers were measured experimentally using single-pixel ensemble correlation algorithm. Major conclusions of the study are as bellow: - The single-pixel ensemble correlation algorithm improves remarkably results of velocity fields and resolution of boundary-layer profile near the model surface by comparison to cross-correlation algorithm. Additionally, the single-pixel ensemble correlation algorithm is able to obtain accurate results of separation and reattachment positions at high Reynolds number. The results from the method are sufficient for estimating skin friction in non-pressure gradient region. - Flow fields on the boattail surface are characterized by a separation bubble. The flow with separation bubble is a typical regime at low-speed condition and it was captured well by single-pixel ensemble correlation algorithm. The size of separation bubble highly decreases with increasing Reynolds number. - Boundary-layer profiles do not change much in the region of x/Lb < -0.2. However, increasing Reynolds number leads to a large decrease of boundary-layer thickness near the shoulder and increase of boundary-layer thickness in the reattachment region. Results of boundary-layer profile could be useful for further investigation of afterbody flow and drag control strategy. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Professor Keisuke Asai and Professor Taku Nonomura at Department of Aerospace Engineering, Tohoku University in Japan for their support during the experimental process. Additionally, PIV measurement is a very important technique for studying fluid mechanics. We would like to thank Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam if the university can help us to build a good wind tunnel with PIV measurement systems. References 1. Mair, W. A. (1969). 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Kết quả nghiên cứu chỉ ra rằng phương pháp mới cải thiện đáng kể độ phân giải của dòng chảy sát bề mặt vật và có thể sử dụng để đo lớp biên. Các đặc tính cụ thể của lớp biên đối xứng tại điều kiện dòng chảy khác nhau được thảo luận. Lớp biên tại vùng liên kết đuôi tàu và thân vật không thay đổi nhiều trong điều kiện dòng chảy khác nhau. Tuy nhiên, kích thước của vùng xoáy trên bề mặt giảm đáng kể khi tăng số Reynolds. Kết quả của nghiên cứu này có thể hữu ích cho các nghiên cứu mô phỏng số và thực nghiệm tiếp theo trong việc giảm lực cản của vật đối xứng. Từ khoá: Thuật toán tương quan pixel ảnh; PIV; mô hình đuôi; lớp biên. Received: 20/3/2020; Revised: 23/6/2020; Accepted for publication: 01/7/2020 103
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