Quan hệ báo chí và quản trị thông tin mạng – những vấn đề mấu chốt để xử lý khủng hoảng truyền thông tại các doanh nghiệp

Tóm tắt Quan hệ báo chí là một trong những công cụ vô cùng quan trọng của PR (Public Reations) và cũng là công cụ hữu hiệu trong xử lý khủng hoàng truyền thông. Bên cạnh đó trong thời đại bùng nổ công nghệ như hiện nay, quản trị - Tầm soát được nguồn thông tin trên mạng xã hội là một công việc khó khăn đòi hỏi bộ phận truyền thông ở các doanh nghiệp phải thiết lập chiến lược và nắm bắt kỹ năng để hạn chế những rủi ro từ khủng hoảng truyền thông mang đến. Vậy, xây dựng mối quan hệ báo chí như thế nào và đồng thời quản trị “khủng hoảng” trực tuyến, chống lại đám đông nguy hiểm trên mạng xã hội ra sao để giúp doanh nghiệp giảm thiểu những rủi ro từ khủng hoảng truyền thông sẽ là những nội dung cơ bản mà bài viết này đề cập

Quan hệ báo chí và quản trị thông tin mạng – những vấn đề mấu chốt để xử lý khủng hoảng truyền thông tại các doanh nghiệp trang 1

Trang 1

Quan hệ báo chí và quản trị thông tin mạng – những vấn đề mấu chốt để xử lý khủng hoảng truyền thông tại các doanh nghiệp trang 2

Trang 2

Quan hệ báo chí và quản trị thông tin mạng – những vấn đề mấu chốt để xử lý khủng hoảng truyền thông tại các doanh nghiệp trang 3

Trang 3

Quan hệ báo chí và quản trị thông tin mạng – những vấn đề mấu chốt để xử lý khủng hoảng truyền thông tại các doanh nghiệp trang 4

Trang 4

Quan hệ báo chí và quản trị thông tin mạng – những vấn đề mấu chốt để xử lý khủng hoảng truyền thông tại các doanh nghiệp trang 5

Trang 5

Quan hệ báo chí và quản trị thông tin mạng – những vấn đề mấu chốt để xử lý khủng hoảng truyền thông tại các doanh nghiệp trang 6

Trang 6

Quan hệ báo chí và quản trị thông tin mạng – những vấn đề mấu chốt để xử lý khủng hoảng truyền thông tại các doanh nghiệp trang 7

Trang 7

Quan hệ báo chí và quản trị thông tin mạng – những vấn đề mấu chốt để xử lý khủng hoảng truyền thông tại các doanh nghiệp trang 8

Trang 8

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Quan hệ báo chí và quản trị thông tin mạng – những vấn đề mấu chốt để xử lý khủng hoảng truyền thông tại các doanh nghiệp

Quan hệ báo chí và quản trị thông tin mạng – những vấn đề mấu chốt để xử lý khủng hoảng truyền thông tại các doanh nghiệp
tionship is also a the press management agency to intervene. 
matter of respect and honesty. The nature of the However, this approach is not a good strategy 
media is to seek and reflect information, so and avoids abuse. Many businesses made a 
businesses should not be afraid to promptly mistake from the beginning when they applied 
share information with the media (including this tactic to solve the problems in their units, 
bad information, because if deliberately hiding so intuitively not only losing their image to the 
it when it is discovered, it will spread badly). In public when they were discovered, but also 
order to tighten media relations, businesses deeply hurt to newspapers / journalists. 
should meet and exchange regularly with the (3) Relations with social networks. This is 
press, pay attention to the press on important one of the relationships that needs to be paid 
events such as June 21st, Tet, holidays; 
 special attention when currently social 
advertising - sponsorship; press conferences 
 networking is considered as the “fifth power” 
and preferential regimes, membership cards for 
 agency, gradually replacing traditional media 
journalists, etc. 
 channels. With a huge number of interactions, 
 Another noteworthy point is that when dizzying ability to reach the public, spread 
building relationships with the media, information, social networks will be a very 
businesses need to focus on key issues such as: effective advertising channel for businesses; but 
 (1) Relationship with the subjects that are the opposite has also created serious crises that 
the leaders of the newspapers. They are the are difficult to control. Having a good 
deciding factor about whether to post or not to relationship or good governance on social 
post. When businesses have problems and crisis networks will help businesses establish 
outbreaks, if they have a good relationship with advantages and control crises. However, what 
156 Hoang Thi Huong, Tran Thai Bao / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 02(45) (2021) 152-159 
should businesses do? How we will continue to (1) Develop processes and methods for 
analyze more in the next section of this article. dealing with crisis 
2.3. Network information management - the (2) Build core messages and manage the 
next key issue and also the optimal strategy to communication for that message in the crisis 
handle communication crises handling phase. 
 As mentioned, social media is outperforming (3) Limiting the spread of scale and the 
traditional media. With a spreading rate that is impact of the crisis for businesses. 
difficult to control when there is any source (4) Recognizing the importance of PR work, 
from social networks, it will create a great factors affecting the relationship between the 
challenge, requiring urgent and reasonable press and the media department of the business. 
resolution of businesses. If there is no (5) Grasping a number of characteristics in 
satisfactory solution, the prestige, brand name, the functions, organization, operation and 
image of individuals and businesses are really operational methods of press agencies. 
threatened. A concrete demonstration of the (6) Master some skills for working with the 
power of social media is the fact that First drink press and deal wisely in front of the media. 
contains flies. Since December 3, 2014, a 
 Once the communication units of the 
restaurant owner found out that there was a 
 business have well implemented the above-
foreign object in Tan Hiep Phat's first water 
 mentioned instructions, it will inevitably 
bottle that resembled a fly and he contacted the 
 control the situation, limit to fall into a passive 
company asking to give it to him 500 million in 
 position when dealing with the crisis. 
exchange for silence. After many negotiations, 
Tan Hiep Phat enterprise agreed to give money In addition, in order to handle a crisis, 
to the owner, but while the two sides were businesses must first of all be able to identify 
doing transactions, the police came and caught the crisis. The sign to identify is the occurrence 
him with the crime of extortion and rape of an incident that affects the image and brand 
property... Although in the position of “the of the enterprise rampant in the media, 
victim”, but Tan Hiep Phat enterprise fell into especially social networks. When the fire is 
communication crisis. On social networks, spreading rapidly on social networks, 
 businesses must really calm down to find ways 
there were many people who said that Tan Hiep 
 to put out the fire. However, this also does not 
Phat had trapped consumers and called for a 
 mean that we have the right slowly to be burned 
boycott of this enterprise's products. This 
 to ash. The way to put out the fire at this time 
incident took place continuously for more than 
 should be especially concerned with the 
two months and has seriously affected the 
 crowd's feelings, the customer's feelings. All 
brand reputation and revenue of the business, 
 the right and wrong arguments will be 
estimated losses of more than 2,000 billion 
 mentioned later because once emotions take the 
VND. The above incident has shown the 
 throne all explanations are meaningless. 
terrifying “power” of “5th power” [8]. 
 Standing on the side of the crowd, paying 
 So businesses need to learn and practice crisis attention to their feelings, defusing with sincere 
handling skills regularly. According to journalist apologies and promising to give reasonable 
Phan Minh Cuong, some issues that businesses explanations as soon as possible are the best 
need to pay attention to are as follows: way to solve the problems. 
 Hoang Thi Huong, Tran Thai Bao / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 02(45) (2021) 152-159 157 
 Along with the crisis identification is the because this action shows a willingness to 
calm - not panic attitude of the business. When connect, ready for dialogue between businesses 
we panic, we often confuse, make mistakes. and the public. At the same time, actively invite 
Therefore, controlling one's own emotions is a customers to participate in exchanges and 
point to note in order to embark on effective dialogues on social networks, corporate fan 
crisis handling. pages. This move helps to find common 
 To control the attack of social networks, to sympathy for the business, especially in the 
minimize the influence of the corporate image, situation where the business is played badly by 
some notable issues in the way of conducting are: competitors without errors in the crisis. 
 (1) Determine the level and cause of the (4) Immediately convey press releases on the 
crisis and quickly set up a crisis response unit website, fanpage and social networking sites. 
to come up with a solution to deal with every The content of the press release must be 
second, not every minute. consistent, honest and accurate, attached to 
 documents, data, etc. to illustrate the issues 
 (2) Apply necessary measures to reassure 
 related to the crisis. This notice is also 
internal corporate psychology. When network 
 considered as an official statement to affirm the 
information broke out, company leaders had to 
 "truth" and to make transparent the information 
organize emergency meetings and give accurate 
 distributed on the internet. 
and transparent information about stories being 
"rumored" by three unsuccessful stars being (5) Must contact local authorities in the 
posted on social networks. When employees direction of lobbying so that the authorities can 
have all the information, call for calm; limit take timely action to handle the aggressive 
negative gossip and comments, unite to crowd, competitors take advantage of social 
overcome the crisis facing businesses. Pay networks to harm the image and brand of the 
special attention to assigning a unified channel business. Reality shows the degree of danger 
of speech, screening information sharing and when businesses are "terrorized" online. If there 
personal opinions with the media without the is information intentionally woven, malicious, 
permission of the company's leaders. seriously affecting the reputation, honor, image 
 and brand name of individuals and businesses, 
 (3) Quickly have a coping strategy to put out 
 the involvement of the government is very 
the fire, to limit the spread outside. Regardless 
 necessary. There are even cases where the 
of the strategy to apply, the attitude of the 
 police have to step in to directly investigate and 
company's leaders at this time is one of the most 
important key points in determining the outcome 
of the treatment. Calmness, istening, (6) Organize a “counterattack” on social 
apologizing, and making an effort to correct the media if it is identified as necessary and 
problem ... are what businesses need to show in especially when having collected sufficient data 
this situation. Furthermore, to prevent the spread / evidence to show the crisis of the publishing 
of crisis information as much as possible, company from outside, from competitors, from 
company leaders need to send out an official conspiracy to harm the business. 
message to relieve the curiosity of the crowd and The above are suggestions for crisis 
promise to quickly handle the case. Initially handling. In addition, some ways and attitudes 
reassuring public opinion by social networks towards reality should also be noted as follows: 
158 Hoang Thi Huong, Tran Thai Bao / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 02(45) (2021) 152-159 
 - Do not have a harsh attitude towards the science and technology will create new media 
online community, but always have an attitude and media trends and trends. This is a challenge 
of desire, calm, and softness; do not speak out but also requires journalism training 
about issues outside of their expertise, institutions, not only need to study trends, but 
understanding and incorrect with their position also update professional knowledge, new 
or role; Do not try to delete comments, delete teaching methods to meet the needs of human 
unfavorable articles, etc. resources new social context. 
 Besides, should respect the truth, cooperate - Strengthen the combination of theory and 
regularly with the media and social networks; practice in the communication crisis 
bravely accept responsibility for the incidents management module. Even in the design of the 
that happened and sincerely apologize in time; training program, it should be necessary to 
always use all their abilities to evoke humanity, integrate 2 contents: the theory will be carried 
sense of community responsibility, national out by an academically trained instructor, while 
spirit so that the public can partly realize their the practice will be done by a communication 
civic responsibility to behave more culturally. crisis specialist at a businese share industry. 
 Thus, social networks have given the crowd With experience in dealing with real situations, 
enormous powers. However, if businesses crisis handling specialists in enterprises will 
recognize the focus of crisis, be more aware in produce more suitable and practical solutions 
preparing and preventing risks early; Listening and strategies than applying theoretical 
to social networks (Social Listening)3 related to frameworks when teaching. 
reputation, prestige, brand will surely minimize - Implement cultural behaviors in the 
damage when a crisis occurs. process of receiving and handling information 
2.4. Some recommendations sources at schools and other units. When 
 receiving information, each staff, lecturers and 
 Unlike bachelor training in other social students in the school need to verify the source, 
sciences, vocational skills training is always the verify the reliability. When not thoroughly 
first priority in media training institutions. 
 understanding, it should not distribute 
Therefore, based on the actual situation of information and each individual in the school 
dealing with media crisis in the above should adhere to the principles of being a 
mentioned enterprises, it is necessary to give spokesperson. Even on social networking sites, 
suggestions in training methods and teaching be very careful in posting and sharing news 
methods of some Jounalism modules. Media 
crisis, especially in dealing with media crisis at 
Duy Tan University as follows: 3. Conclusion 
 - Strengthen the model of cooperation In short, in the context that the press has to 
between training institutions and reputable compete with social networks, reeling from 
press agencies, experienced journalists and artificial intelligence, the journalism training 
media. The transformation of the traditional must maintain the core value of human training, 
media under the development of modern with a solid knowledge base, intensive 
 intelligence, accurate reporting, humanism, 
3 Social Listening can help businesses prevent media crisis community service. Due to the fact that the 
before it happens because most crises are unpredictable and media crisis is always a danger that any 
also difficult to prevent before it happens 
 Hoang Thi Huong, Tran Thai Bao / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 02(45) (2021) 152-159 159 
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necessary. Controlling social media and media [4] Dinh Thi Thuy Hang -(2009), Public Relations and 
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extremely important skill in the strategy of [5] Do Dinh Tan (2017), Press and Social Networks, Tre 
handling a media crisis that any individual or Publishing House, Ho Chi Minh City. 
business should pay attention to minimize the [6] Pham Song Thu (2020), Win-Win Communication, 
 Hanoi Publishing House, Hanoi, pp.23-24. 
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