Performance analysis of full-duplex decode-and-forward relay network with spatial modulation
In this paper, we analyze performance of the Full Duplex (FD) Decode-and-Forward
relay network using Spatial Modulation (SM) technique, called SM-FD relay network, in the
presence of Residual Self-Interference (RSI) due to imperfect Self-Interference Cancellation
(SIC). Based on mathematical calculation, the exact expressions of Outage Probability (OP),
Symbol Error Probability (SEP) and Ergodic Capacity of the SM-FD relay network is
derived over Rayleigh fading channel. Impacts of RSI, number of received antennas and data
transmission rate on the system performance are also investigated and compared with those
of the SM Half-Duplex (SM-HD) relay network. Finally, the analytical results are validated
by Monte-Carlo simulation.
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Performance analysis of full-duplex decode-and-forward relay network with spatial modulation
dB. Fig. 2 illustrate the impact of the data transmission rates on the OP of the SM-FD relay network for three typical values of R, i.e. R = 1, 2, 3 [bit/s/Hz], and compared R D ˜ it with conventional SM-HD relay network. We used Nr = Nr = 4, Ω = −10 dB. In this figure, the OPs of the SM-FD relay network are plotted by using (9) in Theorem 1. As can be seen in the figure, the analytical curves match perfectly with the simulation ones, which validates Theorem 1. Noted that the OPs of the SM-HD relay network are also used (9) after setting RSI to zero. Moreover, due to the different operation of FD and HD modes, the threshold level to determine the OP for SM-FD is always smaller than that of SM-HD relay network (specifically, the threshold for SM-FD is x = 2R − 1 while for SM-HD is x = 22R −1). Therefore, at the low SNR region, meaning low RSI, the OP of the SM-FD relay network is significantly smaller than SM-HD relay network. However, at high SNR regime, OPs of the SM-FD relay network suffer an outage floor due to the impact of RSI. On the other hand, it is obvious that the transmission rate has a strong impact on the OP performance of the SM-FD relay network. As shown in Fig. 2, the higher transmission rate, the lower OPs performance of the SM-FD relay system and the sooner the outage floor is reached. Fig. 3 investigates the SEP performance of the SM-FD relay network versus the average SNR, where the BPSK modulation is used (i.e. a = 1, b = 2), Ω˜ = −10 dB R D with the different number of reception antennas Nr = Nr = 4. In this figure, we use 57 Section on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) - No. 14 (10-2019) 0 10 -1 10 NNrRD 2,3,4 -2 10 -3 10 Symbol Error Probability (SEP) Probability Error Symbol -4 10 FD Simulation FD Analytical HD Simulation HD Analytical -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 SNR [dB] Fig. 3. The SEPs of the SM-FD relay system for different number of reception antennas R D ˜ Nr = Nr = 4, Ω = −10 dB. eq. (19) of Theorem 2 to plot the SEP curves of the SM-FD relay network. The SEPs of the SM-HD relay network are also obtained from eq. (19) by setting the RSI to zero. As shown in Fig. 3, the SEP of SM-FD system is alway worse than that of the SM-HD due to the impact of the RSI in the FD mode. Moreover, at high SNR regime, the SEP 2 ˜ of SM-FD system suffer an error floor. It is because the RSI is expressed as σRSI = ΩP , thus, higher transmission power results in higher RSI. For example, for Nr = 2, the SEP of the SM-FD relay goes to the error floor quickly at 2.10−3. Besides, when increases the number of reception antennas, the SEP performance of both SM-FD and SM-HD systems is significantly improved due to the diversity gain. With 4 reception antennas, the SM-FD relay system suffer an error floor at 10−5 while the SM-HD relay system reaches SEP = 10−5 at SNR = 11 dB and further decreases with increasing SNR. In Fig. 4, the impact of the RSI on the SEP performance of the SM-FD relay system ˜ is investigate for the BPSK modulation, Nr = 4 and different values of Ω and SNR. It is obvious that the RSI has a strong impact on the SEP of the SM-FD relay system, especially when the RSI is high. Particularly, when the RSI is very small, i.e. Ω˜ = −20 dB, the SEPs of the SM-FD and SM-HD system are nearly the same. When RSI is larger (by increasing SNR and/or Ω˜), the SEP performance gap between FD and HD mode is higher. For example, when Ω˜ = −10 dB, the performance gap is about 2 times at SNR = 5 dB, and increases to 10 times at SNR = 10 dB. Thus, using larger 58 Journal of Science and Technique - Le Quy Don Technical University - No. 202 (10-2019) 0 10 FD Simulation FD Analytical -1 HD Simulation 10 HD Analytical -2 10 SNR 5 ,8 ,10dB -3 10 Symbol Error Probability (SEP) Probability Error Symbol -4 10 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 [dB] Fig. 4. Impact of the RSI on the SEP performance of the SM-FD relay system. transmission power at the FD relay node is not the effective solution to improve the system performance. Fig. 5 shows the superiority of the SM-FD relay over SM-HD relay system in terms of the ergodic capacity when the RSI level is small. In this figure, the analytical ergodic capacity curves of the SM-FD relay system are obtained by using (24) of Theorem 3, while the ergodic capacity of SM-HD relay system is determined by one-half of the capacity of the SM-FD system with the RSI level being set to zero. As shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, when the RSI is large, i.e. Ω˜ = 0, −5 dB, the capacity of the SM-FD relay is larger but not significant than the SM-HD relay system at low SNR region while the SEP performance is much lower than the SM-HD relay system. When the RSI is smaller with Ω˜ = −10, −20 dB, the SM-FD relay system is nearly double the capacity compared with SM-HD relay system in the observed region with an acceptable performance degradation. Thus, depending on the system requirements we can choose the FD or HD mode for the relay node. 5. Conclusion SM-FD technique is a promising transmission solution for MIMO wireless communi- cations in both context of point-to-point and relaying transmission systems. In this paper, 59 Section on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) - No. 14 (10-2019) 8 FD Simulation 7 FD Analytical HD Simulation HD Analytical 6 5 4 3 Ergodic Capacity (bit/s/Hz) Capacity Ergodic 2 1 0,5,10,20dB 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 SNR [dB] R D Fig. 5. Ergodic capacity comparison of the SM-FD and SM-HD relay system, Nr = Nr = 4. we introduce a mathematical framework to derive the exact closed-form expressions for the OP, SEP and ergodic capacity of the SM-FD relay system in the presence of SI channels, and compare with that of SM-HD relay system. Both numerical and simulation results showed that the RSI, data transmission rate and number of received antennas have a substantial impact on the system performance. This result can be used as a reference to choose the FD/HD mode for the relay node depending on requirements of specific system. References [1] Z. Zhang, X. Chai, K. Long, A. V. Vasilakos, and L. Hanzo, “Full duplex techniques for 5G networks: self- interference cancellation, protocol design, and relay selection,” IEEE Commununications Magazine, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 128–137, May 2015. [2] B. Jiao, M. Wen, M. Ma, and H. V. 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Since October 2015, she has been working toward her Ph.D degree at Le Quy Don Technical University. Her current research interests include MIMO, spatial modulation, in-band full- duplex, and signal processing for wireless communication systems. Nguyen Ba Cao was born in Nghe An, Vietnam. He received the B.S. in 2006 in Telecom- munication University and M.S. in 2011 in Posts and Telecommunications, Institute of Tech- nology, (VNPT), Vietnam. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D degree at Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam. His research interests include energy harvesting, full-duplex, and cooperative communication. Tran Xuan Nam is currently an Associate Professor at Department of Communications Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam. He received his master of engineering (ME) in telecommunications engineering from University of Technology Sydney, Australia in 1998, and doctor of engineering in electronic engineering from The University of Electro - Communications, Japan in 2003. From November 2003 to March 2006 he was a research associate at the Information and Communication Systems Group, Department of Information and Communication Engineering, The University of Electro - Communications, Tokyo, Japan. His research interests are in the areas of adaptive antennas, space-time processing, space-time coding and MIMO systems. He is a recipient of the 2003 IEEE AP-S Japan Chapter Young Engineer Award. He is a member of IEEE, IEICE, and the Radio-Electronics Association of Vietnam. 62 Journal of Science and Technique - Le Quy Don Technical University - No. 202 (10-2019) PHÂN TÍCH PHẨM CHẤT MẠNG GIẢI MÃ VÀ CHUYỂN TIẾP SONG CÔNG TRÊN CÙNG BĂNG TẦN SỬ DỤNG KỸ THUẬT ĐIỀU CHẾ KHÔNG GIAN Tóm tắt Bài báo này đánh giá phẩm chất và dung lượng mạng chuyển tiếp song công trên cùng băng tần (IBFD: In-Band Full-Duplex) sử dụng kỹ thuật điều chế không gian (SM: Spatial Modulation) trong trường hợp triệt nhiễu tự giao thoa (SIC: Self-Interference Cancellation) không hoàn hảo. Bằng phương pháp giải tích, chúng tôi tìm ra biểu thức chính xác về xác suất dừng (OP: Outage Probability), xác suất lỗi ký hiệu (SEP: Symbol Error Probability) và dung lượng trung bình (Ergodic capacity) của mạng chuyển tiếp SM-FD qua kênh pha-đinh Rayleigh. Từ đó đánh giá được ảnh hưởng của nhiễu dư (RSI: Residual Self-Interference), số lượng ăng-ten thu và tốc độ truyền dẫn đến phẩm chất và dung lượng hệ thống khi so sánh với mạng chuyển tiếp SM bán song công (HD: Half-Duplex). Cuối cùng, mô phỏng Monte-Carlo được sử dụng để kiểm chứng kết quả phân tích. 63
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