Nuclear Science and Technology - Volume 9, Number 2, June 2019

Abstract: The paper investigates various computational modelling issues associated with VVER-440

fuel depletion, relevant to burnup credit. The SCALE system and the TRITON sequence are used for the

calculations. The effects of variations in depletion parameters and used calculation methods on the

isotopic vectors are investigated. The burnup behaviour of Gadolinium is quite important in actual core

analysis, but its behaviour is somewhat complicated, requiring special treatment in numerical modelling

and calculations. Therefore, a special part of the paper is devoted to the treatment of Gadolinium-bearing

fuels. Moreover, some discussions on power normalization are also included. To assess the acquired

modelling experience used to predict the VVER-440 spent fuel nuclide composition, the measured

compositions of Novovoronezh NPP irradiated fuel assembly are compared to data calculated by

TRITON sequence. The samples of fuel assembly with 3.6 wt. % U-235 enrichment underwent 4-cycle

campaign of totally 1109 effective full power days in the core and cooling period of 1-13 years.

Calculated concentrations are compared to measured values burdened with their experimental

uncertainties for totally 47 nuclides. The calculated results show overall a good agreement for all

nuclides, differences from measured are pointed out and discussed in the paper.

Keywords: burnup, VVER 440, modelling, SCALE.


The prediction accuracy of burnup

calculations is a critical factor in the reactor

analysis sequence. The core properties depend

on the actual composition of the fuel; thus, the

characteristics of the reactor core undergo

changes during burnup. Moreover, the isotopic

composition of the spent fuel discharged from

the core is a key factor in both the operations

and the material control activities of the deep

geological repository. An accurate estimate of

the time-dependent radionuclide inventory in

this material is necessary to evaluate many

spent fuel issues, including neutron and

gamma-ray source terms for shielding analysis,

decay-heat source terms for temperature

distribution and radiological and chemical

toxicity for environmental impact

consideration. Slovakia has four nuclear

reactors generating half of its electricity and

another two under construction. This paper

investigates and summarizes modelling issues

associated with VVER-440 fuel depletion

performed by the SCALE system [1]. The

effects of variations in the depletion parameters

and used calculation methods on the isotopic

vectors are investigated. The burnup behaviour

of Gadolinium, a burnable poison in nuclear

fuel, is quite important in actual core analysis;

therefore, a special part of the paper is devoted

to this issue. Finally, some discussions on

power normalization are also included. Other

publications relevant to burnup modelling

issues for PWR can be found in [2,3]. To

assess the ability of the SCALE system and the

associated nuclear data to predict the VVER-

measured compositions of Novovoronezh NPP

irradiated fuel assembly are compared to data

calculated by the TRITON sequence in the last

part of the paper. The work done follows the

simplified specification of the computational

benchmark based on the #2670 ISTC project

[4] providing VVER-440 data for 8 samples

cut outs of 4 fuel pins of the fuel assembly

(FA) No. D26135 with the average reached

burnup 38.5 MWd/kgU. The #2670 ISTC

project has was carried out between years 2003

and 2005. Measurements of samples cut out of

were performed in RIAR Dimitrovgrad,

Russia, the final project report is publicly

accessible [6]. The FA irradiation was done

during the 15 - 18 core loads in the fourth

power unit of Novovoronezh NPP.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Nuclear Science and Technology - Volume 9, Number 2, June 2019

Nuclear Science and Technology - Volume 9, Number 2, June 2019
tem [7]. 
This paper presents results of applying 
Simion program to build some design models 
for the system based on design principles of 
some built systems in the world and propose a 
feasible conceptual design of the system that 
can be used to prepare for the stage of detailed 
engineering design and construction of the 
system in the future. 
A. Overview of Simion program 
Simion is a software package used 
primarily to model electrostatic and magnetic 
fields and calculate trajectories of charged 
particles in these fields when introducing the 
electrode configuration with voltage and initial 
conditions of the particles [8]. Simion is 
intended to provide direct and highly interactive 
methods for simulating a wide variety of general 
ion optics problems such as modeling ion source 
and detector optics, ion traps, quadrupoles, etc. 
Electrostatic and magnetic fields can be 
modeled as boundary value problem solutions 
of a partial differential equation called the 
Laplace equation (or the Poisson equation). The 
specific method used within Simion to solve this 
equation is an over-relaxation technique, which 
is a finite difference method to obtain a best 
estimate of potentials for each point within the 
fields. After the electrostatic and magnetic fields 
have been obtained, a standard fourth-order 
Runge-Kutta method is used for numerical 
integration of the charged particle trajectory in 
three dimensions based on the particle definition 
parameters provided by users. In particular, 
Simion provides functions of extensive support 
in the definition of geometry, data logging, and 
visualization. One of the most useful features of 
Simion is the capability of using user programs 
inside the program. This feature allows users to 
directly utilize a variety of programming 
languages including Lua, C++, C, PRG, etc. to 
flexibly and efficiently extend simulation 
capabilities of the program. 
B. Methods 
According to several reference system 
designs, we have successfully built some 
simulation models that can be possible designs 
for the system by using Simion. Due to 
application limitations of the program, the 
design models are only used to simulate the 
operating principle of slow positron beam 
systems rather than specify detailed 
engineering designs. Three main individual 
simulation models of the slow positron beam 
system have been built including: 
- The straight-shaped model using the 
ExB filter (figure 1). 
- The 500 bent-shaped model based on the 
design of the SPONSOR system [9, 10] (figure 2). 
- The 900 bent-shaped model based on 
the design of a slow positron beam system 
from Martin Luther University Halle-
Wittenberg, Germany [11] (figure 3). 
Fig. 1. The straight-shaped model using ExB filter. 
Fig. 2. The 50
 bent-shaped model. 
Fig. 3. The 90
bent-shaped model. 
Some positron trajectory calculation tests 
have been performed for each model in order to 
investigate the influence of design parameters of 
each model on the quality of positron beam 
obtained on targets, thereby determining which 
model was the most reasonable design. The 
selected model has been proposed as a feasible 
conceptual design for the future system. Tables 
of design parameters for the proposed conceptual 
design include geometry parameters, electric 
parameters and design parameters of coils 
creating magnetic fields. 
C. Results and Discussions 
Case 1: Simulation of the trajectory of a 
monoenergetic positron beam 
Simion has been used to calculate the 
trajectories for 1000 monoenergetic positrons 
in a beam emitted isotropically from a circular 
uniform distribution source with a radius of 2 
mm for each model. The initial kinetic energy 
of the beam was 3 eV. The voltages that were 
applied to the pre-accelerator and the 
accelerator of each model were 27 V and 30 
kV, respectively. The simulation results are 
shown below in table I, figure 4 and figure 5. 
Table I. The simulation results for trajectory of a monoenergetic positron beam 
Total number of positrons from 
1000 1000 1000 
Total number of positrons 
coming to target 
789 807 795 
The ratio of positron number 
coming to target to total positron 
78.9% 80.7% 79.5% 
Beam radius on target 2.75 mm 2.39 mm 2.79 mm 
Fig. 4. Spatial distribution of positron beam on the target of the straight-shaped model (left), the 50
shaped model (middle) and the 90
bent-shaped model (right) 
Fig. 5. Energy distribution of positron beam on the target of the straight-shaped model (left), the 50
shaped model (middle) and the 90
 bent-shaped model (right) 
(FWHM = 5.50 eV) (FWHM = 1.34 eV) (FWHM = 5.71 eV) 
From the simulation results, it has been 
found that the quality of positron beam 
obtained on the targets is influenced by the 
model designs. The models with the different 
designs do not have completely identical 
uniform magnetic fields along their axes, 
resulting in different qualities of obtained 
positron beam on the targets. 
The results of the beam radius of 
positron beam on the targets show that 
obtained positron beam in case of using the 50
bent-shaped model has better convergence 
compared to the others. Furthermore, full width 
at half maximum (FWHM) of the energy 
distribution of positron beam on the target for 
the 50
 bent-shaped model was smaller than 
those of the others. It has shown that the 
obtained positron beam of the 50
model was more mono-energetic than those of 
the others. 
Case 2: Simulation of the trajectory of a 
monoenergetic positron beam in case that a 
solenoid deviated from its original position 
Another trajectory calculation test has 
been done for each model with the same 
monoenergetic positron beam in case that the 
solenoid surrounding the accelerator of each 
model deviated from its original position. 
Distributions of positron beam on the target of 
each model have been investigated for 
comparison. We have simulated two situations 
that the solenoid deviations were 1 cm and 2 
cm. The simulation results are shown below in 
figure 6, figure 7 and figure 8. 
Fig.6. Spatial distribution of positron beam on the target of the straight-shaped model in case of solenoid 
deviation of 0 cm (left), 1 cm (middle) and 2 cm (right). 
Fig.7. Spatial distribution of positron beam on the target of the 50
bent-shaped model in case of solenoid 
deviation of 0 cm (left), 1 cm (middle) and 2 cm (right). 
Fig. 8. Spatial distribution of positron beam on the target of the 90
 bent-shaped model in case of solenoid 
deviation of 0 cm (left), 1 cm (middle) and 2 cm (right). 
The comparison results have shown that 
the solenoid deviation influenced the quality of 
the positron beam that comes to the targets. For 
the straight-shaped model, there were a few 
positrons obtained on the target in case of 
solenoid deviation of 1 cm. In the case of a 
solenoid deviation of 2 cm, we have even got 
no positrons coming to the target. For the 90
bent-shaped model, the obtained positron 
beam has deviated much more from the target 
center compared with that of the 50
shaped model. The beam has even distorted its 
shape when increasing the solenoid deviation 
to 2 cm. Therefore, we have concluded that 
the 50
 bent-shaped model in this simulation 
case would be the optimal model compared 
with the others. 
We have come up with the selection of 
the 50
 bent-shaped model as a conceptual 
design for our slow positron beam system 
based on simulation test results and 
consideration of the design feasibility of the 
simulation models. The proposed model can be 
a good basis for detailed engineering design 
and construction of the system in the future. 
The study results have also demonstrated that 
Simion program is a very suitable tool for 
modeling and simulation of the trajectory of 
positron beam flying through electrostatic 
fields and magnetic fields of a slow positron 
beam system. Research of searching for other 
simulation programs to combine with Simion 
should be done to further optimize the 
conceptual design. 
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[6]. Xu Hong-Xia, Liu Jian-Dang, Gao Chuan-Bo, 
Weng Hui-Min, Ye Bang-Jiao, “SIMION 
simulation of a slow pulsed positron beam”, 
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230026, China, 2012. 
[7]. Cao Thanh Long, Nguyen Trung Hieu, Tran 
Quoc Dung, Huynh Dong Phuong, “Some 
initial results of simulating a positron beam 
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[8]. David J. Manura, David A. Dahl, “SIMION 
Version 8.0/8.1 User Manual”, Document Revision 
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[9]. Wolfgang Anwanda, Gerhard Brauer, Maik 
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Wagner, “Design and Construction of a Slow 
Positron Beam for Solid and Surface 
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Vol. 331, 2012. 
[10]. Wolfgang Anwanda, Gerhard Brauer, 
Hans-Rainer Kissener, “Magnetically 
guided slow positron beam for defect 
studies”, Positron Group of TU Dresden at 
Research Centre Rossendorf, Dresden, 
Germany, 1994. 
[11]. R. Krause-Rehberg, “Simple design for a 
continuous magnetically guided positron 
beam – and – News from the EPOS project”, 
Institute of Physics, Martin Luther 
University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, 
Nuclear Science and Technology (NST), an 
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[1] C. Y. Fu et al., Nuclear Data for Science and 
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[2] C. Kalbach, Z. Phys, A283, 401 (1977). 
[3] S. Shibata, M. Imamura, T. Miyachi and M. 
Mutou, “Photonuclear spallation reactions in 
Cu”, Phys. Rev. C 35, 254 (1987). 
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