Marketing competitiveness of home appliance supermarkets in Ha Noi

Supermarkets - a type of modern shops which either sell general goods or specializes in some kinds;

have a wide variety of products with high quality guarantee; meet criteria on business areas, technical equipment, management and business organization; have good and convenient serving modes to satisfy

customer shopping demand - have become a common trend in Vietnam's retail sector in recent time. Especially

with the trend of modern technology development, electronics supermarkets have become a fast-growing retail

business in big cities. The combination between specialized retailing and self-servicesof supermarkets has

brought electronics supermarkets many marketing competitive advantages. However in recent time, electronics supermarkets have revealed some limitations in their competitiveness in general and marketing competitiveness in particular such as they have not yet positioned the supply value of market offering, the efficiency

of integrating mix retailing and marketing tools remains low, core marketing competencies have not been

established and raised, the identities of supermarket-like distribution services are inadequate in terms of customers-based value and quality

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Marketing competitiveness of home appliance supermarkets in Ha Noi

Marketing competitiveness of home appliance supermarkets in Ha Noi
: standard errors.
 - Testing estimates via Boostrap method: the last 3. Scale test results, theoretical models of com-
model as well as other appropriate models need to have petitiveness of marketing electronics retail super-
sets of data independent of each other, or the initial markets Hanoi market
sampling size must be quite large. In quantitative To test and evaluate the scale of the data collected.
research method conducted via sampling, samples are all data collected will be processed with the help of
often divided into two sub-groups. The first group is SPSS 20.0 software. First the data are encrypted,
Journal of Trade Science 
cleaned, then analyzed with the main section: Evaluate Results of reliability analysis showed that
reliability (Cronbach reliability coefficient through Cronbach's Alpha of all scales are greater than 0.7.
Alpha) and the value (factor loading) by (Exploratory Only Cronbach's alpha coefficient of competitiveness
Factor Analysis). measurable physical evidence is 0686 
 3.1. Cronbach'Alpha and Bartlett's Test 0.6 according to the rules and standards of statistics, it
 Accreditation reliability Cronbach's alpha scale can be acceptable. Meanwhile, the total variable corre-
and Bartlett's Test is used to remove garbage before lation coefficients of the variables were observed in the
proceeding variable factor analysis. Test the reliability larger scale of 0.4, the lowest of the scale is the 0409
of the variables in the scale competitiveness marketing competitiveness material. When considering the case
of electronics stores in Hanoi based on coefficient test of removal of each variable scale observation showed
Cronbach's Alpha and Bartlett's Test of components no change when removed can cause the scale
scale and the index of each variable measure. The ana- Cronbach's Alpha Cronbach's Alpha greater than that
lytical results are shown in the following table (details of the scale. So, all the observed variables are accept-
in appendix): ed and will be used in subsequent factor analysis.
 3.2. EFA Test
 Table 1: Independent variable scale test With the analytical results
 through the expertise
 Cronbach's Alpha above, all 22
 Cronbach’s KMO Bartlett’s 
 No. Indicators items of Competitiveness mar-
 Alpha Test keting core, 24 items of com-
 I Core marketing capability P < 0,00 petitive marketing tactics, 04
 1 Strategic marketing management 0.781 0.69 P < 0,00 items for competitiveness mar-
 2 Unique differentiation management 0.844 0.706 P < 0,00 keting and 03 items for the
 capability competitiveness of the enter-
 prise marketing mix electronics
 3 Productivity and quality management 0.893 0.722 P < 0,00
 retailers reach the reliability
 capability and the items are used to con-
 4 Marketing information management 0.902 0.711 P < 0,00 duct factor analysis (EFA) by
 capability the method of rotation
 5 Brand management capability 0.860 0.726 P < 0,00 (Varimax with Kaiser
 6 Organization and human resource for 0.851 0.718 P < 0,00 Normalization ). Technical
 analysis of factors (factor
 analysis) were used in this
 7 Culture value creation marketing capabiltiy 0.847 0.732 P < 0,00 study for reducing and collect-
 II Strategic marketing capability P < 0,00 ing elements observed vari-
 1 Product development competitiveness 0.881 0.7 P < 0,00 ables that into a more meaning-
 2 Price competitiveness 0.917 0.728 P < 0,00 ful factor, less in quantity for
 3 Distribution channel development 0.945 0.703 P < 0,00 use in distribution next regres-
 compatitiveness sion
 Through analysis results
 4 Trade promotion competitiveness 0.935 0.741 P < 0,00
 following table saw, with each
 5 Human resource competitiveness 0.817 0.741 P < 0,00 variable observed in each line
 6 Physical evidence competitiveness 0.686 0.726 P < 0,00 displayed a Factor largest load-
 7 Process performance competitiveness 0.857 0.735 P < 0,00 ing... The results indicate that
 III Dynamic marketing competitiveness 0.863 0.771 P < 0,00 the item Q81 has the smallest
 index analysis and by 0629>
 IV Overall marketing competitiveness 0.87 0.708 P < 0,00
 0.5 (standard for with a loading
 journal of Trade Science
biggest Factor ?0.5). The analytical results also indi- keting management has a significant impact and posi-
cated there are 15 variables (factors) with a total vari- tive management capability integrated marketing of
ance extracted = 79.45% and the coefficient of KMO = electronics retailers in Hanoi on value B = 0.117
0744, shows the relevance of the analysis of the fac- reached 95% reliability level (sig. = 0.018).
tors. With test results Bartlett (Sig. <0.05), suggesting Second, Unique differentiation management capability:
that the variables are cor- Table 2: Regression result
related in general.
According to these Coeff. Multicolinearity 
results, lets move on to
 Independent variable B Std.err T Sig (VIF) 
the next step is to con-
duct testing CFA for each (Coeff) 0.000 0.047 0.000 1.000
 Strategic marketing 
variable. 0.117* 0.049 2.380 0.018 1.091
 3.3. CFA test and capality 
multi-regression Unique differentiation 
 0.337*** 0.059 5.742 0.000 1.558
 Results show that management capability 
CFA observations vari- Productivity and quality 
ables were standardized 0.052 0.057 0.911 0.364 1.486
 management capability 
reaes allowed standerd (>
 Marketing information 
= 0.5) and a statistically 0.209** 0.064 3.284 0.001 1.833
significant p-values are management capability 
by 0.000 (the lowest Brand management capability 0.069 0.051 1.341 0.182 1.191
weight management Organization and human 
 0.168** 0.052 3.261 0.001 1.210
capability variable mar- resource for marketing 
keting strategy .699) . Culture value creation 
 0.010 0.056 0.170 0.865 1.427
Thus, we can conclude marketing capabiltiy 
the observed variables
 Product development 
used to measure 15 com- -0.031 0.051 -0.609 0.543 1.177
ponents of the scale mar- competitiveness 
keting competitiveness Price competitiveness 0.052 0.056 0.928 0.354 1.403
of the electronics retail Distribution channel 
 -0.099 0.051 -1.956 0.052 1.160
business in Hanoi development compatitiveness 
achieve convergence Trade promotion 
 0.164** 0.057 2.896 0.004 1.450
value. Detailed results competitiveness 
analysis regression
 Human resource 
model are shown in the -0.066 0.052 -1.276 0.204 1.214
following Table: competitiveness 
 From the results of Physical evidence 
 -0.008 0.050 -0.163 0.870 1.122
the regression analysis competitiveness 
above, the author ana- Process performance 
lyzes the impact of ele- -0.004 0.052 -0.070 0.944 1.232
ments marketing compet- competitiveness 
itives on marketing com- Dynamic marketing 
 0.181** 0.060 3.002 0.003 1.654
petitiveness as follows: competitiveness 
 First, strategic mar- R = 0.774 R Square = 0.599 * significant at 5% 
keting capality: Results
in Table regression Adjusted R Square = 0.566 ** significant at 1% 
analysis showed that the F = 18.114 p = 0.000 *** significant at 0,1% 
capacity strategic mar- 
Journal of Trade Science 
Results in Table regression analysis showed that marketing of business according to the number of employees and
management capacities difference significant impact and the total average annual funding under the group's
positive management capability integrated marketing of average 3 , good very good. The results are shown in
electronics retailers in Hanoi on value B = 0.337 reached the following Table:
99% reliability level (sig. = 0.000). Table 3: Multi group analysis ressult
 Third, Marketing information manage-
ment capability: Results in Table regression Wilks’ Lambda 
analysis showed that information manage- Test of Function(s) Wilks’ Lambda Chi-square df Sig. 
ment capabilities have a significant impact 1 through 2 0,917 16,773 8 ,033
marketing and positive management capa- 2 0,965 6,920 3 ,074
bility integrated marketing of electronics Classification Resultsa,c
retailers in Hanoi on value B = 0, 209 Predicted Group 
reached 99% reliability level (sig. = 0.000). Membership 
 Fourth, organization and human Overall Marketing Catergories 3.00 4.00 5.00 Total 
resource for marketing: Results in Table Original Count 3 0 0 25 25
regression analysis shows that institutional 4 0 0 29 29
capacity and human resources have a sig- 5 0 0 144 144
nificant impact marketing and positive % 3 0,0 0,0 100,0 100,0
management capability integrated market- 4 0,0 0,0 100,0 100,0
ing of electronics retailers in Hanoi on 5 0,0 0,0 100,0 100,0
prices B = 0.168 value reached 99% relia- Cross-validatedb Count 3 0 0 25 25
bility level (sig. = 0.000).
 4 0 0 29 29
 Fifth, distribution channel development
 5 0 0 144 144
compatitiveness: Results of regression analy-
sis capacity Table above shows the distribu- % 3 0,0 0,0 100,0 100,0
tion channel strategy has a significant impact, 4 0,0 0,0 100,0 100,0
but in the opposite direction to the manage- 5 0,0 0,0 100,0 100,0
ment capacity of the marketing mix of retail
businesses in the locality Electric Hanoi value B = -0099 Results analysis shows, all the data observed in the
achieve 95% reliability level (sig. = 0.000). It was analysis are valid. With results calculated from this
explained that the capacity of the system increases, the table, the coefficient Wilks 'Lambda of 1 through 2 is
channel marketing capabilities will be reduced by the 0917 and the value of P is less than the level of signif-
increase in the scale, scope and density distribution chan- icance of 5%, while the coefficient Wilks' Lambda of
nels. 0965 function 2 is also the price P value less than 5%
 Six, trade promotion competitiveness: Results in significance level. So we can conclude meaningful dif-
Table regression analysis showed that competitive ferentiation of 5%.
capacity of trade promotion has a significant impact, As a result, we see years of operation variables is
but in the opposite direction to the management capac- the most important predictor variables used to distin-
ity of the marketing mix of retail businesses in Ha guish the two groups marketing competitiveness, fol-
Electric Inner worth B = 0164 reached 95% reliability lowed by variables and variable types of enterprise-
level (sig. = 0.000). scale business under the secondary capital per year.
 Seven, dynamic marketing capability: Results in Assessment results form discriminant test shows
Table regression analysis showed that mobile market- classification results based on the sample analysis. The
ing competitiveness has a significant impact, but in rate is 72.7% correct distinction, this ratio allows con-
the opposite direction to the management capacity of clusions to distinguish this model is pretty good.
the marketing mix electronics retailers in Hanoi on 4. Conclusion
prices B = 0181 value reached 99% confidence level Research results have shown that, marketing compet-
(sig. = 0.000). itiveness of the electronics retail supermarkets in Hanoi
 3.4. Tests by multi group analysis markets have many strengths and certain advantages,
 In this study, the analysis of the group will be such as professional customer care, business premises,
applied to the factors like uptime, type of business, size extensive distribution systems, brand reputation ...
 journal of Trade Science
However, the supermarket business is still spontaneous, Summary
customer service is still limited and the quality of human
resources is not high here are some major limitations on Sieâu thò - loaïi hình cöûa haøng hieän ñaïi, kinh doanh
the marketing competitiveness of the electronies home toång hôïp hoaëc chuyeân doanh, coù cô caáu chuûng loaïi
appliance supermarket in Hanoi market. haøng hoùa phong phuù, ña daïng, ñaûm baûo chaát löôïng,
 ñaùp öùng caùc tieâu chuaån veà dieän tích kinh doanh,
 References: trang bò kyõ thuaät vaø trình ñoä quaûn lyù, toå chöùc kinh
 doanh. Coù caùc phöông thöùc phuïc vuï vaên minh, thuaän
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xaùc ñònh naêng löïc caïnh tranh vaø hoäi nhaäp kinh teá khaùch haøng - moät trong nhöõng xu höôùng tieán boä trong
quoác teá cuûa doanh nghieäp, Taïp chí KHTM soá 4+5 thöông maïi baùn leû nöôùc ta thôøi gian qua. Ñaëc bieät vôùi
 2. Nguyeãn Baùch Khoa vaø Cao Tuaán Khanh xu höôùng phaùt trieån hieän ñaïi theo höôùng coâng ngheä
(2011), Marketing thöông maïi, NXB Thoáng keâ thì caùc sieâu thò ñieän maùy trôû thaønh moät ngaønh kinh
 3. Kotler Philip (2007), Marketing caên baûn doanh baùn leû raát phaùt trieån thôøi gian qua ôû caùc ñoâ thò
(Marketing Essentials - Philip Kotler; Dòch giaû: Phan lôùn. Ñaây vöøa laø söï keát hôïp giöõa hình thöùc baùn leû
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Lao ñoäng - Xaõ hoäi. sieâu thò ñaõ mang laïi nhieàu lôïi theá caïnh tranh market-
 4. Kotler Philip, Keller Kevin Lane (2015), ing cho loaïi hình naøy. Tuy nhieân, thôøi gian qua cuõng
Marketing Management, Pearson; 15 edition. ñaõ boäc loä nhöõng maët haïn cheá naêng löïc caïnh tranh noùi
 5. Levy Michael, Weitz Barton A (2008), chung vaø caïnh tranh marketing noùi rieâng nhö ñònh vò
Retailing Management, McGraw-Hill Higher giaù trò cung öùng cuûa chaøo haøng thò tröôøng, hieäu naêng
Education; 7 edition. phoái thöùc baùn leû hoãn hôïp cuõng nhö caùc coâng cuï mar-
 6. Porter M.E. (1985), “Competitive Advantage”, keting ñöôïc vaän duïng, caùc naêng löïc marketing coát loõi
Free Press, New York. coøn chöa ñöôïc xaùc laäp vaø taäp trung naâng cao, baûn saéc
 7. Cuïc Thoáng keâ Thaønh phoá Haø Noäi (2015), Thoáng dòch vuï phaân phoái kieåu sieâu thò coøn nhieàu maët baát
keâ Nieân giaùm thoáng keâ Haø Noäi, NXB Thoáng keâ. caäp caû veà giaù trò vaø chaát löôïng döïa treân khaùch haøng.
 1. Personal Profile:
 - Name: Cao Tuan Khanh
 - Date of birth: September 13, 1968
 - Title: PhD in economy 
 - Workplace: Vietnam University of Commerce
 - Position: Head of Marketing Management Department
 2. Major research directions:
 - The intensive areas, such as: Commercial Marketing, Banking Marketing, Customer rela-
 tionship Management, Business to Business Marketing, Communication Marketing, PR
 Management, International Marketing
 - The fields of international trade
 3. Publications the author has published his works:
 - Vietnam Trade Review
 - Vietnam Industry and Trade Review
 - Trade Science Review
 - Asian Social Science Review
 - International Business Research Review
 - International Journal of Marketing Studies

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