Investigation of the same isomeric pair, produced from different nuclear reactions

The isomeric ratio (IR) of isomeric pair 109m,gPd, produced in 110Pd(γ, n)109m,gCd reaction

and 108Pd(n, γ)109m,gPd neutron capture reactions, induced by thermal, epithermal and mixed

thermal-epithermal neutrons have been determined. The off-line activation technique using a

spectroscopic system consisting of a HPGe semiconductor detector with high energy resolution and

a PC based 8192 channel analyzer (CANBERRA) was applied. The investigated samples were

prepared from the 99.99 % purity PdO and irradiated at the electron accelerator Microtron MT-25

of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia. The data analysis and necessary

corrections were made to upgrade the precision of the experimental method. The obtained results

were discussed, compared and combined with those from other authors to point out the role of the

reaction channels in nuclear reactions.

Investigation of the same isomeric pair, produced from different nuclear reactions trang 1

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Investigation of the same isomeric pair, produced from different nuclear reactions trang 2

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Investigation of the same isomeric pair, produced from different nuclear reactions

Investigation of the same isomeric pair, produced from different nuclear reactions
Pd(n, γ)109m,gPd neutron 
capture reactions, the product excitation energy 
is equal to the binding energy of 
Pd, taken 
from [25]. The product excitation energy of 
Pd(γ, n)109Pd reaction is an effective value 
Eeff due to the reaction with bremsstrahlung 
and was calculated as following: 
Eeff = Eex - Bn - Ɛn (4) 
Where Bn - The binding energy of 
neutron, taken from [25], Ɛn – the mean kinetic 
energy of photo-neutrons, taken from [32], (E) 
- the excitation function taken from [14] and 
(E, E0) - the Schiff formula for the 
bremsstrahlung photon flux described in ref. 
[33], E0 - the electron energy and Eth - the 
reaction threshold energy taken from ref. [25]. 
For (n, 2n) reaction, the product 
excitation energy is as following: 
Eprod.ex = Eex - S2n (6) 
Where Eprod.ex, Eex and S2n - the product, 
the target excitation energies and the two 
neutrons separation energy of the compound 
nucleus, which were taken from ref. [25]. 
From the Table II one can make the 
following comments: 
a/ For the neutron capture reactions, our 
results are insignificantly lower than that in ref. 
[29] and higher than the data in refs. [30]. This 
may be since in the previous works, the authors 
used scintillation detector [29, 30], while in 
this work we used high resolution HPGe 
semiconductor detector and the advanced data 
processing program. 
b/ The product excitation energies in (γ. 
n) and (n, γ) reaction are insignificantly 
different, but the IRs in (γ, n) reactions are 
much higher than that in (n, γ) reactions 
because the intake impulses in the (γ, n) 
reactions are higher in the (n, γ) reactions. This 
fact can be used to explain why the IRs in the 
(n, 2n) reactions strongly exceed that in the (n, 
γ) and (γ, n) reactions. 
c/ In photonuclear reactions in the GDR 
region and nuclear capture reactions by thermal 
and resonant neutrons, the transfer momenta to 
the target nuclei are very low, namely L = 1 and 
1/2 ħ, respectively. Therefore, the compound 
nuclei in both reaction kinds are with spins JC = 
J0, J0 ± 1 and J0 ± 1/2 respectively. These effects 
restrict the spin range of excited levels or in 
other words, they restrict the excitation of high 
spin states making the value of IR in the 
photonuclear and thermal and resonant neutron 
capture reactions lower in comparison with that 
of other reactions. 
d/ The investigated results show that the 
IRs in different nuclear reactions are different 
and depend on the projectile type, intake 
impulse, excitation energy, spins of the 
isomeric and ground states as well as the 
nuclear reaction mechanisms. This is the 
channel effect in nuclear reactions. 
e/ The Talys computation program 
[17] has been applied to study many 
problems of nuclear physics, in which study 
of the cross sections and isomeric ratios in 
nuclear reactions, produced by different 
projectiles is one important research 
direction, for example [17 - 21, 34 - 40] and 
for test any model it is needed to carried not 
one, but a series of measurements. 
Therefore, in this meaning we do hope that 
our results as additional data can be used for 
the test of nuclear reaction models by the 
mentioned program. 
Table II. The IRs of 
Pd in photonuclear reaction, in neutron capture reactions with thermal, resonant 
and mixed thermal-resonant neutrons and in other reactions. 
Nuclear Reaction 
and Product 
Type of 
Product Exc. 
Energy, MeV 
Isomeric Ratio 
Pd(n, γ)109m,gPd Thermal 
6.15 0.023 ± 0.002 [This work] 
0.028 ± 0.005 [29] 
0.018 ± 0.005 [30] 
Pd(n, γ)109m,gPd Resonant 
6.15 0.023 ± 0.002 [This work] 
0.028 ± 0.005 [29] 
Pd(n, γ)109m,gPd Mixed Thermal- 
Resonant neutron 
6.15 0.023 ± 0.002 [This work] 
Pd(γ, n)109m,gPd 24 MeV Bremstrahlung 
25 MeV Bremsstrahlung 
0.069 ± 0.007 [This work] 
0.065 ± 0.003 [14] 
Pd(n, 2n)
14.1 MeV 
5.28 0.410 ± 0.039 [14] 
0.41 ± 0.03 [31] 
We have studied the IRs of the same 
isomeric pair 
Pd, formed from the 
photonuclear reaction, neutron capture 
reactions, induced by thermal, resonant and 
mixed thermal-resonant neutrons. The 
obtained results show the nuclear reaction 
channel effect in IRs and could provide the 
data to the Nuclear Data Bank for test of 
nuclear reaction models as well as for nuclear 
application uses. For interpretation of this 
effect, this needs different nuclear reaction 
models, which combine all nuclear reaction 
mechanisms as statistical, direct and pre-
equilibrium processes. 
This work has been performed at the 
Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reaction, Joint 
Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia. 
The authors would like to express sincere 
thanks to the MT-25 Microtron group for 
operating the irradiation facility and the 
Chemical Department of the Flerov 
Laboratory of Nuclear Reaction for providing 
the measurement system. The financial 
support for the institute selected project, titled 
“Study of the reaction channel effect in the 
isomeric ratios in different nuclear reactions” 
from the Institute of Physics, Vietnam 
Academy of Science and Technology is 
sincerely acknowledged. 
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