Improving TDWZ correlation noise estimation: A deep learning based approach

Transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding (TDWZ) has shown its benefits in compressing video applications with limited resources such as visual surveillance systems, remote sensing and wireless sensor networks. In TDWZ, the correlation noise model (CNM) plays a vital role since it directly affects to the number of bits needed to send from the encoder and thus the overall TDWZ compression performance. To achieve CNM with high accurate for TDWZ, we propose in this paper a novel CNM estimation approach in which the CNM with Laplacian distribution is adaptively estimated based on a deep learning (DL) mechanism. The proposed DL based CNM includes two hidden layers and a linear activation function to adaptively update the Laplacian parameter. Experimental results showed that the proposed TDWZ codec significantly outperforms the relevant benchmarks, notably by around 35% bitrate saving when compared to the DISCOVER codec and around 22% bitrate saving when compared to the HEVC Intra benchmark while providing a similar perceptual quality

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Improving TDWZ correlation noise estimation: A deep learning based approach

Improving TDWZ correlation noise estimation: A deep learning based approach
e α parameter computed in CNM exception of Carphone sequence. The improvements
of DISCOVER codec [9]. If the estimated parameter is for low motion sequences and high motion se-
closer to the oracle parameter, the estimation is con- quences are different. For low motion sequences,
sidered more accurately. In this assessment, four video such as Akiyo, the PSNR gains up to 1.37 dB but
sequences Akiyo, Foreman, Carphone, Soccer are used. the result is not good for the high motion sequence
Figure 7 illustrates the comparison of α parameters Carphone. The reason is that the Carphone sequence
which are computed by CNM [9] and proposed DL- is considered high motion with abrupt changes
CNM method with the oracle parameter. As shown in in content. In particular, in this sequence, scene
 th th
the figures, bα value estimated by DL-CNM method is changes occur at the 89 and 115 WZ frames.
closer to the target value αk,b than the parameter α This leads to an decrease in SI quality and CNM
computed by CNM [9], especially with the low mo- accuracy. Consequently, the PSNR is dramatically
tion video sequences such as Akiyo and Carphone. This dropped at these frames.
T. V. Huu et al.: Improving TDWZ Correlation Noise Estimation: A Deep Learning based Approach 51
 Table I
 Average PSNR (dB)Values of the Decoded Frames
 Sequence Codec QP1 QP2 QP3 QP4 Average
 HEVC Intra 30.92 35.21 38.98 41.97 36.77
 DISCOVER-HEVC 28.34 32.79 36.68 40.55 34.59
 TDWZ [27] 30.97 35.53 39.98 43.74 37.56
 DL-CNM TDWZ 31.80 36.39 40.46 43.91 38.14
 HEVC Intra 29.18 33.08 36.66 39.71 34.66
 DISCOVER-HEVC 29.69 33.71 37.42 40.92 35.44
 TDWZ [27] 29.77 33.79 37.49 40.98 35.51
 DL-CNM TDWZ 29.97 33.97 37.74 40.92 35.65
 HEVC Intra 29.94 34.04 37.73 40.80 35.63
 DISCOVER-HEVC 26.69 31.54 34.98 38.39 32.90
 TDWZ [27] 29.31 33.01 36.34 39.68 34.59
 DL-CNM TDWZ 29.79 33.22 36.39 39.64 34.76
 HEVC Intra 28.22 32.45 35.32 39.47 33.86
 DISCOVER-HEVC 28.83 32.60 35.83 39.81 34.27
 TDWZ [27] 28.87 32.66 35.90 39.88 34.33
 DL-CNM TDWZ 28.87 32.67 35.93 39.91 34.35
 (a) (b)
 (c) (d)
 Figure 8. PSNR values of decoded frames with QP1.
 • DL-CNM TDWZ codec versus other DVC codecs: Compared with TDWZ [27] codec, similar im-
 The other DVC codecs refers to DISCOVER-HEVC, provements are obtained.
 TDWZ [27]. Our proposed codec achieves better
 results than the others for all video test sequences. 4.4 TDWZ Compression Performance Assessment
 In comparison with DISCOVER-HEVC codec, the In this assessment, the proposed method is com-
 PSNR of proposed DL-CNM TDWZ codec has pared with relevant benchmarks in terms of bitrate
 been improved up to 3.55 dB e.g Akiyo sequence. and PSNR of each luminance frame. In addition, the
52 REV Journal on Electronics and Communications, Vol. 10, No. 1–2, January–June, 2020
 (a) (b)
 (c) (d)
 Figure 9. RD performance for the video sequences: Akiyo, Foreman, Carphone and Soccer.
 Table II Table III
 AComparison of BD Rate and BD PSNR between DL-CNM AComparison of BD Rate and BD PSNR between DL-CNM
 TDWZ and HEVC Intra TDWZ and other DVC Codecs
 Sequence Sequence
 Akiyo -57.34 6.58 Akiyo -72.76 8.94 -52.62 5.37
 Foreman -50.59 4.00 Foreman -14.46 0.86 -11.24 0.65
 Carphone -17.99 0.94 Carphone -51.46 4.15 -20.79 1.25
 Soccer 37.88 -1.62 Soccer -2.43 0.14 0.52 -0.03
 Average -22.01 2.47 Average -35.27 3.52 -21.03 1.81
Bjontegaard metrics [33] including bitrate saving (BD video sequences except the highly complex motion
rate) and PSNR gain (BD PSNR) are used to compare sequence Soccer. For low motion sequences, the
two RD performance curves. The RD plots for Akiyo, proposed codec overcomes HEVC Intra because
Foreman, Carphone and Soccer sequences are shown in of good quality SI and accurate CNM. Measured
Figure 9. BD Rate, BD PSNR gains obtained with the by Bjontegaard bitrate metric, the proposed codec
proposed TDWZ codec over other benchmark schemes saves up to 57.34% for low motion sequences such
are presented in Table II and Table III. From the results as Akiyo. For four test sequences, an average 22.01%
achieved, the following observations are drawn: birate saving and 2.47 dB BD-PSNR gain are ob-
 • DL-CNM TDWZ codec versus HEVC Intra: The tained.
 RD performance of the DL-CNM TDWZ codec is • DL-CNM TDWZ codec versus other DVC codecs:
 better than that of HEVC Intra for almost all test The proposed DL-CNM TDWZ RD performance is
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