Hardware architectures of visible light communication transmitter and receiver for beacon-Based indoor positioning systems

High-Speed applications of Visible Light Communications have been presented recently in which response times of photodiode-based VLC receivers are critical points. Typical VLC receiver routines, such as soft-decoding of runlength limited (RLL) codes and Forward Error Correction (FEC) codes was purely processed on embedded firmware, and potentially cause bottleneck at the receiver. To speed up the performance of receivers, ASIC-based VLC receiver could be the solution. Unfortunately, recent works on soft-decoding of RLL and FEC have shown that they are bulky and time-consuming computations. This causes hardware implementation of VLC receivers becomes heavy and unrealistic. In this paper, we introduce a compact Polar-code-based VLC receivers. in which flicker mitigation of the system can be guaranteed even without RLL codes. In particular, we utilized the centralized bit-probability distribution of a pre-scrambler and a Polar encoder to create a non-RLL flicker mitigation solution. At the receiver, a 3-bit soft-decision filter was implemented to analyze signals received from the VLC channel to extract log-likelihood ratio (LLR) values and feed them to the Polar decoder. Therefore, the proposed receiver could exploit the soft-decoding of the Polar decoder to improve the error-correction performance of the system. Due to the non-RLL characteristic, the receiver has a preeminent code-rate and a reduced complexity compared with RLL-based receivers. We present the proposed VLC receiver along with a novel very-large-scale integration (VLSI) architecture, and a synthesis of our design using FPGA/ASIC synthesis tools

Hardware architectures of visible light communication transmitter and receiver for beacon-Based indoor positioning systems trang 1

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Hardware architectures of visible light communication transmitter and receiver for beacon-Based indoor positioning systems trang 2

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Hardware architectures of visible light communication transmitter and receiver for beacon-Based indoor positioning systems

Hardware architectures of visible light communication transmitter and receiver for beacon-Based indoor positioning systems
y, the receiver’s maximum systematic Polar codes are applied to evaluate the BER
42 REV Journal on Electronics and Communications, Vol. 9, No. 3–4, July–December, 2019
 Non-sys Polar Code [This work]
 Sys. Polar Code [This work]
 BLS RLL - RS(15,11) [9]
 1 BLS RLL - RS(15,7) [9]
 10− BLS RLL - RS(15,3) [9]
 SISO 4B6B + Polar(64,44) [14]
 LDPC [24]
 RS(15,7) + eMiller [23]
 10− Multi-RS(15,7) + 4B6B Hard [12]
 Bit Error Rate (BER)
 10 5
 − 44.555.566.577.588.59
 Figure 13. BER performances of the proposed VLC system with some comparisons in real VLC-AWGN channel.
 Frame Error Rate (FER)
 Non-sys Polar Code [This work]
 Sys. Polar Code [This work]
 10− BLS RLL - RS(15,11) [9]
 BLS RLL - RS(15,7) [9]
 BLS RLL - RS(15,3) [9]
 SISO 4B6B + Polar(64,44) [14]
 10 5
 − 45678910
 Figure 14. FER performances of the proposed VLC system and some related works in real VLC-AWGN channel.
performances. We have selected some typical joint FEC- Polar code-based solutions have preeminent BER per-
RLL and non-RLL FEC solutions for comparison. It can formances although their humble code-rates compared
be seen that the BER performances of our proposed with the related works. Furthermore, an evaluation of
system outperform current related works. Specifically, frame error rate (FER) has been presented in Figure 14
Figure 13 shows that at a code-rate = 0.62, our non-RLL in which our non-RLL solutions also surpass related
Polar-code-based system outperforms RS-code-based works introduced in [11, 14, 30]. However, although
ones at code-rates 0.49 (11/15 * 4/6), 0.31 (7/15 * 4/6) systematic Polar decoder always shows a better BER
and 0.13 (15/3 * 4/6) which are mentioned in [11, 14]. performance than the non-systematic decoder does; the
Also, in Figure 13, we also put BER performances of FER performance of these two decoders are always
other related works mentioned in [14, 16, 17, 24] into equal in all cases. Actually, this is not a strange discov-
the same graph with our BER performance lines. It ery cause it has been mention in previous systematic
can also be noticed that, our prescrambled non-RLL Polar decoder work [32].
D.-P. Nguyen et al.: Hardware Architectures of VLC Transmitter and Receiver for Beacon-based IPS 43
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 Physical Layer Communications". He served as a Technical Program
 co-chair for ATC (2013,2014), NAFOSTED-NICS (2014, 2015, 2016),
 REV-ECIT 2015 and ComManTel (2014, 2015), and SigComTel (2017,
 Duc-Phuc Nguyen
 received the B.Sc. degree 2018). He is a Member of the Executive Board of the Radio-Electronics
 in Electronics and Telecommunications (honor Association of Vietnam (REV) and the Electronics Information and
 program) in 2012, and Master degree in Elec- Communications Association Ho Chi Minh City (EIC). He is currently
 tronics Engineering - Microelectronics in 2015, serving as vice chair of the Vietnam National Foundation for Science
 both from the University of Science, Ho Chi and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) scientific Committee in
 Minh City (HCMUS), Vietnam. From 2012 to Information Technology and Computer Science (2017-2019).
 2015, He was a lecturer and researcher at Fac-
 ulty of Electronics and Telecommunications
 (FETEL), HCMUS. He received the Doctor
 of Engineering degree at Graduate School of
 Information Science, Nara Institute of Science
and Technology (NAIST), Nara, Japan in 2018. Since October 2018,
he’s been affiliated with Faculty of Telecommunications, Posts and
Telecommunication Institute of Technology, Ho Chi Minh Campus
as a lecturer-researcher. He is now a postdoctoral research fellow at
ETIS UMR-8051, ENSEA, Paris-Seine University, France. He received
the best paper award at ATC’18, and the best oral presentation
awards at FOSCOM’18 and ICFCC’17. His research interests include
Error-Correcting Codes, Polar and LDPC Codes, FPGA & VLSI-based
design, Optical Wireless Communications, Coding for Memories and
Storage Systems. He is currently a regular member of IEEE, IEEE
Young Professionals and IEEE Photonics Society.

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