Handling imbalanced data in intrusion detection systems using generative adversarial networks

Abstract: Machine learning-Based intrusion detection has become more popular in the research community thanks to its capability in discovering unknown attacks. To develop a good detection model for an intrusion detection system (IDS) using machine learning, a great number of attack and normal data samples are required in the learning process. While normal data can be relatively easy to collect, attack data is much rarer and harder to gather. Subsequently, IDS datasets are often dominated by normal data and machine learning models trained on those imbalanced datasets are ineffective in detecting attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel solution to this problem by using generative adversarial networks to generate synthesized attack data for IDS. The synthesized attacks are merged with the original data to form the augmented dataset. Three popular machine learning techniques are trained on the augmented dataset. The experiments conducted on the three common IDS datasets and one our own dataset show that machine learning algorithms achieve better performance when trained on the augmented dataset of the generative adversarial networks compared to those trained on the original dataset and other sampling techniques. The visualization technique was also used to analyze the properties of the synthesized data of the generative adversarial networks and the others

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Handling imbalanced data in intrusion detection systems using generative adversarial networks

Handling imbalanced data in intrusion detection systems using generative adversarial networks
iques, we
can see that both ACGAN and TomekSMOTE generate
many samples that are in the middle area of the minor
classes. Conversely, SMOTE-SVM and ACGAN-SVM only
generate the samples that are near the borderline between
classes. In the context of sampling techniques, the samples
that are near the borderline between classes often contribute
more significantly to the effectiveness of the classifiers than
the samples located in the center area.
Moreover, Fig. 3 also shows that TomekSMOTE and
ACGAN sometimes create the samples that are overlapped
with the samples of other classes. Subsequently, these
samples will be difficult for the classifiers to separate
correctly. Conversely, the generated samples of SMOTE-
SVM and ACGAN-SVM are not overlapped with other
classes. This evidences that using SVM helps to remove
the noisy samples generated by ACGAN and SMOTE. This
provides partial explanation for the better performance of
ACGAN-SVM compared to ACGAN and others. Moreover,
the superior performance of ACGAN-SVM and ACGAN
to other sampling techniques could be that the generated
samples of ACGAN and ACGAN-SVM are better follow
the original distribution than the traditional techniques as
analyzed in Subsection VI.3.
Overall, the results in this section show that Generative
Adversarial Networks can generate the meaningful samples
for imbalanced IDS datasets. The classification algorithms
that are trained on datasets augmented by ACGAN and par-
ticularly ACGAN-SVM are often better than those trained
on the original dataset and the datasets obtained by using
some popular sampling techniques.
In this paper, we proposed a novel approach based on
generative adversarial networks for addressing imbalanced
datasets in IDS. Specifically, we proposed two techniques
based on ACGAN and ACGAN-SVM to generate samples
for the attack classes in IDS. The augmented datasets of
ACGAN and ACGAN-SVM are then used as the training
dataset for three popular classification algorithms, SVM,
DT, and RF. The experiments were conducted on three
common IDS datasets: NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, and CI-
CIDS2017 and one our own dataset, i.e., RAWDATA.
The results show that the augmented datasets of ACGAN
and ACGAN-SVM help machine learning to enhance ac-
curacy on the imbalanced datasets although the training
processes of ACGAN and ACGAN-SVM are often slower
than the traditional sampling approaches. We analysed the
quality of the generated data of ACGAN and SMOTE-
SVM and visualized the borderline synthesized samples of
five tested sampling techniques. The visualization partially
explains the better performance of ACGAN and particularly
ACGAN-SVM compared to others.
There are a number of research areas for future work
that arise from this paper. First, we would like to examine
the effectiveness of other deep learning generative models
such as auto-encoder in generating the synthesized attacks
for IDS. Second, the visualization technique has shed some
Research and Development on Information and Communication Technology
light on the superior performance of ACGAN-SVM to
other sampling techniques. However, this technique did
not completely explain why ACGAN is also often better
than SMOTE-SVM. We hypothesize that the generated data
of ACGAN is better follow the original distribution than
SMOTE-SVM. In the future, we will study the method to
quantify the distribution of the synthesized samples of these
sampling techniques [41]. Last but not least, we want to
extend this approach to other problems in security and in
other areas such as anomaly detection.
This research is funded by Vietnam National Foundation
for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED)
under grant number 102.05-2019.05.
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Ly Vu received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. de-
grees in computer science from Le Quy
Don Technical University (LQDTU), Viet-
nam and Inha University, Korea, respec-
tively. She is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
degree with LQDTU. She was a Lecturer
with Le Quy Don Technical University.
Her research interests include data mining,
machine learning, deep learning, network security.
Quang Uy Nguyen received B.Sc. and
M.Sc. degree in computer science from Le
Quy Don Technical University (LQDTU)),
Vietnam and the PhD degree at University
College Dublin, Ireland. Currently, he is a
senior lecturer at LQDTU and the direc-
tor of Machine Learning and Applications
research group at LQDTU. His research
interest includes Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Information
Security, Evolutionary Algorithms and Genetic Programming.

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