Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành công nghệ thông tin


Passive are very common in technical writing where we are more

interested in facts processes and and event than in people.We form the

passive by using the appropriate tenses of the verb "to be" followed by the

past participle of the werb we are using.



- We sell computers. (The simple present)

- Babbage invented "The Analytical Engine". (The simple past)

- Computers can help students perform mathematical operations.

- In the pressroom several PCs give real- time information on the stata of

the race.


- Computers are sold (simple present)

- "The Analytical Engine" was invented in 1830.(simple past)

- They can be used to access the Internet.

- Computer databases are also used in the drug – detecting tests for


Facts and processes

When we write or talk about facts or processes that occur regularly, we use

the present passive


1. Data is transferred from the internal memory to the arithmetic-logical

unit along channel known as buses.

2. The other users are automaticalyy denied access to that record.

3. Distributed systems are built using networked computers.

Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành công nghệ thông tin trang 1

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành công nghệ thông tin

Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành công nghệ thông tin
topologies such as bus, ring and star. 
 UNIT 17 
 Authentication xác th ực, xác nh ận là 
 Deliver Phân ph ối 
 Dialpad Bàn phím 
 E-commerce Th ươ ng m ại điện t ử 
 Eliminate lo ại tr ừ, lo ại ra, rút ra 
 Flip up Búng, khi ếm nhã, b ỡn 
 Gadget đồ dùng, b ộ ph ận c ải 
 ti ến 
 Handheld xách tay 
 Head-mounted Đội trên đầu 
 Headset bộ ống nghe điện đài 
 Hybrid Lai, ghép 
 Illusionary ảo giác, ảo t ưởng 
 Imaginary ảo, t ưởng t ượng 
 Immersed Ngâm, chìm 
 Incorporate Hợp nh ất, k ết h ợp ch ặt 
 ch ẽ 
 Initiate đề s ướng, kh ởi ngu ồn, 
 bắt đầu 
 Interact Tươ ng tác 
 Propelled Đẩy đi, đẩy t ới, ch ất n ổ 
 Protocol Giao th ức 
 Pop up Xu ất hi ện, x ảy ra b ất 
 ng ờ 
 Reluctant Mi ễn c ưỡng 
 Satellite Vệ tinh nhân t ạo 
 Simulation Mô ph ỏng 
 Simultaneously một cách đồng th ời
 Transmit Truy ền, phát 
 Vice versa Ng ược l ại 
 Wireless Không giây 
 3G (third- generation) th ế h ệ th ứ ba 
 3D (three-dimensional) ba chi ều 
 VR (virtual) Ảo 
 WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) Giao th ức ứng d ụng 
 không dây 
 PDA (personal digital assistant) Thi ết b ị h ỗ tr ợ cá nhân 
 kỹ thu ật s ố 
 Making predictions 
HELP box 
 • Future with will/shall 
 A computer program will be the world chess champion. 
 • Future contuous (will be + present participle) 
 In twenty years’ time, some people will be living in space, inside a 
 computerized colony. 
 • Future perfect ( will have + past participle) 
 By 2020, new technology will have revolutionized communications. 
 • Special structures 
 - Possibility (may/might/could) 
 Scientists may discover new electronic components. 
 - Probability (likely to) 
 Talking machines are likely to be built 
 - Certainly (certainly, definitely, certain to) 
 Working hours will definitely become shorter with the help of 
 computers. Prices are certain to go up. 
Task 1. Look at these pictures and match them with texts 1 to 4 
New product 
1. Not long ago, mobile phones could just transmit voice and SMS 
messages. Now they can display Internet information thanks to the 
Wireless Application Protocol or WAP. 
Some hybrid models combine a phone with a PDA. They look like a 
regular phone with a dialpad and a small screen on its front. But if you flip 
up the front cover you find a larger screen that is touch-sensitive. Some 
include a virtual keyboard which pops up when you want to enter email 
text or a WAP address. 
But the future is called “third-generation” (3G) mobiles. They transmit a 
caller’s picture and voice simultaneously. UMTS mobile phones deliver 
users information, e-commerce, games and videoconferencing via fixed, 
wireless and satellite networks. 
2. Internet TV sets allow you to surf the Web and have email while you are 
watching TV, or vice versa. Imagine watching a film on TV and 
simultaneously accessing a Web site where you get information on the 
actors in the film. This is ideal for people who are reluctant to use PCs but 
are interested in the Internet. 
Web TV was the first company which brought Internet services to TV 
viewers through a set – top computer box. Another option is WorldGate’s 
technology, which offers the Internet through cable TV. 
The model built by OEM Metec integrates a complete Windows PC in a 
TV set. The next generation of Internet – enabled televisions will 
incorporate a smart-card for home shopping, banking and other interactive 
 a b 
c d 
3. Virtual reality lets people interact with artificial objects and 
environments through three-dimensional computer simulation. In a VR 
system, you are hooked to a computer through a controlling device, such as 
a glove, and head-mounted displays give you the feeling of being propelled 
into an artificial three-dimensional world. The computer brings to life 
events in a distant, virtual world using databases or real-time objects and 
sounds. Your senses are immersed in an illusionary, yet sensate, world. 
VR can be applied to anything from video games, testing a motor vehicle, 
visiting a virtual exhibition, to checking out imaginary kitchen designs. 
4. Bluetooth is a standard wireless technology designed to connect mobile 
phones computers and other devices, replacing direct cable links. Since it 
uses high-frequency radio waves, the transfer of data and voice is very fast. 
All data are protected by advanced methods of encryption and 
 Bluetooth was initiate by Ericsson and the objective was to eliminate 
cables between mobile phones, PC cards, headsets, ect. Today it is 
supported by companies such as Nokia, IBM, Toshiba and Intel. 
 With Bluetooth, a handheld computer can be used to surf the Internet 
wherever you are, or to transfer files with other participants in meetings. 
Mobile phones will soon be used to control all sorts of gadgets in the 
house, from TV sets to refrigerators. 
 • PDA Personal Digital Assistant which includes an address book, a 
 calendar, Internet access, ect. 
 • WAP Wireless Application Protocol which enables mobile phones to 
 access the Internet. 
 • IBM International Business Machines. 
Task 2. Write a suitable caption under each picture. 
Task 3. Look at the picture below and read the text. Then discuss these 
questions in small groups and prepare a short report for the class. 
1. What are the most important differences between handheld computers 
(eg. palmtops, PDAs, ect.) and traditional compters? 
2. What are the advantages and limitations of handheld computers? 
Psion Series 5mX handheld 
computers have a keyboard and 
a touch-sensitive screen. 
Although every light weight, 
they have one month battery 
capacity, 16 MB of RAM, a 
windowing OS, a microphone 
for sound recording and a full 
range of application which lets 
you sent e-mail and browse the 
3. Should students be allowed to use handheld computers in class? 
4. Do you agree with this statement: “Soon, handheld PCs will combine the 
functions of traditional PCs, cellular phones and pocket-size organizers? 
Exercise 1. Match the terms on the left with the explanations on the right. 
1 Internet – enabled TV a Location on the Internet where a company puts 
 web pages 
2 Website b Technology that allows users to see a computer 
 simulated world in which they can move. 
3 Virtual reality c TV set used as an Internet device 
4 WAP d Device that can handle multiple data types 
 including voice and video. 
5 Wireless e Protocol that enables mobile phones to access 
 Internet information. 
6 3G mobile phone f Without the use of cables. 
Exercise 2. Look at the HELP box and then expand these sentences using 
the future perfect tense. 
1. In ten years time/a lot of people/connect their television to the telephone 
2. Portable PCs/replace/desktop PCs/in a few years’ time. 
3. With the help of computers/doctors/find/cure/AIDS and cancer/by the 
year 2010. 
4. By this time next year/software manufactures/make/hundreds of new 
5. by 2020/ post offices and bookshops/disappear. 
6. By this time next year/I/Buy/handheld computer. 
Exercise 3. Here are some predictions made by an intelligent 
supercomputer. In small groups, write your own predictions. 
* Work/jobs 
Eg. By the year 2030 human labour in industry will have been replace by 
 • Homes 
Eg. Families will have robots to do the housework . 
Eg. By the end of the next century, every student in every school in the 
world will have a PC 
Eg. Cash will disapper 
Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into Vietnamese 
1. Some hybrid models combine a phone with a PDA. They look like a 
regular phone with a dialpad and a small screen on its front. But if you flip 
up the front cover you find a larger screen that is touch-sensitive. 
2. Internet TV sets allow you to surf the Web and have email while you are 
watching TV, or vice versa. Imagine watching a film on TV and 
simultaneously accessing a Web site where you get information on the 
actors in the film. 
3. In a VR system, you are hooked to a computer through a controlling 
device, such as a glove, and head-mounted displays give you the feeling of 
being propelled into an artificial three-dimensional world. 
4. Bluetooth is a standard wireless technology designed to connect mobile 
phones computers and other devices, replacing direct cable links. Since it 
uses high-frequency radio waves, the transfer of data and voice is very fast. 
5. With Bluetooth, a handheld computer can be used to surf the Internet 
wherever you are, or to transfer files with other participants in meetings. 
Mobile phones will soon be used to control all sorts of gadgets in the 
house, from TV sets to refrigerators. 
 Also pushing the wired-to-wireless envelope is the approval of the 
802.11n wireless standard, coupled with capabilities that render it superior 
to 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g. “Ratification has made the standard 
mainstream, so end-users are comfortable going wireless even for mission-
critical applications, like office videoconferencing and retail inventory 
management,” asserts Dilip Advani,productmanager,AirMagnet 
 Vendors and VARs say customers in many vertical markets favor the 
improved throughput available with 802.11n Wi-Fi, which reportedly 
offers four to six times the bandwidth available under 802.11 a/b/g 
standards. Other advantages of 802.11n over its predecessors encompass 
enhanced efficiency bolstered by MIMO (multiple input and multiple 
output) technology, wherein multiple antennas are employed at the 
network’s transmitter and receiver. MIMO accomplishes the boost via 
higher spectral efficiency, which yields more bits per second per hertz of 
bandwidth, and link reliability or diversity, which reduces fading. 
Additionally, 802.11n has the potential to support more users per single 
access point than its predecessors, with the extra promise of better 
performance from less equipment, observes Joe Epstein, senior director of 
technology, Meru Networks 
 A central processing unit (CPU), also referred to as a central 
processor unit, is the hardware within a computer system 
or smartphone which carries out the instructions of a computer program by 
performing the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of 
the system: Bộ xử lý trung tâm (CPU) là ph ần c ứng trong m ột máy tính 
ho ặc điện tho ại thông minh th ực hi ện các h ướng d ẫn c ủa ch ươ ng trình máy 
tính b ằng cách th ực hi ện các phép tính cơ b ản, và nh ập/ xu ất d ữ li ệu của 
hệ th ống 
 A personal computer (PC) is a microcomputer designed for use by 
one person at a time: máy tính cá nhân (PC) là máy vi tính được thi ết k ế để 
một ng ười s ử d ụng t ại m ột th ời điểm. 
 Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over 
short distances (using short-wavelength radio transmissions in the ISM 
band from 2400–2480 MHz) from fixed and mobile devices, creating 
personal area networks (PANs) with high levels of security: Bluetooth là 
một chu ẩn công ngh ệ không dây để trao đổ i d ữ li ệu trên m ột kho ảng cách 
ng ắn (b ằng cách s ử d ụng truy ền d ẫn vô tuy ến b ước sóng ng ắn trong b ăng 
tần ISM t ừ 2400-2480 MHz) t ừ các thi ết b ị di độ ng và c ố đị nh, t ạo ra các 
vùng m ạng cá nhân (ch ảo) v ới m ức độ b ảo m ật cao. 
 Computer hardware equals the collection of physical elements that 
comprise a computer system : Ph ần c ứng máy tính là các y ếu t ố v ật ch ất tạo 
nên một h ệ th ống máy tính. 
 Computer software, or just software, is a collection of computer 
programs and related data that provides the instructions for telling 
acomputer what to do and how to do it: Ph ần m ềm máy tính th ường g ọi là 
ph ần m ềm là các ch ươ ng trình máy tính và d ữ li ệu liên quan cung c ấp các 
hướng d ẫn để máy tính ph ải làm gì và cách làm. 
 Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service component 
of phone, web, or mobile communication systems, using standardized 
communications protocols that allow the exchange of short text messages 
between fixed line or mobile phone devices: Dịch v ụ tin nh ắn ng ắn (SMS) 
là m ột tin nh ắn v ăn b ản c ủa điện tho ại, web, ho ặc các h ệ th ống thông tin di 
động, b ằng cách s ử d ụng giao th ức truy ền thông tiêu chu ẩn cho phép vi ệc 
trao đổi tin nh ắn v ăn b ản ng ắn gi ữa điện tho ại c ố đị nh ho ặc các thi ết b ị 
điện thoại di độ ng. 
 Storage Devices are the data storage devices that are used in the 
computers to store the data: Thi ết b ị l ưu tr ữ là thi ết b ị l ưu tr ữ d ữ li ệu được 
sử d ụng trong các máy tính để l ưu tr ữ các d ữ li ệu. 
1. Betty Schrampfer Azar , 2001. Understanding and using English 
Grammar , The Youth Press 
2. Jesson, J & Peacock, G , 2003, Starter Award in ICT: Next Steps , 
Cambridge University Press 
3. Meredith, S, 2004, Starting Computers , Usborne Publishing Ltd 
4. Raymond Murphy , 1994, English grammar in use, Nhà xu ất b ản Giáo 
5. Randolph Quirk & Sydney Greenbaum , 2008, A university Grammar 
of English , Nhà xu ất b ản H ải Phòng. 
6. Santiago Remacha Esteras , 2003, English for computer users , 
Cambridge university press. 
7. Thac Binh Cuong , 2000, English for IT and computer users , Ha Noi 
science and technology Press. 
8. Tr ần H ữu M ạnh, 2008, Fundamentals of English Traditional Syntax , 
Nhà xu ất b ản Đạ i h ọc Qu ốc Gia- Hà n ội. 

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