Evaluating the effectiveness of integrated accounting information Systems (AIS) in ERP environment of Vietnamese garment companies
Identifying factors defining the effectiveness of integrated
AIS in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) environment is
really a challenging task. In our research, the effectiveness of
integrated AIS in ERP is presented in the form of a Balanced
Scorecard (BSC) model. This study analyzes data collected from
178 Vietnamese garment companies with AIS in an ERP
environment. Then, Cronbach’s Alpha test and Exploratory
Factor Analysis (EFA) are conducted to assess the reliability of
variables. The result identifies 28 variables from Vietnamese
garment companies’ managers view grouped into 4-dimensional
constructs of the BSC model that define the effectiveness of
integrated AIS in an ERP environment. The conclusion on
garment companies’ AIS evaluation factors paves the way for
future research on other Vietnamese industries’ AIS evaluation
in an ERP environment.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Evaluating the effectiveness of integrated accounting information Systems (AIS) in ERP environment of Vietnamese garment companies

the business sector in the market 21.1262 7.353 0.608 LEA4 Encourage staff to actively solve problems 21.2393 7.485 0.594 LEA5 Allow employees to work independently 21.0436 7.658 0.592 LEA6 Support coordination among departments 21.0656 7.021 0.702 LEA7 Facilitate businesses to work with each other 20.8754 7.913 0.624 Source: Data analysis result of the research 4.2.2. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) After Cronbach’s Alpha test, 30 observational variables were retained for further analysis of the EFA process. During the first EFA running, Minimize labor costs variable and Support for introducing new services variable presenting small load factors, respectively 0.389 and 0.378, were eliminated. The second EFA analysis outcome shows that the observational variables focused on 4 research constructs with the KMO = 0.827, which is satisfactory (Hair et al., 2005) (Table 8). Cronbach's Alpha No. of variables 0.837 7 30 Vu Quoc Thong. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 9(1), 17-35 Table 8 Result of the EFA factor analysis No. Variables Research constructs Finance Customer Business Process Learning and Growth 01 FIN1 Increase business profits 0.833 02 FIN2 Increase Return on Equity (ROE) 0.812 03 FIN3 Increase sales revenue 0.775 04 FIN4 Minimize operating costs 0.754 05 FIN5 Increase Return on Investment (ROI) 0.747 06 FIN6 Increase Return on Assets (ROA) 0.722 07 CUS1 Support order delivery 0.801 Create better transaction value for 08 CUS2 customers 0.793 Support interactive services with 09 CUS3 customers 0.785 10 CUS4 Improve customer satisfaction 0.742 11 CUS5 Establish relationships with customers 0.708 12 CUS6 Improve the quality of customer service 0.694 13 BUS1 Improve productivity 0.812 14 BUS2 Restructure the working process 0.803 15 BUS3 Make changes in the working process 0.774 16 BUS4 Improve the quality of decision making 0.762 17 BUS5 Provide better production management 0.751 Vu Quoc Thong. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 9(1), 17-35 31 No. Variables Research constructs Finance Customer Business Process Learning and Growth 18 BUS6 Support inventory management 0.738 19 BUS7 Improve management productivity 0.722 20 BUS8 Assist in working with suppliers 0.667 21 BUS9 Support for better control 0.657 22 LEA1 Improve employee motivation 0.802 Allow support services to be shared by all 23 LEA2 levels in businesses 0.797 Support the development of the business 24 LEA3 sector in the market 0.705 Encourage staff to actively solve 25 LEA4 problems 0.694 26 LEA5 Allow employees to work independently 0.656 27 LEA6 Support coordination among departments 0.649 Facilitate businesses to work with each 28 LEA7 other 0.573 Rotation: Promax with Kaiser Normalization; General variance deduction: 54.722 Bartlett test <0.05; KMO index = 0.827 Source: Data analysis result of the research By EFA analysis, the author retains 28 variables grouped by 4 research constructs of the BSC model (Figure 8). These are significant observation variables for evaluating the effectiveness of integrated AIS in ERP environments of Vietnamese garment companies from managers’ viewpoint. 5. Conclusions and future research Focusing on the evaluation of integrated AIS in an ERP environment from the managers’ viewpoint, this paper proposes a research model based on the BSC theory. The 32 Vu Quoc Thong. Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University, 9(1), 17-35 author (1) examine the status of assessing the effectiveness of integrated AIS in the ERP environment in Vietnamese garment companies and (2) identify the factors that determine the effectiveness of AIS in the ERP environment in such companies from managers’ view. The author studied to develop and test scales of four (04) BSC research constructs to determine the effectiveness of integrated AIS in ERP environments in Vietnamese garment companies. 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