Determinants of accounting information systems quality: Empirical evidence from Vietnam
This research is conducted to investigate the factors affecting the accounting information systems quality. Data was collected by using questionnaire delivered to 347 participants who are board of director’s members and managers. The statistical methods approaches are employed to address the research issues including Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). The findings showed that various factors had significant impacts on the accounting information systems quality including (i) organization culture, (ii) manager participation, (iii) information technology, (iv) information technology knowledge of managers, (v) accounting knowledge of managers, (vi) accounting information applications, (vii) consultation of external experts and (viii) training activities for users in accounting information systems. Based on the research results, some key intuitive recommendations were proposed aiming to improve the accounting information systems quality of Vietnamese Enterprises

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Determinants of accounting information systems quality: Empirical evidence from Vietnam

, experts (EXPERTS) and user training (TRAINING), managers’ accounting knowledge (MKA), managers' IT knowledge (MKIT), information technology (IT), and participation of managers (MP) were statistically significant at 5% level to the quality of accounting information 196 systems. These factors explain up to 81% of the fluctuations in the quality of accounting information systems (R2 value = 81%). Among those influential factors, manager IT knowledge (MKIT), information technology, management participation (MP), manager accounting knowledge (MKA) were the most powerful factors. Regression coefficient value of MKIT, MKA and MP are 0.38; 0.38 and 0.34 respectively. This study complements previous research by having supported this association within Vietnamese context. Further studies may replicate this study to enhance the external validity of the results. 6.2. Recommendations From the research results drawn above, the authors make the following suggestions to improve the quality of accounting information systems for companies listed on the stock exchange in Vietnam as follows: Firstly, fostering knowledge on accounting for managers. Being a manager, it is necessary to have clear understanding of the business activities. Accounting is the language of business and from this research result, accounting knowledge is the most important element of AIS quality. Therefore, managers need to have good knowledge of accounting in order to know the business situation, from which they can run a good business operation and bring high profits to the business. Managers need to acquire sufficient accounting knowledge. Company should also have policies that encourage managers to take short accounting courses with topics relevant to the business management like managerial accounting, tax accounting, internal control, etc. so that the manager will be proactive in managing the accounting information system. Secondly, enhancing information technology knowledge for managers. The knowledge is viewed as the primary determining factor of organizational success and is considered the foundation of competitive advantage. Manager should learn basic knowledge of computer science, software technology, computer engineering, information systems, computer and communications networks, and network information security. In addition, the specialized knowledge should be provided such as: research, development, processing or application of software systems; design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of hardware and software components of computer systems and computer-based equipment systems; computer networks and communications. Thirdly, invest in innovation and application of modern information technology at companies. Firms with extensive resources may gain a competitive edge by deploying IT in support of or to strengthen their business (King et al., 1989). Information technology includes computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and collect information in order to develop the ability to repair, create and systems devices to provide information processing solutions based on personal and organizational technology required. Fourth, promote the participation of managers in all stages of work to develop the accounting information system. Managers should participate regularly and continuously in all jobs to build, operate and develop the system such as determining the need of developing accounting information systems and controlling information system. The involvement of managers in the planning, construction and operation of accounting information systems is both motivating, encouraging employees' work and supervising to system operate effectively. Fifth, open training classes for users of accounting information systems. The users of the accounting information system are quite diverse, including accountants, sales staff, production department, and material supply staff. The employees in the system need to understand their responsibilities in the system and the relationship between their work and the work of others in the system. The irresponsibility or carelessness of a person in the system seriously affects the operation of the system. 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