Deep learning for epileptic spike detection

In the clinical diagnosis of epilepsy using electroencephalogram (EEG) data, an accurate automatic

epileptic spikes detection system is highly useful and meaningful in that the conventional manual process

is not only very tedious and time-consuming, but also subjective since it depends on the knowledge

and experience of the doctors. In this paper, motivated by significant advantages and lots of achieved

successes of deep learning in data mining, we apply Deep Belief Network (DBN), which is one of the

breakthrough models laid the foundation for deep learning, to detect epileptic spikes in EEG data. It is

really useful in practice because the promising quality evaluation of the spike detection system is higher

than 90%. In particular, to construct the accurate detection model for non-spikes and spikes, a new set

of detailed features of epileptic spikes is proposed that gives a good description of spikes. These features

were then fed to the DBN which is modified from a generative model into a discriminative model to aim

at classification accuracy. A performance comparison between using the DBN and other learning models

including DAE, ANN, kNN and SVM was provided via numerical study by simulation. Accordingly, the

sensitivity and specificity obtained by using the kind of deep learning model are higher than others. The

experiment results indicate that it is possible to use deep learning models for epileptic spike detection

with very high performance.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Deep learning for epileptic spike detection

Deep learning for epileptic spike detection
based on the LOO-CV. In each observation, the spikes, shape waves and emotion in EEG data in 
best DBN’s configuration is fitted using a [1, 29] and [25] respectively. All the models are 
training data composed of 18 patients and then trained and tested on the same above EEG 
tested by a remaining patient. The measurement dataset. 
is repeated until the last patient is done. 
 The experimental results are shown 
statistically in the Tab 3. It can be clearly that, 
the estimation of emphspecificity is stable in all 
tests which is reasonable at 95% to 100% due to 
the fact that the number of non spikes for testing 
are large compared with the testing epileptic 
spike, meanwhile the sensitivity seems to be 
different in patients. Accordingly, among the 
observations, the patient number 7 and 8 reach 
the highest sensitivity of 100%; whereas the 
DBN can not detect any epileptic spikes of 
patient number 13 and 15 leading to the lowest 
result at 0% or the model returns a sensitivity of 
50% from patient number 5. It may be caused by 
the fact that the patients have a few spike which 
can be considered as anomalies, so it is hard to 
capture them. In addition, the statistics indicate 
that the more epileptic spike we obtain from the Figure 7. ROC curves for some learning models 
testing patient, the higher accuracy the DBN can trained on the EEG data. 
 Table 3. A performance comparison between the 
predict at. For examples, 622 spikes of patient 
 DBN and other learning models 
number 10 are correctly detected over the total 
number of 635 spikes with a precision of Model SEN SPE AUC 
97.95%; and in the case of the patient number 14, DBN 87.35% 97.89% 0.9597 
the experimental results are very high when the DAE 0% 100% 0.5232 
percentage of epileptic spikes and non spikes ANN 65.74% 91.72% 0.8918 
 SVM 58.64% 92.53% 0.8815 
detected correctly is 95.68% and 99.47% 
 kNN 28.40% 95.42% 0.8058 
respectively. In other cases, the outputs returned 
from patients with more than 20 spikes are quite The results are show statistically and 
good and stable in the range sensitivity of 80% graphically in Tab 4 and Fig 8. It is clear that all 
to 86%. the quality evaluation including sensitivity 
 Finally, a performance comparison between (SEN); emphspecificity (SPE) and area 
using the DBN and other learning models was undercurve (AUC) of the DBN are better than 
provided via numerical study by simulation. In that of other models. Moreover, using DBN 
this work, there are the ANN, deep autoencoder consumes less training time than using others for 
(DAE), support vector machine (SVM) and the reason which the training time of DBN can 
K-nearest neighbor (kNN). In particular, the be reduced by the decreasing the number of 
ANN is organized by an input layer, two hidden iterations to convergence in CD algorithm while 
layers and an output layer followed the way of SVM, kNN and ANN are very time-consuming 
Liu [23] and Dao [5]. The DAE which is a deep in the training process due to the high-
generative model is modified into a dimensional input vector space. Specifically, the 
discriminative model to be aiming to predict SEN, SPE of the DBN classifier are 87.35%, 
epileptic spikes that is composed of three stages 97.89% respectively and better 20% than the 
including encoder, decoder and softmax layer classifier ANN, meanwhile, only 58.64% and 
[6]. The SVM and kNN, which are well-know 28.40% of true spikes are correctly detected by 
 L.T. Xuyen et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 33, No. 2 (2017) 1-13 11
SVM and kNN. It may be caused by the fact that Acknowledgments 
the EEG dataset used in this work is raw without 
filtering and removing artifacts. Therefore, using This work was supported by Project 
shallow architectures are not useful for this CN.16.07 granted by the University of 
work. Surprisingly, the deep DAE model can not Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National 
detect any spikes and provide a worthless result University, Hanoi. Part of this work was 
with very low AUC of approximately 0.5. It presented in the bachelor graduation thesis of Le 
indicates that not all deep learning models are Trung Thanh [40]. The EEG data used in this 
suitable for this problem. In addition, the work were part of the EEG epilepsy database 
experiments show that the DBN reaches the constructed within the framework of Project 
biggest AUC of 0.9597 representing an excellent QG.10.40 funded by Vietnam National 
system which providing better performance than University Hanoi. 
other models. Once again, this emphasizes the 
advantage and efficiency of DBN in epileptic 
spikes detection. References 
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