Blockchain application in authenticating high-school students’ transcript
Abstract: 1After completing the High School program,
students are received school reports issued by the school
where they completed their high school program, and the
students get the hard copies of study reports (i.e.
certificates, degree, paper of academic transcripts).
Therefore, making fake transcripts for illegal purposes
can be done easily, quickly and at low cost. In this paper,
we propose a model of authenticating student-transcript
system based on Blockchain network. This proposal
system uses smart contracts to build a Private Blockchain
network based on Ethereum platform, to build
decentralized applications - Decentralized Application
(dApp), distributed file systems IPFS (Interplanetary File
System) . with these will generate the hash value for
each transcript/scoreboard. The hash value of the
scoreboard file (file hash) will be stored on the
Blockchain network and used in the process of validating
the student's scoreboard/transcript quickly and
accurately, avoiding the fake scoreboard. With the testing
results of hundreds of transcript, that we can easily check
the transcript whether true or fake with 100% correction.
We can make sure of the accuracy of verification using
Blockchain and its application. The testing is still limited
but we can extend more, open a very potential perspective
of verifying students’ study result.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Blockchain application in authenticating high-school students’ transcript

anscript. Step 3: Return one of the following 3 states of the transcript: o Transcript does not exist if this hash file does not match any hash file already stored in the Blockchain system. o A transcript already exists but has not been authenticated if this hash file matches a hash file stored in the Blockchain system, but the corresponding scorecard has not been authenticated by the Admin. o The transcript already exists and has been verified if the hash file if the hash file matches a file that has been stored in the Blockchain system and the corresponding scorecard file that has been authenticated by the Admin. V. EXPERIMENTS AND EVALUATION OF RESULTS A. Experimental simulation environment OS Ubuntu 18.04, Intel® Core ™ i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz, 8GB RAM. Use the Docker tool (version 19.3.8) and Docker- compose (version 1.21.2). Cong Hung Tran, Dien Tam Le, Hieu Le Ngoc, Thi Xuan Dinh Ho Smart contract is written in Solidity language on framework as Truffle. NodeJS (version V10.19.0) and npm (version 6.14.3) are used to build the Web Service. Use RPC (Remote Procedure Call) protocol and format data in JSON format. Use the Web3.js library to interact with the Private Blockchain network. For the Private Blockchain system, we use the Ethereum Blockchain platform, PoA consensus protocol. Evaluation criteria: Time of authentication. Accuracy. Convenience. B. Experiments and results Experimental data Table 1: Experimental dataset. Transcript illustrates Figure 7: Transcript illustrating. Result Case 1: The transcript's status does not exist on the system (the transcript has not been stored by the teacher on the system). At that time, the test result of the transcript is "Grade Record does not exist.". Table 2: Experimental results with Case 1. Result with case 1: The system is 100% accurate. Figure 8: The transcript test interface with Case 1. Case 2: The transcript's status is correct but not yet authenticated by the Admin. (The transcript has been stored by the teacher on the system, but the Admin has not yet verified the transcript). At that time, the test outcome is "Grade Record is true but not verified.". Table 3: Experimental results with Case 2. No. Number of File Record File Size Format file 1 300 ~ 400 100 ~ 300 Kb .pdf No. Student ID Transcript File hash Result 1 ms001 File1.pdf 31c7b132359e35a52c5fe0796598fc34f410c7484cef79854ca97c51bf True 2 ms002 File2.pdf 245f5e9sdf42dsc4s4c4d6f6r6a6v656bxd9814vsf24756f2fv22c2576d True 3 ms003 File3.pdf 91hj7b132359e35a52c5fe0796598fc34f410c7484cef79854ca97c32q True 4 ms004 File4.pdf 9ca72c5fe079b132359e35a52c5fe0796598fc34f410c7484cef79854c True 5 ms005 File5.pdf 52c5fe071359e35a52c5fe0796598fc34f410c7484cef79854c8fc34f41 True 6 ms006 File6.pdf 8fc34f41059e35a52c5fe0796598fc34f410c7484cef79854ca9 fe07kl True 7 ms007 File7.pdf 54ca97c51bf 31c7b132359e35a52c5fe0796598fc34f410c7484cef798 True 8 ms008 File8.pdf 9e35a52c5fe079854ca97c51bf 96598fc34f410c7484cef731c7b13235 True 9 ms009 File9.pdf 410c7484cef79854ca97c51bf31c7b132359e35a52c5fe0796598fc34f True 10 ms010 File10.pdf 359e35a52c5fe0731c7b13296598fc34f41054ca97c51bf c7484cef798 True No. Student ID Transcript File hash Result 1 ms011 File11.pdf fe0796598fc32359e35a52c50c7484cef79854ca97c51bf34f4131c7b1 True 2 ms012 File12.pdf 24 f2fv22c2576d 5f5e9s4d6f6r6a6v656bxd9814vsf24756df42dsc4s4c True 3 ms013 File13.pdf c5fe0796598fc34f410c 91hj7b132359e35a527484cef79854ca97c32q True 4 ms014 File14.pdf 410c7484cef79854c 9ca72c5f2c5fe0796598fc34f e079b132359e35a5 True 5 ms015 File15.pdf e071359e35a52c5fe052c5f796598fc34f410c7484cef79854c8fc34f41 True 6 ms016 File16.pdf 484cef79854ca9 fe07kl 8fc34f41059e35a52c5fe0796598fc34f410c7 True 7 ms017 File17.pdf 31c7cef79854ca97c51bf b132359e35a52c5fe0796598fc34f410c7484 True 8 ms018 File18.pdf c5fe0796598fc34f410c7484cef79854ca97c51bf31c7b132359e35a52 True 9 ms019 File19.pdf ef79854ca97c51bf31c7b132359e35a52c5fe0796598fc34f410c7484c True 10 ms020 File20.pdf 34cef79854ca97c51bf 1c7b132359e35a52c5fe0796598fc34f410c748 True BLOCKCHAIN APPLICATION IN AUTHENTICATING HIGH-SCHOOL STUDENTS’ TRANSCRIPT Result with case 2: The system is 100% accurate. Figure 9: Interface for checking transcript with Case 2. Case 3: The status of the transcript is correct and verified. (The transcript has been stored by the teacher on the system and the Admin has confirmed the transcript). At that time, the test result of the transcript was “Grade Record is true and verified”. Table 4: Experimental results with Case 3. Result with case 3: The system is 100% accurate Figure 10: Interface for checking transcript with Case 3. With 300 data sets of transcripts, the system produces the following results: Table 5: Experimental results with 300 transcript files. No. Number of File Record Accuracy Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 1 50~100 100% 100% 100% 2 100~150 100% 100% 100% 3 150~200 100% 100% 100% 4 200~250 100% 100% 100% 5 250~300 100% 100% 100% C. Assessment of the results The proposed model provides an authentication system for user data - student transcripts - based on the Blockchain Network (using Ethereum platform). The system after the experiment was evaluated as follows: Fast authentication time. Simple authentication process, easy to follow. Verify the student's transcript on the system for most accurate results, the transcript is difficult to be fake. Manage and store students' transcripts safer, more transparently and invariably. The system helps reduce the need for manpower during the validation of transcripts. Table 6: Comparation and evaluation of the proposed system and traditional method. No. Evaluation criteria Authentication transcripts by the proposed system Authentication transcripts by the traditional way 1 Time Less time-consuming: just a few seconds for a verification. Take a lot of time: Copy, notarized verification or input data into the school system to check, then compare it manually, check it true or not. This process may take 02 ~ 03 minutes for a verification. 2 Procedure Perform authentication on computers connected to the Internet anytime, anywhere. The authentication process is complicated and must go through many agencies and organizations. 3 Trust level High, hard to fake thanks to the immutability and transparency of Blockchain. Depends on many factors. May be tampered with during authentication. 4 Storage location Blockchain network system. (safe, Decentralized) Schools. 5 Convenience More Less 6 Popularity Not popular Popular No. Student ID Transcript File hash Result 1 ms021 File21.pdf 598fc32359fe0796e35a52c50c7484cef7c7b19854ca97c51bf34f4131 True 2 ms022 File22.pdf fe9s4d6f6r6a6v656bxd924f2fv22c2576d5814vsf24756df42dsc4s4cd True 3 ms023 File23.pdf 359e35a527484cef79854ca97c32q5fe0796598fc34f410c 91hj7b132 True 4 ms024 File24.pdf 410c7484cef79854c9ca72c5f2c5fe0796598fc34f e079b132359e35a5 True 5 ms025 File25.pdf 4f410c7484cef79854c8fc34f41e071359e35a52c5fe052c5f796598fc3 True 6 ms026 File26.pdf 96598fc34f410c7484cef79854ca9 fe07kl 8fc34f41059e35a52c5fe07 True 7 ms027 File27.pdf 796598fc34f410c748431c7cef79854ca97c51bf b132359e35a52c5fe0 True 8 ms028 File28.pdf c31c7b132359e35a525fe0796598fc34f410c7484cef79854ca97c51bf True 9 ms029 File29.pdf fe0796598fc34f410c7484c ef79854ca97c51bf31c7b132359e35a52c5 True 10 ms030 File30.pdf bf 1c7b132359e35a52c5fe0796598fc34f410c74834cef79854ca97c51 True Cong Hung Tran, Dien Tam Le, Hieu Le Ngoc, Thi Xuan Dinh Ho No. Evaluation criteria Authentication transcripts by the proposed system Authentication transcripts by the traditional way 7 Human Resources Less More than With authentication transcripts by the traditional method, an organization or company wants to verify a student's transcript, they must rely on a certified copy of the school (where the student is attending) or a copy certified by the competent authority (notary office or local government). This makes it difficult as students spend a lot of time and effort in copying and verifying the transcript; Transcripts must be kept for long term at the school; The verification has to go through many stages and use a lot of manpower. Even so, transcripts can still be faked easily. Currently, an organization or company wants to verify a student's transcript, they can also visit the website / portal of the school that provided the student transcript. This is also a common way that many people are doing. This will take at least 02 minutes or more to perform. The comparison of the proposed model with the traditional way of verifying the transcript is often different. It shows the effectiveness of the proposed model.. VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In this paper, we have built and tested a student transcript system based on the Blockchain network using the PoA consensus algorithm. The proposed a system which can adapt quickly, accurately and reliably in verifying a student's transcript, avoiding forging a student's fake score sheet. With the result outcomes can prove the efficiency and power of Blockchain, it can apply in many aspects of our life, it is also very potential to develop and improve this approach further and deeper. The development direction of the proposed model is to build a Private Blockchain network with more nodes to ensure data is backed up on multiple nodes. In addition to authenticating transcripts, the proposed system can be deployed to validate other user data such as medical records, certificates of marriage registration, etc. REFERENCES [1] Nitin Kumavat, Swapnil Mengade, Dishant Desai, Jesal Varolia, (2019), “Certificate Verification System using Blockchain”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Volume 7 Issue IV, Apr 2019- Available at [2] “WIKIPEDIA” (Updated 06/12/2019) [Online] [3] Deepak Puthal, Nisha Saroha Malik, Saraju P.Mohanty, Elisa Kougianos, (2018), “Everything You Wanted to Know About the Blockchain: Its Promise, Components, Processes, and Problems”. [4] Tran Cong An, Pham Thi Xuan Diem, Tran Van Toi, Le Thi Thu Lan, Lam Duong Quoc, (2019), “Building a Product Origins Tracking System based on Blockchain and PoA Consensus Protocol”, 2019 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications (ACOMP). 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Hệ thống sử dụng hợp đồng thông minh (smart contract), xây dựng hệ thống mạng Private Blockchain trên nền tảng Ethereum, xây dựng các ứng dụng phi tập trung - Decentralized Application (dApp), hệ thống tập tin phân tán IPFS (Interplanetary File System). Giá trị băm của tập tin bảng điểm (file hash) sẽ được lưu trữ trên hệ thống mạng Blockchain và được sử dụng trong quá trình xác thực bảng điểm học sinh nhanh chóng, chính xác, tránh được việc là giả bảng điểm. Từ khoá: Blockchain, IPFS, dApp, Ethereum, Smart contract, bảng điểm. AUTHORS Tran Cong Hung was born in Vietnam in 1961. He received the B.E in electronic and Telecommunication engineering with first class honors from HOCHIMINH University of technology in Vietnam, 1987. He eceived the B.E in informatics and computer engineering from HOCHIMINH University of technology in Vietnam, 1995. He received the Master of Engineering degree in telecommunications engineering course from postgraduate department Hanoi University of technology in Vietnam, 1998. He received PhD. at Hanoi. Le Dien Tam was born in Vietnam in 1987. He received Master Computer science in Universite Pierre et Marie CURIE, France, 2014. He is currently a PhD. Candidate in Computer science and engineering from Kyung Hee University, Korea in 2020. Le Ngoc Hieu has been working in IT industry as a IT System Architect since 2010. In 2018, He completed Master Degree at Post & Telecommunication Institute of Technology. As now, he is working as an IT lecturer for HCMC Open University. His major study is about cloud computing and cloud efficiency for better service; his minor study is about education, especially education in IT line. Ho Thi Xuan Dinh was born in 1988. She received a bachelor's degree in 2011, majoring in computer science at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Vietnam. Currently, she is a Master's candidate in Computer Science from Saigon University, Vietnam. She is a Computer teacher at Hung Vuong High School, Binh Thuan
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