Bài giảng Kiến trúc phần mềm - Chương: Middleware - Trần Minh Triết
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Session 4:
A Guide to Middleware Architectures and Technologies
trong bộ slide Software Architecture Essential
của GS. Ian Gorton
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Middleware is the plumbing or wiring of IT
Provides applications with fundamental services for
distributed computing
Insulates applications from underlying platform
(OS, DBMS, etc) APIs
Lots of middleware exists
Different purposes
Different vendors
Different standards and proprietary technologies

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài giảng Kiến trúc phần mềm - Chương: Middleware - Trần Minh Triết

Trường Đại học Khoa Học Tự Nhiên Khoa Công Nghệ Thông Tin Bộ môn Công Nghệ Phần Mềm CTT526 - Kiến trúc phần mềm Middleware PGS.TS. Trần Minh Triết tmtriet@fit.hcmus.edu.vn Version 1.0 Nội dung của bài giảng sử dụng: Session 4: A Guide to Middleware Architectures and Technologies trong bộ slide Software Architecture Essential của GS. Ian Gorton Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University 2 Introduction Middleware is the plumbing or wiring of IT applications Provides applications with fundamental services for distributed computing Insulates applications from underlying platform (OS, DBMS, etc) APIs Lots of middleware exists Different purposes Different vendors Different standards and proprietary technologies 3 Middleware Classification Business Process Orchestrators BizTalk, TIBCO StaffWare, ActiveBPEL Message Brokers BizTalk, WebSphere Message Broker, SonicMQ Application Servers J2EE, CCM, .NET Transport Message-Oriented Middleware, Distributed Objects Systems 4 Outline CORBA Message-oriented middleware J2EE Message brokers Business process orchestrators 5 CORBA Venerable distributed object technology Still widely used in telecomms, defense Many different implementations Client Server Object Reference Servant request reply client ORB server ORB Network 6 CORBA Code Example module ServerExample { CORBA IDL interface MyObject { string isAlive(); }; }; class MyServant extends _MyObjectImplBase Server { public String isAlive() { return "\nLooks like it\n"; } } ORB orb = ORB.init(args, null); MyServant objRef = new MyServant(); orb.connect(objRef); ORB orb = ORB.init(args, null); // Lookup is a wrapper that actually access the CORBA Naming Client // Service directory – details omitted for simplicity MyServant servantRef = lookup(“Myservant”)String reply = servantRef.isAlive(); 7 CORBA – Some Thoughts Many associated services, eg Naming Notification Transactions Synchronous technology, client-server relatively tightly coupled Remote calls can/will fail State management in server objects creates „interesting‟ recovery issues 8 Messaging - MOM Basic Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) provides features like: Asynchronous communications between processes, applications and systems Send-and-forget Delivering messages despite failures Transactional Messaging Deliver all messages in a transaction, or none Persistence Messages can be logged at the server and hence survive server failure 9 Basic Messaging Send (queue, message) Put message onto queue Receive (queue, message) Get message from queue No dependency on state of receiving application on message send send receive queue 10 queuePersistence send receive Receipt of message at queue implies message is written to disk log Removal of message from queue deletes message from disk log Trade-off performance versus reliability 11 MOM Server Senders Receivers Sending Sending Applications Applications Message Handler Thread Pool MOM Server Peer-to-peer MOM technologies are the alternative design 12 MOM Transactions Begin transaction Begin transaction ... ... update database record get message from queue put message on queue update database record ... ... commit transaction commit transaction 13 MOM Transactions Sender and receiver do *not* share a transaction Rollback on receiver does not affect the sender (already committed) „Synchronous‟ operations are not atomic Request/response is 3 transactions not 1 . Put to request queue . Get from request queue, put to response queue . Get from response queue Request queue send receive receive send Response queue 14 Scaling MOM MOM Server ApplicationQ Senders Receivers MOM Server ApplicationQ 15 Messaging – Some thoughts Highly attractive asynchronous technology Supports loosely-coupled, dynamic applications Scales well, high throughput possible Many implementations, various qualities of service caveat emptor 16 Publish-Subscribe Messaging Extension of MOM to provide 1-to-N, N-to-1, and N-to- N communications Messages are „published‟ to logical subjects or topics Subscribers receive all messages from subjects they subscribe to Sub Create/ Publish Register/ Pub Subject Subscribe Sub Sub 17 Publish-Subscribe with Multicast S u b s c r ib e r S u b s c r ib e r r v d r v d r v r d Based on TIBCO P u b lis h e r Rendezvous r v d r v r d r v d r v d r v d S u b s c r ib e r S u b s c r ib e r S u b s c r ib e r 18 Performance Milliseconds 700 600 500 M C 1 400 M C 2 300 QB 200 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 No. Of Subscribers 19 Subject/Topic Naming Sydney DevGroup SupportGroup Information Information work gossip work gossip Sydney Sydney/DevGroup Sydney/*/Information Sydney/DevGroup/Information Sydney/DevGroup/*/* Sydney/DevGroup/Information/work Sydney/DevGroup/** Sydney/DevGroup/Information/gossip Sydney/SupportGroup Sydney/SupportGroup/Information Sydney/SupportGroup/Information/work Sydney/SupportGroup/Information/gossip 20 Publish-Subscribe – Some Thoughts Highly decoupled messaging style Publishers don‟t know about subscribers Subscribers don‟t know who is publishing Publishers and Subscribers can dynamically appear and disappear Issues – Reliability Transactions Security Performance 21 J2EE Overview Client tier W e b T ie r Business Component tier E IS T ie r HTTP W e b RMI s e rv e r S e rv le ts , Application com ponents Browser-based client J S P s E J B s JCA applications (HTML, applets, DHTML/scripting) J a v a R M I E R P s , C R M s , Mainframe TP systems Java client applications Container Services C o m p o n e n ts eg. JTS, JMS JDBC RDBMS CAS COM Bridge, RMI over IIOP W indows/COM client applications 22 J2EE Application Server In J2EE, the application server container provides the execution environment for the J2EE-specific components EJBs Message-driven beans Connectors Container provides additional services for hosted components Transactions Security Directory Threading Connection pooling 23 EJB Container Application Server EJB Container EJB Pool Transaction Service Directory Lifecycle Management Service Persistence Security Connection Pool Service Thread Pool 24 Beans and State state EJB Container Stateless bean pool state state state EJB Clients state state Stateful beans state 25 Deployment Descriptors EntityStock.BrokerHome db.entitystock.BrokerHome db.entitystock.Broker db.entitystock.BrokerBean Stateless Container EntityStock.BrokerHome Remote * Required 26 J2EE – Some Thoughts Standards-based, multiple vendors, portable Good open source technology available Quality of implementations varies considerably Java only, wide platform support Performance is good, but varies between suppliers Scalable, fail over support through clustering Good integration with web technologies Supports various design patterns, flexible but more complex (e.g. stateful beans/scalability, entity beans) Standards evolving, need to monitor 27 Message Brokers - Motivation Key: Web Message = Component In-format In-format In-format In-format In-format Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy System #1 System #2 System #3 System #4 Queue API Read Message call Transform Legacyformat In-format 28 What if the common In-format message format changes? any legacy system API changes? any of the transformations needs modifying? 29 Alternative Solution Key: Web Message = Component Transformations in In-format broker Simplified Message Broker endpoints Decouples Web and legacy components L1-format L2-format L3-format L4-format Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy System #1 System #2 System #3 System #4 30 Message Brokers Developed specifically for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Add new layers of functionality to MOM Message transformation Rules engine Intelligent routing Adapters Typically (but not necessarily) built on top of a MOM layer 31 Message Broker Features Message transformation – transform between different source/target formats Graphical message format definition and mapping tools High performance transformation engines Message format repositories Intelligent routing Route messages based on message content Rules Engine Scripting language, built-in functions Application programming environment 32 Message Brokers Hub and Spoke Architecture Input Messages Output Messages Transformation Routing Rules Processing 33 Example - WMQI 34 BizTalk Mapping Tool 35 Adapters An adapter is a component that resides between the message broker and the source/target systems Simplify complexity of end system interface through an abstraction layer Thin adapters - simple wrappers Thick adapters Programmable Abstract representation of services and meta-data Centralized adapters co-located with broker Distributed adapters execute in own process and may be located with source/target system 36 Message Brokers – Some Thoughts Embeds transformations/routing in broker Can get complex Possible scaling issues Need to replicate brokers Failure handling Lightweight, rarely designed to recover from failure Often proprietary technology Good open source, standards-based like Mule now available 37 Business Process Orchestration Commonly known as workflow Aim is to automate business processes which need to access data and business logic across disparate back-end applications Builds on EAI to ensure business processes are executed in the defined order using the required data Builds on middleware providing: Process execution engine Visual process definition tools Process monitoring tools 38 Typical Scenario Business process automation Credit Validation Accounts Customer Siebel Payable Purchasing Shipping Sales desk Accounts Receivable Oracle SAP Customer Receiving 39 Example - BizTalk 40 BPO Architecture Message Broker Adapter Adapter Adapter 41 BPEL Web Services standard for describing workflows Many design and execution tools Eg ActiveBPEL Version 2.0 is a significant improvement 42 Integration Issues – Point-to-Point Point-to-Point evolution Spaghetti architecture, hard to modify potentially (N2-N) interfaces 1 business process = 5 business processes = 4 interfaces 20 interfaces 43 Broker Spaghetti No free lunch Just relocates the spaghetti message broker 44 Enterprise Data Model Source sends message to target with common message format as payload. Target receives message and transforms common format into its own local data representation. 2xN transformations, no broker needed Getting agreement is the tough bit Enterprise Data Model 45 Summary Middleware: makes building complex, distributed, concurrent applications simpler. institutionalizes proven design practices by supporting them in off-the-shelf middleware technologies. Architect‟s job is to „mix n‟match‟ technologies to create appropriate solutions Analyze trade-offs Open-minded (no hammer/nail thinking) No good/evil, its just technology 46
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