Bài giảng English for marketing - Unit 1: Marketing introduction


• Understand and being able to use marketing basic terms correctly

• Understand the marketing process extended model

• Understand the marketing management orientation

• Being aware of the modern marketing landscapeMarketing Introduction

Core concepts:

• What is marketing?

• Market basic definitions

• Marketing strategy and the marketing plan

• The marketing mix

• The Changing Marketing Landscape

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Bài giảng English for marketing - Unit 1: Marketing introduction
tself affect the consumer behaviour
Culture is the set of basic values, perceptions, wants, and behavior learned by a member of 
society from family and other important institutions
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
• Groups with 
and to 
which a 
• Groups an 
wishes to 
belong to
• Groups that 
form a 
or reference 
in forming 
attitudes or 
Groups and Social Networks
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
Personal factors
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
Lifestyle is a person’s pattern of living as expressed in his or 
her activities, interests, and opinions
Personal factors
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
Personality is the unique psychological characteristics that 
distinguish a person or group
Personal factors
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
A motive (or drive) is a need that is sufficiently pressing to 
direct the person to seek satisfaction. 
Psychological factors
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
Perception is the process by which people select, organize, and 
interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world.
Psychological factors
Consumer buying behavior in 
situations characterized by high 
consumer involvement in a 
purchase and significant 
perceived differences among 
Consumer buying behavior in 
situations characterized by high 
involvement but few perceived 
differences among brands. 
Consumer buying behavior 
in situations characterized 
by low consumer 
involvement but significant 
perceived brand 
Consumer buying behavior in 
situations characterized by low 
consumer involvement and few 
significant perceived brand 
The Buyer Decision Process for New Products
Adoption process is the mental process an individual goes 
through from first learning about an innovation to final regular use.
Trial Adoption
• The Buyer Decision Process
• Model of Consumer Behavior
• Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior:
• Social
• Groups and social networks
• Personal
• Cultural
• Buying decision behavior
• The Buyer Decision Process for New Products
Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy
Creating Value for Target Customers
• Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy
• Market Segmentation
• Market Targeting
• Differentiation and Positioning 
Topic Outline
Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy
Creating Value for Target Customers
Market segmentation is dividing a market into 
distinct groups of buyers who have different needs, 
characteristics, or behaviors and who might require 
separate marketing strategies or mixes.
Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation Bases
GeographicNations, States, Regions, Counties, Cities
DemographicAge, Gender, Income, Marriage status
PsychographicPersonality, Lifestyle 
BehavioralKnowledge, attitudes, uses .
Market Segmentation
To be useful, market segments must be:
Measurable Accessible Substantial
Differentiable Actionable
Requirements for Effective Segmentation
Evaluating Market Segments
1. Segment size and growth
2. Segment structural attractiveness
3. Company objectives and 
Selecting Target Market Segments
Selecting Target Market Segments
Target several market segments & 
designs separate offers for each
Goes after a large share of one 
or few segments or niches
Tailoring products and marketing 
programs to the needs and wants of 
specific individuals and local customer 
Selecting Target 
Ignore market segment 
differences and go after the 
whole market with one offer
Undifferentiated marketing Differentiated marketing
Concentrated marketing
The way product is defined by consumers on important attributes – the 
place the product occupies in consumers’ minds relative to 
competing products
Positioning Map: Large Luxury SUVs
What is your positioning strategy?
Positioning for Competitive Advantage
Differentiation and Positioning
Competitive advantage is an advantage over 
competitors gained by offering greater customer value 
either by having lower prices or providing more benefits 
that justify higher prices.
Identifying Possible Value Differences 
and Competitive Advantages
Differentiation and Positioning
• Value proposition is the full mix of benefits upon 
which a brand is positioned
• The answer to the customers’ question: why should 
I buy this brand?
Selecting an Overall Positioning Strategy
• Market Segmentation: basis, criteria
• Market Targeting: undifferentiated, 
differentiated, concentrated (niche), micro
• Differentiation and Positioning:
• Positioning maps
• Differentiation
• Competitive advantages
• Value proposition 
UNIT 6: Company – Wide Strategic Planning
The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the 
organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing 
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning
 Business portfolio: The collection of businesses and products -
SBUs- that:
• Make up the company 
• Best fits the company’s strengths and weaknesses to 
opportunities in the environment
• SBUs: Strategic business units 
• An SBU can be a company division, a product line within a division, or sometimes a 
single product or brand 
Growth-share matrix
A portfolio-planning 
method that evaluates a 
company’s SBUs in term 
of its market growth 
rate and relative 
market share
Developing strategies for growth and downsizing
Planning Marketing
1. Choose the real product
2. Define your target customer and target customer 
3. Marketing Environment Analysis
4. Positioning Proposal
5. Product strategy
6. Price strategy
7. Place Strategy
8. Promotion Strategy
9. Marketing Action Plan
Marketing Plan
Products, Services, and 
Brands Building Customer 
Product, Services, and Branding Strategy
• What Is a Product?
• Product and Services Decisions
• Services Marketing
• New Product Development
• Product Life Strategy
Topic Outline
Market offerings
Some combination of products, 
services, information, or 
experiences offered to a market to 
a need or want
Ideas People
Products, Services and Experiences
Marketing-mix planning begins 
with building an offering that 
brings value to target customers
3 levels of Products 
and Services
Levels of Product and Services
Core customer value
What is the buyer really buying?
The core, problem-solving benefits 
or services that the consumers seek
Levels of Product and Services
Actual product
Turn the core benefit into an 
actual product
Levels of Product and Services
Augmented product
Offering additional consumer 
services and benefits
Products and Services Classifications
• Consumer products
• Convenience products
• Shopping products
• Specialty products
• Unsought products
• Industrial products
• Organizations, Persons, Places, Ideas
What Is a Product?
Industrial products are products purchased for further processing or for use in 
conducting a business
• Classified by the purpose for which the product is purchased
• Materials and parts
• Capital
• Raw materials
Product and Service Classifications
What Is a Product?
Organization marketing consists of activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change attitudes 
and behavior of target consumers toward an organization
Organizations, Persons, Places, and Ideas
What Is a Product?
Person marketing consists of 
activities undertaken to create, 
maintain, or change attitudes and 
behavior of target consumers 
toward particular people
Organizations, Persons, Places, and Ideas
What Is a Product?
Place marketing consists of activities 
undertaken to create, maintain, or 
change attitudes and behavior of 
target consumers toward 
particular places
Organizations, Persons, Places, and Ideas
What Is a Product?
Social marketing is the use of commercial 
marketing concepts and tools in programs 
designed to influence individuals’ behavior to 
improve their well-being and that of society
Organizations, Persons, Places, and Ideas
Product and Service Decisions
Product and Services Decisions
Product mix (or product portfolio) consists of all the products and items that a particular 
seller offers for sale
• Width: Product mix width refers to the number of different product lines the company 
• Length: Product mix length refers to the total number of items a company carries 
within its product lines. 
• Depth: Product line depth refers to the number of versions offered of each product in 
the line 
• Consistency: the consistency of the product mix refers to how closely related the 
various product lines are in end use, production requirements, distribution channels, or 
some other way. 
Product Mix Decisions
Services Marketing
New-Product Development Strategy
New Product Development Process
Product Life-Cycle Strategies
The course of a 
product’s sales and 
profits over its 
Product Life-Cycle Strategies
• What Is a Product?
• Consumer products: convenience, shopping, specialty, unsoughted
• Industrial products: capital, materials and parts, raw materials
• Organization, people, place, social
• Product and Services Decisions: features, brand, package, labels, 
product support services
• Services Marketing
• New Product Development
• Product Life Strategy
Pricing Concepts
Understanding and 
Capturing Customer Value
Understanding the meaning and the use of:
• What Is a Price?
• Pricing approaches
• Pricing strategies
Topic Outline
Price is the amount of money charged for a product or service. It is the sum of all the values 
that customers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service 
Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue; all other elements 
represent costs
What Is a Price?
Major pricing approaches
 Customer value – based pricing
 Cost – based pricing
 Competition – based pricing
Customer Value – Based Pricing
Setting price based on
buyer’s perceptions of value
rather than on the seller’s cost
Assess customer needs and value perceptions
Set target price to match customer perceived value
Determine costs that can be incurred 
Design product to deliver desired value at target price
Cost – Based Pricing
Setting prices based on the costs for 
producing, distributing, and selling the product 
plus a fair rate of return for effort and risk28
Set price 
based on cost
Convince buyers 
of product’s value
Design a good 
product Determine 
Competition – Based 
Setting prices based on 
competitor’s strategies, prices, 
and market offerings
Considerations affecting pricing decisions
Overall marketing strategy, 
objectives and mix
Organizational considerations
The market and demand
 Pricing in different types of 
 Analyzing the price-demand 
The Economy
Other External Factors
Pricing Strategies
New – Product Pricing Strategies
Product Mix Pricing Strategies
Price Adjustment Strategies
New Product Pricing Strategies
Market – Skimming Pricing
Setting a high price for a new 
product to skim maximum 
revenues layer by layer from 
the segments willing to pay the 
high price, the company 
markets fewer but more 
profitable sales
Market – Penetration Pricing
Setting a low price for a new 
product to attract a large 
number of buyer and a large 
market share
 To penetrate the market 
quickly and deeply
Product Mix Pricing Strategies
Product line 
product pricing
product pricing
By – product 
Product Bundle 
Price Adjustment Strategies 
Reference prices
Promotion pricing
Dynamic pricing
• What Is a Price?
• Pricing approaches
• Cost based
• Customer value-perceived
• Competitors based
• Pricing strategies
• New Product Pricing
• Product Mix Pricing
• Price Adjustment Pricing
Marketing Channels 
(Distribution Channel)
Delivering Customer 
 The nature and importance of 
marketing channel
 Channel Behavior and Organization
 Channel design decisions
Marketing channel decisions
Marketing channel
A set of 
that help make 
a product or service 
available for use or 
consumption by the 
consumer or business 
The Nature and Importance of marketing channel
Number of Channel Levels
Channel level: 
A layer of intermediaries that performs 
some work in bringing the product and 
its ownership closer to the final buyer
Direct marketing channel
Has no intermediary levels
Indirect marketing channel
Channel containing one or more 
intermediary levels
Channel Behavior and Organization
Channel conflict Disagreement among marketing channel 
members on goals, roles and rewards 
Horizontal conflict occurs among firms at 
the same level of the channel
Vertical conflict
Conflict between different levels of the same 
Channel Behavior and Organization
Vertical Marketing System
Conventional and Vertical marketing system
Channel Design Decisions
Analyzing Consumer Needs
Setting Channel Objectives
Identifying Major Alternatives
Evaluating the Major Alternatives
Designing effective marketing channels by analyzing 
customer needs, setting channel objectives, 
identifying major channel alternatives, and 
evaluating those alternatives
hann l Desig Decisions
Selecting Channel Members
Managing and Motivating 
Channel Members
Evaluating Channel Members
Selecting, managing, and motivating individual 
channel members and evaluating their 
performance over time
Marketing channel management
 The nature and importance of marketing channel
 Channel Behavior and Organization
 Channel conflicts
 Vertical and conventional marketing system
 Channel design decisions
 Analyzing consumer needs
 Setting channel objectives
 Identifying major alternatives
 Evaluating the alternatives
 Marketing channel decisions
Integrated Marketing 
The Promotion Mix
 Advertising
 PR (Public Relations)
 Direct Marketing
 Sales Promotion
 Personal selling
 Integrated Marketing Communication
Push and Pull Marketing

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