Applying attribute-Based encryption on mobile devices

The 21st century has witnessed the rapid development of small and convenient mobile devices

such as smartphones, tablets, game players, sensor nodes, etc. The rise of such mobile devices

indicates the increase of colossal data transmission through the Internet and online services along

with the challenges of data security. It is common to think of a solution to protect sensitive data

from unauthorized users, and the most popular solution is to use encryption. While many research

activities in functional encryption have widely been applied to network devices, computers, and

applications, mobile devices still attract much attention to security issues due to the limitations of

system resources, connectivity, data transmission and power consumption that malicious users can

exploit to launch attacks. Especially, mobile devices have become a principal tool to share data on

the Internet through online services, such as Facebook, Youtube, DropBox, Amazon, Online Games,

etc. This paper presents a study of the Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) scheme that exploits user

attributes to build the secret key and the ciphertext. ABE encryption is specified by a set of attributes

or a policy defining attributes that users possess. The paper also describes a few implementations of

ABE applied in the cryptography community and the challenges of integrating ABE into real-world

applications. Finally, the paper proposes an implementation of ABE for Android mobile devices.

This implementation associated with the Kerberos protocol can be applied to secured data sharing

applications. The Kerberos protocol aims at providing mutual authentication for the client server

model. Experiments have evaluated the proposed ABE implementation on Android mobile devices

along with the Kerberos system. The evaluation also includes ABE performance with discussions

and lessons learned.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Applying attribute-Based encryption on mobile devices

Applying attribute-Based encryption on mobile devices
e 9. Weuse a mo-
 performing operation from users. We test the perfor-
 bile application for users to scan around the vicinity
 mance of ABE on various file sizes to see what data can
 of the current location for the nearest doctors. Users
 be applied in the ABE scheme. The result is shown in
 can upload their encrypted health records with a pol-
 Figure 7.
 icy that specifies the doctors of specialized fields de-
 Communication is vital because of the request of key
 pending on their particular symptoms. Only doctors
 generation to trust authority. During the commis-
 with specialized skill attributes can decrypt and read
 sion, attackers can sniff and get the private key. It is
 the content. A doctor can decide whether to accept
 the patient’s appointment. The motivation is to allow imperative to encrypt the channel between users and
 both doctors and patients to search actively for each the centralized server. We can use TLS to help secure
 other. Health records can be stored on the Cloud. communication.
 Overall, the cpabe-java worked well with the latest
 RESULT AND DISCUSSION version of JPBC and Android devices. It was shown
 Our proposed method focuses more on the deploy- that the more attributes implemented, the longer the
 ment of the Kerberos protocol to enhance the security execution time is. The strength of the encryption al-
 of the system and securely store the secret key instead gorithms is compared for the key size because the
 of the improvement of the ABE scheme. number of tasks needed to break the algorithms or
 The most severe issue with the ABE is central trust. to establish the key is approximately the same using
 The ABE in our setup requires faith in a central a given source. The strength of an algorithm can be
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 3(S1):SI17-SI27
 Figure 7: ABE performance
 viewed as the number of works needed to try all pos- Table 2: ABE strength level in bits with type a pairing
 sible keys for that algorithm. The comparison of the in jpbc
 security strength of cpabe using Type A with RSA in Security level in bits 80 112 128
 Table 1 and Table 2 10 shows that ABE is better in per-
 Bit length of r (q prime) 160 224 256
 formance wise of the same security strength level.
 Bit length of q (field size) 512 1024 1536
 Table 1: RSA strength level in bits
 Security level in bits RSA modulus size before. Both asymmetric and symmetric cryptog-
 80 1024 raphy perform in one-to-one mapping while ABE
 works in a one-to-many manner. To achieve one-to-
 112 2048
 many mapping, they approached a group key manage-
 128 3076 ment agreement. While this approach works, it also
 192 7680 brings shortcomings. Symmetric key cryptography
 solutions: based on the symmetric key cryptography
 256 15360 derivation methods, which can achieve fine-grained
 data access. This approach can easily be applied to
 ABE is proven to achieve fine-grained access and the group without any modifications. Unfortunately,
 management but not the first one. Many types of the symmetric key cryptography based solutions have
 research about scalable encryption based on sym- many drawbacks. The most obvious problem is the
 metric and asymmetric encryption have been done key distribution due to the nature of symmetric key
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 3(S1):SI17-SI27
 cryptography, which employs identical keys for both ABE is best suited in situations where an encrypted
 encryption and decryption. Users either have to ei- file involved multiple parties, for example, nurses,
 ther manually meet face-to-face for trustworthy se- doctors, family members can gain access to a patient’s
 cret sharing of the key or require a secure key agree- health record but with different privilege levels; or
 ment protocol like 11. The complicated process leads when to broadcast without regards to recipients: mili-
 to high management overhead and time consuming tary operations, a Facebook personal circle of friends.
 when there is a large number of users. With this kind Many types of research also apply ABE in IoT 13.
 of solution, we can see that user revocation of privi- ABE should not be used for any applications that
 lege level access is not supported since the keys have require identity ensuring, for example, Blockchain.
 already been known to all. In case the user revoca- However, the ABE scheme can represent any individ-
 tion is a must, this can be done. However, it is very ual by using many personal attributes of an individual
 inefficient; upon the dismissal of one user, all the re- that are very difficult to forge: fingerprint, retina, face,
 maining users are also affected and have to generate a voice, hardware id, etc. Currently, ABE implemen-
 different set of keys, data also need to be re-encrypted. tations only support string and numerical data types.
 Public key cryptography based solutions: based on Converting these unique attributes requires in-depth
 the asymmetric cryptography derivation methods, knowledge, specialized skill, and complicated process.
 using for group key, also have many drawbacks. The Besides, determining the number of attributes for a
 key distribution is not a big problem now. Unfor- specific application is another problem that needs to
 tunately, asymmetric cryptography requires the keys be addressed adequately.
 must be many times longer than key in symmetric
 cryptography counterpart to boost the equivalent se- CONCLUSION
 curity level, which is more computationally costly. We have provided an implementation of the ABE
 The key management overhead is still potentially high
 scheme for Android mobile devices with the Kerberos
 and is vulnerable to a collusion attack. Collusion at-
 protocol and evaluated several security features for se-
 tack is the execution of operations to combine many
 cured data sharing and performance of ABE on vari-
 parts of the known keys to create a new key capable
 ous file sizes. With the increasing expansion of cloud
 of decrypting the file. Jikai Teng and Chuanku Wu
 computing, IoT, mobile devices, this study can be ap-
 researched the collusion attack on asymmetric group
 plied for data security and privacy protection. ABE
 key 12.
 has proved its advantages in many practical applica-
 In conclusion, both asymmetric and symmetric have
 tions. ABE can also be applied to mobile devices, but
 high overhead key management as the complexities
 soon becomes more and more popular in mobile com-
 of key creation, and user revocation to the number of
 puting applications. Libraries and frameworks are im-
 users is a positive correlation (the higher number of
 plemented to help visualize this scheme. Future work
 users is, the more complexity in key generation and
 focuses on selecting several appropriate attributes for
 user revocation). ABE is proven to overcome this ad-
 the ABE scheme.
 versity. Questions raised ABE is susceptible to collu-
 sion attack by multiple users collect sufficient infor- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
 mation and combined many private keys to decrypt
 This research activity is funded by Vietnam National
 data. Fortunately, ABE is resistant to this attack, as
 described in 7. We observe that in the key generation University in Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) under
 process, each user is assigned a random parameter the grant number C2019-28-06.
 value, which is then embedded in the private key. So, ABBREVIATION
 using different private keys means different parameter
 values in the decryption process, thus yields in failure. ABE Attribute-Based Encryption
 ABE also has a fair share of doubt about susceptible to AES AES Encryption Algorithm
 insider attack by investigating required attributes then CP-ABE Ciphertext-Policy ABE
 create a new key. Creating a new key from scratch DET-ABE Digital Envelop Technique ABE
 with knowledge of exact attributes also yields in fail- IoT Internet of Things
 ure as the associated master key is needed to generate KP-ABE Key-Policy ABE
 a private key. A server or Trusted Authority depended LSSS Linear Secret Sharing Scheme
 on the paradigm securely stores the master key. Typi- RSA RSA Encryption Algorithm
 cally, users do not have any means to grasp the master TA Trusted Authority
 key to generate a new private key. TLS Transported Layer Security
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Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ – Kĩ thuật và Công nghệ, 3(S1):SI17-SI27
 Open Access Full Text Article Bài Nghiên cứu
Ứng dụng mã hóa dựa trên thuộc tính cho các thiết bị di động
Đặng Tâm Nhân1, Lê Hải Dương2, Lê Thanh Sơn1, Trần Mạnh Hà2,*
 Thế kỷ 21 chứng kiến sự phát triển nhanh chóng của các thiết bị di động nhỏ và tiện lợi như điện
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 giải pháp để bảo vệ dữ liệu nhạy cảm khỏi người dùng trái phép và giải pháp phổ biến nhất là sử
 dụng mã hóa. Trong khi nhiều hoạt động nghiên cứu về mã hóa chức năng đã được áp dụng rộng
 rãi cho các thiết bị mạng, máy tính và ứng dụng, thiết bị di động vẫn thu hút nhiều sự chú ý về
 các vấn đề bảo mật do một số hạn chế về tài nguyên hệ thống, tín hiệu kết nối, tiêu thụ điện năng
 mà người dùng trái phép có thể khai thác để thực hiện các tấn công. Đặc biệt, thiết bị di động
 trở thành công cụ chính để chia sẻ dữ liệu trên Internet thông qua các dịch vụ trực tuyến, chẳng
 hạn như các dịch vụ lưu trữ và chia sẽ thông tin được cung cấp bởi Facebook, Youtube, Amazon,
 DropBox, Online Games, v.v. Bài viết này trình bày một nghiên cứu về lược đồ mã hóa dựa trên
 thuộc tính (ABE) khai thác các thuộc tính người dùng để xây dựng khóa bí mật và dữ liệu mã hóa.
 Mã hóa ABE được chỉ định bởi một tập hợp các thuộc tính hoặc một chính sách xác định các thuộc
 tính mà người dùng sở hữu. Bài viết cũng mô tả một vài ứng dụng triển khai ABE được áp dụng
 trong cộng đồng mật mã và những thách thức của việc tích hợp ABE vào các ứng dụng thực tiễn.
 Cuối cùng, bài viết đề xuất ứng dụng triển khai ABE cho thiết bị di động Android. Ứng dụng này
 kết hợp với giao thức Kerberos có thể áp dụng cho nhiều ứng dụng chia sẻ dữ liệu an toàn. Giao
 thức Kerberos nhắm đến việc cung cấp xác thực qua lại cho mô hình máy chủ và máy người dùng.
 Các thực nghiệm đánh giá ứng dụng ABE đề xuất trên thiết bị di động Android cùng với hệ thống
 Kerberos. Phần đánh giá cũng bao gồm hiệu suất của ABE với một số thảo luận và rút ra bài học
 kinh nghiệm.
 Từ khoá: Mật mã học ứng dụng, Mã hóa dựa trên thuộc tính, Chia sẻ dữ liệu an toàn, Thiết bị di
 1Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc động, Điện toán di động
 gia Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Thành Phố
 Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
 2Trường Đại học Quốc tế Hồng Bàng,
 Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
 Liên hệ
 Trần Mạnh Hà, Trường Đại học Quốc tế
 Hồng Bàng, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt
 Lịch sử
 • Ngày nhận: 30-7-2019
 • Ngày chấp nhận: 26-8-2019 
 • Ngày đăng: 17-10-2020
 DOI :10.32508/stdjet.v3iSI1.518 
 Bản quyền
 © ĐHQG Tp.HCM. Đây là bài báo công bố
 mở được phát hành theo các điều khoản của
 the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
 International license.
 Trích dẫn bài báo này: Nhân D T, Dương L H, Sơn L T, Hà T M. Ứng dụng mã hóa dựa trên thuộc tính 
 cho các thiết bị di động. Sci. Tech. Dev. J. - Eng. Tech.; 3(S1):SI17-SI27.

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