Áp dụng phần mềm Quizlet nhằm tạo nên sự tự chủ của người học trong việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh của sinh viên

Bài báo này trính bày một số kết quả quan trọng của một nghiên cứu

gần đây về việc áp dụng Quizlet trong giảng dạy tiếng Anh. Một trong

hai mục tiêu của nghiên cứu này là xem xét người học tự chủ như thế

nào trong việc học từ vựng. Sáu mươi sinh viên năm thứ hai đến từ

trường Đại học Kinh tế và Quản trị kinh doanh – Đại học Thái Nguyên

đã tham gia vào nghiên cứu kéo dài 10 tuần. Trong năm tuần đầu tiên,

sinh viên được dạy mà không có sự áp dụng của Quizlet, trong khi đó

trong năm tuần tiếp theo của giai đoạn hai, Quizlet được đưa vào để hỗ

trợ việc học từ vựng. Hai bảng câu hỏi khảo sát được chuyển tới các

sinh viên tham gia trước và sau thực nghiệm để khảo sát thái độ học

của sinh viên đối với việc học từ vừng qua Quizlet. Các phân tìch dữ

liệu cho thấy rằng sinh viên cảm thấy thìch thú và háo hức hơn khi học

từ vựng, hơn nữa, sinh viên còn trở nên chủ động và độc lập hơn. Như

vậy, có thể kết luận rằng việc sử dụng Quizlet trong việc dạy từ vựng

tiếng Anh là có lợi cho người học, hỗ trợ việc học độc lập. Hy vọng

rằng, những kết quả này có thể khuyến khìch giáo viên cũng như người

học sử dụng Quizlet thường xuyên hơn trong việc dạy và học tiếng

Anh, đặc biệt là trong thời đại công nghệ hiện đại.

Áp dụng phần mềm Quizlet nhằm tạo nên sự tự chủ của người học trong việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh của sinh viên trang 1

Trang 1

Áp dụng phần mềm Quizlet nhằm tạo nên sự tự chủ của người học trong việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh của sinh viên trang 2

Trang 2

Áp dụng phần mềm Quizlet nhằm tạo nên sự tự chủ của người học trong việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh của sinh viên trang 3

Trang 3

Áp dụng phần mềm Quizlet nhằm tạo nên sự tự chủ của người học trong việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh của sinh viên trang 4

Trang 4

Áp dụng phần mềm Quizlet nhằm tạo nên sự tự chủ của người học trong việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh của sinh viên trang 5

Trang 5

Áp dụng phần mềm Quizlet nhằm tạo nên sự tự chủ của người học trong việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh của sinh viên trang 6

Trang 6

Áp dụng phần mềm Quizlet nhằm tạo nên sự tự chủ của người học trong việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh của sinh viên trang 7

Trang 7

Áp dụng phần mềm Quizlet nhằm tạo nên sự tự chủ của người học trong việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh của sinh viên trang 8

Trang 8

Áp dụng phần mềm Quizlet nhằm tạo nên sự tự chủ của người học trong việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh của sinh viên trang 9

Trang 9

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Áp dụng phần mềm Quizlet nhằm tạo nên sự tự chủ của người học trong việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh của sinh viên

Áp dụng phần mềm Quizlet nhằm tạo nên sự tự chủ của người học trong việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh của sinh viên
 week and used the 
same classroom with the same teacher. The 60 students received the same 10-week treatment in 
which they studied with a traditional method in the first five weeks and with the use of Quizlet in 
the other five weeks. 
2.2. Data collection instruments 
Two survey questionnaires were delivered to the student participants, one before and one after 
the application of Quizlet. In the pre-intervention questionnaire, the researcher designed some 
questions related to students‟ vocabulary learning habits and the effectiveness of their usual 
learning methods. The post-intervention questionnaire consists of questions related to students‟ 
attitudes toward the advantages of Quizlet, and their change of learning interest and habits. A 
comparison between the pre-intervention and post-intervention data was made to find out the 
students‟ learning habits and their attitudes towards learning vocabulary. These changes and 
attitudes could be reliable indicators of the impacts of Quizlet on students‟ learning and of its 
capacity to promote learner autonomy. 
2.3. Procedures 
The research period lasted for 10 weeks in total and was divided into two phases. In the first 
five-week phase, the students were taught with traditional method. That is, students studied 
vocabulary in a normal way in which the teacher introduced new words, provided them with 
pronunciations and meanings. During this phase, students learnt the first two units of the course 
which consist of 46 target words that they were expected to remember. In traditional approach, 
the students were asked to spend time practising vocabulary exercise in Students‟ Book and 
Workbook. The pre-intervention questionnaire was delivered to the students in the end of this 
phase to collect information about their learning habits. The data was then recorded for later use. 
TNU Journal of Science and Technology 226(03): 34 - 42 
 38 Email: jst@tnu.edu.vn 
In the second phase which also lasted for 5 weeks, the students learned vocabulary in a normal 
way in class and at home they were asked to practise with exercises on Quizlet. During this time, 
they were expected to be able to learn 58 new words in the next 2 units. They were required to 
review the targeted lexical items by completing the compatible Quizlet lesson after every class 
session. Similar to the first phase, in the end of this phase, the students were also asked to fill out 
the post-intervention survey. Respondence to survey questionnaires regarding their learning 
habits and attitudes towards vocabulary learning were also analyzed. 
3. Results and discussion 
3.1 Students’ self-studying learning habit 
Table 1 presents the students‟ change of self-studying learning habit. 
Table 1. Students’ change of self- studying learning habit 
Frequency of self- studying in 
Pre-intervention Post-intervention 
No. of responses % No. of responses % 
I study all lessons. 9 15 18 30 
I study most lessons. 12 20 22 37 
I study some lessons. 27 45 17 28 
I never study any lessons. 12 20 3 5 
Total 60 100 60 100 
The data in table 1 showed that there was an increase of students who studied all lessons to 
30%. Similarly, the number of student studying the most lesson experienced an increase to 37%. 
It can be seen that the percentage of those who spent time studying most lessons accumulating 
new words after the intervention of Quizlet makes up the first largest, 37% which is 17% higher 
compared with that of those before utilizing Quizlet. On the contrary, the number of students who 
studied some lessons reduced by nearly 20%, from 45% at first to 28% after the implementation 
period. Most notably, the figures for students who never spent any time on studying any 
vocabulary lessons at home fell from 20% to 5% only. The higher frequency of learning after the 
introduction of Quizlet implies that this tool made students more willing to learn by themselves. 
3.2. The students’ frequency of doing vocabulary learning activities 
To clarify the differences of the periods before and after the introduction of Quizlet, Figure 1 
compares the mean values in terms of each individual criteria. The increase of the mean values in 
the second period implied the rise of students‟ frequency in learning. 
As shown in Figure 1, students‟ habits of vocabulary learning moved towards positive 
direction since all of the figures in the second research period are higher than in the previous one. 
For all of the questions surveyed, students‟ responses confirmed that they became more 
autonomous and cooperative in learning. More specifically, the number of students did 
vocabulary homework, did extra vocabulary exercises increased. Besides the course books, 
students also found and learned vocabulary from other sources. They were also more active in 
making questions to their teachers to ask for their help when they had difficulties with new 
words. In addition, students became more cooperative with other classmates when learning 
vocabulary. Also, more students tried to use the words learnt in communication practice than the 
period before. Last but not least, more students were clearer about their learning goals since they 
started to set their own goals in learning vocabulary. The most significant changes were the 
frequency of students‟ habits of making questions to their teachers, the times they did their 
TNU Journal of Science and Technology 226(03): 34 - 42 
 39 Email: jst@tnu.edu.vn 
homework and extra exercises as well as their awareness of setting their own goals in learning. 
From the figure, it can be concluded that students‟ autonomy in vocabulary learning has changed 
compared to the period before. 
3.3. Students’ attention to learning vocabulary 
Table 2. Students’ attention to learning vocabulary 
Students’ attention to learning 
Pre-intervention Post-intervention 
No. of responses % No. of responses % 
Take no care of his/ her own learning 19 32 8 13 
Take little care of his/ her own learning 11 18 7 12 
Take moderate care of his/ her own learning 21 35 23 38 
Take much care of his/ her own learning 9 15 22 37 
Total 60 100 60 100 
Table 2 portrayed students‟ changes of attitudes towards vocabulary learning before and after 
the implementation period. Overall, Quizlet had an impact on inspiring students to study 
vocabulary. To be more specific, before applying Quizlet, most pupils showed moderate interest 
in learning new vocabulary accounting for 35%, followed by 32%, the figure of students showing 
no care for studying new words. Interestingly, nearly one-fifth percent of learners had little care 
for their studying novel words. 
Moving onto the post Quizlet intervention, there has been remarkable changes. To illustrate, it 
is surprising that the highest percent, 38% of students showed their moderate care for learning 
vocabulary increasing 3% after using Quizlet. It can be seen that the percentage of those who had 
much passion for accumulating new words after the intervention of Quizlet made up the second 
largest, 37%, which was 22% higher compared with that of those before utilizing Quizlet. 
Finally, it is quite striking to note that the percentage of those who had no interest or little interest 
pre and post Quizlet intervention depicts a decline. In other words, more students were aware of 
the significance of studying new words. This means Quizlet is a tool in stimulating students' 
passion towards vocabulary learning. In detail, pre-Quizlet intervention, 32% of learners showed 
no care for learning new words, which declined 19% to 13% after using Quizlet, and from 18% 
of those who had little passion for obtaining novel vocabulary pre-Quizlet intervention soared to 
12% after Quizlet application. 
TNU Journal of Science and Technology 226(03): 34 - 42 
 40 Email: jst@tnu.edu.vn 
Figure 1. Students’ changes of vocabulary learning habits 
Do vocabulary
Do extra vocabulary
Learn vocabulary
from other sources
(not only learn from
the course book)
Ask for teachers’ 
help when you meet 
a difficult word 
Cooperate with other
classmates when
learning vocabulary
Try to use the words
learnt in
Set your own goals in
learning vocabulary
Students’ changes of vocabulary learning habits (%) 
Mean (before) Mean (after)
TNU Journal of Science and Technology 226(03): 34 - 42 
 41 Email: jst@tnu.edu.vn 
4. Conclusion 
After Quizlet‟s implementation, the students participated more actively in the learning 
activities. They showed great interest in learning vocabulary. To be more specific, students spent 
more time learning vocabulary than they used to. It means that students had good attitude with 
the application of Quizlet. Consequently, their vocabulary acquisition was better than before. 
With the data completed and analyzed, the study provided several important findings. One of 
the findings is that students had the higher level of participation in learning vocabulary as well as 
doing vocabulary exercises. They spent more time learning at home through Quizlet application. 
They also did not meet many difficulties in remembering meaning, spelling, and context any 
longer. To perform most of their daily activities, new generations of learners are used to using 
Internet-connected mobile devices. In addition, Quizlet offers a great learning experience that can 
provide active learning both within and outside the classroom. In the classroom, the Live learning 
mode offers successful collaborative exploration for students who are obliged to share knowledge 
and exchange answers to the vocabulary questions with a competitive spirit with other groups of 
students thus learning become an active cooperative process. Moreover, the Study sets of Quizlet 
are designed to meet the need of autonomous learners and the use of Quizlet in the helped 
students generate their autonomy. Since Quizlet is easily accessed, they could use the app inside 
and outside the classroom. The ease of access improved students‟ chance to learn independently. 
The finding shows that most of the students voluntarily learned vocabularies using Quizlet. 
Learners can perform various learning tasks, measure their vocabulary acquisition, and gamify 
the process of vocabulary learning. These features of Quizlet and the results of this research and 
other studies suggest that Quizlet can be considered a strong candidate for both teachers and 
students for vocabulary instruction and learning. 
For successful application of Quizlet with students, some recommendations should be taken 
into considerations. First, it is advisable that Quizlet also be used as a regular class activity, 
which enables teachers to control their students‟ learning, to provide assistance in a timely 
manner, to prevent students from skipping any lessons, and to ensure that all students receive the 
same treatment When Quizlet is used as home assignments, brief training and carful instructions 
should be provided in advance so that students are clear about what they are supposed to do. 
Besides, since Quizlet automatically creates an array of learning activities for each lesson, it is 
recommended that teachers should consider the amount of vocabulary to be covered in a lesson 
so that it suits students‟ average capacity. 
The findings of the study agree with the previous studies that Quizlet has the potential to 
positively influence the teaching and learning of vocabulary and helps enhance and promote 
learner autonomy for tertiary students of non-English majored. The findings of the studies 
therefore can be a source of information for teachers of English at tertiary levels to look at and 
predict the impacts of Quizlet use on their own students. Teachers who would like to make use of 
this app for vocabulary teaching can also follow the advice on how to include Quizlet outside 
their classrooms to provide students more learning opportunities. 
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