An ocl - Based framework for model transformations
Model transformation can be seen as the heart
of model-driven approaches [1]. Transformations
are useful for different goals such as (1) to
relate views of the system to each other;
(2) to reflect about a model from other domains
for an enhancement of model analysis; and
(3) to obtain a mapping between models in
different languages. Within such cases it is
necessary to offer methods to specify and realize
model transformation as well as to ensure the
correctness of transformations. This is really
a challenge because of the diversity of models
and transformations.
Problem. Many approaches to model
transformation have been introduced, as surveyed
in [2]. The works in [3, 4] offer mechanisms
for model transformations in line with the
Query/View/Transformation (QVT) standard [5].
The ideas in [6, 7] focus on the graph
transformation-based approach for unidirectional
transformations. Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs
are proposed in [8] as a similar approach for
bidirectional transformations. In addition to
specification and realization of transformations as
proposed by these works, several papers discuss
how to ensure the correctness of transformations.
In [9] the authors introduce a method to derive
Object Constraint Language (OCL) invariants
from declarative transformations like TGGs
and QVT in order to enable their verification
and analysis. The work in [10] aims to
establish a framework for transformation testing.
To the best of our knowledge, so far there
has not been any suitable approach yet to
support both specification and quality assurance
of transformations.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: An ocl - Based framework for model transformations

2.2. Animation of Transformation After each transformation step, we can see the combination of the source, correspondence, and target part as a whole model. We could employ OCL expressions in order to explore such a model. Mappings within the current rule application can be highlighted by OCL queries. This makes it easier for the modeler to check if the rule application is correct. 6. The RTL Language and Tool Support Our approach for verification and validation of transformation is realized with the support of USE [11], which is a tool for analysis, reasoning, verification and validation of UML/OCL specifications. We define the RTL2 language in order to specify triple rules incorporating OCL. The declarative specification in textual form can generate the different operations for transformation scenarios as illustrated in Fig. 14. With the full OCL support, USE allows us to realize transformations and to ensure their correctness as discussed in Sect. 5: We could 2RTL stands for Restricted Graph Transformation Language D.H. Dang, M. Gogolla / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 32, No. 1 (2016) 42–57 55 check class invariants, pre- and postconditions of operations, and properties of models, which are expressed in OCL. In USE system states are represented as object diagrams. System evolution can be carried out using operations based on basic state manipulations, such as (1) creating and destroying objects or links and (2) modifying attributes. In this way a transformation framework based on the integration of TGGs and OCL are completely covered by USE. Figure 15 shows metamodels for the SC2EHA transformation in USE. c o n t e x t R u l e C o l l e c t i o n : : s i m p S t a t e T o p _ c o E v o l ( m a t c h S L : T u p l e ( s c : S t a t e c h a r t , _ s _ n a m e : S t r i n g ) , m a t c h T L : T u p l e ( e h a : E H A , a u t : A u t H ) , m a t c h C L : T u p l e ( s 2 e : S C 2 E H A ) ) p r e s i m p S t a t e T o p _ c o E v o l _ p r e : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m a t c h S L : T u p l e ( s c : S t a t e c h a r t , _ s _ n a m e : S t r i n g ) l e t s c : S t a t e c h a r t = m a t c h S L . s c i n l e t _ s _ n a m e : S t r i n g = m a t c h S L . _ s _ n a m e i n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m a t c h T L : T u p l e ( e h a : E H A , a u t : A u t H ) l e t e h a : E H A = m a t c h T L . e h a i n l e t a u t : A u t H = m a t c h T L . a u t i n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m a t c h C L : T u p l e ( s 2 e : S C 2 E H A ) l e t s 2 e : S C 2 E H A = m a t c h C L . s 2 e i n - - S _ p r e c o n d i t i o n - - T _ p r e c o n d i t i o n e h a . a u t H - > i n c l u d e s A l l ( S e t { a u t } ) a n d a u t . r e f i n e d = e h a . t o p a n d - - C _ p r e c o n d i t i o n S e t { s 2 e . s c } - > i n c l u d e s A l l ( S e t { s c } ) a n d S e t { s 2 e . e h a } - > i n c l u d e s A l l ( S e t { e h a } ) p o s t s i m p S t a t e N e s t _ c o E v o l _ p o s t : ru le s im p S ta te T o p c h e c k S o u rc e ( s c :S ta te c h a rt ){ s :S im p S ta te (s c ,s ): O w n s S ta te [s .n a m e < > o c lU n d e fi n e d (S tr in g )] [s .c o n ta in e r= o c lU n d e fi n e d (C o m p S ta te )] }c h e c k T a rg e t( e h a :E H A a u t: A u tH (e h a ,a u t) :O w n s A u tH [a u t. re fi n e d = e h a .t o p ] ){ s H :S ta te H (a u t, s H ): C o n ta in s S ta te H }c h e c k C o rr ( (s c ,e h a ) a s ( s c ,e h a ) in s 2 e :S C 2 E H A ){ (( S ta te )s ,s H ) a s ( s c ,e h a ) in s 2 s H :S 2 S H S 2 S H :[ s e lf .e h a .n a m e = s e lf .s c .n a m e ] }e n d (a ) ru le s p e c if ic a ti o n i n R T L (b ) th e g e n e ra te d o p e ra ti o n f o r c o -e v o lu ti o n Fig. 14: RTL specification and generated OCL operations. 7. Related Work Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs) have been proposed in [8]. Since then, many works have extended TGGs for software engineering [17]. Here we focus on the incorporation of TGGs and OCL as a foundation for transformations as proposed in our previous work [18, 19, 20]. This work is an extended version of our previous work with a focus on a formal foundation and an OCL- based framework for model transformations. Many approaches have been proposed for model transformation. Most of them are in line with the standard QVT [5] such as ATL [3] and Kermeta [4]. Like our work, they allow the developer to precisely present models using metamodels and OCL. The advantage of our approach is that it is based on the integration of TGGs and OCL, which allows the developer to automatically analyze and verify transformations, and supports for bidirectional model transformation. Our approach for model transformation is based on graph transformation like the work in VMTS [6] and Fujaba [17]. Many other works focus on the translation of the transformation to a formal domain for model checking such as Alloy in [21], Promela in [22], and Maude in [23]. In the field of Model-Driven Engineering, testing and analysis of model transformations has been subject to investigations (see, for example, [24, 25]). The work [26] proposes a technique for developing test cases for UML and OCL models. By guiding the construction process through so-called classifying terms, the built test cases in form of object models are classified into equivalence classes. In [9] the authors propose a method to derive OCL invariants from TGG and QVT transformations in order to enable their verification and analysis. Our approach targets to support for both declarative and operational features of transformations. We also introduce a new method to extract invariants for TGG transformations. Several other works focus on verification and validation of transformations. The proposal in [27] introduces a method to check semantic equivalence between the initial model and the generated code. The approach in [7] verifies transformation correctness with respect to semantic properties by model checking the transition system of the source and target models. The work in [10] aims at developing frameworks for transformation testing. 56 D.H. Dang, M. Gogolla / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 32, No. 1 (2016) 42–57 Fig. 15: Metamodels for the SC2EHA transformation. 8. Conclusion We have introduced an approach for specifying, realizing, and ensuring the quality of model transformations: (1) The foundation of the approach is based on the integration of TGGs and OCL. We have further formulated operation contracts for derived triple rules in order to realize them as OCL operations with two views: Declarative OCL pre- and postconditions are employed as operation contracts, and imperative command sequences are taken as an operational realization. (2) Both declarative and operational views are obtained by an automatic translation from the RTL specification of transformations. This work also embodies a new method to extract invariants for transformations. The central idea is to view transformations as models. (3) An OCL-based framework for model transformation has been established. As being realized on a full OCL support environment like USE, the framework offers a support for validation and verification of transformations. Our future work includes the following issues. We aim to enhance the technique to extract invariants for transformation models. A control structure like sequence diagram for the RTL specification is also in the focus of our future work. The goal is to increase the efficiency of transformations. The technique to generate test cases from the RTL specification will also be explored. We will focus on other properties of transformations such as the determinateness of transformation. These are efforts towards a full framework for quality assurance of model transformations. Larger case studies must give detailed feedback on the proposal. Acknowledgement This work has been supported by the project QG.14.06, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. We also thank anonymous reviewers for their comments on the earlier version of this paper. D.H. Dang, M. Gogolla / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 32, No. 1 (2016) 42–57 57 References [1] S. Sendall, W. Kozaczynski, Model Transformation: the Heart and Soul of Model-Driven Software Development, IEEE Software 20 (5) (2003) 42– 45. [2] T. Mens, P. V. 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