An efficient graph modeling approach for storing and analyzing heterogeneous IoT data
Abstract: In an Internet of Thing (IoT) environment, entities with different attributes and capacities are going to be connected in a highly connected fashion. Specifically, not only the mechanical and electronic devices but also other entities such as people, locations, and applications are connected to each other. Most IoT applications must work with dynamic and speedily changing systems due to new entities are coming online and/or the connection between these entities can change regularly. This requires a data model that enables to easily represent the entities and support adding, deleting, and updating relations between entities without impacting application availability. Fortunately, graph databases are purposely-Built to store highly connected data with nodes representing entities and edges representing relationships between these entities. In this paper, we propose a general graph model that can be used to design graph databases in order to support effectively storing and analyzing IoT data. We represent IoT data based on a graph model and consider smart building data management as a case study. Through the analysis and comparison of experimental results in various aspects, we find that our graph modeling approach is applicable for storing and analyzing the IoT connected data

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: An efficient graph modeling approach for storing and analyzing heterogeneous IoT data

management as a case study. 3.1. A Graph-based View on IoT Data A conceptual view of IoT data could be represented as in Figure 1. That is fused by a social graph, a spatial graph, and a things graph into one graph model, and incorporates the relationships among them. The graph components are explained in more detail as follows. Figure 1. A conceptual view of IoT Graph Data a) Things Graph This graph represents entities including sensors and devices and their connectivity. Each node represents a sensor or a device with different attributes such as SensorID, Name, Type, Position, Status, Timestamp, and Value. An edge represents the relationship between two sensors/devices, and two types of edge-label are used in things graph including Connects and Links. b) Spatial Graph This graph represents locations and their proximity. Each node is a place with attributes such as LocationID, PlaceName, and Coordinates. Each edge indicates the proximity between two locations. Besides, a node in the Spatial Graph could be connected by nodes in the Things Graph, which indicates that some sensors/devices are employed at certain locations. This relation between a thing and a location is represented by using AsignedTo type edge. Also, a node in the Spatial Graph could be connected by another node from the Social Graph to show who is in a specific location. There are four edge types to represent these kinds of relations including WorksAt, WorksFor, StudiesAt, and LivesAt. c) Social Graph This graph represents people who are using IoT devices and their relationship. Each node is a person with some attributes such as ID, Name, Age, and Title. An edge represents the relationship between two people. Furthermore, a node of Social Graph could be connected to a node from Spatial Graph to show where a person is and connected to a node from Things Graph to indicate which things are used by a person. 3.2. IoT Graph Data Modeling Graph data modeling is the translation of a dataset in a conceptual view to a graph model. During the graph modeling process, we determine which entities in the dataset should be nodes (or vertex), which should be edges, and which should be properties. The result is a blueprint of whole entities, relationships, and properties in the dataset. We can use that blueprint to create a visualization model. In fact, an entity or a relationship could have several properties. For instance, a person is identified by his/her national ID, first name, last name, birth of date, and he/she might have a relationship as a colleague with another person since 2019. For representing data in detail and rich information, a comprehensive graph model is introduced which is named a property graph. The property graph is first introduced in [9], and a formal definition is given by Angles et al. in [10]. In the later one, a property graph is defined as a tuple (V, E, ρ, λ, δ), where V is a set of nodes and E is a set of edges in the graph, ISSN 2354-0575 Journal of Science and Technology24 Khoa học & Công nghệ - Số 27/Tháng 9 - 2020 ρ is a total function E → V × V, λ is a total function that defines labels on both V and E, δ is a partial function that maps a property of a node or an edge to a value. We present an extension of the property graph to support data modeling to be easy and more clear. Property Graph. A property graph is a tuple G = (V, E, Σ, Θ, F, λ, P, ϑ, ϱ), where: • V: is a finite set of nodes (vertices) • E: is a finite set of edges • Σ: is a finite set of labels for edges • Θ: is a finite set of labels for nodes • F: is the function mapping each node v ∈ V to a label from Θ. • λ: is the function mapping each edge e ∈ E to a label from Σ. • P: is a finite set of property names for vertices/edges • ϑ: is the function mapping each node v ∈ V with a given property p ∈ P to a specific value. • ϱ: is the function mapping each edge e ∈ E with a given property p ∈ P to a specific value. Figure 2. An example of IoT graph data modeling Figure 3. The format of nodes and edges in the property graph Example: An illustration of a property graph is shown in Figure 2. In this example, the values of V, E, Σ, F, and λ are not difficult to recognize. Here, the property graph has three more parameters P, ϑ, and ϱ, where P = {name, age, no, time, since}, the example of mapping functions for node properties and edge properties (a few of them) are listed as the following: ϑ(1, name) = Quyet ϑ(1, age) = 32 ϑ(6, name) = Computer Engineering ϑ(4, no) = 718 ϱ((1, 3), since) = 2019 ϱ((5, 7), time) = 2019/05/01 2:00PM Thus, we can understand that properties are name-value pairs which are used to add qualities (more information) to nodes and relationships (edges). A set of properties for each type of node/ edge is specified by using the format shown in Figure 3. The value part of the property can hold different data types such as string, number, and date time. Each node and edge can have zero or few properties. For example, node 1 has two properties including name and age, and edge (1,3) has only one property since, while edge (2,5) has no property (the value will be null when we map any property name on the edge (2,5)). From the conceptual view of IoT data, we can categorize the entities in an IoT system into three main groups including People, Locations, and Things for the brevity of the explanation. Besides, there are a few other groups related Things such as Applications or Permissions could be considered for representing IoT data. It depends on the objectives of the IoT systems. In this paper, we consider the IoT data management for smart building evacuation systems as a case study, therefore, we will describe the main groups and entities related to such a kind of system. For a better data representation and data exploration, we specify all entities in each group, each of them is considered as a node type (or node label) in the IoT graph model, and the relationship between two nodes is represented as an edge. The descriptions of nodes, edges, and their relationships in our graph model are described in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. ISSN 2354-0575 Khoa học & Công nghệ - Số 27/Tháng 9 - 2020 Journal of Science and Technology 25 Table 1. Node Types Description Table 2. Edge Types Description 4. Experimental Evaluation Exp-1: Analysis of IoT Graph Data In this experiment, we analyze the graph characteristics with the changes in heterogeneous IoT data. To do this, we first generate a graph database by using gMark [11]. This graph follows the model that we presented in the previous section. It has 36,000 nodes, 273,610 edges, and 19 edge- labels. The occurrence of labels follows the given Zipfian or uniform distribution. We then extract from the graph to obtain other six smaller graphs which contain only one or two kinds of graph from things, social, and spatial graphs. Finally, we use Gephi [12] to analyze the changes of parameters of these graphs. Specifically, we consider the following graph parameters: • Graph size: the number of nodes (|V|) and edges (|E|). • Number of relationships (|L|): the number of different labels in the graphs. • Average degree: in a directed graph, it is defined as the fraction of the number of edges to the number of nodes. • Average path length: the average number of steps along the shortest paths for all possible pairs of nodes. • Diameter (D): the number of edges in the shortest path between the most distant nodes. • Strongly connected components (|C|): the maximal strongly connected subgraph, in which, a subgraph is called a strongly connected component if there is a path between all pairs of nodes. Table 3 illustrates the results of analyzing graph parameters. We observe that when different graphs are fused together, it could generate a more complex graph with the increase of the number of relationships, the average degree, the average path length, and the value of other parameters. This causes substantial searching cost and long response time due to the large size of the graph and/or complex queries. Exp-2: Evaluation of Query Performance We evaluate the efficiency of analyzing IoT data using graph query. To do this, we compare the query performance between T-SQL queries on a relational database and Cypher queries on a graph database. We use the IoT dataset generated in Exp- 1. We convert and import this dataset into 14 tables in MySQL with 256,318 records. The dataset is also imported to a graph database, Neo4j, with 36,000 nodes and 273,610 edges. In this experiment, we use four common types of query including Look Up, Range, Complex (Join/Nested), and Aggregation, which are often used to extract knowledge from IoT data We write twelve queries, each type of query has three queries. The queries are written in both SQL language for running on MySQL and Cypher language for running on Neo4J. The experimental results are illustrated in Figure 4. ISSN 2354-0575 Journal of Science and Technology26 Khoa học & Công nghệ - Số 27/Tháng 9 - 2020 Table 3. Analysis of IoT Graph Characteristics Figure 4. Query performance comparision between relational database and graph database From the results, we found that using Cypher queries on Neo4J can obtain better performance comparing to using SQL queries on MySQL in all the cases in overall. Specifically, the Look Up queries (#1, #2, #4) and Range queries (#4, #5, #6) take a low cost on both relational databases and graph databases. In the case of testing complex queries like Nested queries (#Q7, #Q8, #9), the performance of using Cypher queries on graph databases is much faster than the one using SQL queries on relational databases. We observed that Cypher queries reduced the average execution time around 3, 6, 6 times than SQL queries corresponding to #Q7, #Q8, and #Q9, respectively. We also observed that Aggregation queries on graph databases often take high cost. Indeed, their performance is up to 3 times slower than the ones with SQL queries (#10, #11, #12). 5. Conclusion This paper proposed a graph model for representing IoT data. The proposed graph model represented entities in IoT environment such as devices, locations, people with attributes and relationships between two entities. The efficiency of the proposed graph model was evaluated on a simulated smart building management dataset. Experimental results showed that the proposed model is more efficient than relational model in storing and analyzing IoT data. ISSN 2354-0575 Khoa học & Công nghệ - Số 27/Tháng 9 - 2020 Journal of Science and Technology 27 References [1]. V. Arora, F. Nawab, D. Agrawal, and A. El Abbadi, “Multi-representation based data processing architecture for iot applications,” in 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). IEEE, 2017, pp. 2234–2239. [2]. A. M. Ibrahim, I. Venkat, K. Subramanian, A. T. Khader, and P. D. 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Điều này yêu cầu một mô hình dữ liệu cho phép dễ dàng trong việc biểu diễn các thực thể và hỗ trợ lưu trữ, thêm, xóa và cập nhật quan hệ giữa các thực thể mà không ảnh hưởng đến tính khả dụng của ứng dụng. Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi đề xuất một mô hình đồ thị chung có thể được sử dụng để thiết kế cơ sở dữ liệu đồ thị hỗ trợ hiệu quả cho việc lưu trữ và phân tích dữ liệu IoT. Chúng tôi biểu diễn dữ liệu IoT dựa trên mô hình đồ thị và lấy việc quản lý dữ liệu của tòa nhà thông minh là một trường hợp minh họa. Thông qua việc phân tích kết quả thực nghiệm và so sánh ở các khía cạnh khác nhau, chúng tôi thấy rằng phương pháp tiếp cận bằng mô hình đồ thì có thể áp dụng để lưu trữ và phân tích dữ liệu IoT hỗn hợp một cách hiệu quả. Từ khóa: Mô hình hóa đồ thị, Cơ sở dữ liệu đồ thị, Truy vấn đồ thị, Dữ liệu kết nối, Quản lý dữ liệu IoT.
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