A watermark algorithm against de - Synchronization attacks

In this paper, a robust method to the ability of the watermark to resist against attacks is proposed for hiding

information into images. The proposed method is blind because the original image is not required at the decoder

to recover the embedded data. The robustness of the watermarking scheme is inspired by using a PJND

(Pyramidal Just Noticeable Difference) model and the message is inserted into these DoG (Difference of

Gaussians) [1, 2]. Our proposal takes into account three main characteristics of Human Visual System, namely:

contrast sensitivity, luminance adaptation and contrast marking. Therefore, it not only provides an invisible and

robust watermarking but also optimizes watermarking capacity. The performance of the proposed technique is

evaluated by a series of experiments with different input images. In terms of transparency, besides using the

subjective experiments, eight objective metrics are calculated in comparison with other methods such as PSNR,

MSSIM, SVDm, etc. Our approach always presents the outperform values. In terms of robustness, many kinds of

attacks from global transformation (rotation, scaling, etc) to local transformation (stirmark, checkmark

benchmarks, de-synchronization attacks) are implemented. Many image processing tools are applied to simulate

the attacks such as Print-Screen, Using Photo editing software, Camcorder, Print-Scan, etc. The experimental

results show an outstanding robustness in resisting these attacks.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: A watermark algorithm against de - Synchronization attacks

A watermark algorithm against de - Synchronization attacks
assessment and has been extended in various 
directions. Our results are reported in the 
following figures and in Table 2. As shows in 
Figure 6, the watermarked image and the 
original are visually undistinguishable. 
As for the watermark invisibility, quality 
results of watermarked image of different 
methods for different images are reported in 
Table 2. We can observe that the quality of the 
watermarked images of our method is 
equivalent or even better than that of other 
method [7]. 
5.2. Evaluation of robustness 
The robustness of our algorithm is tested 
via a wide range of attacks including “signal 
processing” and de-synchronization types (DA). 
Some of them are very severe attacks like Print-
Scan, Print Screen, Camcorder attack, Using 
Photo editing software and new de-
synchronization attacks developed in [8] values 
are shown in Table 3. To facilitate the task, 
there are various tools that can test and evaluate 
watermarking algorithms systematically. 
Among them, the following two tools are most 
known to Stirmark [33] and Checkmark [34] 
benchmarks. However, when regarding the 
results in [7], we can see that the proposed 
method has a nearly equivalent robustness for 
geometric attacks values shown in Table 1. 
Furthermore, it resists other specific attacks 
(Camcorder, Print Screen, Using Photo 
editing software, new DAs) that the method 
[7] cannot. 
New DAs: these de-synchronization attacks 
are an extension of classical geometric attacks 
proposed by [8]. They are proved to be more 
powerful and less intrusive than the Stirmark 
attack. We tested three types of these with 
default parameters as in [8]: the LPCD (Local 
Permutation with Cancellation and Duplication, 
C-LPCD (Constraint LPCD), MF (Markov 
Random field). Watermark detection results are 
shown in Table 3. 
Table 1. Robustness Evaluation (Stirmark [33] and 
Checkmark [34] benchmarks attack) 
Attack Type Explicit 
scheme Method [7] 
Random Cropping 1% 0.8% 
Jpeg compression QF=3% QF=9% 
Jpeg 2000 compression 0.08 bpp 0.1 bpp 
Gaussian Noise σ= 64% σ= 67% 
Wiener filtering Ok Ok 
Median filtering 5x5 3x3 
Sharpening Ok Failed 
Blurring Ok Failed 
Bit plan reduction Ok Failed 
Histogram Equalization Ok Ok 
Rescale (45%) Ok Ok 
Affine Transform Ok Ok 
Print-scan attack: this attack consists of 
printing image on a classical laser printer: HP 
LaserJet 4250 PCL6, EPSON Stylus. Scanning: 
Epson Perfection 4490. The image is printed in 
color, grayscale level on an A4 paper at 300 dpi 
resolution (tests were done on image printed on 
a white paper) and scanned, witch is shows in 
Figure 8. Watermark detection results are 
shown in Table 3. 
Camcorder attack: we get the picture of 
image on the computer screen with the Nikon 
D90 Digital SLR Camera with 18-105mm VR 
Lens Kit (12.3MP) 3inch LCD. The 
watermarked test images were captured 10 
times with each of the camera setting and each 
image contained 57 bits and error coding when 
images were captured by tilting the camera 
randomly is shows in Figure 9 and values are 
shown in Table 3. 
Using Photo editing software: Do you still 
use Microsoft Paint, or some other under-
powered paint packages that allow you to rotate 
an image by an arbitrary angle (Figure 9). 
L.V. Nguyen et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 32, No. 2 (2016) 49-62 59 
Table 2. Imperceptibility Evaluation 
Objective Method 
Baboon Barbara Boat Car Clown Fruit Isabe Lena Peppers Plane 
Keskinarkaus 25,79 28,41 33,01 32,80 33,66 36,68 36,18 35,45 35,51 35,82 33,33 
Proposed 26,10 27,88 32,46 31,98 32,98 34,84 35,25 34,47 34,35 33,61 32,39 
Keskinarkaus 9,36 11,64 15,96 16,93 17,13 19,25 16,78 17,72 19,16 19,65 16,36 PSNR 
wav1 Proposed 9,31 10,48 14,66 15,35 15,54 17,02 15,15 15,92 16,97 16,69 14,71 
Keskinarkaus 10,08 12,43 16,33 17,69 18,13 19,68 18,56 19,11 19,99 20,03 17,20 PSNR 
wav2 Proposed 9,88 10,87 14,87 15,95 16,45 17,53 16,90 17,14 17,75 17,08 15,44 
Keskinarkaus 37,82 34,82 16,47 17,35 12,51 9,74 9,28 10,70 8,07 11,10 16,79 
Proposed 33,36 29,64 13,94 15,20 11,18 9,65 8,27 9,88 7,87 10,82 14,98 
Keskinarkaus 0,19 0,10 0,08 0,08 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,07 0,07 0,06 0,09 
Proposed 0,19 0,13 0,08 0,09 0,10 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,08 0,07 0,10 
Keskinarkaus 0,82 0,88 0,93 0,94 0,93 0,97 0,94 0,94 0,91 0,96 0,92 
Proposed 0,85 0,89 0,94 0,94 0,94 0,97 0,95 0,94 0,93 0,96 0,93 
Keskinarkaus 35,56 37,28 39,25 38,34 38,62 40,46 39,98 39,76 38,95 40,93 38,91 
Proposed 35,99 36,93 38,97 37,80 37,90 39,60 39,24 39,31 38,80 39,46 38,40 
Keskinarkaus 33,18 34,85 39,28 38,09 34,50 37,17 40,58 38,69 39,77 41,39 37,75 
Proposed 32,16 32,08 37,92 36,41 33,71 35,39 38,82 37,05 37,17 38,08 35,88 
Table 3. Robustness Evaluation. For some type of attacks, the results showed: X/Y (bit error/bit encoded 
message) the parameters demonstrate the break-down limit of the method 
(the strongest attack to which the watermark still survives) 
Attack Method Baboon Fruit Isabe Lena Peppers 
Ours Ok Ok 2/64 1/64 3/64 
Camcorder attack 
Keskinarkaus - - - - - 
Ours Ok 3/64 Ok 2/64 Ok 
Print scan Attack 
Keskinarkaus Ok 2/48 3/48 Ok Ok 
Ours Ok Ok 2/64 3/64 Ok 
Photo editing software 
Keskinarkaus - - - - - 
Ours Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok 
Print screen Attack 
Keskinarkaus - - - - - 
Ours Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok 
DA New 
Keskinarkaus - - - - - 
L.V. Nguyen et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 32, No. 2 (2016) 49-62 
Watermark Image Insert 
Document and Print 
Scanner at 300dpi 
Figure 8. The watermark image 
is printed and scanned. 
Watermark Image screen with 
the Nikon 
Crop image and 
Figure 9. The watermark screen with the Nikon. 
We user vertical shear and skew the image 
a negative number of degrees (1-6 degrees) in 
the vertical plane which is shows in Figure 10 
and values are shown in Table 3. 
Vertical shear 5 degrees Vertical shear 6 degrees 
Figure 10. The watermark attack Using Photo 
editing software. 
Print screen Keyboard: When you press it, 
an image of your screen is copied to the 
Clipboard. This is called a screen capture or 
screen shot. You will then need to further edit 
using some image editing programs values 
shown in Table 3. 
Table 3 shows the average robustness tested 
for five images (Baboon, Fruit, Isabe, Lena and 
Peppers). These values denote the breakdown 
limit of the tested methods, i.e. the strongest 
level of attacks to which the watermark still 
survives. Table 1 shows that the watermark 
survives many severe attacks in both schemes 
but there are no significant differences in 
robustness between these two schemes (except 
for Jpeg compression). Furthermore, robustness 
against some attacks "like Jpeg" (Jpeg2000) is 
even slightly improved. 
Watermark detection results are shown in 
Table 1 and Table 3; our method outperformed 
the method [7] for most attacks. Furthermore, 
the message protected with Hamming (64, 57) 
error correction coding that is capable of 
correcting three bits ensures that the message 
can be decoded correctly. Especially, in contrast 
to [7], it survives many severe attacks such as 
"camcorder", "print-scan" and Stirmark, 
Checkmark and new DA. However, our method 
as well as the method [7] are not very robust to 
"signal processing" attacks such as noise, jpeg 
compression, etc. Throughout these results, it is 
clear that using perceptual models helps 
improve not only transparency but also 
robustness of a watermarking system. The 
explicit scheme, once again provides the best 
robustness amongst the compared methods. The 
detector outputs for some severe attacks are 
also displayed in Figure 8, 9 and 11. 
6. Conclusion 
In this paper, we have presented a novel 
content based image watermarking operating in 
the DoG scale space with enhancing robustness 
against de-synchronization attacks. Such 
watermarking methods present additional 
advantages over the published watermarking 
schemes in terms of detection and recovery 
from geometric attacks, and with better security 
characteristics. The experimental results show 
that the proposed method has a good 
performance in terms of robustness and 
imperceptibility. In the future, this method 
digital watermarking will be extenđe to used on 
mobile phones. 
L.V. Nguyen et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 32, No. 2 (2016) 49-62 61 
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