A feature - Based model for nested named-entity recognition at vlsp - 2018 ner evaluation campaign

Named-entity recognition (NER) is an important task in information extraction. The task is to

identify in a text, spans that are entities and classify them into pre-defined categories. There have

been some conferences and shared tasks for evaluating NER systems in English and other languages,

such as MUC- [17], CoNLL 2002 [15] and CoNLL 2003 [16].

In Vietnamese language, VLSP 2016 NER evaluation campaign [3] is the first evaluation campaign

that aims to systematically compare NER systems for Vietnamese language. Similar to CoNLL 2003

shared-task, in VLSP 2016, four named-entity types were considered: person (PER), organization

(ORG), location (LOC), and miscellaneous entities (MISC). In VLSP 2016, organizers provided the

training/test data with gold word segmentation, PoS and chunking tags. While that setting can help

participant teams to reduce effort of data processing and solely focus on developing NER algorithms,

it is not a realistic setting. In VLSP 2018 NER evaluation campaign, only raw texts with XML tags

were provided. Therefore, we need to choose appropriate Vietnamese NLP tools for preprocessing

steps such as word segmentation, PoS tagging, and chunking. VLSP 2018 NER campaign also differs

from VLSP 2016 NER campaign in that the official evaluation considers nested named-entities of all


A feature - Based model for nested named-entity recognition at vlsp - 2018 ner evaluation campaign trang 1

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A feature - Based model for nested named-entity recognition at vlsp - 2018 ner evaluation campaign
words within the context of the current word. In our model, we use prefixes
and suffixes of lengths from 1 to 4 characters.
2.3.2. Word shapes
In addition to word identities, we use word shapes to improve the prediction ability of the
model (especially for unknown or rare words) and to reduce the data spareness problem.
Table 2. Word shape features
Fea- Description Example
shape orthographic shapes of the token “Đồng” → “ULLL”
shaped shorten version of shape “Đồng” → “UL”
type category of the token such as “AllUpper”, “AllDigit”, etc “1234” → “AllDigit”
fregex features based on token regular expression [6]
mix is mixed case letters “iPhone”
acr is capitalized letter with period “H.”, “Th.”, “U.S.’
ed token starts with alphabet chars and ends with digits “A9 ”, “B52 ”
hyp contains hyphen “New-York ”
da is date “03-11-1984 ”,
“03/10 ”
na is name “Buôn_Mê_Thuột”
co is code “21B ”
wei is weight “2kg”
2d is two-digit number “12 ”
4d is four-digit number “1234 ”
d&a contains digits and alphabet “12B ”
d&- contains digits and hyphens “9-2 ”
d&/ contains digits and backslash “9/2 ”
d&, contains digits and comma “10,000 ”
d&. contains digits and period “10.000 ”
up contains an upper-case character followed by a period “M.”
iu first character is upper-case “Việt_Nam”
au all characters of the token are upper-case “IBM ”
al all characters are lower-case “học_sinh”
ad all digits “1234 ”
ao all characters are neither alphabet characters nor digits “;”
cu contains at least one upper-case character “iPhone”
cl contains at least one lower-case character “iPhone”
ca contains at least one alphabet character “s12456 ”
cd contains at least one digit “1A”
cs contains at least 1 character that is not alphabet or digit “10.000 ”
We used the same word shapes as presented in [10]. Table 2 shows the list of word-shape
features used in our NER model.
2.3.3. Brown cluster-based features
Brown clustering algorithm is a hierarchical clustering algorithm for assigning words to
clusters [1]. Each cluster contains words which are semantically similar. Output clusters are
represented as bit-strings. Brown-cluster-based features in our NER model include whole
bit-string representations of words and their prefixes of lengths 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20.
Table 3. Number of entities of each type in each level in train/development and test set.
Lv stands for Level
Type Train Dev Test
Lv-1 Lv-2 Lv-3 Lv-1 Lv-2 Lv-3 Lv-1 Lv-2 Lv-3
LOC 8831 7 0 3043 2 0 2525 2 0
ORG 3471 1655 63 1203 690 14 1616 557 22
PER 6427 0 0 2168 0 0 3518 1 0
MISC 805 1 0 179 1 0 296 0 0
Total 19534 1663 63 6593 694 14 7955 561 22
Note that, we only extract unigrams for Brown-cluster-based features.
In experiments, we used the Brown clustering implementation of Liang [8] and applied the
tool on the raw text data collected through a Vietnamese news portal. We performed word
clustering on the same preprocessed text data which were used to generate word embeddings
in [7]. The number of word clusters used in our experiments is 5120.
2.3.4. Word embeddings
Word-embedding features have been used for a CRF-based Vietnamese NER model in [7].
The basic idea is adding unigram features corresponding to dimensions of word representation
In the paper, we apply the same word-embedding features as in [7]. We generated pre-
trained word vectors by applying Glove [14] on the same text data used to run Brown
clustering. The dimension of word vectors is 25.
3.1. Data sets
Table 3 showed the data statistics on training set, development set, and official test set.
The number of ORGANIZATION entities (ORG) at level 3 is too small, so we only consider
level-1 and level-2 entities in training models. Almost level-2 entities are of ORG types.
3.2. Evaluation measures
Evaluation measures in our experiments are Precision, Recall, and F1 score. We report
results of recognizing level-1 entities, level-2 entities and entities of all levels. We use the
Perl script provided in CoNLL-2000 Shared Task 2 for evaluating level-1 and level-2 named-
entity recognition. Due to the fact that word segmentation may cause boundary conflict
between entities and words, we convert words in the data into syllables before we evaluate
Precision, Recall, and F1 score.
For calculating Precision, Recall, and F1 score of recognizing entities of all levels, we
used the evaluation program provided by VLSP 2018 organizers. 3
3The evaluation program is available at https://github.com/minhpqn/vietner
3.3. CRF tool and parameters
In experiments, we adopted CRF suite [13], an implementation of linear-chain (first-order
Markov) CRF. That toolkit allows us to easily incorporate both binary and numeric features
such as word embedding features. In training, we use Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm
with L2 regularization and the coefficient for L2 regularization is 3.2.
3.4. Nested named-entity recognition methods
We compare three methods of recognizing nested named-entity recognition as follows.
• Using Level-1 model and Level-2 model for recognizing level-1 and level-2 entities,
respectively. We refer this method as Separated method.
• Using Joint-tag model to recognize joint tags for each word of a sentence, then split
joint tags into level-1 and level-2 tags. We refer this method as Joint method.
• We use the Joint-tag model for recognizing level-2 entities and level-1 model for recog-
nizing level-1 entities. We refer this method as Hybrid method.
Our intention of using three above methods for nested named-entity recognition is to test
our hypothesis that the joint-tag model can leverage supervised signals from both level-1 and
level-2 entity tags, so it will improve the overall result of nested named-entity recognition.
3.5. Experiments
We conducted two experiments as follows.
• Experiment 1: We used the training set, which was provided by VLSP 2018 organizers
for training level-1, level-2 and joint-tag models. Sentence segmentation was not used.
• Experiment 2: We combined provided training and development data to make a larger
training data, then used the combined training data to train NER models. That is the
method we used to generate official submission results at VLSP 2018. In experiment 2,
we compared two preprocessing methods: performing sentence segmentation and not
performing sentence segmentation.
In each experiment, we reported results of entity recognition for level-1 and level-2 entities
and the overall nested named-entity recognition results of three methods Separated, Joint
and Hybrid.
3.6. Results
3.6.1. Experiment 1
Table 4 and Table 5 show the experimental results of recognizing level-1 and level-2 entities,
respectively. Table 6 presents the overall results on development and test set which consider
all entity levels. Joint method and Hybrid method outperformed Separated in terms
of level-2 entity recognition. That result indicated that the joint-tag model is better than
level-2 model in recognizing level-2 entities.
Table 4. Level-1 entity recognition results of three methods, which used models trained on
the provided training data
Dev set Test set
Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1
Separated 84.98 89.38 87.12 72.17 78.50 75.20
Joint 85.30 88.85 87.04 73.36 78.30 75.75
Hybrid 85.04 89.35 87.15 72.16 78.44 75.17
Table 5. Level-2 entity recognition results of three methods, which used models trained on
the provided training data
Dev set Test set
Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1
Separated 64.41 90.67 75.32 35.12 82.08 49.19
Joint 70.61 87.03 77.96 44.03 78.66 56.46
Hybrid 69.31 88.42 77.71 41.18 80.77 54.55
Table 6. NER results on development and test data sets for all entity levels. We used models
trained on the provided training data
Dev set Test set
Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1
Separated 87.01 81.08 83.94 76.83 69.12 72.77
Joint 86.17 81.84 83.95 76.98 71.10 73.92
Hybrid 86.86 81.64 84.17 76.81 69.58 73.02
Table 7. Six submitted runs
Runs Method Sent Segmentation?
Run-1 Hybrid YES
Run-2 Hybrid NO
Run-3 Joint YES
Run-4 Joint NO
Run-5 Separated YES
Run-6 Separated NO
3.6.2. Experiment 2 (submission results)
In Experiment 2, we trained models on the data set obtained by combining provided training
and development data and used the trained models for recognizing entities on the test set.
We submitted six runs at VLSP 2018 NER evaluation campaign as showed in Table 7. We
compared two preprocessing approaches: with sentence segmentation and without sentence
segmentation. The reason why we tried those preprocessing approaches is that we would like
to know the influence of sequence lengths on the accuracy of our model.
Table 8 presents the results of our six submission runs in recognizing level-1 and level-2
Table 8. Evaluation results of recognizing level-1 entities and level-2 entities on the test set
of the six submission runs
Level-1 Entity Level-2 Entity
Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1
Run-1 (Hybrid + SentSeg) 73.82 79.43 76.52 43.32 82.94 56.91
Run-2 (Hybrid) 73.45 80.04 76.60 43.14 82.59 56.67
Run-3 (Joint + SentSeg) 73.21 79.56 76.26 45.28 81.41 58.19
Run-4 (Joint) 73.95 79.33 76.55 44.56 82.51 57.87
Run-5 (Separated + SentSeg) 73.80 79.46 76.53 39.39 83.08 53.45
Run-6 (Separated) 73.46 80.08 76.63 36.90 84.15 51.30
Table 9. Official evaluation results on test set of our six submitted runs for nested-named
entity recognition
Run Precision Recall F1
Run-1 (Hybrid + SentSeg) 77.85 71.08 74.31
Run-2 (Hybrid) 78.32 70.88 74.41
Run-3 (Joint + SentSeg) 78.07 70.98 74.35
Run-4 (Joint) 78.0 71.69 74.70
Run-5 (Separated + SentSeg) 77.83 70.78 74.14
Run-6 (Separated) 78.35 70.44 74.19
entities. While for F1 scores of six runs for level-1 entity recognition are very close, Joint
method outperformed the other methods in recognizing level-2 entities.
Table 9 shows the official evaluation results for our six submitted runs. As indicated in
the table, run 4 which uses Joint model obtained the highest F1 score among six runs. Using
Joint method or Hybrid method obtained better F1 scores than using Separated methods.
We also see that the difference between a system that performs sentence segmentation and
a system that does not perform sentence segmentation is very small.
The reason why Joint method and Hybrid method obtained better F1 scores than
Separated method is that both Joint an Hybrid methods used joint-tag model while
Separated method used level-2 model to recognize level-2 entities. We already pointed out
that joint-tag model outperforms level-2 model in level-2 entity recognition.
We presented a feature-based model for Vietnamese named-entity recognition and evalua-
tion results at VLSP 2018 NER evaluation campaign. We compared several methods for
recognizing nested entities. Experimental results showed that combining tags of entities at
all levels for training a sequence labeling model improved the accuracy of nested named-
entity recognition. As the future work, we plan to investigate deep learning methods such
as BiLSTM-CNN-CRF [9] for nested named entity recognition.
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Received on October 03, 2018
Revised on December 28, 2018

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