Single concatenated input is better than indenpendent multiple-Input for cnns to predict chemical - induced disease relation from literature

Chemical compounds (drugs) and diseases are among top searched keywords on the

PubMed database of biomedical literature by biomedical researchers all over the world (according

to a study in 2009). Working with PubMed is essential for researchers to get insights into drugs’

side effects (chemical-induced disease relations (CDR), which is essential for drug safety and

toxicity. It is, however, a catastrophic burden for them as PubMed is a huge database of

unstructured texts, growing steadily very fast (~28 millions scientific articles currently,

approximately two deposited per minute). As a result, biomedical text mining has been empirically

demonstrated its great implications in biomedical research communities. Biomedical text has its

own distinct challenging properties, attracting much attetion from natural language processing

communities. A large-scale study recently in 2018 showed that incorporating information into

indenpendent multiple-input layers outperforms concatenating them into a single input layer (for

biLSTM), producing better performance when compared to state-of-the-art CDR classifying

models. This paper demonstrates that for a CNN it is vice-versa, in which concatenation is better

for CDR classification. To this end, we develop a CNN based model with multiple input

concatenated for CDR classification. Experimental results on the benchmark dataset demonstrate

its outperformance over other recent state-of-the-art CDR classification models.

Single concatenated input is better than indenpendent multiple-Input for cnns to predict chemical - induced disease relation from literature trang 1

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Single concatenated input is better than indenpendent multiple-Input for cnns to predict chemical - induced disease relation from literature trang 2

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Single concatenated input is better than indenpendent multiple-Input for cnns to predict chemical - induced disease relation from literature trang 3

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Single concatenated input is better than indenpendent multiple-Input for cnns to predict chemical - induced disease relation from literature trang 4

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Single concatenated input is better than indenpendent multiple-Input for cnns to predict chemical - induced disease relation from literature trang 5

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Single concatenated input is better than indenpendent multiple-Input for cnns to predict chemical - induced disease relation from literature trang 6

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Single concatenated input is better than indenpendent multiple-Input for cnns to predict chemical - induced disease relation from literature

Single concatenated input is better than indenpendent multiple-Input for cnns to predict chemical - induced disease relation from literature
 researchers. The rest of this paper is organized as 
It can be, however, accelerated with the follows. Section 2 describes the proposed 
application of biomedical text mining, hereby method in detail. Experimental results are 
for drug (chemical) - disease relation discussed in section 3. Finally, section 4 
prediction, in particular. Biomedical text concludes this paper. 
mining has been empirically demonstrated its 
great implications in biomedical research 
communities [5-7]. 2. Method 
 Biomedical text has its own distinct 
challenging properties, attracting much attetion Given a preprocessed and tokenized 
from natural language processing communities sentence containing two entity types of interest 
[8, 9]. In 2004, an annual challenge, called (i.e. chemical and disease), our model first 
BioCreative (Critical Assessment of extracts the shortest dependency path (SDP) (on 
Information Extraction systems in Biology) was the dependency tree) between such two entities. 
launched for biomedical text mining The SDP contains tokens (together with 
researchers. In 2016, researchers from NCBI dependency relations between them) that are 
organized the chemical disease relationship important for understanding the semantic 
extraction task for the challenge [10]. connection between two entities (see Figure 1 for 
 To date, almost all proposed models are only an example of the SDP). 
for prediction of relationships between chemicals 
and diseases that appear within a sentence (intra-
sentence relationships) [11]. We note that those 
models that produce the state-of-the-art 
performance are mainly based on deep neural 
architechtures [12-14], such as recurrent neural 
networks (RNN) like bi-directional long short- 
 Figure 1. Dependency tree for an example sentence. 
term memory (biLSTM) in [15] and convolutional 
 The shortest dependency path between two entities 
neural networks (CNN) in [16-18]. (i.e. depression and methyldopa) goes through the 
 Recently, Le et al. developed a biLSTM tokens “occurring” and “patients”. 
based intra-sentence biomedical relation 
prediction model that incorporates various Each token t on a SDP is encoded with the 
informative linguistic properties in an embedding et by concatenating three 
 w pt
independent multiple-layer manner [19]. Their embeddings of equal dimension d (i.e. e ⨁ e ⨁ 
experimental results demonstrate that eps), which represent important linguistic 
incorporating information into independent information, including its token itself (ew), part 
multiple-input layers outperforms concatenating of speech (POS) (ept) and its position (eps). Two 
them into a single input layer (for biLSTM), former partial embeddings are fine-tuned during 
 P.T.Q. Trang, et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 11-16 13 
the model training. Position embeddings are embedding channel (c) independently, creating 
 l r
indexed by distance pairs [d %5, d %5], where a corresponding feature map ℱic. The max 
dl and dr are distances from a token to the left pooling operator is then applied on those 
and the right entity, respectively. created feature maps on all channels (three in 
 For each dependency relation (r) on the our case) to create a feature value for filter fi 
SDP, its embedding has the dimension of 3*d, (Figure 3). 
and is randomly initialized and fine-tuned as the 
 2.2. Hyper-parameters 
model’s parameters during training. 
 To this end, each SDP is embedded into the The model’s hyper-parameters are 
RNxD space (see Figure 2), where N is the empirically set as follows: 
number of all tokens and dependency relations ● Filter size: n x d, where d is the embedding 
on the SDP and D=3*d. The embedded SDP dimension (300 in our experiments), n is a number 
will be fed as input into a conventional of consecutive elements (tokens/POS tags, 
convolutional neural network (CNN [20]) for relations) on SDPs (Figure 3). 
being classified if there is or not a predefined ● Number of filters: 32 filters of the size 2 x 
relation (i.e. chemical-induced disease relation) 300, 128 of 3 x 300, 32 of 4 x 300, 96 of 5 x 300. 
between two entities. ● Number of hidden layers: 2. 
 ● Number of units at each layer: 128. 
 - The number of training epochs: 100 
 - Patience for early stopping: 10 
 - Optimizer: Adam 
 3. Experimental results 
 3.1. Dataset 
 Our experiments are conducted on the Bio 
 Creative V data [10]. It’s an annotated text 
 corpus that consists of human annotations for 
 Figure 2. Embedding by concatenation mechanism chemicals, diseases and their chemical-induced-
 of the Shortest Dependency Path (SDP) from the disease (CID) relation at the abstract level. The 
 example in Figure 1. dataset contains 1500 PubMed articles divided 
2.1. Multiple-channel embedding into three subsets for training, development and 
 testing. In 1500 articles, most were selected 
 For multi-channel embedding, instead of from the CTD data set (accounting for 
concatenating three partial embeddings of each 1400/1500 articles). The remaining 100 articles 
token on a SDP we maintain three independent in the test set are completely different articles, 
embedding channels for them. Channels for which are carefully selected. All these data is 
relations on the SDP are identical embeddings. manually curated. The detail information is 
As a result, SDPs are embedded into R , shown in Table 1. 
where n is the number of all tokens and 
dependency relations between them, d is the 3.2. Model evaluation 
dimension number of embeddings, and c=3 is We merge the training and development 
the number of embedding channels. subsets of the BioCreative V CDR into a single 
 To calculate feature maps for CNN we training dataset, which is then divided into the 
follow the scheme in the work of Kim 2014 new training and validation/development data 
[21]. Each CNN’s filter fi is slided along each with a ratio 85%:15%. To stop training process 
14 P.T.Q. Trang, et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 11-16 
at the right time, we use the early stop technique training and evaluating 15 times on the new 
on F1-score on the new validation data. training and development set, the averaged F1 
 The entire text will be passed through a on the test set is chosen as the final evaluation 
sentence splitter. Then based on the name of the result across the entire dataset to make sure that 
disease, the name of the chemical has been the model can work well with strange samples. 
marked from the previous step, we filter out all Finally, the models that achieve the best 
the sentences containing at least one pair of results based on the sentence level will be applied 
chemical-disease entities. With all the sentences 
 to the problem on the abstract level to compare 
found, we can classify the relation for each pair 
of chemical-disease entities. We perform model with other very recent state-of-the-art methods. 
 Figure 3. Model architecture with three-channel embedding as an input for an SDP. 
 Table 1. Statistics on BioCreative V CDR dataset [10] 
 Chemical Disease 
 Dataset Articles CID 
 Mention ID Mention ID 
 Training 500 5203 1467 4182 1965 1038 
 Development 500 5347 1507 4244 1865 1012 
 Test 500 5385 1435 4424 1988 1066 
3.3. Results and comparison when contributing 0.9% of the F1 improvement to 
 the final performance of the model. 
 Experiment results show that the model 
 Table 2. Performance of our model with different 
achieves the averaged F1 of 57% (Precision of linguistic information used as input 
55.6% and Recall of 58.6%) at the abstract 
level. Compared with its variant that does not Information used Precision Recall F1 
use dependency relations, we observe a big Tokens only 53.7 55.4 54.5 
outperformance of about 2.6% at F1, which is Token, Dependency 
 55.7 56.8 56.2 
very significant (see Table 2). It indicates that (depRE) 
 Tokens, DepRE and 
dependency relations contain much information 55.7 57.5 56.6 
for relation extraction. In the meanwhile, POS tag POS tags 
 Tokens, depRE, 
and position information are also very useful 55.6 58.6 57.0 
 POS and Position 
 P.T.Q. Trang, et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 36, No. 1 (2020) 11-16 15 
 Compared with recent state-of-the-art Acknowledgements 
models such as MASS [19], ASM [22], and the 
 This research is funded by Vietnam 
tree kernel based model [23], our model 
 National Foundation for Science and 
performs better (Table 3). Ours and MASS only 
 Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under 
exploit intra-sentence information (namely grant number 102.05-2016.14. 
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