On the performance of 1-Bit ADC in Massive MIMO communication systems

Massive multiple-Input multiple-output (MIMO) with low-resolution analog-to-digital converters is a rational solution to deal with hardware costs and accomplish optimal energy efficiency. In particular, utilizing 1-bit ADCs is one of the best choices for massive MIMO systems. This paper investigates the performance of the 1-bit ADC in the wireless coded communication systems where the robust channel coding, protograph low-density parity-check code (LDPC), is employed. The investigation reveals that the performance of the conventional 1-bit ADC with the truncation limit of 3-sigma is severely destroyed by the quantization distortion even when the number of antennas increases to 100. In particular, the optimized 1-bit ADC can achieved the iterative decoding threshold gain of 2 dB over the conventional 3-sigma 1-bit ADC at the coding rate of 1/2 and the gain is more significant at higher coding rates. The optimized 1-bit ADC, though having substantial performance gain over the conventional one, is also affected by the quantization distortion at high coding rates and low MIMO configurations. Importantly, the investigation results suggest that the protograph LDPC codes should be re-designed to combat the negative effect of the quantization distortion of the 1-bit ADC

On the performance of 1-Bit ADC in Massive MIMO communication systems trang 1

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On the performance of 1-Bit ADC in Massive MIMO communication systems trang 2

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: On the performance of 1-Bit ADC in Massive MIMO communication systems

On the performance of 1-Bit ADC in Massive MIMO communication systems
ected to the
 c posed in [12, 16], to evaluate the performance im-
m-th variable node, and N (m) is the set of observation
 o provement of the optimized 1-bit uniform quantizer.
nodes connected to the m-th variable node.
 Since utilizing the LS-MIMO PEXIT for 1-bit ADCs is
 3.2.3 Message Passed From Check Nodes to Variable straightforward, readers refer to those two references
Nodes: The message from the k-th check node to the for more details.
m-th variable node is identical to the conventional The LS-MIMO-PEXIT was proved to be a useful tool
message-passing algorithm [24] and given by for evaluating and designing protograph LDPC codes
 1 − ea[t,k] through the iterative decoding threshold. This is the
 1 −
 ∏ a[t,k] lowest received signal-to-noise ratio that the decoder
 t∈N (k)\m 1 + e
 b[k, m] = ln v , (16) can decode the noisy bitstream. Thus, the lower the iter-
 1 − ea[t,k] ative decoding threshold, the better the communication
 1 +
 ∏ a[t,k] systems can achieve.
 t∈N (k)\m 1 + e
 v To calculate the iterative decoding threshold, we se-
where Nv(k) is the set of variable nodes connected to lect the protograph LDPC codes that were previously
the k-th check node. In practical implementation, the optimized for LS-MIMO channels and joint double-
computation of b[k, m] is simplified by using the tanh(·) layer belief propagation receiver [16]. The selected pro-
function. tograph LDPC codes are given in (20), (21), (22).
68 REV Journal on Electronics and Communications: Article scheduled for publication in Vol. 10, No. 3–4, July–December, 2020
  3 1 1 0 0 1 
 B1/2 =  2 1 2 2 1 0  , (20)
 3 2 0 1 1 0 3×6 10
  3 0 0 
 20iter. 20iter.
 B2/3 =  2 3 0 B1/2  , (21) 10-2
 3 0 2 3×9
   BER
 3 0 0 10-3
 20iter. 20iter.
 B3/4 =  2 2 2 B2/3  . (22)
 1 1 1 3×12
 3-Sigma Quant.
 Table II Optimized Quant.
 Iterative Decoding Threshold:Code Rate 1/2
 6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8
 E /N
 MIMO Configuration 3-Sigma Optimized b 0
 10 × 10 5.47 3.07
 40 × 40 5.03 2.84 Figure 3. BER performance: 10 × 10 MIMO Configuration, Coding
 100 × 100 5.21 2.97 rate R = 1/2, Coded blocklength = 2400 bits.
 Table III 100
 Iterative Decoding Threshold:Code Rate 2/3
 MIMO Configuration 3-Sigma Optimized 10-1
 10 × 10 14.09 4.89
 40 × 40 11.52 4.39
 100 × 100 11.71 4.42 10
 Table IV
 Iterative Decoding Threshold:Code Rate 3/4.
 MIMO Configuration 3-Sigma Optimized 10
 × 3-Sigma Quant.
 10 10 15.99 6.46 Optimized Quant.
 40 × 40 15.99 5.71
 100 × 100 15.99 5.67 6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8
 E /N
 b 0
 The iterative decoding thresholds for coding rates
1/2, 2/3, and 3/4 are given in Table II, Table III, and Ta- Figure 4. BER performance: 40 × 40 MIMO Configuration, Coding
 rate R = 1/2, Coded blocklength = 2400 bits.
ble IV, respectively. As expected, the iterative decoding
thresholds for the optimized quantizer are significantly
lower than the 3-sigma (conventional) quantizer in all 0
MIMO configurations. The threshold gaps vary from 2 10
dB (at coding rate 1/2) to 10 dB (at coding rate 3/4).
Therefore, one should expect huge gaps between the 10-1
BER curves of the two quantization schemes. To be
specific, the optimized 1-bit ADC will have much high-
performance merit or very low BER at the same level 10-2
of signal to noise ratio (SNR). This analytical finding
will be verified by simulation results in the below BER
subsection. 10
4.2 Bit Error Rate Performance 10-4
 In this section, the simulation results, as shown in 3-Sigma Quant.
 Optimized Quant.
Figures 3-11, are provided to verify the analytical re-
sults in Subsection 4.1. It is immediately seen that the 6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8
 E /N
BER curves of the optimized quantizer are far lower b 0
than those of the 3-sigma quantizer for the whole
considered range of SNR. This phenomenon is in good Figure 5. BER performance: 100 × 100 MIMO Configuration, Coding
agreement with the finding from the analytical results. rate R = 1/2, Coded blocklength = 2400 bits.
H. N. Dang et al.: On the Performance of 1-Bit ADC in Massive MIMO Communication Systems 69
 100 100
 3-Sigma Quant. 3-Sigma Quant.
 Optimized Quant. Optimized Quant.
 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
 E /N E /N
 b 0 b 0
Figure 6. BER performance: 10 × 10 MIMO Configuration, Coding Figure 9. BER performance: 10 × 10 MIMO Configuration, Coding
rate R = 2/3, Coded blocklength = 2400 bits. rate R = 3/4, Coded blocklength = 2400 bits.
 100 10
 3-Sigma Quant. 3-Sigma Quant.
 Optimized Quant. Optimized Quant.
 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
 E /N E /N
 b 0 b 0
Figure 7. BER performance: 40 × 40 MIMO Configuration, Coding Figure 10. BER performance: 40 × 40 MIMO Configuration, Coding
rate R = 2/3, Coded blocklength = 2400 bits. rate R = 3/4, Coded blocklength = 2400 bits.
 10 100
 3-Sigma Quant. 3-Sigma Quant.
 Optimized Quant. Optimized Quant.
 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 15 20 25
 E /N E /N
 b 0 b 0
Figure 8. BER performance: 100 × 100 MIMO Configuration, Coding Figure 11. BER performance: 100 × 100 MIMO Configuration, Coding
rate R = 2/3, Coded blocklength = 2400 bits. rate R = 3/4, Coded blocklength = 2400 bits.
70 REV Journal on Electronics and Communications: Article scheduled for publication in Vol. 10, No. 3–4, July–December, 2020
Note that the BER gaps are not the same as the iterative Hung N. Dang’s research was supported by the Do-
decoding threshold gaps since the LS-MIMO-PEXIT mestic Scholarship Programme of Vingroup Innovation
is designed using an approximation method [12, 16]. Foundation under Grant number VINIF.2019.TS.30
Therefore, the iterative decoding threshold only helps
to indicate the behavior tendency, not the absolute
metric to evaluate the performance. References
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