Numerical modelling techniques for studying longwall geotechnical problems under realistic geological structures
Longwall - associated geotechnical problems have been extensively
studied by using numerical modelling methods. However, proper
representation of its geological structures remains a challenging task.
This paper presents a systematic understanding of numerical modelling
techniques for studying longwall coal mining with geological structures.
The modelling techniques derived from conventional and advanced
continuum and discontinuum methods were reviewed in detail with
emphasiz on their mechanic's formulation and applications. This study
suggests that the successful selection of a proper modelling technique
should be based on the physical principle of longwall problem, texture and
shape of materials, and mechanics formulation of the numerical program
used for modelling. The paper’s conclusions assist numerical modellers in
quickly and properly selecting modelling technique for investigating a site
- specific longwall problem.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Numerical modelling techniques for studying longwall geotechnical problems under realistic geological structures

Zhang and Wong (2018) emphasise that Voronoi logic reduces kinematic freedom of polygonal blocks that facilitates tensile failure. Meanwhile, Trigon logic increases the kinematic freedom of triangular blocks that facilitates shear failure. The two GBM logics may misrepresent realistic failure mechanisms if they do not sufficiently represent the texture and shape of minerals constituting rock mass. Figure 6. Longwall roof stability model with Trigon logic (Gao et al., 2014a). Dung Tien Le, Tung Manh Bui/Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences 62(3), 87 - 96 93 4. Conclusions This paper presents a systematic understanding of numerical modelling techniques for studying longwall geotechnical problems under realistic geological structures. The modelling techniques derived from conventional and advanced continuum and discontinuum methods were reviewed in detail with emphasis on their mechanics formulation and applications. For FDM - based techniques, the current study confirms that they well represent the micro - mechanics of rock mass failure rather than explicit caving caused by unjointed or moderately bedded coal seam/roof strata in longwall. The continuum formulation of the programs, on the one hand, limits the complete and large detachment of elements in the domain. On the other hand, it may break down the calculation process when many discontinuities (e.g., geological structures) are incorporated. For DEM - based techniques, the study finds a wide use from longwall entry stability to coal wall spalling, roof caving, and roof fracture. Conventional joint generator built in the programs is found to be limited to modelling deterministic fractures which are persistent. DFN logics are seen to be suited for explicit representation of stochastic fractures as in practice, but their use in longwall problems is currently limited and mainly in 2D. Note that due to the 3D nature of geological structure distribution, the 2D modelling must be implemented with care for retaining the representativeness of the problem’s structure. At the same time, GBM logics are suited for the representation of explicit failure and caving development along well - calibrated fictitious fractures. This study suggests that the successful selection of a proper modelling technique should be based on the physical principles of longwall problems, textures and shapes of materials constituting problems, and mechanics formulation of the numerical program used for modelling. Author contributions Dung Tien Le reviewed and wrote the introduction and discussion; Tung Manh Bui collected documents and wrote the conclusions. Acknowledgements This research is funded by Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam. References Abousleiman, R., Walton, G. & Sinha, S. (2020). 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