New results on robust state bounding estimation for discrete time markovian jumb stochastic control systems

The paper deals with the robust state bounding estimation problem of

stochastic control systems with discrete time Markovian jump. By

using Lyapunov functional method and probability theory, we

propose new sufficient conditions to guarantee robust state

boundedness for the stochastic control systems. The conditions are

derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities, which is simple and

convenient for testing and application. Unfortunately, difficulties arise

when one attempts to derive the sufficient conditions and to extract

the controller parameters for these systems. In fact, we have to cope

with stochastic process and disturbance. Indeed, the Lyapunov

functional method is a powerful tool to stability analysis of

differential systems. However, this method is not effectively applied

for stochastic systems because we do not know how to construct

suitable Lyapunov functions and use them in these systems. To

overcome the difficulties, we first introduced basic concepts of

probability theory. Next, a new sufficient conditions of robust state

boundedness for unforced stochastic systems was established. Finally,

the result was applied to design controllers to guarantee robust state

boundedness for stochastic control systems.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: New results on robust state bounding estimation for discrete time markovian jumb stochastic control systems

New results on robust state bounding estimation for discrete time markovian jumb stochastic control systems
bounding estimation problem of 
 stochastic control systems with discrete time Markovian jump. By 
 Revised: 26/5/2021 using Lyapunov functional method and probability theory, we 
 Published: 27/5/2021 propose new sufficient conditions to guarantee robust state 
 boundedness for the stochastic control systems. The conditions are 
KEYWORDS derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities, which is simple and 
 convenient for testing and application. Unfortunately, difficulties arise 
Markov chain when one attempts to derive the sufficient conditions and to extract 
Complete probability space the controller parameters for these systems. In fact, we have to cope 
Linear matrix inequality with stochastic process and disturbance. Indeed, the Lyapunov 
 functional method is a powerful tool to stability analysis of 
Discrete-time system differential systems. However, this method is not effectively applied 
Stochastic control for stochastic systems because we do not know how to construct 
 suitable Lyapunov functions and use them in these systems. To 
 overcome the difficulties, we first introduced basic concepts of 
 probability theory. Next, a new sufficient conditions of robust state 
 boundedness for unforced stochastic systems was established. Finally, 
 the result was applied to design controllers to guarantee robust state 
 boundedness for stochastic control systems. 
Nguyễn Trường Thanh*, Nguyễn Thu Hằng, Phạm Ngọc Anh 
Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất 
 Ngày nhận bài: 05/3/2021 Bài báo này ước lượng tính bị chặn bền vững của hệ điều khiển ngẫu 
 nhiên với xích Markovian rời rạc. Bằng cách sử dụng phương pháp 
 Ngày hoàn thiện: 26/5/2021 hàm Lyapunov và lí thuyết xác suất, chúng tôi đề xuất một số điều 
 Ngày đăng: 27/5/2021 kiện đủ mới để đảm bảo tính bị chặn bền vững cho hệ điều khiển 
 ngẫu nhiên. Các điều kiện trên là các bất đẳng thức ma trận tuyến 
TỪ KHÓA tính có thể kiểm tra và dễ dàng sử dụng trong thực tế. Thật không 
 may mắn, có nhiều khó khăn nảy sinh khi nghiên cứu các hệ này khi 
Xích Markov chúng ta phải đối mặt với các quá trình ngẫu nhiên và nhiễu không 
Không gian xác suất đầy đủ mong muốn. Thêm vào đó, phương pháp hàm Lyapunov là một công 
Bất đẳng thức ma trận tuyến tính cụ đầy hiệu quả khi nghiên cứu tính ổn định của các hệ phương trình 
 vi phân. Tuy nhiên, phương pháp này không hiệu quả khi áp dụng 
Hệ rời rạc cho các hệ ngẫu nhiên do chúng ta không biết làm thế nào để cấu trúc 
Điều khiển ngẫu nhiên các hàm Lyapunov phù hợp và làm thế nào để sử dụng các hàm này 
 cho các quá trình ngẫu nhiên. Để vượt qua các khó khăn trên, đầu 
 tiên, chúng tôi giới thiệu các khái niệm cơ bản của lí thuyết ngẫu 
 nhiên. Tiếp đó, chúng tôi thiết lập một điều kiện đủ mới về tính bị 
 chặn bền vững cho hệ ngẫu nhiên không có điều khiển. Cuối cùng, 
 kết quả này được áp dụng cho việc thiết kế điều khiển cho hệ ngẫu 
 nhiên có điều khiển. 
* Corresponding author. Email: 
 67 Email: 
 TNU Journal of Science and Technology 226(06): 67 - 72 
1. Introduction 
 Markovian jump systems belong to a significant class of hybrid systems which are described 
by the switches between subsystems and a finite-state Markov chain according to a known 
Markov law. Discrete-time Markovian jump systems arise in many practical processes subjected 
to random abrupt changes in the inputs, internal variables [1]-[4]. Examples of such systems with 
Markov chain are solar thermal central receivers, economic systems and manufacturing systems. 
Therefore, Markovian jump systems have attracted a lot of attention in many applications of 
signal processing, control theory and communications because of their flexibility to model real 
world phenomena [5], [6]. 
 In recent years, considerable interest has been focused on many important problems in 
systems and control theory of Markovian jump systems. Based on Lyapunov’s second method, 
some sufficient conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities for following problems are 
proposed as mean square stability of linear discrete-time systems [7], state bounding problem [8], 
[9], stabilisation for Markovian jump systems with state and input delays [10], and H control 
problems for linear Markovian jump systems with mode-dependent/independent delays [11] etc. 
 Besides, disturbances is inherent characteristic of many physical systems and ubiquitous in 
dynamic systems. These disturbances are the unavoidable source of instability and poor 
performance. Hence, the problem of state bounding for Markovian jump systems with 
disturbances is a key topic in control engineering. However, to the best knowledge of authors, 
there are very few results on the problem for stochastic control system with disturbance input and 
discrete-time Markovian chain. This has motivated our research. 
 The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents definitions and some well-known 
technical lemmas needed for the proof of the main results. A main result for designing controllers 
to ensure  − mean square boundedness is presented in Section 3. The paper ends with 
2. Preliminaries and problem statement 
 The following notations will be used throughout this paper: N denotes the set of all non-
negative integer numbers R+ stands for the set of all non-negative real numbers; Rn denotes the n-
dimensional space with the scalar product (,)x y= xT y and the vector norm ||x= xT x ; AT
denotes the transpose of the matrix A and I denotes the identity matrix in Rn ;  (A ),
 n max 
 ()A stand for the maximal and the minimal real part of eigenvalues of A, respectively; 
Q 0 means that Q is positive definite, .i.e., xT Qx 0 for all x 0; AB means AB− 0 ; 
 is the expectation operator with respect to some complete probability space (,,P.F ) The 
   
symmetric terms in a matrix are denoted by *. 
 Consider the discrete time stochastic control system described by the following equations: 
 xk(+ 1) = Arxk ()()k + Brwk ()() k + CrukkN ()(), k r ,
 k (2.1) 
 x(0)= 0,
 where x () k R n is the state vector; uk()is the control; w() k Rs is the disturbance input; 
 r be a discrete Markov chain with state space M= 1,2, ,m . The transition probabilities 
 k k=0 
of r are given by Pr= j | r = i = p , where p 0 and p=1,  i , j M .
 k k=0 ( k+1 k) ij ij  ij 
 A( r ), B ( r ), C ( r )
  k k k  
 are system matrices of appropriate dimensions in the finite set of 
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 TNU Journal of Science and Technology 226(06): 67 - 72 
 Ai,,,M B i C i  i  with Ai:= A (), i B i : = B (), i C i : = C (), i  i M. 
 The disturbance wk()satisfies the condition 
 b 0: w ( k )2 b ,  k N . (2.2) 
 Definition 2.1. ([8]) For a given  0 , system (2.1) is said to be  − mean square bounded 
if every trajectory xk() of (2.1) satisfies 
 E x ( k )2 | F  ,  k N , 
 where F00=  x(0), r  be the σ-algebra generated by ( xr(0)= 0,0 ) . 
 Lemma 2.1. ([12]) Give constant matrices YY= 0 and XZ, . Then 
 T −1 XZ
 XZYZ+ 0 0. 
3. Main results 
 In this section, we will give sufficient conditions of  − mean square boundedness for (2.1). 
We first establish a sufficient condition for unforced system (2.1). Then, we design controllers 
based on LMIs to guarantee  − mean square boundedness for (2.1). 
 Let us set 
 Qi= Q j p ij, Q j = Q ( j ),  i , j M; 
  (1− )
 = ().Q 
 min b
 Theorem 3.1. Give  0, (0,1), and a symmetric positive definite matrix Q. If there exist 
symmetric positive definite matrices Qii , M, satisfying the following LMI conditions for all 
i M, 
 i i i i i i i 0, (3.1) 
 * BQBIi i i−  s
 Q Q,  i M, 
 i (3.2)
then unforced system (2.1) is  − mean square bounded.
 Proof. Consider the following function 
 Vxkr((),)= xkQrxk ()T ()(),  k N .
 Suppose that r.= i Then, at time k +1, the mode r = j with probability p . 
 k k+1 ij
 Firstly, we estimate 
 +V( x ( k 1), rkk+1 ) | x ( k ), r  
 as follows. It is easy to see that if we fix xk() and rik = , the value of 
 x( k+ 1) = Aii x ( k ) + B w ( k ) 
 is only dependent on ( x( k ), w ( k )) . Then 
 V( x ( k + 1), r ) | x ( k ), r = i
 is dependent on rk +1. It leads to 
 69 Email: 
 TNU Journal of Science and Technology 226(06): 67 - 72 
 Vxk(( + 1), rk++11 )|(), xkri k = =  xk ( + 1) Qrxk ( k )( + 1)|(), xkri k =
 =+xk(1) Qxkj (1)( +===+ Pr k+1 jri | k ) xk (1) Qxk j (1) +=+ p ij xk (1) Qxk i (1) +
 T T
 =Axki() + Bwk i () QAxk i i () + Bwk i () − xkQxk () i () + Vxkr ((), k = i ) 
 T AQAPAQB− xk() 2
 =xkwk(),() i i i i i i i + wkVxkri () + ((),). = 
 T wk() k
 * BQBIi i i−  s 
 From (3.1), we have 
 Vxk(( + 1), rk+1 )|(), xkri k =  wk () + Vxkri ((), k = ),  i M. 
 Hence, because of (2.2), we obtain 
 Vxk( ( + 1), rk+1 ) | xkr ( ), k  b + Vxkr ( ( ), k ). (3.3) 
 Next, we use the inequality (3.3) to evaluate 
  V( x ( k ), rk ) | x (0), r0  , k N . 
 From (3.3), we have the followings. 
 For k = 0, 
 Vxrxr( (1), ) | (0),  bVxr + ( (0), ) =  bxQrx + (0)T ( ) (0) =  b . (3.4) 
  1 0 0 0 
 For k =1, 
 V( x (2), r2 ) | x (1), r 1  b + V ( x (1), r 1 ). 
 Vxrxrxr( (2),2 ) | (1), 1 |( (0), 0 )  bVxrxr + ( (1), 1 ) |( (0), 0 ). 
 Taking expectation both sides of the above inequality, we have 
 Vxrxr( (2),2 ) | (0), 0 = (  Vxrxrxr ( (2), 2 ) | (1), 1 |( (0), 0 ))
 b + ( V( x (1), r10 ) |( x (0), r ))  b +  b =  b( 1 + ) .
 Similarly, we obtain 
 k−1 1− 
 V( x ( k ), rk ) | x (0), r0   b( 1 + + + ) =  b ,  k N .
 VxkrF( ( ), ) | =  Vxkrxr ( ( ), ) | (0), ,  kN . (3.5) 
 Since the condition (3.2), the following inequality holds 
 TT 2
 Vxkr((),ki= i ) = xkQxk () () xkQxk () () min ()(). Qxk 
 V((),) x k r  ()(), Q x k2  k N . (3.6) 
 k min
 Using (3.6) and the monotonicity of the operator   , we have 
 VxkrF((),)|   ()()| QxkF22 = () Q  xkF ()|. (3.7) 
 k 0 min 0 min 0 
 Combining (3.5) and (3.7), we obtain 
 2 b 1
  x( k ) | F =  , 
 1− min (Q )
 which completes the proof of the theorem. 
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 TNU Journal of Science and Technology 226(06): 67 - 72 
 The remaining of this section is to design controllers in the form of u()() k= L x k such 
that the system (2.1) is  − mean square bounded. 
 Let us denote 
 Qi= Q j p ij, Q j = Q ( j ),  i , j M; 
 11 i i i i i i i i i i 
  =AQBCKB + T ;  =BQBIT −  . 
 12 i i i i i 22 i i i
 Theorem 3.2. Given  0, (0,1), and a symmetric positive definite matrix Q. If there 
exist symmetric positive definite matrices Qii , M, and matrices Kii , M, satisfying the 
following LMI conditions for all i M, 
 11 12 KCii
 * 0 0, (3.8) 
 **()− QI
 QQ , (3.9) 
 then system (2.1) is  − mean square bounded with the controller. 
 u( k )= Q K x ( k ).
 i i i 
 From (3.2) and 
 Qi= Q j p ij, p ij = 1, p ij 0, 
 we have 
 Qi= Q j p ij Qp ij = Q min ( Q) I 0, 
 it leads to min(QQi ) min ( ) 0. 
 QQIII  = . 
 ii max ( )  Q
 min (Qi ) min ( )
 Use the above inequality and (3.8) and Schur complement lemma (Lemma 2.1) with 
 L= Q K,, i M
 i i i 
 we have 
 TT T −1
 ALCQALCQALCQBiii+ iiii + − i iii +  ii  +KCQKC 
 = 11i i i i 12
 * BQBIT −  
 i i i * 22
 1 T
  +KCKC 
 11 ()Q i i i 12 0, i M. 
 * 22
 From (3.9) and (3.10), using Theorem 3.1, system (2.1) is  − mean square bounded. This 
completes the proof of the theorem. 
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 TNU Journal of Science and Technology 226(06): 67 - 72 
4. Conclusion 
 In this paper, we have studied the robust state bounding estimation problem of stochastic 
control systems with discrete time Markovian jump. The proposed analytical tools used in the 
proof are based on Lyapunov functional method. The sufficient conditions for  − mean square 
boundedness have been established in terms of LMIs. 
 The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and 
suggestions which allowed them to improve the paper. 
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