Generating test data for software structural testing using particle swarm optimization
Software is amandatory part of today's life,
and has become more and more important in
current information society. However, its
failure may lead to significanteconomic loss or
threat to life safety. As a consequence, software
qualityhas become a top concern today. Among
the methods of software quality assurance,
software testing has been proven as one of the
effective approachesto ensure and improve
software quality over the past threedecades.
However, as most of the software testing is
being done manually, the workforce and cost
required are accordingly high [1]. In general,
about 50 percent of workforce and cost in the
software development process is spent on
software testing [2]. Considering those reasons,
automated software testing has been evaluated
as an efficient and necessary method in order to
reduce those efforts and costs.
Automated structural test data generation is
becoming the research topic attracting much
interest in automated software testingbecause it
enhances the efficiency while reducing
considerably costs of software testing. In our
paper, we will focus on path coverage test data
generation, considering that almost all structural
test data generation problems can be transformed
to the path coverage test datageneration one.
Moreover, Kernighan and Plauger [3] also pointed
out that path coverage test data generation can
find out more than 65 percent of bugs in the given
program under test (PUT).

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Generating test data for software structural testing using particle swarm optimization

, 4) + fBchDist(month, ≠, 6) + f4F month= 9 || month= 11), F] fBchDist (month, ≠, 9) + fBchDist(month, ≠, 11) o Algorithm 4: Branch distance function (fBchDist) 12: case “≥”: Input: double a, condition type, double b 13 if b − a ≥ 0 then return 0 else return Output:branch distance value (abs(b − a) + k) 1: switch (condition type) 14: end switch 2: case “=”: 3: if abs(a − b) = 0 then retrun 0 else return abs(a − b) + k) Base onthese formulas, forcalculating 4: case “≠”: fitness value for each branch predication, we 5: if abs(a − b)≠0 then return 0 else generate the fitness function for each test path return k of the PUT getDayNum as below: 6: case “<”: Table 4. Fitness functions for each test path 7: if a − b <0 then return 0 else return of PUT getDayNum (abs(a − b) + k) 8: case “≤”: PathID Test path fitness functions 9: if a − b ≤ 0 then return 0 else return path1 F1 = f1T + f2T + f3T (abs(a − b) + k) path2 F2 = f1T + f2T + f3F 10: case “>”: path3 F3 = f1T + f2F + f4T 11: if b − a >0 then return 0 else return path4 F4 = f1T + f2F + f4F (abs(b − a) + k) path5 F5 = f1F D.N. Thi / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 33, No. 2 (2017) 28-38 35 4.3. Apply multithreading of Particle Swarm 5. Experimental analysis Optimization We compared our experimental result to With each fitness function of each test path, Mao’s proposal [9] in 2 criteria: the automatic we use one PSO to find its solution (in this case ability of test data generation and the coverage the solution means the test data which can cover capabilities of each proposal for each PUT of the corresponding test path). In order to find the the given benchmark. Also we show our solution for all fitness functions at the same approach is better than state-of-the-art time, we perform simultaneous multithreading constraint-based test data generator Symbolic of the PSO algorithm by defining PSO it as 1 PathFinder [21]. class extends Thread class of Java as follows: public class PSOProcess extends Thread 5.1. Automatic ability The multithreading of PSO can be executed When referring to an automatic test data through below algorithm: generation method, the actual coverage of "automatic" ability is one of the key criteria to Algorithm 5: Multithreading of Particle Swarm Optimization(MPSO) decide the proposal’s effectiveness. Mao [9] Input: list of fitness functions used only 1 fitness to generate test data for all Output:the set of test data that is solution to test paths of a PUT, therefore he had to cover corresponding test path combine branch weight for each test path into 1: for each fitness function Fi the fitness function. The build of a branch 2: initialize an object psoi of class weight function (and also the fitness function) PSOProcess is purely manual, and for long and complex 3: assign a fitness function Fi to object psoi PUT, sometimes it is even harder than 4: execute object pso: pso.start(); generating test data for the test paths, therefore 5: end for it affected the efficiency of his proposed approach. The experimental results of the above steps On the opposite side, taking advantage of gave the results that our proposal has generated the fast convergence of PSO algorithm, we test data which covered all test paths of propose the solution of using separate fitness PUTgetDayNum: function for each test path. This solution has clear benefits: 1. As there is no need to build the branch weight function, the automatic feature of this proposal will be improved. 2. The fitness functions are automatically built basing on the pair of branch predication and its decision of each test path, and these pairs can be entirely generated automatically from a PUT with above mentioned algorithm 2 and 3. This obviously advances the automatic ability in our proposal. 5.2. Path coverage ability Figure 4. Generated test data for the PUT We also confirmed our proposed approach getDayNum. on the benchmark which is used in Mao’s paper [9]. We performed in the environment of MS Windows 7 Ultimate with 32-bits and ran on 36 D.N. Thi / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 33, No. 2 (2017) 28-38 Intel Core i3 with 2.4 GHz and 4 GB memory. ∑( ℎ ) = Our proposal was implemented in Java and run 1000 on the platform of JDK 1.8. We compared the Average coverage (AC): the average of coverage ability of all 8 programs in the the branch coverage achieved by all test inputs benchmark as Table 5. in 1,000 runs. Similar to above, in order to check the actual result basing on this criterion, Table 5.The benchmark programs used for we executed MPSO by 1000 times, and experimental analysis calculated the average coverage for each run. PUT name LOC TPs Args Description AC formula is calculated for each PUT as triangleType 31 5 3 Type follows: ∑( ℎ ) classification = for a triangle 1000 calDay 72 11 3 Calculate the The detailed results of the comparison with day of the PUT benchmark used by Mao [9] in 2 criteria week are shown in the Table 6. cal 53 18 5 Compute the From Table 6 can be seen that there are 4 days between two PUTs (triangleType,computeTax, dates printCalendar, line) which Mao's proposed remainder 49 18 2 Calculate the approach cannot fully cover, while our method remainder of can. Because each test path is assigned to a PSO, an integer it ensures that every time the MPSO is run, each division PSO can generate test data which can cover the computeTax 61 11 2 Compute the test path it is assigned to. Also with the remaining federal 4 PUTs (calDay, cal, reminder, bessj), our personal experiments fully covered all test paths with the income tax same results of Mao [9]. bessj 245 21 2 Bessel Jn function 5.3. Compare to constraint-based test data printCalendar 187 33 2 Print the generation approaches calendar of a month in In this section we point out our some year advancement of the constraint-based test data line 92 36 8 Check if two generation approaches when generating test rectangles data for the given program that contains native overlap function calls. We compare to Symbolic PathFinder (SPF) [21], which is the state-of- * LOC: Lines of code TPs: Test pathsArgs: the-art of constraint-based test data generation Input arguments approaches. Consider asample Java program as The two criteria to be compared with Mao’s below: result [9] are: int foo(double x, double y) { Success rate (SR): the probability of all int ret = 0; branches which can be covered by the if ((x + y + Math.sin(x + y)) generated test data. In order to check the actual == 10) { result basing on this criterion, we executed ret = 1; // branch 1 MPSO 1000 times, and calculated the number } of times at which generated test data could return ret; cover all test paths of given PUT. The SR } formula is calculated as follows: D.N. Thi / VNU Journal of Science: Comp. Science & Com. Eng., Vol. 33, No. 2 (2017) 28-38 37 Due to the limitation of the constraint solver abs((x + y + Math.sin(x + y)) - 10). Then using used in SPF, it cannot solve the condition((x + y PSO to generate test data that satisfies this + Math.sin(x + y)) == 10).Because this condition condition, we got the following result: contains the native function Math.sin(x + y) of the Java language, SPFis unable to generate test data which can cover branch 1. In contrast, by using search-based test data generation approach, for the condition((x + y + Math.sin(x + y)) == 10), we appliedKorel’s Figure 5. Generated test data for the condition which formulain Table 1 to create fitness functionf1T = contains native function. Table 6. Comparison between Mao's approach and MPSO Success rate (%) Average coverage (%) Program under test Mao[9]’s PSO MPSO Mao[9]’s PSO MPSO triangleType 99.80 100.0 99.94 100.0 calDay 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 cal 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 remainder 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 computeTax 99.80 100.0 99.98 100.0 bessj 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 printCalendar 99.10 100.0 99.72 100.0 line 99.20 100.0 99.86 100.0 6. 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