Enhancing the competence in using articles for English majors through reading BBC News

The study aims to enhance the competence in using English articles for English majors at Thai

Nguyen University of Education through reading English news. Forty students were chosen

randomly; 20 of them were assigned to the experimental group and the others were put into the

control group. The authors studied and analyzed sixty essays written by 60 forth-year English

majors at Thai Nguyen University of Education in the first semester of the academic year 2019-

2020 in order to identify and categorize article errors. Besides, the experimental group were asked

to read one piece of news a day and at the same time identify the articles used in the texts, and then

they had to decide the use of each article in its contexts. After that, the experimental group had to

make their own e-mindmaps about the article usage and give 5 specific examples extracted from

the news and their own examples for each usage. The findings of the research indicated that the

number of article errors made by the experimental group decreased significantly while in the

control group, the number of article errors decreased unremarkably. This demonstrates that reading

BBC news has a positive impact on improving English majors‟ competence in using articles.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Enhancing the competence in using articles for English majors through reading BBC News

Enhancing the competence in using articles for English majors through reading BBC News
e errors made 
by fourth-year English majors at TNUE, the 
researchers asked the participants to write an 
essay of IELTS writing task 1 which is 
describing charts. After the students finished 
their essays, the researchers collected and 
analysed these essays to study the common 
article errors made by these students 
Table 1. Students’ common article errors 
Common errors No. % 
Omission of „the‟ before the decades 15 21 
Omission of „the‟ before superlatives 5 5 
„the‟ used in stead of ∅ before plural 
13 18 
Omission of „the‟ before a defining 
relative clause 
6 7 
Omission of „the‟ before nouns made 
particular in context 
9 15 
Table 1 presents the students‟ common article 
errors. It can be seen that fourth-year English 
majors at TNUE have some misunderstanding 
while using articles. The table shows two 
kinds of article errors: omissions and 
substitutions of articles. The data indicates 
that the omission of articles was the most 
frequent error. Eleven students omitted article 
„the‟ before the decades and this error was 
repeated 21 times in their essays. The number 
of students omitting „the‟ before superlatives 
comparison is eight. In addition, the omission 
of „the‟ before nouns made particular in 
 225(11): 70 - 76 
context was made by six students and the 
frequency of the error is 9 times in students‟ 
essays. Five students forgot using „the‟ before 
a defining relative clause. For the substitution 
of articles, the article error made by the 
biggest number of the students is that they use 
„the‟ instead of „∅‟ before plural nouns. The 
frequency of this error is 25 times. 
3.2. The impacts of reading BBC News on the 
competence in using articles of fourth-year 
English majors at TNUE 
To assess the impact of reading BBC news on 
enhancing the competence in using articles, the 
researchers analyzed the students‟ essays to 
identify the number of article errors made by 
the experiental group and control group in the 
pre-test and post-test, and compared the results 
as well as the progress of these students. 
Table 2 presents the number of article errors 
made by the students in the experimental and 
control group in the pre-test and post-test. As 
can be seen in the table, in the pre-test, it is 
clear that all the students in the experimental 
and control group made article errors in their 
essays. Moreover, seven students in the control 
group and seven students in the experimental 
group made more than 2 article errors in their 
essays. The total number of article errors made 
by the experimental group and the control 
group is 46 and 45, respectively. 
In the post-test, it can be seen that most of the 
students in the experimental group made 
under 2 article errors in their essays. 
Furthermore, four of them did not make any 
article errors in their writing test. There was 
only one student making 3 article errors in the 
essay. The total number of errors made by the 
experimental group is 24. Meanwhile, in the 
control group, it is clear that all the students 
made article errors in their essays. Moreover, 
the number of student making more than 2 
article errors in their essays is 6. The total 
number of article errors is 41.
Tran Thi Yen et al. TNU Journal of Science and Technology
 Email: jst@tnu.edu.vn 74 
Table 2. The number of article errors made by 
the students in the experimental and control group 
in the pre-test and post-test 
Pre-test results Post-test results 
P No. P No. P No. P No. 
E1 2 C1 2 E1 1 C1 2 
E2 2 C2 3 E2 1 C2 1 
E3 3 C3 1 E3 2 C3 2 
E4 2 C4 3 E4 0 C4 1 
E5 3 C5 2 E5 2 C5 2 
E6 3 C6 2 E6 3 C6 1 
E7 1 C7 3 E7 1 C7 3 
E8 2 C8 2 E8 2 C8 2 
E9 2 C9 4 E9 1 C9 3 
E10 1 C10 3 E10 2 C10 2 
E11 3 C11 1 E11 0 C11 3 
E12 1 C12 4 E12 1 C12 2 
E13 2 C13 2 E13 2 C13 1 
E14 3 C14 2 E14 1 C14 3 
E15 3 C15 1 E15 2 C15 2 
E16 2 C16 2 E16 0 C16 2 
E17 4 C17 2 E17 1 C17 1 
E18 2 C18 1 E18 2 C18 2 
E19 3 C19 3 E19 0 C19 3 
E20 2 C20 2 E20 2 C20 3 
Total 46 45 24 41 
P: Participants in the research 
E: Student in the experimental group 
C: Student in the control group 
No.: Number of articles errors 
To conclude, it can be seen that both the 
experimental group and control group have 
made remarkable progress during the semester 
since there are noticeable differences between 
the pre-test and the post-test results. However, 
the statistics related to the test results of the 
two groups are noticeably different in many 
aspects. Specifically: 
- In the pre-test, all of the students in the 
experimental and control group made at least 
one article error in their essays, and the total 
number of article errors made by the 
experimental group is almost the same as the 
control group (45 and 46 errors, respectively). 
It means that the competence in using articles 
of both groups was quite similar. 
- In the post-test, the total number of article 
errors made by the students in the 
experimental group is 24; however, the figure 
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for the control group is 41 although the 
competence in using articles of the students in 
both groups is almost similar in the pre-test. 
To sum up, there is a significant difference 
between the pre-test and post-test results of 
the participants in the experimental group (46 
compared with 24 errors) while there is an 
unremarkable gap between pre-test and post- 
test results of 20 students in the control group
(45 compared with 41 errors). The number of 
article errors made by the experimental group 
has decreased significantly after experiencing 
the new method. In the control group, the 
improvement in the ways they use articles 
seems not to be remarkable. This 
demonstrates that reading BBC news and 
analyzing the articles used in the news has a 
positive impact on the learners‟ competence 
in using articles. 
3.3. Students’ feedback on reading BBC news 
to improve the competence in using articles 
In the feedback questionnaire, the researchers 
asked the participants in the experimental 
group for their feedback on using BBC news 
to improve their competence in using articles. 
All of the students indicated that they find 
their competence in using articles improved. 
None of the participants claimed that they 
have no development after the experiment. 
This means that reading BBC news has a 
positive effect on students‟ competence in 
using articles. 
Regarding the advantages of reading BBC 
news, seven students claimed that reading 
BBC news is a fun method for learners to 
practice using articles. The next advantage of 
reading BBC news stated by 55% of the 
students was that the new method is also 
useful for learners to improve their reading 
skills. In addition, 70% of the students 
indicated that reading BBC news not only 
helps learners improve their competence in 
using articles but also helps them broaden 
their vocabulary.
Tran Thi Yen et al. TNU Journal of Science and Technology
 Email: jst@tnu.edu.vn 
Additionally, after experiencing using e-
mind maps to learn and memorize article 
usages, the researchers asked the students 
about the advantages of using e-mind maps. 
According to the data attained from the 
questionnaire, most of the students (80%) 
indicated that e-mind maps help them 
remember the use of articles more easily and 
longer. Besides, eleven students answered 
that using e-mind maps helped them increase 
their creativity when generating ideas for 
writing. 45% of the students claimed that 
they can improve their memory and retention 
by using e-mind maps. In addition, 30% of 
the students responded that using e-mind 
maps helped increase their interest because 
of its numerous models and colors. 
4. Pedagogical implications 
4.1. Pedagogical implications for students 
The findings from the present study imply that 
reading BBC news and analysing the articles 
used in the news at the same time has a 
positive impact on the learners‟ competence in 
using articles. To make the most of BBC news 
in enhancing the competence in using articles 
for students, the researchers would like to 
suggest the process of reading the news and 
master the articles used in the news effectively. 
- Firstly, choose your favourite topics 
from some academic sources of news (E.g. 
BBC News; VOA news; CNN news...) 
- Read the news, identify and underline 
the articles used in the texts at the same 
time, and then decide the use of each article 
in its contexts. 
- After that, note down the use of the articles 
with some examples extracted from the news. 
- Finally, make your examples of articles so 
that you can remember the article usages longer. 
One of the most effective ways to learn and 
remember the use of articles is using e-
mindmaps. E-mindmaps are an active 
learning strategy that is useful for 
enhancing memory, generating ideas, and 
 225(11): 70 - 76 
organizing information. In this way, 
learners can read, retrieve information, and 
connect concepts through lines or arrows 
that represent the relation of concepts by 
words or phrases written on the lines 
connecting the two concepts. Moreover, e- 
mindmaps use lines, symbols, words, colors 
and images which can raise learners‟ 
interest and inspiration. 
Some useful and effective applications of e- 
mindmaps suggested by the researchers are 
MindMaster, SimpleMind, Edraw Mind 
Map, Open Mind, etc. 
4.2. Pedagogical implications for teachers 
There is a danger of putting students off 
reading newspapers if articles are used in the 
same way as course books, with tedious 
comprehension activities. If used in a more 
inspiring way, newspapers can help students 
to develop not only reading skills but also 
writing, grammar, vocabulary and speaking 
skills. Below are some tips and activities 
which the researchers believe can help. 
 Integrate English news reading section 
into the lesson plans and use English news to 
design learning activities and exercises. 
 Utilize different sources of English news 
like BBC News, VOA news, and CNN news 
to satisfy the students' tastes. 
 Choose articles and topics which are 
appealing and relevant to the students. 
 Motivate students to read English news 
not only inside but also outside the classroom. 
 Discuss with the students about the 
benefits of reading English news. It may be 
also helpful to share reading strategies with 
them. For instance, teachers can hold class 
discussions on how to use a dictionary 
effectively, what kind of dictionary to use 
when reading English news online and 
offline, how to take notes, what piece of 
information to take note of, and what reading 
strategies to employ. 
Tran Thi Yen et al. TNU Journal of Science and Technology 225(11): 70 - 76 
 Email: jst@tnu.edu.vn 76 
5. Conclusion 
The results of the study can be summarized 
as follows: 
Firstly, for the first research question, it is 
clear that a large number of students make 
article errors while writing and one of the 
commonest article errors made by the 
fourth-year English majors is the omission 
of articles. 
As for the second research question, it is 
clear that there is a big difference between 
the pre-test and post-test results of the 
participants in the experimental group; 
however, there is an unremarkable gap 
between pre-test and post-test results of the 
20 students in the control group although 
the competence in using articles of the two 
groups is almost similar in the pre-test. This 
is to say, the number of article errors made 
by the students in the experimental group 
has decreased significantly after 
experiencing the new method. In the control 
group, the improvement in the ways they 
use articles seems not to be remarkable. The 
number of article errors made by the 
participants in the control group decreased 
unremarkably. This demonstrates that 
reading BBC news and analysing the 
articles used in the news at the same time 
has a positive impact on the learners‟ 
competence in using articles. 
Finally, by analysing the questionnaire 
responses gathered, the researchers realised 
that the new method helped raise students‟ 
interest and desire to develop the 
competence in using articles. In other 
words, they still keep a positive attitude and 
will continue to use the new method as a 
helpful tool to master articles usages. 
Additionally, the participants after 
experiencing using e-mind maps to learn 
and memorise the use of articles expressed 
positive attitudes toward the new method. 
They found that using e-mind maps not 
only helps them remember the use of 
articles more easily and longer but also 
helps them increase their creativity when 
brainstorming new ideas for their essays. 
Furthermore, using e-mind maps helps 
students develop their memory and 
retention as well as increase their interests 
with its numerous models and colors. 
In conclusion, the researchers have made 
some efficient suggestions on ways to 
develop the competence in using articles. 
Hopefully, the study might be useful for 
students to master the use of articles and 
use them correctly. 
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