Determining node density to guarantee average latency in duty-Cycled wireless sensor networks

Some applications of Internet of Things (IoTs) require that generated data are delivered to

the sink within an end-to-end (E2E) delay bound. Moreover, to save energy consumption or

to lengthen the network lifetime, a duty cycle scheme is applied in which sensor nodes

periodically switch the radio on and off. In the duty-cycled networks, packet delay is

greatly affected by node deployment, therefore we aim to determine node density in a

wireless sensor network in order to guarantee the average E2E delay given network

parameters using the probability theory. Simulation results show that the proposed node

deployment method consumes less energy while requiring a smaller number of sensor

nodes than those of other existing works.

Determining node density to guarantee average latency in duty-Cycled wireless sensor networks trang 1

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Determining node density to guarantee average latency in duty-Cycled wireless sensor networks

Determining node density to guarantee average latency in duty-Cycled wireless sensor networks
s in each 
layer, the duty cycle interval, and the area radius. After that, the average delay of nodes 
in layer k can be approximated using one-hop delays. 
 We consider a node in layer j that has m j  potential forwarder(s). Let random 
variable Di denote the wake-up time of the i node among the mj potential 
forwarder(s) 1 i m j . Since sensor nodes randomly and independently choose a 
wake-up time, Di are independent and identical random variables. The distribution 
 di '
function of Di is FD d i P D i d i   if 0  di T . Let random variable Yj 
 i T
denote the one-hop delay of a packet at layer j , then Yj will be defined as follows: 
YDDD min ,  ,   ,  . Let P Y y| m define the probability that a one-hop 
 j 1 2 m j j j j 
latency is shorter than y j given mj , i.e., it is the probability that at least one Di' y j 
exists if the node has mj potential forwarder(s). Then, the cumulative distribution 
function F( yj | m j ) of y j given mj can be expressed as follows: 
 F yj| m j 1 probability that all  D i y j
 m j
 1   1 F (6) 
  Di yj 
 i 1
 m j
 y j 
 1 1 
Now, distribution function F y j can be obtained using Bayes' theorem, that is: 
 N 1
 F yj   P j m j F y j | m j 
 m j 0
 m (7) 
 N 1 j 
 y j 
   Pj m j 1 1 
 m 0 T 
Journal of Science and Technique - N.205 (3-2020) - Le Quy Don Technical University 
where Pj m j is the probability that a node in layer j has mj potential forwarders in 
the forwarding area. After that, probability density function f y j can be obtained by 
computing a derivative of distribution function F y j : 
 dF y j 
 f y j 
 j (8) 
 N 1 m y j 
 j j 
   Pj m j 1 1 
 m 0 TT 
 Then, the average one-hop 
  y f y dy
 j 0 j j j
 N 1 TT 
   Pj m j E 
 m 0 m 1 m j 1 
where mj is the number of potential forwarders of a node in layer j . 
 After applying a Taylor expansion for function around EX  , we can obtain 
the expectation of the inverse function by only considering three first elements of the 
Taylor expansion as follows: 
 T 1 1 1 2 
 2   3   
 m 1 E X  EXEX    
 1 1
   Var X  
 EX  EX 3
  EX 2
The ratio between the first and second terms is . Note that in our work since 
 Var X 
X is a non-negative variable with the minimum value 1, EX 2  is much greater than 
Var X . As a result, the second term 3 Var X is much smaller than the first 
 EX 
term . For example, using our simulation setup, the first term is approximately 
 EX 
13.38 times higher than the second one. Therefore, by ignoring the second term, 
Equation. (9) can be written as follows:  E   
 j m 1 E [ m 1] 
 j j E mj 1
 Journal of Science and Technique - N.205 (3-2020) - Le Quy Don Technical University 
 The approximate error is 6.9% , which is acceptable due to the 
assumption that we are considering the worst case of k forwarding hops. Define 
 N j
 j as the node density in circular layer j where Aj is the area of layer j and N j 
is the total number of node in area Aj . The average number of potential forwarders of a 
node in layer j can be expressed j 1 where 
 E mj j 1 E S j 1   E S j 1 
 Aj 1
forwarding area S j is defined in Section 2. Let random variable x denote the distance 
between the sender (group j ) and the boundary of group j 1; so that x has a uniform 
distribution in the range 0,c where c is the width of a layer. Note that S j is a function 
of x , then the average of forwarding area is calculated as below: 
 1 c
 E S   S x dx (11) 
 j c 0 j
Thus, average one-hop delay  j can be rewritten in relation to the number of nodes, 
N j , in layer j as follows: 
  (12) 
 j E[ m 1] N
 j j 1 
 ES j 1 1
 Aj 1
 ES j 
Define j   , and the delay constraint can be rewritten as follows: 
     (13) 
 NNNk 1 k 2 1
 ESES k 1 1 k 2  1 ES 1  1
 AAk 1 k 2 A1
The optimization problem determines the number of nodes in each layer (i.e., 
NNN1,  2 ,  ,  k 1 ) to meet the delay constraint in Eq. (13) given the total number of nodes 
 k TTT
NN   j . If f N j       , then the 
 j 1 NNNk 1 k 2 1
 ESES k 1 1 k 2  1 ES 1  1
 AAk 1 k 2 A1
optimization problem can be written as below: 
 minimize f N j 
 subject to f N j   
Journal of Science and Technique - N.205 (3-2020) - Le Quy Don Technical University 
 j 1
 In order to determine the number of nodes in each layer, we consider a brute-force 
algorithm which tries all possible cases of N j . Then, the proposed algorithm outputs 
the case with the smallest average E2E packet delay. 
4. Numerical Results 
 In this section, we compare EBND with other schemes that also aim at 
maximizing network lifetime or balancing energy consumption. For example, Olariu's 
scheme [5] adjusts the transmission range, and Wu's scheme [4] proposed a 
deterministic non-uniform node deployment strategy. According to numerical results, 
both schemes require a large number of nodes, which is costly. 
 The communication energy parameters 1,   2 ,  3 are referred to as follows [13]: 
 50 10 9 ,   10 10 12bit ,  50 10 9 . Let N and a denote the total 
 1bit 2 m2 3 bit
number of nodes in the network, and the number of packets generated by each node 
during the simulation period, respectively; t p and tsim are defined as packet 
transmission time, and simulation time, respectively; is defined as duty cycling rate; 
and ptx, p rx and psleep are power consumption for transmission of one data packet, 
reception of one data packet, and sleep mode, respectively. Let ntx and nrx denote the 
total number of packet transmissions and receptions, respectively, when each node 
generates only one packet. Then, ntx and nrx can be calculated based on the number of 
 k k
nodes, Ni , in layer i as follows: ntx   iN i and nrx   i 1 N i 
 i 1 i 1
 The total energy consumption in the network can be estimated as follows: 
 Eatnpnp     1 tNp tNatnnP 
 p txtx rxrx sim sleep sim p tx rx idle 
where at p n tx p tx  n rx p rx is transmission and reception energy, 1 tsim Np sleep is 
energy consumption in sleep mode, and tsim N at p n tx n rx P idle is energy 
consumption in idle mode. 
 Journal of Science and Technique - N.205 (3-2020) - Le Quy Don Technical University 
 In this section, Matlab was used to validate the proposed algorithm and compare it 
with other strategies. First, we present a network performance comparison of EBND and 
Olariu's scheme. Then, a comparison with Wu's scheme is made. 
4.1. Comparison of EBND and Olariu's Scheme 
 In Olariu's scheme [5], the transmission range of a node in layer i is the same as 
the width of layer i . In order to achieve balanced energy consumption, the authors 
derive the transmission range of nodes in each layer according to given network 
parameters. However, the obtained transmission radius of nodes in inner layers is much 
smaller than the maximum transmission radius, which reduces network connectivity. To 
avoid the connectivity issue, Olariu's scheme requires a large number of nodes. 
 The number of nodes needed for network connectivity and total energy 
consumption are selected as performance metrics. The area radius is set to 225 m, and 
the maximum transmission range is 55 m. The number of layers is varied from 3 to 9. 
Then, Olariu's scheme obtains the transmission ranges of nodes from the innermost 
layer to the outermost, which are {8.19, 15.95, 20.95, 25.15, 29.22, 34.69, 40.50, 49.98} 
 Note that while selecting c value ( 0 c R ), there is a tradeoff between the hop 
count and the number of forwarding nodes. More specifically, a small c value leads to 
an increase in the hop count, which results in higher communication overhead. In 
contrast, a high c value can reduce the hop count; however, the forwarding area S j 
becomes smaller, which means fewer forwarding nodes can be found. Therefore, we 
initially set c 0.5 R to balance between the hop count and the number of forwarding 
nodes. The effects of c selection on network performance (e.g., packet latency, energy 
consumption) should be considered intensively in the future work. 
 The difference between EBND and Olariu's is that instead of using a uniformly 
random node deployment in the whole area, EBND determines number of nodes Ni in 
each layer, then deploys Ni nodes in layer i randomly with a uniform distribution. 
Moreover, in EBND, the maximum transmission range is used for all nodes, whereas 
the transmission range of nodes increases from the innermost layer to the outermost in 
Olariu's scheme. 
Journal of Science and Technique - N.205 (3-2020) - Le Quy Don Technical University 
 Fig. 2. Comparison with Olariu's and Wu’s schemes: 
 (a) The total number of nodes; (b) Total energy consumption. 
 As shown in Fig. 2a, to satisfy the desired network connectivity, the Olariu's 
scheme requires a much larger number of nodes than EBND. This is attributed to the 
fact that the obtained transmission range set in Olariu's scheme is much lower than the 
maximum transmission range. For example, nodes in the innermost layer can only 
transmit a signal up to 8.19 m, while the maximum radio range is 55 m, i.e., the 
connectivity range is reduced 44.89 times compared to nodes that use the 
maximum transmission range. Total energy consumption of Olariu's scheme, as shown 
in Fig. 1(b), is also much higher than that of EBND. Thus, Olariu's scheme is not 
practical in a large network. 
4.2. Comparison of EBND and Wu's Scheme 
 Wu et al. [4] proposed a non-uniform node distribution strategy in order to 
achieve sub-balanced energy consumption between nodes. The area is divided into a 
 Journal of Science and Technique - N.205 (3-2020) - Le Quy Don Technical University 
number of concentric layers and nodes have the same transmission range. They proved 
that sub-balanced energy consumption can be achieved if the number of nodes from the 
outermost layer increases with the geometric rule. 
 As shown in Fig. 2, with a small number of layers, the required number of nodes 
in Fig. 2a and total energy consumption in Fig. 2b for EBND are slightly higher than in 
Wu's scheme. This result is attributed to the fact that Wu's scheme uses a deterministic 
deployment strategy and the number of nodes in layers increases from the outermost 
layer to the innermost with a common ratio. Thus, when the number of layers increases, 
the total number of nodes and total energy consumption increase exponentially. 
5. Conclusions 
 This paper introduced a node deployment algorithm for delay-constrained 
applications in duty-cycled WSNs. We determined number of nodes in each layer using a 
brute-force search method given the total number of nodes. We conducted a simulation 
using Matlab and experimental results show that EBND required fewer sensor nodes and 
less energy consumption than other two node deployment strategies considered. 
 This research is funded by the Technology Science Program of the Ministry of 
Defense in Vietnam, code: KC.BM (name of the project: “Design and Manufacturing a 
Dynamite and Explosive Objects Detection Machine”) and the Le Quy Don Technical 
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 Tóm tắt: Các ứng dụng trong Internet kết nối vạn vật (IoT) yêu cầu dữ liệu thu thập 
phải được truyền tới người quản trị trong một khoảng thời gian trễ giới hạn. Để tiết kiệm 
nặng lượng hay kéo dài thời gian làm việc của mạng, kỹ thuật duty cycle được sử dụng, ở đó 
các cảm biến bật và tắt mạch thu phát theo chu kì. Trong mạng làm việc theo chu kì, độ trễ 
gói tin bị ảnh hưởng lớn bởi việc phân bổ nút mạng, do đó chúng tôi xác định mật độ nút 
mạng trong một mạng cảm biến không dây nhằm bảo đảm độ trễ đầu cuối trung bình với các 
tham số cho trước sử dụng lý thuyết xác suất thống kê. Kết quả mô phỏng cho thấy phương 
pháp phân bổ nút mạng đề xuất tiêu hao ít năng lượng hơn trong khi yêu cầu số lượng nút 
cảm biến ít hơn các phương pháp hiện có. 
 Từ khóa: Tiêu hao năng lượng; kỹ thuật định tuyến; yêu cầu về độ trễ; mạng cảm biến 
không dây. 
 Received: 20/12/2019; Revised: 03/4/2020; Accepted for publication: 06/4/2020 

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