Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ


- Pronunciation, vocabulary- Unit 6,7,8,9,10

- Language function

- Grammar- Unit 6,7,8,9,10

A. Perfect gerunds, perfect participles.

1. Perfect gerund ®­îc dïng thay cho d¹ng hiªn t¹i cña danh ®éng tõ khi chóng ta ®Ò cËp tíi hµnh ®éng qu¸ khø.

 Eg : The boy was accused of having stolen/ stealing her money.

 She apologized for having broken / breaking my vase.

- Perfect gerund th­êng dïng sau DENY, ADMIT

 Eg: He denied having stolen her money.

2. Perfect Participle: Having + PII .

- Được dùng để nhấn mạnh một hành động đã xảy ra trước một hanhd động khác xảy ra trong quá khứ.

 Having finished all my exercises, I went to bed.

B. Present perfect and present perfect continuous

- Thì Present perfect (Hieän Taïi Hoaøn Thaønh) ñöôïc duøng ñeå chæ keát quaû cuûa moät tình traïng ôû hieän taïi (the result of the present state), moät vieäc xaûy ra trong quaù khöù khoâng roõ thôøi ñieåm, laäp ñi laäp laïi nhieàu laàn vaø keùo daøi ñeán hieän taïi.

- Thì Present Perfect Continuous (Hieän Taïi Hoaøn Thaønh Tieáp Dieãn) ñöôïc duøng ñeå chæ söï tieáp dieãn cuûa moät haønh ñoäng (the continuity of an action) cho tôùi hieän taïi.

- I have been waiting for two hours, but she has not come yet.

- He has been living here since 1975.

- We have been working in the garden all morning.

- Thì Present Perfect Continuous coøn ñöôïc duøng vôùi caùc ñoäng töø nhö : lie, wait, sit, stand, study, learn, live, rest, stay

- They have been learning English since 1995.

- The chair has been lying in the store window for ages.


Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 1

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Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 2

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Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 3

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Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 4

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Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 5

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Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 6

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Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 7

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Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 8

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Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 9

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Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ trang 10

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ

Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Phúc Thọ
A. Every day from 5 to 6 	B. I always go to the YWCA	C. No, I play tennis 	D. I usually go by motorbike
42: “You look nice in your new dress.” – “.”
A. It's nice of you to say so. 	B. Am I? Thanks.
C. Oh, poor me. 	D. I am interesting to hear that.
Choose the word or phrase that is SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 
43. If you want to get a high mark on a test, review the material carefully beforehand. 
A. performance 	B. score	C. figure	D. note 
44. My application for the scholarship has been turned down because the transcript of marks is not satisfactory enough. 
A. cancelled 	B. postponed 	C. reduced	D. rejected 
45. They had to delay their trip because of the bad weather.
A. get through 	B. put off 	 C. keep up with 	D. go over
46. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. Please, go on and finish what you were saying.
A. talk 	B. quit 	C. continue 	D. stop
47. The small white flowers are my favorite. They give off a wonderful honey smell that scents the entire garden.
A. release 	B. stop 	C. end 	D. melt
48. When the alarm went off, everyone proceeded calmly to the emergency exits.
A. fell 	B. exploded 	C. called 	D. rang
49. When you sit for the exam tomorrow, try to stay calm and relaxed. 
A. answer 	B. take	C. make	D. write 
50. If the examiner can't make sense of what your essay is about, you'll get the low mark.
A. declare 	B. estimate 	C. communicate 	D. understand 
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 
51. I have followed a special diet and joined a fitness class for overweight people for over six months.
A. refused 	B. obeyed 	C. adhered to 	D. carried on 
52. My family totally supported me during my fight against obesity.
A. aided 	B. discouraged 	C. assisted 	D. promoted 
 53. Solar energy is not only plentiful but also infinite.
A. without limit 	B. boundless 	C. limited	D. indefinite
54. The major stone sections of the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty remain intact thanks to the unique construction techniques.
A. special 	B. common 	C. excellent 	D. ancient 
55. The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long was first built during the Ly Dynasty and then expanded by subsequent dynasties.
A. following 	B. successive 	C. preceding 	D. next 
56. Synthetic products are made from chemicals or artificial substances.
A. natural	B. made by machine 	C. man-made 	D. unusual
57. When you walk, don't look at your feet. This will slow you down and cause back pain. 
A. result in 	B. result from 	C. lead to	D. activate
58. I found a website advertising an effective way to lose weight in one month. 
A. drop 	B. waste	C. maintain 	D. gain 
Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in each gap. 
One of the best things you can do for your body is exercise. Some people think that doing simple things like cleaning the house are helpful. (1).. people do heavy exercise everyday such as running or swimming. One thing experts do agree on is that any kind of exercise is good (2). you.
Along with exercise, having a (3).. diet can help promote good health. Foods like vegetables and fruits should be (4) several times each day. It is also important to eat foods high in fiber such as beans, grains, fruit and vegetables. Avoiding foods with a lot of sugar, salt and fat is a good idea. Eating these kinds of foods can lead to a (5)..of health problems. 
A. Others	B. Other	C. Another	D. Each other
A. to	B. with	C. at	D. for
A. health	B. healthily	C. healthy	D. healthier
A. eaten	B. bought	C. given	D. produced
A. varied 	B. vary 	C. various	D. variety
Rainforests circle the globe for twenty degrees of latitude on both sides of the equator. In that relatively narrow band of the planet, more than half of all the species of plants and animals in the world make their home. Several hundred different varieties of trees may grow in a single acre, and just one of those trees may be the habitat for more than ten thousands kinds of spiders, ants, and other insects. More species of amphibians, birds, insects, mammals, and reptiles live in rainforests than anywhere else on earth.
Unfortunately, half of the world’s rainforests have already been destroyed, and at the current rate, another 25 percent will be lost by the year 2010. Scientists estimate that as many as fifty million acres are destroyed annually. In other words, every sixty seconds, one hundred acres of rainforest is being cleared. When this happens, constant rains erode the former forest floor, the thin layer of soil no longer supports plant life, and the ecology of the region is altered forever. Thousands of species of plants and animals are condemned to extinct and since we aren’t able to predict the ramifications of this loss to a delicate global ecology, we don’t know what we may be doing to the future of the human species as well.
1.What is the point of view that the author expresses in this passage ?
A.The author believes that the rainforest will survive.
B.The author believes that preserving the rainforest is important to the global ecology.
C.The author believes that he can predict the future of global ecology.
D.The author believes that the extinction of species is a natural process.
2.According to the passage, more than half of all the species of plants and animals_______
A.live in twenty rainforest.	B.Live in several hundred different varieties of trees.
C.Live in a forty-degree band of latitude.	D.Live in areas where the rainforest has been cleared.
3.How many of the world’s rainforests are projected to be destroyed by the year 2010 if the current rate continues ?
A. All of them will be gone.	B. Three-quarters of them will be gone.
C. Half of them will be gone.	D. One-quarter of them will be gone.
4.The word “this” in line 7 refers to _____
A. the destruction of the acres.	B. the reading of the passage.
C. the erosion of the forest floor.	D. the constant rains.
5. What will not happen if the rainforest continues to be cleared ?
A. The land will be eroded by the rains.
B. Many species of plants and animals that depend on the rainforest will become extinct.
C. The future of the human species may be changed.
D. The rainforest will grow, but at a much slower rate.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
A. threaten	B. health	C. weather	D. treat
A. level	B. decide	C. degree	D. prefer
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the rest.
A. emerge	B. leisure	C. substance	D. footprint
A. optimistic	B. natural 	C. dynasty	D. heritage
Choose the word or phrase that is SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined part in each of the sentences.
The small white flowers are my favorite. They give off a wonderful honey smell that scents the entire garden.
A. Release 	B. stop 	C. end 	D. melt
If we continue to deplete the Earth's natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the environment. 
A. explode 	B. conserve 	C. exhaust 	D. dig into
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the sentences.
Stress and anger can affect people’s life expectancy negatively.
A. positively	B. badly	C. quickly	D. easily
Workers need a secure environment so that they can work more effectively. 
A. protected 	B. riskless 	C. unsafe 	D. safe
Find one mistake in each sentence
 How many courses have you been taking so far in your graduate programme? 
 A B C D
Every student majors in English is ready to participate in the orchard contest.
 A B C D
The doctor advised doing exercise, drinking milk, and not to smoke.
 A B	 C 	 D
There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language, are they?
 A B	 C 	 D
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
I think we got stuck in a traffic jam, .?
A. didn’t we	B. did we	C. do I	D. don’t I
I ..for you since 8 am.
	 A. have been waiting	B. have waited	C. am waiting D. have been waited
He was accused of......................the car two months ago.
A. steal 	B. having stealing 	C. stolen 	D. having stolen
The doctor advised him..................and to take up some sport.
 	A. stop smoke 	B. stop smoking	C. to stop smoking D. to stop to smoke
The pianist at the concert last night is internationally famous.
	A. playing	B. played C. who plays D. whom played
Global warming leads  climate change.
A. in	B. to	C. on	D. from
He said if he  the truth, the police  me.
 	A. tells/ won’t arrest	B. told/ wouldn’t arrest
 	C. had told/ wouldn’t arrest	D. told/ wouldn’t have arrested 
Skin experts drinking a lot of water to prevent water loss. 
A. tell 	B. encourage 	C. suggest 	D. remind
.., please paint the windows before you leave.
A. If you’ll have enough time	B. If you have enough time
C. Unless you have enough time	D. Unless you can have enough time
One of the easiest ways to increase your lifeis to eat a healthy diet.
A. expected 	B. expectation	C. expectancy	D. expecting
Skin experts drinking a lot of water to prevent water loss. 
A. tell 	B. encourage 	C. suggest 	D. remind
Choose the best answer to complete the short dialogues.
 “Would you like to have dinner with me?”	 – “...”
A. Yes, I’d love to 	B. Yes, so do I 	C. I’m very happy 	D. Yes, it is
“I’ve passed my driving test.”	 – “.”
A. Congratulations! 	B. That’s a good idea.	C. It’s nice of you to say so. 	D. Do you?
Read the passage and choose the best answers.
In 1988, for the first time in British history, a National Curriculum was introduced. The National Curriculum tells pupils which subjects they have to study, what they must learn and when they have to take assessment tests. 
Between the ages of 14 and 16, pupils study for their GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams. Pupils must take English Language, Maths and Science for GCSE, as well as a half GCSE in a foreign language and Technology. In addition, they must also be taught Physical Education, Religious Education and Sex Education, although they do not take exams in these subjects. 
At the age of 16, pupils can leave school. If pupils stay on, they usually take A (Advanced) levels, AS (Advanced Supplementary) level or GNVQs (Greater National Vocational Qualifications). It is quite common to combine, for example, two A levels with one AS level, or one A level with one GNVQ. 
Pupils taking A levels study traditional subjects, such as French, Physics or History. To go to university, pupils usually need two or three A levels. 
AS levels are the same standard as A levels, but only half of the content: AS level German pupils take the A-level German language exam, but do not take the A-level German Literature exam. 
GNVQs are vocational qualifications. Pupils usually take on GNVQ in subjects such as Business, Leisure and Tourism, Manufacturing, and Art and Design. One GVNQ (at advanced level) is equal to two A levels.
26. Britain began to have a National Curriculum .	.
A. one hundred years ago	B. in the nineteenth century	C. in eighteen ninety eight	D. in nineteen eighty eight
27. Which of the following subjects do British students NOT take exams in?
A. Physical Education 	B. Science	C. Maths	D. English Language
28. Studying in university requires students to have .. A levels .
A. one or two	B. two or three	C. four or five	D. five or six
29. Which of the following subjects do pupils NOT take on GNVQ in?
A. Manufacturing	B. Business	C. Art and Design	D. German Literature
30. Pupils normally study for their GCSE between the ages of ...
A. 15 and 17	B. 14 and 16	C. 12 and 14	D. 16 and 18
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to fill in the blanks.
Global warming is the biggest (31) in the world today. Everyone know about it but not everyone is trying to stop it. Many world leaders are more interested in blaming other (32) for the crisis. Countries like China, India and Russia say they will not act unless America takes more action. America says it will not act until other countries (33) more action. It seems a little childish that leaders are acting in this way. The future of our world is (34). risk and governments can only argue with each other. Many presidents and prime ministers tell us that technology is the answer. They say future scientists will find solutions to save the planet. This is a big gamble. I hope they are right. I don’t believe them, so I’ll continue switching off lights and (358)_............
31. A. solutions	B. consequences	C. influences	D. problems
32. A. countries	B. organizations	C. companies	D. associations
33. A. give	B. make	C. do	D. take
34. A. on	B. at	C. in	D. to
35. A. recycle	B. recycled	C. recycles	D. recycling
Choose the correct sentence (A, B, C or D) which has the same meaning as the given one. 
36. “You cheated in the exam.” The teacher said to his students 
A. The teacher insisted his students on cheating in the exam.
B. The teacher prevented his students from cheating in the exam.
C. The teacher advised his students to cheat in the exam.
D. The teacher accused his students of cheating in the exam.
37.“Why don’t you ask your boss for a raise?” he asked me.
 A. He advised me to ask my boss for a raise. 
B. He suggested me to ask my boss for a raise.
C. He asked me why I don’t ask my boss for a raise. 
D. He offered me asking my boss for a raise.
38.The Japanese Bridge, built in the early 1600s, became a main tourist attraction in Hoi An.
A. The Japanese Bridge which is built in the early 1600s became a main tourist attraction in Hoi An.
B. The Japanese Bridge which was built in the early 1600s became a main tourist attraction in Hoi An.
C. The Japanese Bridge, which was built in the early 1600s, became a main tourist attraction in Hoi An.
D. The Japanese Bridge, which is built in the early 1600s, became a main tourist attraction in Hoi An.
Choose the correct sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 
39.Henry tasted the pleasures of modern city life. Then he found life in his village hard and unattractive. 
A. Having tasted the pleasures of modern city life, Henry found life in his village hard and unattractive. 
B. After Henry found life in his village hard and unattractive, he tasted the pleasures of modern city life. 
C. If Henry had tasted the pleasures of modern city life, he would have found life in his village hard and unattractive. 
D. Although Henry tasted the pleasures of modern city life, he found life in his village hard and unattractive.
 40. You use solar water heaters in your home. You reduce your carbon footprint.
A. If you reduce your carbon footprint, you use solar water heaters in yoru home.
B. If you use solar water heaters in your home, you reduce your carbon footprint.
C. If you reduced your carbon footprint, you would use solar water heaters in your home.
D. If you use solar water heaters in your home, you don’t reduce your carbon footprint.

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